Weekly Flag Challenge: New Challenges & Previous Winners

@Jing_Jing won. Congtats

The Free Volk's Reich of Germany
Freie Volksreich Deutschland

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"It was the greatest and grimmest irony that created the modern Volksreich. The first inklings of its creation began in 1934. Ernst Röhm was at the time the leader of the "Storm Detachment" (Sturmabteilung or SA), the premier paramilitary group for the Nazi Party, which had increasingly transformed into the military arm of the party's radicals. Tensions had been building between him and Heinrich Himmler, leader of the Security Squadron (Schutzstaffel or SS), a rival paramilitary group that acted as the Party's internal security and surveillance agency. Röhm learned by mere chance that Himmler was plotting to frame him. Röhm was able to convince the Führer to allow him to investigate the Security Squadron and prove this conspiracy. There they found forged documents that were still unfinished, trying to falsely incriminate Röhm as being a French-backed traitor.

Himmler was humiliated by this, and while the Führer merely put an end to the plot and left Himmler with a slap on the wrist, trust in the Security Squadron was gone. Hitler began to rely on Himmler less and less, but Röhm's relationship with Hitler continued to sour. The SA was starting to anger the German military, becoming more powerful each passing month. Führer Hitler was uneasy about losing the Reichswehr's trust, continuing to try and jungle the Reichswehr, SA, and SS, alongside the Nazi Party's non-military members as well. Turning against the SA over time, Führer Hitler still stayed Röhm's friend, but there more and more strain on that friendship. To appease Himmler and the ever more agitated party, Hitler directed all anger on one enemy: Jews. The Jewish people of Germany, their rights already restricted, suffered even greater persecution, culminating in the Rotglasnacht or the Night of Red Glass. The SS was hungry for blood, and were sent out in the first of several state-sponsored pogroms in February of 1936. The horrid event resulted in the death of nearly 200 Jews, the destruction of businesses, synagogues, and homes. The events name came from when a group of Jews attempted to stop the destruction of their synagogue, only for the SS troopers to open fire. A survivor wrote that, from within the synagogue, it was almost like a scarlet snow had blown inside as the bullets sent in finely shattered glass and blood.

This event became the straw that broke the camel's back. Numerous officers, politicians, and private citizens from being critical of Nazism to directly hostile, with some loyalist even becoming filled with doubt. Beyond the atrocities, the economy was being made for war, and the rights of workers were being destroyed. Small Jewish businesses and craftsmen were sucked up by corporations, triggering economic consolidation in predominantly Jewish areas. This greater angered the likes of the Strasser Brothers and Röhm himself. 1937, the SS made another attempt to destroy the SA, which had become a haven of dissent. A widescale conspiracy to murder much of the SA leadership went into action, but failed. And Germany was plunged into war..."
~ German History vol. 4: 1918 to 1984 by Odette Peterson

"We were living in strange times. Strange alliances were made. The Reichswehr had become disgusted by the Nazis, but so had the SA. While we hated each other, we also needed each other. People forget that the Himmlerite Coup was also looking to kill many members of the military. They did kill some! They killed von Bredow and Beck, and were on their way to kill others.

So we came together. Didn't like it. Didn't like Röhm. We all knew he was a schw*le but that was irrelevant. It was us against Himmler. Well, Hitler at first. The fighting was brutal. Of course we were the enemy at first. Hitler said so, and everyone believed it unless they already hated the Nazis. But after six months of fighting in the streets, of making cities surrender or get shelled, we were starting to build peace. Hitler was reaching out to us, Röhm was leveraging their friendship...

Then boom! Hitler is dead. And Himmler says Röhm did it, tells everyone Röhm f*cks men, that all of us siding with him were homosexual Jew-blooded communists. But Himmler was an idiot. We had men on the inside too, from the Abwehr. They got enough evidence for our counter propaganda. Still took another four months before could kill Himmler though. Then we had Heydrich and Goebbels, but those eunuchs made it easy by trying to kill each other. Huh... We were a laughing stock around the world back then. The Italians said we had failed as fascists, the Soviets said we had failed as socialists, and the French just couldn't stop their f*cking laughing as German Reich neutered itself.

But we came out better afterwards. In 1938, a year after the Himmlerite Coup, a new Reich was able to stand tall. I got to stand over Goebbels and spit on him that day, right before they killed him. Me, a mischling, with my new medal on my chest. An iron cross with a Judenstern right on it. He was so angry when he saw it on me, still angry when they shot him. But I just couldn't stop smiling!"
~ Interview of Werner Goldberg, 1978

"Röhm's ascension as Führer was very very tenuous, you see? So he starts doing even more of these reforms to appease his base. Now that he's in charge, he gets rid of the SS, and even ends the Gestapo and promises greater freedom for loyal Germans. Not for non-Germans, of course, but he did end pogroms and even started weakening the Nuremburg Laws, mostly because his most powerful allies, Hans Oster and Henning von Tresckow, demanded it. He also ended persecution of homosexuals, and started working Jutta Rüdiger. Rüdiger was leader of the League of German Girls, a position awarded for siding against Himmler. We know now that she was possibly a lesbian too, and working with Röhm she promoted the new 'Volkssozialist Woman'.

