Table of Contents

Points of Divergence : Famous People

Points of divergence concerning famous historical personalities.

Listed by historical period, usually with a separate subpage for each personality.


Alexander the Great

Julius Caesar

The Middle Ages and Early Modern Era

Seljuk is never born

Challenge: Jeanne d'Arc lives at least two more decades

The Habsburgs

Capetian and Valois dynasties

Anjou dynasties

House of Trastamara

Henry VIII

Oliver Cromwell

18th and 19th century

The Habsburgs

The Bourbons

James Cook

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleonic dynasties

Michael Faraday

Karl Marx

Queen Victoria

Cecil Rhodes

Otto von Bismarck

Friedrich III of Germany

WI a different George V. ?

The 20th century

The Habsburgs

Yuan Shikai

Nicholas II of Russia

Wilhelm II

Winston Churchill

Adolf Hitler

Joseph Stalin

United States Presidents

General musings

Weirdest possible royal houses ?

Alternate roles for well-known people

List of famous people in ATL

Famous people in alternate realities

List of famous people in alternate timelines

People Who Could Have Died

The one millionth "People from alternate universes" thread

Historical rulers that might have undertaken random faraway conquests

Plausibility check: Big changes to medieval ruling families

10 Greatest Political Strategists and Manipulators Pre-1900

Greatest military commanders the world never had

List of alternate monarchs I

List of alternate monarchs II

List of alternate monarchs III

List of alternate popes and kings I

List of alternate popes and kings II

Pope names

The monarchs that could have been

Native dynasties in the Balkans

Challenge: Royal marriages between East Asian states

Alternate commanders

Lifespan-wanks of famous personalities

Life expectancy for famous people who died early ?

People that suffered in OTL that you don't want to suffer in your TLs

If you could eliminate one person at any given time in the last century, who would it be ?

So, how are your analogues ?

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

See Also

Points of Divergence : Political Movements

Useful Resources about Famous Historical Personalities

Points of Divergence Main Directory