WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

Who should be captain of the Enterprise-D in this timeline's TNG?

  • Patrick Stewart (same as OTL)

    Votes: 50 68.5%
  • Patrick Bauchau

    Votes: 6 8.2%
  • Yaphet Kotto

    Votes: 5 6.8%
  • Rutger Hauer

    Votes: 11 15.1%
  • Someone else (specify who in the comments)

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Han might not be dead if the animated cartoon is a thing.
Speaking of the The New Jedi Order, wasn't it supposed to premiere in 1987? I don't think there was an update in '87 that made mention of it. I do have a few ideas for it and  Droids that I could shoot your way if you want!


I have a few ideas for the New Jedi Order series, and have done some changes.

1.) The main antagonist is Antinnis Tremayne from the EU (Antinnis_Tremayne) with some changes. He betrayed the group of Jedi he was hiding with for power, and is involved with the secret church of the Dark Side (which is so top secret even most imperials were unaware it existed). Tremayne is kinda hoping to become the new Emperor, and is manipulating an ambitious but kinda stupid politician into being his puppet (it's a reverse of the Palpatine Vader Dynamic whereas the Palpatine figure is really a buffoon and the Vader analogue is the one actually running the show.....which is also similar to how Palpatine was originally envisioned funnily enough.) Tremayne will be seen as a major milestone in pop culture villainy since he's a.) actually extremely competent and b.) is capable of putting on a likable facade to hide what a monster he truly is. He actually manages to successfully corrupt one of Luke's students to the dark side (Though in true Star Wars fashion Luke is able to save them)

2.) I think that aside from the big three Luke's first class should also get a lot of focus. Luke is trying to settle into the mentor role (though of course he does struggle with it). Since I want to be REALLY ballsy I think that the main protagonist of this group is a female character, who is actually fully fleshed out and developed with a good arc (so a MAJOR milestone for girl characters in animation).

I definitely think they should have a hard scrabble life or some degree of tragedy, and I'm debating two possible backstories

a.) They're a former slave or street rat
b.) They were raised by Tusken Raiders after their family was killed (I'm thinking that the Tuskens found her while she was lost in the desert and in a show of mercy took her in); her adopted tribe was brutally wiped out (either by Imperials or a criminal gang). They initially have somewhat of a difficult time adapting to "civilized" norms, but grow into a badass Jedi over the course of the series.

3.) Concepts like "Sith", as well as other worlds that will be prominent going forwards (Dathomir, the Tapani Sector) will get introduced here. Byss is also the site of the series finale; after Coruscant is liberated the heroes pursue Tremayne to the core to stop him once and for all.
I have a few ideas for the New Jedi Order series, and have done some changes.

1.) The main antagonist is Antinnis Tremayne from the EU (Antinnis_Tremayne) with some changes. He betrayed the group of Jedi he was hiding with for power, and is involved with the secret church of the Dark Side (which is so top secret even most imperials were unaware it existed). Tremayne is kinda hoping to become the new Emperor, and is manipulating an ambitious but kinda stupid politician into being his puppet (it's a reverse of the Palpatine Vader Dynamic whereas the Palpatine figure is really a buffoon and the Vader analogue is the one actually running the show.....which is also similar to how Palpatine was originally envisioned funnily enough.) Tremayne will be seen as a major milestone in pop culture villainy since he's a.) actually extremely competent and b.) is capable of putting on a likable facade to hide what a monster he truly is. He actually manages to successfully corrupt one of Luke's students to the dark side (Though in true Star Wars fashion Luke is able to save them)

2.) I think that aside from the big three Luke's first class should also get a lot of focus. Luke is trying to settle into the mentor role (though of course he does struggle with it). Since I want to be REALLY ballsy I think that the main protagonist of this group is a female character, who is actually fully fleshed out and developed with a good arc (so a MAJOR milestone for girl characters in animation).

I definitely think they should have a hard scrabble life or some degree of tragedy, and I'm debating two possible backstories

a.) They're a former slave or street rat
b.) They were raised by Tusken Raiders after their family was killed (I'm thinking that the Tuskens found her while she was lost in the desert and in a show of mercy took her in); her adopted tribe was brutally wiped out (either by Imperials or a criminal gang). They initially have somewhat of a difficult time adapting to "civilized" norms, but grow into a badass Jedi over the course of the series.

