pop culture

  1. Changing the Game
    Threadmarks: The Beginning

    "You can't just butcher a deal like this; you're looking at the next big thing!" - Bill Enders Ralph Baer had spent at least a year at Sanders Associates bringing his idea of a home video game console to life, and had been spending even longer to bring it to the market. First, he and the team...
  2. How would culture change in a central powers victory?

    This is not a thread about teritorial changes after a central powers victory. I would like to know how live would be. Would english still be the dominant language? Could Babelsberg replace Hollywood? After ww1 a lot of republics had been proclaimed and women got the right to vote. How would this...
  3. WI No Simpsons?

    Matt Groening created what grew into the Simpsons for the Tracey Ullman Show because the original idea-having shorts based off his comic Life in Hell-would mean he'd lose the rights to the series. In this thread, I ask, What If he went through with it? Or, for some reason or another, he didn't...
  4. Duke Andrew of Dank

    Your personal Nintendo adaptation idea.

    Feel free to give any and all ideas relating to such as you please. Any ideas are welcome, stand-alone stuff, comics, shared universes the works. Go crazy people, like me, never let yourself run out of ideas.
  5. WI the first pop culture-aligned UK political movement is Tory?

    Here's a suggestion. Francis Beckett (it'll be on the Guardian website somewhere) put forward the notion that, had John Smith lived and won in 1997, a 'New Tory' movement led by Michael Portillo (who wouldn't have lost his seat because Labour's majority had been more modest) would have led the...
  6. Duke Andrew of Dank

    Disney Lives On: Walt Survives Smoking

    Welcome to Disney Lives! This is a timeline created by myself, any contributions you wish to add can be requested in the inbox. - "I was just expecting a simple train ride to a place that Walt would enjoy. As I would too. If he hadn't met that engineer, I wonder if he would still be around for...
  7. Cl0wn_Dud3

    Comander of the Mouse and Lion and Moonwalker: A Michael Jackson TL
    Threadmarks: POD and Off The Wall (1977-1979)

    POD October 20th 1977 Michael Jackson leaves The Jacksons: Singer Michael Jackson has left The Jacksons after the band's album Goin' Places flopped critically; in an interview Michael Jackson gave to Rai Uno he stated, "It was absolute hell recording that album, everyone was for themselves and...
  8. Cl0wn_Dud3

    House of Public Colour: What if NET survived?
    Threadmarks: Introduction (1958)

    For those not in the know, NET (National Educational Television) was a TV channel that billed itself as, "the 4th American broadcast network"; it was PBS before PBS, though NET had programs that were fairly controversial. In 1967 The Corporation for Public Broadcasting was created by, and in...
  9. A New American Century: 9/11 Averted Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    What is this? Welcome to A New American Century! This timeline has a point of divergence from real history in 1987 when bin Laden is killed, but doesn't truly start to leave an impact on this new world until 2001. I'll give you one guess what that means. The 9/11 attacks are butterflied? You...
  10. Japanese influence in pop culture without fascism and ww2

    Let's assume that Japan never goes fascist and continues the path of democratisation of the Taisho period, maybe they don't even participate in WW1, the point is: how much is Japan's massive presence in modern pop culture a product of important historical events like the American occupation...
  11. Bomster

    AHC: Make Walt Disney’s vision of EPCOT a reality

    Epcot was not intended to be the second theme park of the Walt Disney World Resort. Walt Disney intended it to be a City of Tomorrow where innovations would be highlighted and showcased in a functional, conceptual city. Sadly Walt died in ‘66, dooming his dream, but say that his vision of Epcot...
  12. WI:Viacom buys Dreamworks in 2012?

    Dreamworks has had distribution deals with a lot of studios up until 2016, when they got bought by NBCUniversal. From 2006-2012, that distributor was Paramount, owned in turn by Viacom. The deal expired on December, 31, 2012, but there was reportedly an offer to extend it, which was turned down...
  13. DuMont will make TV work: A TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Allen DuMont worried. He would have paced, in fact, but he had fallen far to ill with the worst flu that he could remember in quite some time to be able to do that. So instead he laid in bed unable to sleep as his emotions raged inside him. “Why now, of all times, for this to happen, when I had...
  14. American and Confederate pop cultures in a Confederate victory scenario

    Now I'm not talking about just one entertainment related thing (i.e. film) instead we're going into how pop culture in the United States and the Confederate States would be in a Confederate victory scenario. Personally, I think that the both American and Confederate pop cultures in the rest of...
  15. An Exciting Turn of Events (POD 1999, Tech/Pop Culture)

    I would like to hear suggestions as to what I should cover next, as there are likely many aspects of history from this time I wouldn't think to include. An Exciting Turn of Events December 17, 1998 As he often did, Tom Jermoluk browsed tech news sections of many local newspapers and news...
  16. Time Enough

    Brad Bird's The Spirit? Discussion

    In 1980 whilst at Cal Art's Brad Bird and a few friends created script for a Spirit film alongside a pencil test trailer made to help pitch the film. To quote ‘The Spirit’ movie that could have been "But if the world had turned a little differently, if fate had been a little kinder, a “Spirit”...
  17. Massacote

    Projection - A Pink Floyd(?) Timeline

    Yes, yes, another Pink Floyd-related timeline by me. This one I want to get more experimental (And I might butterfly a little bit here). So, it is (very) based on this idea of flippikat of a Kevin Ayers/Syd Barrett/Richard Wright band, but adding Robert Wyatt and David Bowie (forming a band ca...
  18. WI: Amalgam Comics always existing pop-culture effects

    In a world where Amalgam Comics has been around since the 1930's (I'm assuming that's when they were formed since their fictional history goes back to the Golden Age of Comics) and DC and Marvel never existed what would be the pop culture effects?
  19. Time Enough

    Naoki Urasawa Patlabor Stories

    April 1989, manga artist Masami Yuki slips and falls breaking 4 of his fingers as he tries to stop his fall. At that moment in time he was illustrating and writing for the Patlabor manga series and was a member of the production company Headgear (comprised of Masami Yuki, Yutaka Izubuchi...
  20. Time Enough

    Kowloon Blues: A Hardboiled WI Vignette

    “Give a guy a gun he think he’s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he’s God.” In 1990 John Woo was pretty much finished with Hong Kong even if he didn’t know it. He was getting calls from Hollywood; the heroic bloodshed genre he had helped create was becoming stale, his relationship with...