Second update for the day. Maybe I'll write a third one but the last post was very long.
October 7, 1968
Realizing that there was a series of Romulan stories developing, Star Trek's expanding fandom could not wait for the next episode. They saw the buildup to potential hostilities and two spy episodes in the first three offerings of Season Three. The fourth episode, ALL THE DEVILS ARE HERE, was the first of a two parter that began the brief Earth-Romulan war.
Having acquired a partial set of Constitution class Enterprise schematics, T'Pring contacts Romulan High Command from a secret location on Vulcan. The Romulans ask T'Pring for information that could help them win a war with the Federation. T'Pring transmits the Connie-class schematics to the Romulans, who thank her for her service. T'Pring and Stonn tell the Romulans, "Live long and prosper, our long separated cousins. May we be unified again, soon."
At Romulan High Command, the Praetor briefs Livia (Joanne Linville) about Federation weaknesses. Livia mentions that she attempted to turn Spock to the Romulans, but Spock gave Kirk the coordinates inside the Romulan ship for the cloaking device. The Praetor tells Livia not to worry. A counterespionage operation based from Vulcan was able to acquire the Enterprise and all the other Constitution class ship functions by surreptitiously turning Spock for a brief moment. Livia says, "This is the gold mine we were all waiting for. We can press for war and defeat the Federation easily. They will never know what hit them." The Praetor responds, "We will conduct operations starting tomorrow. Attack the remaining four Federation outposts along the Neutral Zone. Then we will set a course to Altair VI, the gateway to Vulcan. If we are able to bypass Altair VI, we will reach Vulcan and win a quick conflict. The Federation will be forced to sue for peace."
On the Enterprise, Scott begins jury rigging the deflector shields, the phasers, and the newly acquired photon torpedoes for a potential Romulan conflict. Kirk asks Scotty how his work is progressing.
Scotty: "I have the shields ready to absorb up to five Romulan nuclear torpedoes if necessary, Captain."
Kirk: "I hope it doesn't come to that."
Scotty: "When we last fought the Romulans two years ago, we were barely able to absorb one of their nuclear torpedoes. We had to back the ship up astern dramatically, if you recall."
Kirk: "I remember those Romulan torpedoes. They were very large, but had limited range. That means we can fight them at a distance provided our phasers are up to the task. By the way, how are the phaser banks."
Scotty: "They shorted out the last time we fought them. I devised a way to bypass them if they cut out in engineering. They can be fired from the bridge, at Chekov's station, Captain."
Kirk: "Excellent work, Scotty. What about the photon torpedoes we just received?"
Scotty: "They are a little clunky, and I'm not sure of their utility in combat yet. If we have to resort to them, we could be in trouble, Captain. We are not sure of their accuracy just yet."
Kirk: "Work your miracles on them, Scotty."
Scotty: "Aye, Captain."
Kirk: "What about that cloaking device we acquired from the Romulans, Scotty?"
Scotty: "Captain, the device is a huge power drain on the rest of the ship and is not usable for combat on a Federation vessel. Our ships were not designed for Romulan technology."
Kirk: "Try to make it work, Scotty. We might need it."
Scotty: "That's one miracle I don't know if I can pull off, Captain."
Kirk consults with the rest of the crew, minus Uhura, in the meeting room regarding their combat readiness. Kirk asks Spock what could be done about the Romulans having knowledge of our schematics. Spock states that the Romulans, were they to decloak without us detecting them, would know exactly where to fire on the ship, specifically the warp nacelles and the deflector dish. Kirk then asks McCoy if sickbay is ready for potential casualties.
Bones: "If you're going to lead us into a war, Jim, sickbay can only handle 20 casualties at a time at the maximum. You realize we have a crew of 400, Jim. I would have to conduct battlefield triage."
Kirk: "Unfortunately, such is the devilish nature of war."
Bones: "You know Jim, this all started when you went into Romulan space and stole their cloaking device."
Kirk: "And we will be ready for the consequences, Bones. Sulu, how maneuverable is the ship in a combat situation, and how well are the crew drilled with the phaser banks and the new photon torpedoes."
Sulu: "Sir, the ship is able to maneuver away from Romulan attacks, as we demonstrated two years ago. We avoided the worst of their firepower and I believe we can do so again. As for the torpedoes, sir, they are new, and I'm just getting adjusted to them."