3.) Concepts like "Sith", as well as other worlds that will be prominent going forwards (Dathomir, the Tapani Sector) will get introduced here. Byss is also the site of the series finale; after Coruscant is liberated the heroes pursue Tremayne to the core to stop him once and for all.
1) Tremayne seems like an interesting villain. I do think NJO would benefit from having an ongoing story between episodes, whereas  Droids is more like your traditional cartoon and light-hearted. The two shows should probably be in the same programming block for marketing reasons; maybe call it "Star Wars Saturdays" or something?
2) Hard agree on this point. A well-developed female Jedi would be really cool and I could see the team doing it to capitalize off of SI's popularity, but for a younger audience. Though I'd also like to see some alien Jedi; I remember someone in this thread suggested a Wookiee padawan, though other species like the Twi'lek could work too. As for Luke, perhaps the force ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda show up occasionally to give advice or guidance to Luke? Hell, maybe even Anakin's force ghost appears too.
3) Adding on to things that could be introduced far earlier, I believe holocrons could easily be a part of the show. Some episode plots could be made about how Luke is searching for ancient Jedi holocrons in order to better teach his students, or about keeping Sith holocrons from falling into enemy hands.


Lucas didnt like Wookie Jedi (so only Lowbacca and Plo Koon's teacher made it in). But yeah I think the show can be ballsy and REALLY push the boundaries of S&P for the day (i.e. there are complaints about how evil Tremayne is, or the fact that he's actually more competent then Skeletor). I do think the "adopted tribe was massacred" angle might be a tough sell for standards and practices unless it's hinted at (i.e. we don't see the massacre but what happens is obvious enough that the viewer can guess what happened.)
2.) I think that aside from the big three Luke's first class should also get a lot of focus. Luke is trying to settle into the mentor role (though of course he does struggle with it). Since I want to be REALLY ballsy I think that the main protagonist of this group is a female character, who is actually fully fleshed out and developed with a good arc (so a MAJOR milestone for girl characters in animation).

I definitely think they should have a hard scrabble life or some degree of tragedy, and I'm debating two possible backstories

a.) They're a former slave or street rat
b.) They were raised by Tusken Raiders after their family was killed (I'm thinking that the Tuskens found her while she was lost in the desert and in a show of mercy took her in); her adopted tribe was brutally wiped out (either by Imperials or a criminal gang). They initially have somewhat of a difficult time adapting to "civilized" norms, but grow into a badass Jedi over the course of the series.
Here's my suggestion:

Pek'tise was the daughter of a slave, possibly in Jabba's palace (Hint at her being Oola's), who escaped before the events of ROTJ, and wandered the desert, being found by a local Tusken tribe. They took her in, until one day, some of Jabba's thugs, or maybe even some of the locals (add some grey) decided to remove them.

Winding up in Mos Eisley either as a slave of the thugs or having been "rescued" by the locals, takes to stealing to survive, and well, nearly pickpockets Luke, that's how she joins.

Pretty much her big issue is going to be learning to control her emotions and to trust others.

. But yeah I think the show can be ballsy and REALLY push the boundaries of S&P for the day (i.e. there are complaints about how evil Tremayne is, or the fact that he's actually more competent then Skeletor). I do think the "adopted tribe was massacred" angle might be a tough sell for standards and practices unless it's hinted at (i.e. we don't see the massacre but what happens is obvious enough that the viewer can guess what happened.)
Eh, should be easy, have him be foiled, but he succeeds in another goal. Think what Season 1 Light from Young Justice would have happen. One goal fails, but another succeeds.

Especially if we have it be brought up after their first battle, Luke says something profound and simple about the battle is won, but the war is still ongoing.

As for the massacre, we don't show it, we just allude to it, partially as in universe, she doesn't like remembering it for obvious reasons. Keep it vague.
I have a few ideas for the New Jedi Order series, and have done some changes.

