Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VI (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

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So what happened to Tories?
Okay, but like, I can name like 10 Lemon Demon songs, 4 Taylor Swift songs and only three Elvis songs from the top of my head (Blue Suede Shoes, Jailhouse Rock, I Can't Help Falling in Love With You). (Mind you, I grew up listening to old rock-and-roll music.) By that logic, Lemon Demon >Taylor Swift > Elvis.
For my next animal infobox, we go to the wooded areas of the United States to search for a close relative of the cougar that has a unusual type of tail for a feline. Introducing, the Ball-tailed cat!

Ball-tailed cat #1.png

Ball-tailed cat #2.png

The Ball-tailed cat (Puma caudaglobosa), also known as the digmaul, the silvercat, and on rare occasions known as the ball-tailed cougar, is a large cat of the subfamily Felinae that lives in the wooded areas of the United States and Southern Canada. It is closely related to and heavily resembles the cougar, except for its exceedingly long tail to which there is affixed a solid, bulbous mass for striking, piercing and grabbing onto its prey.
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So, a while ago I posted a map of a Nestorian Turkey in the Map Thread - here's it's Emperor.

Osman IV (Os̱mân Ömer Nestur Çoḫân ben Bâyezîd ben Erṭoğrıl ebû Orhan Os̱mânoğlu; born 28 January 1970) is the Şâhenşâh of the Ottoman Empire. He ascended to the throne on 2017 upon the death of his father.

Osman was born in the Imperial Palace of Nebuchadnezzar (Iraki: Serây-i Nebûḫâtneṣṣâr), located in the Karḫa district in the Iraki capital, Bağdad. He was the second child and first son of his father Bayezid III and his mother, Queen Empress Zeînifelek Gülezibâ Kocabaṣı. He became Veliaht-i Şâhenşâhlık upon his father's accession as Şâhenşâh on 13 June 2009 and succeeded him following his death on 14 October 2017. He went to private primary, secondary and tertiary schools in Irak and attended the Imperial University of Gondēšāpūr in Persia, as well as the Pandidaktḗrion in Constantinople, graduating with a degree in Law and a Master in Economic Law, respectively. He married Kadınefendi Nakşidil Yıldız in 1993, and they have seven children: Princess Mihrümah (born 1994), Veliaht-i Şâhenşâhlık Orhan (born 1996), twins Prince Çihangir and Princess Raziye (born 1997), Princess Melisa (born 1999), Prince Rüstem (born 2001) and Princess Bezmiâlem (born 2004).

Osman is interested in sports, such as chariot racing, bullfighting and football, and religious affairs. Until his accession to the throne, he was a member of the Imperial Chariot-Racing Committee and the Grandmaster of the secular branch of the Order of Mârs̱adai. He is a supporter of the Red Charioteer Club of Baghdad (Iraki: Kızıl Arabacıları-ye Bağdad'ın) and of the Yunansêray Football Club.


I used the likeness of Turkish actor Halit Ergenç to give life to Osman IV. Turkish soap operas have become common here in Mexico for some reason, and he stars as Suleiman the Magnificent in one.

Full name of Osman in multiple scripts

Os̱mân Ömer Nestur Çoḫân ben Bâyezîd ben Erṭoğrıl ebû Orhan Os̱mânoğlu
This is entirely from the Ottoman Turkish alphabet wiki page.

𐭥𐭮𐭬𐭠𐭭 𐭥𐭬𐭩𐭥 𐭭𐭩𐭮𐭲𐭥𐭥 𐭰𐭥𐭧𐭠𐭭 𐭡𐭩𐭭 𐭡𐭠𐭢𐭩𐭰𐭩𐭲 𐭡𐭩𐭭 𐭩𐭥𐭨𐭥𐭢𐭥𐭩𐭫 𐭩𐭯𐭡 𐭥𐭫𐭧𐭠𐭭 𐭥𐭮𐭬𐭠𐭭𐭥𐭬𐭫𐭥‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎
This is the Pahlavi script.

Οσμάν ΙΟμερ Νεστούρ Τζοχάν βεν Βάγεζίδ βεν Ερτογχριλ εβυ Ορχαν Οσμανογχλυ
This is based on OTL's Karamanli Turkish, which was a form of written Turkish and a dialect spoken by Orthodox Turks in the Ottoman Empire.

ܘܨܡܐܢ ܥܡܝܪ ܢܝܣܬܘܪ ܫܥܚܐܢ ܒܢ ܒܐܝܙܝܕ ܒܢ ܝܪܬܥܓܪܝܠ ܝܒܘ ܘܪܗܢ ܘܣܡܐܢܘܓܠܘ
This was my attempt at writing the full name of Osman IV in Syriac... More likely than not a bunch of nonsense, but hey, I tried!

Turkish ITTL is more akin to Ottoman Turkish, with several loanwords - but nowhere near OTL's level - and it's mostly written in the Pahlavi script, which is not replaced by Arabic in Iran. To be honest, it's very tiresome to make the letters match the phonology (a.k.a. it being actually readable and not just a bunch of random gibberish) so, even if I did my best and carefully checked each letter I copied and pasted from Wikipedia, expect it to be full of errors. I don't think there are many people here who can read the Pahlavi script, but whatever lol.
I'm curious about the Continental System
Basically it's a French dominated version of the European Union. The Continental System is sort of a sphere of influence for the French Empire, though it presents itself on the outside as a 'multi-nation legislature'. There are stridently anti-French blocs within the System which lend some credit to the 'multiple voices', though these anti-French blocs conveniently fail during multiple elections in taking the reigns in Versailles., with rare exception, such as during the 1912 election, the 1978 election and the 2005 and 2009 elections where the anti-french blocs were able to push through some limited reforms to the system. It also continues to impose a total embargo on the Scottish Union, which remains a stumbling block for Scottish-Anglo relations.
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