Kirk: "What about the crew's ability with the phaser banks."
Sulu: "I believe that Chekov is well able to handle the phasers. Moving them from engineering was very smart on Scotty's part."
Scotty: "Aye, Captain."
Chekov: "Phasers are fully operational, Captain, and ve vill be able to fire them over a vide field."
(The meeting is interrupted by Uhura)
Uhura: "Captain, I am receiving a Priority One message from Starfleet Command. Romulan vessels have attacked outposts 5, 6 and 7 along the Neutral Zone. Outpost 5 is destroyed, and Outposts 6 and 7 are severely damaged. The Romulans hit them by surprise. The Federation Council is declaring an emergency meeting to place Starfleet on a war footing."
Kirk: "So it's war then. What are our orders, Lieutenant."
Uhura: "Starfleet is ordering us to Altair VI, about 10 light years inside Federation space from the Romulan Neutral Zone. We are to form a line of defense to prevent further Romulan incursions."
Kirk: "Set a course for Altair VI, warp factor eight. Battlestations."
Spock: "They cannot pass Altair VI, because the core Federation planets, including Vulcan, will be at risk."
Kirk: "All the devils are here, Spock. If you wrong us, shall we not revenge, is what the Romulans are thinking."
Spock: "Your knowledge of Shakespeare is impressive, Captain. But as I recall, you wronged them."
Kirk: "I hope I don't have to go further into the tragedy parts, Spock. Man your stations."
Back in his quarters, Kirk records in his log the following: "Captain's log, stardate 5346.2. We are speedily heading towards Altair VI in order to halt the Romulan advance. If we do not stop the Romulans here, they will be able to attack the core Federation planets. I am reminded of an old quote from one of our old 20th century wars on Earth, 'Ils ne passeront pas.' The Romulans shall not pass. It is funny how history repeats itself. I wonder if Altair VI will play out like Verdun in that old Earth conflict."
The Enterprise is met by the Constitution and the Defiant, two other Connie class battleships, at Altair VI. Kirk orders Sulu to scan for potential enemy vessels. Sulu finds nothing, and Kirk wonders where the Romulans are and whether they can evade scanning when cloaked. Kirk recalls that the Romulan vessels have to decloak before they can fire. As they are scanning, two Romulan Birds of Prey and two Klingon D7 battlecruisers decloak, surrounding the three Federation vessels. A firefight ensues. The Enterprise is able to disable one of the D7 battlecruisers, but the Romulan fleet hits the Constitution and Defiant on their warp nacelles, causing them to explode. The Enterprise is surrounded by two fully functional Romulan Birds of Prey and a Klingon vessel. Kirk is hailed by the Romulan commander.
Kirk: "Ship to ship."
Uhura: "Hailing frequencies open, sir."
Kirk: "This is the U.S.S. Enterprise. Enemy vessel, state your intentions."
Livia (Romulan Commander): "This is Livia, Romulan commander. Remember me, Kirk? You will surrender your vessel and we will continue moving into Federation territory."
Kirk: "There is no way you will pass Altair VI. I will fight to the death, if necessary, to save the Federation."
Livia: "A noble way to die, Captain, but you will die. You are surrounded and there is no escape this time." (Cut to black, as the episode ends).
Matt Jefferies, technical designer:
I had to dig out the old Constellation model from The Doomsday Machine and build the Defiant ahead of schedule because we had planned to use it in a future episode, The Tholian Web. That was time consuming and we went over budget for this episode with all the special effects. This episode, and the subsequent one, were the reason why Star Trek did not have a lot of episodes with fleet battles. It wasn't because Gene didn't want a lot of battles in Star Trek. It was because we were on a tight budget, and the chances to set up our props and special effects for set-piece battles were rare. Glen Glenn (the sound effects studio) and Westheimer (the photographic effects studio) drained almost a full episode of money simply to do the effects. That being said, we created an incredible spectacle for TV. Paramount demanded that we not do it again, but we still had one more episode to produce with a set-piece battle, so we drained the budget a second time.
Robert Justman:
Fred Freiberger (the producer for this episode) almost had a heart attack when he saw how much it cost. He said to me, "we're going to fall three or four episodes short at the end of this season with the planned two parter and the battle scenes and the special effects." However, this show was one of the most dramatic of the series, because it ended with the Enterprise surrounded with little hope for escape.