1.) The main antagonist is Antinnis Tremayne from the EU (Antinnis_Tremayne) with some changes. He betrayed the group of Jedi he was hiding with for power, and is involved with the secret church of the Dark Side (which is so top secret even most imperials were unaware it existed). Tremayne is kinda hoping to become the new Emperor, and is manipulating an ambitious but kinda stupid politician into being his puppet (it's a reverse of the Palpatine Vader Dynamic whereas the Palpatine figure is really a buffoon and the Vader analogue is the one actually running the show.....which is also similar to how Palpatine was originally envisioned funnily enough.) Tremayne will be seen as a major milestone in pop culture villainy since he's a.) actually extremely competent and b.) is capable of putting on a likable facade to hide what a monster he truly is. He actually manages to successfully corrupt one of Luke's students to the dark side (Though in true Star Wars fashion Luke is able to save them)

2.) I think that aside from the big three Luke's first class should also get a lot of focus. Luke is trying to settle into the mentor role (though of course he does struggle with it). Since I want to be REALLY ballsy I think that the main protagonist of this group is a female character, who is actually fully fleshed out and developed with a good arc (so a MAJOR milestone for girl characters in animation).

I definitely think they should have a hard scrabble life or some degree of tragedy, and I'm debating two possible backstories

a.) They're a former slave or street rat
b.) They were raised by Tusken Raiders after their family was killed (I'm thinking that the Tuskens found her while she was lost in the desert and in a show of mercy took her in); her adopted tribe was brutally wiped out (either by Imperials or a criminal gang). They initially have somewhat of a difficult time adapting to "civilized" norms, but grow into a badass Jedi over the course of the series.

3.) Concepts like "Sith", as well as other worlds that will be prominent going forwards (Dathomir, the Tapani Sector) will get introduced here. Byss is also the site of the series finale; after Coruscant is liberated the heroes pursue Tremayne to the core to stop him once and for all.
1) Tremayne is a great villain

2) I'd love to see some set-piece battles and lightsaber duels on Corellia, Coruscant, etc.

3) I would create a dichotomy or contrast between the Jedi who are chosen near birth and Jedi chosen at elementary-school age. The "older" Padawans who don't receive training until elementary school age don't believe in the Jedi Order as much as those immersed in the Order near birth
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I wonder if John Larroquette could become a regular writer for TNG?

"but isn't so nice to Data as Katherine Pulaski, and I'm talking to Gerrold to change that." - growth for Dr. Pulaski regarding Data would make for a nice 'arc' in a show without arcs.

"Patrick takes it personally when he is unfavorably compared to William Shatner. " - well that is understandable.

"rights to make future Star Trek television programming after The Next Generation ends its run, whenever it ends. " - well that's a long term gamble by CBS.

"do not believe that the franchise can be extended out once the series wraps in about four or five years. " - given the amount of Star Trek ITTL and how much success it has had what are these execs smoking? Time for new Execs one thinks.

"Roddenberry was dead set against Star Trek on CBS." - Thank you ITTL Gene, you did a good thing here.

I am hoping that not being the showrunner is better for Roddenberry's mental and physical health.

"Star Trek will last virtually forever because there are thousands of writers out there who dream of seeing their stories produced into episodes" - Damm right!

These dumb execs need to take a look at the magazines, conventions, cosplay, rpg, comic and novel sales to see there is a willing fanbase.

"you could make a series right now with George Takei as captain of his own ship if he ever decides to get out of politics. " - Yup.

"I also think you could make a series on the Federation frontier, perhaps on a space station instead of a starship."- I am not convinced Roddenberry would have pitched such a static location for a series as it would have limited storytelling to Gene imho.

Be funny if Red Storm Rising won 11 of its 12 Oscars and Shatner lost out on Best Actor....

IMHO Full Metal Jacket is a better book/script than Red Storm Rising.
Robocop should def win some gongs.

"Al Gore will be President Glenn's vice-presidential running mate. " - Good luck there. Seems the field is yours to lose.

"It is about time that we expand our horizons past the Moon."- Wise, best not keep the Shuttles around longer than they need to be, move onto new things.

EPISODE 14: HIDE AND Q. - Does Q still test Riker or does he give the power to La Forge? Do we see Geordi's fixed eyes for the first time here?

