pop culture

  1. Pop culture of a surviving CSA

    As the title says, how would the pop culture of the Confederated States look like if it survives until present day? Would the pop culture of the CSA become as widespread and mainstream as American culture in OTL?
  2. DBWI: Alec Baldwin Doesn't Play Batman

    In 1988, fresh of the success of Beetlejuice, Tim Burton cast Alec Baldwin as the star of "Batman." Baldwin was chosen over comedic actors like Bill Murray and Michael Keaton, as Burton wanted a more dramatic and serious tone for his take on the Caped Crusader. But what if Baldwin hadn't been...
  3. Suzon

    A Death in the Family: The Nintendo Story
    Threadmarks: Prologue - A Death in the Family

    Prologue - A Death in the Family Hiroshi Yamauchi sat down on the twelfth evening of December 1993 as he usually did, next to his wife Michiko, sharing some piping hot tea. Unfortunately, the sixty five year old Yamauchi would never get to enjoy his cup of tea. As his wife poured his tea, she...
  4. PNWKing

    The Gambit

    May, 11, 1977 Arthur Krim was reviewing the returns from new movies coming in. 20th Century Fox was making bank over bank with that hit, he had turned down, Star Wars. He had felt like the executive at Decca Records who had told the Beatles, "we don't like your sound, and guitar groups are on...
  5. If Bush never took his second term, would the late 90s culture have lasted past 2004?

    People often said "The 90s ended in 2004", and you can kinda see why. Now some would say late 90s culture ended after 9/11 but others say it was still hanging in there 2002-2003. In 2004 broadband overtook dial-up, Friends ended, Cartoon Network got rid of their 90s lineup, Web 1.0 ended, etc...
  6. DBWI: Tom Cruise Drops Out of Iron Man

    In 2007, Tom Cruise was going through a rough period in his career. Paramount had ended their relationship with him the year before, his most recent movie Lions for Lambs bombed, and he'd endured numerous public controversies involving his personal life and political views. But in summer 2007...
  7. WI: Jim Shooter Doesn't Ban LGBT Characters

    During his time as Marvel's EIC, Jim Shooter banned depictions of LGBT characters. The story goes that a scene in a Hulk issue where Bruce Banner narrowly avoids getting raped by two gay men drew a lot of protests, so Shooter decided that any depiction of LGBT characters would be too...
  8. DBWI: Michael Keaton Doesn't Return for Batman Forever

    After Tim Burton was fired from Batman III, Michael Keaton also considered leaving the project. But despite his misgivings about Schumacher's new direction for the franchise, Keaton ultimately agreed to return as Batman on the condition that he have input on the film's story and character...
  9. 1970s Culture if Humphrey Had Beaten Nixon

    I recently posted a thread about what 1980s culture might've been like with a Democrat in the White House. Now, I ask what the culture of the 1970s might have been like if Humphrey had beaten Nixon in 1968.
  10. TheDetailer

    Golden: A Pop Culture Timeline
    Threadmarks: OP

    Welcome all to Golden! A passion project of mine in the works for a couple of months, due to my love for the pop culture timelines on this site and popular culture in general. So I wanted to give a try at making a timeline of my own, in the style of a more optimistically* pathed one. Along with...
  11. Auran

    Gummaumma - A Pink Floyd Timeline

    Prelude Hello everyone. This is a new timeline, taking place in the same universe as my Beatles-centered Off-White timeline. This one is centered around Pink Floyd... and the first two posts will really just be intermission #1 from that timeline, since I liked the idea and wanted to build...
  12. 1980s Culture Under a Democratic US President

    Suppose that Gerald Ford had never made his infamous gaffe about Eastern Europe and he narrowly defeated Jimmy Carter in 1976. Four years later a Democrat is elected President. How would US and world culture evolve with the Democrats, not the Reagan Republicans, in charge during the 1980s?
  13. "Russaboos" instead of Weaboos

    Okay, so this is a pretty shameless ripoff of another thread I saw floating around here about a potential alternate timeline with "Araboos" insteas of weaboos, which you can check out here. However, your goal in this timeline is to create a world where Russian culture and media becomes wildly...
  14. TheDetailer

    Popular Culture under Al Gore Presidency?

    In an ATL, Al Gore wins the Presidential Election in 2000 against George Bush, going to lead the United States for the next 4-8 years. How would this affect movies, books, television, music, video games, the internet, and other forms of entertainment throughout his years in office and beyond...
  15. What roles would you have had celebrities play?

    This is a thread to discuss people playing characters you would have liked to see them play. It could be in a work that exists OTL, or a hypothetical work that you or somebody else came up with. I'm going to start with a fairly obvious one: Telly Savalas as Lex Luthor. Not necessarily in the...
  16. Auran

    Off-White - A Beatles Timeline

    Prelude Hello everyone. This is my first alternate timeline, centered around The Beatles. Unlike a lot of Beatles-centered alternate timelines, which ask "what if The Beatles never broke up?", this one shall ask the question "What if The Beatles broke up during the White Album sessions?"...
  17. Caravels of Portugal

    WI: Horror films becomes a box-office staple

    The horror genre is considered the black sheep of the pantheon of Hollywood genres. Films of that genre ended up as marginalized second-rate B-movies done with low budgets and sub-par talent. Those films were filled with cheesy special effects and hammy acting. Due to the Production Code, many...
  18. Duke Andrew of Dank

    Alternate TV Tropes pages.

    This is sort of a spin-off of @The Director's thread Pop Culture Oneshot Scenarios. Only now, it describes various aspects of what ever it is you can think of as if it was on a series of TV Tropes articles. YMMV, Nightmare Fuel, WMG, the works. Fire away, all.
  19. Seth MacFarlane made writer/showrunner for The Simpsons.

    After viewing Macfarlane’s Larry & Steve shorts in 1996-1997, Matt Groening offers Seth Macfarlane a position as a writer/showrunner for The Simpsons which he accepts instead of making Family Guy like IOTL. How does this affect both The Simpsons and Macfarlane’s subsequent creative decisions?
  20. Challenge: Improve the "Matrix" Sequels

    Similar to my thread on "Return of the Jedi," your challenge is to improve the sequels to "The Matrix." While the original was widely panned, the sequels received mixed to negative reception. What could the filmmakers have done to make them better?