EPISODE 15: THE BIG GOODBYE. - Not a bad one to keep. Some good period sets and stuff.

EPISODE 16: COMING OF AGE. - Is it just Crusher taking the exams or are some of the other teens from the ship there? Also are we building towards Conspiracy one wonders...

--John Larroquette might write a decent Q episode or two ITTL

--Pulaski is much more sympathetic ITTL because she is protecting her nephew Ben. She'll sometimes be more protective of Data and she'll testify in favor of Data forcefully ITTL's Measure of a Man

--Patrick Stewart is having the most difficult time of any of the TNG actors because he is always being compared to Shatner who is more legendary ITTL than IRL.

--There's one other angle to the Paramount/CBS negotiations. Paramount wants the NFL (American football) when the next contract talks come up in 1989 and the $135 million they'd get from CBS would be used to outbid CBS for the NFL. Paramount at this point thinks it can either be the top broadcaster for the NFL or the Star Trek network, but it can't be both. But we'll see where the timeline takes us...now that Gene Roddenberry showed some wisdom and kept Trek on Paramount. PTN going for the NFL is the next step they need to take to be the top television network in the USA.

--Roddenberry's health is worse ITTL than IRL because he put in some very hard work as the showrunner for Battleground: Earth and Andromeda in the early to mid-1980s. ITTL he probably doesn't make it to October 1991.

--George Takei has a decision to make in 1989...does he want to seek higher office or go back into the movies? He's doing a pretty good job running Los Angeles and was even rumored to be a dark-horse pick for Vice-President in one of the earlier updates

--Red Storm Rising is not beating The Last Emperor or Empire of the Sun in Art Direction, Costume Design and probably Cinematography. Those movies were incredible artistically. The costumes, art direction, etc. were as good as you'll ever see in any movie with those two great films. I think the best Red Storm Rising can do is 5 or 6 Oscars, which is still great. The Supporting Actor category is actually more competitive than the Actor category. Look at all those A-listers in supporting roles. I don't think Shatner beats out Michael Douglas. Gordon Gekko is a legendary villain

--ITTL Red Storm Rising and Full Metal Jacket attracted similar audiences, but RSR makes more money (albeit on a much larger budget). More flashpoints in the Cold War ITTL allow RSR to be a juggernaut (and Hunt For Red October to do similar in 1990).

--Once again, President Glenn goes with the safe pick. If Glenn is reelected it leads to a flipped 1992 ticket as compared to OTL (Gore-Clinton instead of Clinton-Gore)

--It's still a long-shot to reach Mars by 2000. Whoever is President has a big responsibility on their shoulders to make sure their predecessors' goal is fulfilled.

--Q tests Geordi (as he is #1)

--Ben Pulaski and Wesley Crusher are competing against each other ITTL's version of Coming of Age, with Pulaski scoring higher


For the Star Wars EU I have a few ideas

1.) Tales of the Jedi Era: This is the distant past of the Star Wars universe, and it's released in chronological order. Tom Veitch would be majorly involved with this era, but Lucas would also be somewhat more involved, making sure that everything aligned. In Tom Veitch's original notes Ulic Qel-Droma stayed evil till the moment he died, and Lucas might hold him to that (or we get the "stripped of the force" thing). However, there is a twist. Ulic and Aleema Keto have a daughter, who gets raised alongside Vima as an adopted sister after their deaths. The daughter (I'm thinking Adara could be her name) has her own struggles and has to face the temptation of turning out like her biological parents; it's very touch and go but she manages to resist the lure and the Krath are destroyed for good.

Note: Tales of the Jedi Redemption was FANTASTIC, but it might be butterflied away.

This would be what the main comics line consists of; Vima Sunrider also plays more of a role rather than having her story aborted. Dawn of the Jedi will ultimately get released years later (maybe the mid 2000s or so; I always felt that had a lot of potential).

2.) The New Republic Era:

a.) Rather than bouncing around in time things are more coherently laid out, and much of the spinoffs are more low-key. Luke and the big three, if they do show up, are reserved for special events. Something like Rogue and Wraith Squadron still occurs, but they're more of a black ops mission focusing on the nitty gritty war element (some of their adventures might take place during the timeframe of the show). Luke's first class get the bulk of the development and focus of the novels, and some elements of West End Games make it in (the infamous 8km Executor is butterflied away because the mistake that resulted in the number isn't made, but there are still a few issues with scaling).

b.) Hapes MIGHT be introduced but the circumstances would be different; hell if we have the Tapani Sector already they might take on a more Hapan vibe (i.e. Tenal Ka's analogue comes from the Tapani Sector rather than Hapes)

For the Thrawn Trilogy I have an interesting idea; Zahn submits his idea like in OTL. Lucas reviews it, and while he doesn't like all of it, he does think that there's a lot of potential in it, and so he personally meets with Zahn to discuss things further; Zahn and Lucas thus come up with the Thrawn Trilogy. The Thrawn Trilogy is released about a year after the New Jedi Order Series ends, and is met with widespread acclaim.

Some of the major changes I'd propose

1.) Mara Jade was at Tatooine and observed Luke's performance in the arena during Return of the Jedi (she was ordered to observe how things played out). Her anger at Luke is more that she blames him for the loss of her status and prestige, and her arc is being forced to acknowledge that Luke ISN'T a bad guy.....and thus being forced to accept that the regime she served was actually a deeply evil and monstrous institution that needed to go, which in turn makes her realize that many of the people she killed were innocents who didn't deserve it. She joins Luke's class at the end of the story in order to get redemption (having realized all the terrible things she's done and wants to atone for).

2.) The First Class is more involved; I mentioned earlier that one of the First Class is a traitor who gets redeemed towards the finale. I think having THAT character be one of the people who interacts with Mara could help her evolution and growth. He tells her about all the terrible things Tremayne did and that he was party to as Tremayne's apprentice, and when she tries to argue that this was a deviation he points out "why the hell would Palpatine allow a monster like Tremayne to serve him?" Others might talk about all the terrible things THEY witnessed and saw during the empire. Mara's confidence slowly wavers, especially when she learns from Thrawn that no she wasn't that special and Palpatine had a LOT of hands running around.

3.) The Katana Fleet is bulked up considerably; rather than 200 small dreadnoughts they're 200 MASSIVE warships; Lucas and Zahn also have a healthy discussion about the Clone Wars and what exactly they involved, and while the prequels flesh them out more we get our first details here (namely that there were THREE great wars involving Clones, and the last one was what ultimately saw the rise of Emperor Palpatine and the fall of the Jedi). The New Republic gets some, but Thrawn also gets some. Thrawn's downfall occurs much the same way; the Noghri learn how Thrawn was deliberately dragging out the process of healing their world, and Rukh stabs him in the back during the pivotal battle.

I'm also thinking that the Prequels are released in 1997, with the follow ups being 2000 and 2003.
For the Star Wars EU I have a few ideas

1.) Tales of the Jedi Era: This is the distant past of the Star Wars universe, and it's released in chronological order. Tom Veitch would be majorly involved with this era, but Lucas would also be somewhat more involved, making sure that everything aligned. In Tom Veitch's original notes Ulic Qel-Droma stayed evil till the moment he died, and Lucas might hold him to that (or we get the "stripped of the force" thing). However, there is a twist. Ulic and Aleema Keto have a daughter, who gets raised alongside Vima as an adopted sister after their deaths. The daughter (I'm thinking Adara could be her name) has her own struggles and has to face the temptation of turning out like her biological parents; it's very touch and go but she manages to resist the lure and the Krath are destroyed for good.

Note: Tales of the Jedi Redemption was FANTASTIC, but it might be butterflied away.

This would be what the main comics line consists of; Vima Sunrider also plays more of a role rather than having her story aborted. Dawn of the Jedi will ultimately get released years later (maybe the mid 2000s or so; I always felt that had a lot of potential).

2.) The New Republic Era:

a.) Rather than bouncing around in time things are more coherently laid out, and much of the spinoffs are more low-key. Luke and the big three, if they do show up, are reserved for special events. Something like Rogue and Wraith Squadron still occurs, but they're more of a black ops mission focusing on the nitty gritty war element (some of their adventures might take place during the timeframe of the show). Luke's first class get the bulk of the development and focus of the novels, and some elements of West End Games make it in (the infamous 8km Executor is butterflied away because the mistake that resulted in the number isn't made, but there are still a few issues with scaling).

b.) Hapes MIGHT be introduced but the circumstances would be different; hell if we have the Tapani Sector already they might take on a more Hapan vibe (i.e. Tenal Ka's analogue comes from the Tapani Sector rather than Hapes)

For the Thrawn Trilogy I have an interesting idea; Zahn submits his idea like in OTL. Lucas reviews it, and while he doesn't like all of it, he does think that there's a lot of potential in it, and so he personally meets with Zahn to discuss things further; Zahn and Lucas thus come up with the Thrawn Trilogy. The Thrawn Trilogy is released about a year after the New Jedi Order Series ends, and is met with widespread acclaim.

Some of the major changes I'd propose

1.) Mara Jade was at Tatooine and observed Luke's performance in the arena during Return of the Jedi (she was ordered to observe how things played out). Her anger at Luke is more that she blames him for the loss of her status and prestige, and her arc is being forced to acknowledge that Luke ISN'T a bad guy.....and thus being forced to accept that the regime she served was actually a deeply evil and monstrous institution that needed to go, which in turn makes her realize that many of the people she killed were innocents who didn't deserve it. She joins Luke's class at the end of the story in order to get redemption (having realized all the terrible things she's done and wants to atone for).

2.) The First Class is more involved; I mentioned earlier that one of the First Class is a traitor who gets redeemed towards the finale. I think having THAT character be one of the people who interacts with Mara could help her evolution and growth. He tells her about all the terrible things Tremayne did and that he was party to as Tremayne's apprentice, and when she tries to argue that this was a deviation he points out "why the hell would Palpatine allow a monster like Tremayne to serve him?" Others might talk about all the terrible things THEY witnessed and saw during the empire. Mara's confidence slowly wavers, especially when she learns from Thrawn that no she wasn't that special and Palpatine had a LOT of hands running around.

3.) The Katana Fleet is bulked up considerably; rather than 200 small dreadnoughts they're 200 MASSIVE warships; Lucas and Zahn also have a healthy discussion about the Clone Wars and what exactly they involved, and while the prequels flesh them out more we get our first details here (namely that there were THREE great wars involving Clones, and the last one was what ultimately saw the rise of Emperor Palpatine and the fall of the Jedi). The New Republic gets some, but Thrawn also gets some. Thrawn's downfall occurs much the same way; the Noghri learn how Thrawn was deliberately dragging out the process of healing their world, and Rukh stabs him in the back during the pivotal battle.

I'm also thinking that the Prequels are released in 1997, with the follow ups being 2000 and 2003.
Tales of the Jedi Era should be a live action series ITTL, made in the next two years. 1989-1990 at the latest for a start date. The Thrawn Trilogy should be 1993, 1995 and 1997 with the first prequel released in 2000. I also want to completely change The Phantom Menace into something that actually involves phantoms or anything w/o Jar Jar or Gungans

The other live-action Star Wars series should be released starting in the late 1990s, with maybe the New Republic era made between the end of the Thrawn Trilogy and the first prequel
When Thurgood Marshall retires it means we don't get Clarence Thomas at least. That's good at least.
If President Glenn is re-elected. It’s possible we get RBG two years earlier ITTL. We could get a judge like David Tatel appointed to SCOTUS replacing Byron White if there is a President Gore.

Bill Clinton IRL considered Laurence Tribe, Stephen Carter and Michael Sandel for SCOTUS before picking RBG.

There will also be calls to pick an African-American jurist to SCOTUS so I would have to research African-Americans who were federal appellate court justices in 1991. Lani Guinier would have a shot. Bill Coleman Jr was a respected jurist but he’s 71 in 1991
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Tales of the Jedi Era should be a live action series ITTL, made in the next two years. 1989-1990 at the latest for a start date. The Thrawn Trilogy should be 1993, 1995 and 1997 with the first prequel released in 2000. I also want to completely change The Phantom Menace into something that actually involves phantoms or anything w/o Jar Jar or Gungans

The other live-action Star Wars series should be released starting in the late 1990s, with maybe the New Republic era made between the end of the Thrawn Trilogy and the first prequel
1.) Ford might be reluctant to come back unless they killed Han off though.

2.) I also think that a few of the sequel ideas could work (yes even Palpatine coming back) with proper execution.

Elysium94 has had some FANTASTIC ideas and I think combining it with some of the things the books hinted at but never followed up on (one of the things the newer books implied is that Palpatine's ultimate goal was to use the dark side of the force to do this https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Al...was a dark,that his master craved immortality.)

Elysium's version of the climax involved accessing the sith shrine beneath the Jedi Temple and doing a dark ritual in there. I can easily see something like that working even with Palpatine and having the ghosts of all the Jedi appear to give Palpatine the death glare before the light of the force smites him would be EPIC.

3.) Live action might be a harder sell than animation; the Mandalorian came out right when TV effects were good enough to pull it off, and Animation works better. As such I think that Tales of the Jedi might remain a comic book instead (but it takes the place of Dark Empire, lasting until 1998 or so).
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1.) Ford might be reluctant to come back unless they killed Han off though.

2.) I also think that a few of the sequel ideas could work (yes even Palpatine coming back) with proper execution.

Elysium94 has had some FANTASTIC ideas and I think combining it with some of the things the books hinted at but never followed up on (one of the things the newer books implied is that Palpatine's ultimate goal was to use the dark side of the force to do this https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Alter_Reality#:~:text=Alter Reality was a dark,that his master craved immortality.)

Elysium's version of the climax involved accessing the sith shrine beneath the Jedi Temple and doing a dark ritual in there. I can easily see something like that working even with Palpatine and having the ghosts of all the Jedi appear to give Palpatine the death glare before the light of the force smites him would be EPIC.

3.) Live action might be a harder sell than animation; the Mandalorian came out right when TV effects were good enough to pull it off, and Animation works better. As such I think that Tales of the Jedi might remain a comic book instead (but it takes the place of Dark Empire, lasting until 1998 or so).
I think all these ideas are great, and if you could write a chapter about Star Wars between 1983 (ROTJ) and 1988 I'll threadmark it and you'll be a collaborator. I'm a Star Wars fan but not the biggest expert on it outside of the 9 main movies, Rogue One and Solo
Tales of the Jedi Era should be a live action series ITTL, made in the next two years. 1989-1990 at the latest for a start date. The Thrawn Trilogy should be 1993, 1995 and 1997 with the first prequel released in 2000. I also want to completely change The Phantom Menace into something that actually involves phantoms or anything w/o Jar Jar or Gungans

The other live-action Star Wars series should be released starting in the late 1990s, with maybe the New Republic era made between the end of the Thrawn Trilogy and the first prequel
Some elements of Phantom Menance actually trace their roots back to the earliest drafts of A New Hope - the idea of two Jedi protecting a princess, a character named "Mace Windy" who is the namesake of Mace Windu, and a few other things I believe. Even the name "Utapau" was eventually reused for a planet in Episode III. This was all on purpose; when George started working on the prequels, he went back to his old scripts for ideas. Perhaps you could consult those as well?

As for the title "The Phantom Menace," originally Episode I was just called "The Beginning" but I guess they thought that was too boring of a title. I think the name has less to do with literal phantoms and more with how the Sith were thought to be gone for 1000 years, only to suddenly show back up - an enemy risen from the dead, if you will.


I think all these ideas are great, and if you could write a chapter about Star Wars between 1983 (ROTJ) and 1988 I'll threadmark it and you'll be a collaborator. I'm a Star Wars fan but not the biggest expert on it outside of the 9 main movies, Rogue One and Solo
I'll do a rough draft but I would absolutely like someone to help iron out that draft into something more coherent. If you're unavailable I'd greatly appreciate it if Ogrebear, SubparLario, Scorpius72 and others could contribute and help, either with ideas or with corrections
I'll do a rough draft but I would absolutely like someone to help iron out that draft into something more coherent. If you're unavailable I'd greatly appreciate it if Ogrebear, SubparLario, Scorpius72 and others could contribute and help, either with ideas or with corrections
I’ll be available this weekend