Alright lets review. So Jews? Because of Oster and because of the Juden Brigades that helped in the war, many rights are restored. Women? No more housewives, now it's time to be an equal partner to men and help use femininity to build a better Volkist-Socialist future, but still living in separate spheres. Homosexuals? Definitely not acceptable to be one, but if you didn't ask, no one would tell. Out of sight, out of mind, y'know? And with all this, Aryanism is on the way out too, mostly because Himmler was so big on it. Being Aryan started being more... spiritual, I guess you could say. Blood mattered, but non-Aryans could 'exemplify Aryan-Germanic ideals' and honorary Aryan awards were handed out like candy.

Röhm does stand his ground though. He had become real closer with the Strasser Brothers, and he gave them control of the economy. Strasserism was the key tenet of the German economy. A guild system, the new genossenschaftkammer. Haha, don't worry just write down Co-op Chamber of the Reichstag. Gregor Strasser was out to break down the capitalist system, though he was made to change his tune about labelling any groups of people, and by that we mean Jews, as being inherently capitalist. And so the 'producerist' economy was able to take shape pretty quickly, helped a lot by the German economy being demolished by civil war.

But while Röhm and the Strassers were the face of the hip new Nationalvolkssozialismus, or as we call it Volkist-Socialism, Volkism, or Folk-Socialism, and presented a strong face, their coalition was a house of cards. You had Waldeck-Pyrmont and von Stauffenberg's December Plot that wanted to restore power to the nobility, you had communist, democrats, Old Nazis, the Young Germany Movement. Really it wasn't a shock when Röhm resigned for 'health reasons' in 1942. And that gives us the next Führer: Hans Oster."
~ Jared Davenport, History teacher at Gainsbrook Secondary

"As I mentioned at the start of this area, the Oster führership is when the Reich finally changed its name, finalized its flag, and embraced the political changes we know today. The Free Volksreich was one of several terms tossed around during the civil war to describe the regions of Germany held by the SA-Reichswehr alliance. Oster chose to formalize it. Unofficially, he himself wasn't a fan of Volkist-Socialism, but he also knew he had a war coming and a people in need of unity. So the ideology continued to grow, the Strassers' influenced calmed by an embracing of their economic ideas. Some people have labeled Volkism as a sort of liberal fascism, and that's not inaccurate! Oster did away with the Nuremburg laws, and began to enforce a belief in the essential liberties of all citizens, in exchange for their loyalty, of course.

Now the symbol of the Volksreich, and indeed Volkist-Socialism was always on the flag. Or, rather it was after it got created. At first the Strassers had their hammer and sword banner for their militias, and Röhm had the SA banners remade in the Strasserite inversion of Nazi colors. The symbol we have today reflects how Volkism was created; the lightning bolt of the SA crossed with the Sword of the Strasserists, topped by a Swastika. Röhm's reforms built a basis for Oster's greater liberalization, the Strassers' economics laid the foundation for the war economy, and the fervent nationalism and loyalty of Hitlerian Nazism over Himmlerite Nazism was modified to unite the country. Oster chose to add the red and golden stripes, to connect the Volksreich to both the Interwar Republic and the liberal Revolution of 1848. This made the flag into one that truly encompassed the new Germany.

Oster's leadership, even in making this flag, was critical for winning the War against the Franco-Soviet Alliance. His bold choice to allow for a national plebiscite to reaffirm his führership set a standard that made Germans loyal and once again eager to fight for the Fatherland. While the führership is for life, even today, the appointed deputy führer must face the Großvolksabstimmung to confirmed as führer. Per Oster's own recommendations, if the deputy führer or any challenger not gain a full majority of the vote, two highest winners must face a second round of voting. Of course, this has so far only happened once, when Hans Scholl almost bested deputy führer Schindler after Führer Plagge's death. Of course, Scholl would then succeed Schindler. We are actually building a Scholl wing with the patronage of führer Kohl. It should open next winter!"
~ Angela Brandt, Tour Guide at the National Museum of the Führers of the Volksreich

((Helloooo! I figured I'd take the most... difficult route and try to make a semi-plausible good guy Nazi Germany. Mostly engineering a Nazi civil war, then having someone more radical but sympathetic to certain minorities (Röhm) take over. But since Röhm and the Strassers were still antisemetic monsters, I have Oster come in and make use of their new patch-work ideology to unify Germany. Which means a 'liberal' but still authoritarian, ultranationalist, and militarist Germany that endures beyond the war, though it grows increasingly liberal. Its definitely still a pretty horrible place, but I hope I did enough to make it 'good' compared to OTL!

This uhm, ended up far longer than I planned! It was just... so hard to make the Nazis into "good guys". I think I might have even ended up more verbose than @Xanthoc! But if I need to add more to it to make it more clear they are "good guys", just say the word @Green Painting!))
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Sundown in Tokyo

Fairly straightforward: Create a flag for the nation of Japan that does not make use of the Hinomaru, nor the Rising Sun, nor the Chrysanthemum/Imperial Seal.

Your version of Japan can have any ideology, can have diverged at any point in history but it must be an independent state and not an (official) territory of a foreign power, though a dominion of a foreign empire would be acceptable. This should be a flag for Japan not another nation that happens to own Japan.

Submissions Open: Now
Submissions Close: March 5th, 2021 @ 21:30 (GMT-5)
The winner is @ramones1986!

Here's my entry to the most recent Flag Challenge (as posted by @Jing_Jing ):

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Sovereign State of Japan

This ATL version of Japan is more or less the same as OTL, but with some subtle differences: More enlightened politicians responding well to the suggestions of the economists (and a more sustainable economic growth in general), more decentralized system of government (the regions having given powers from the Diet), a more productive population control policy (e.g. more effective family planning, paid leaves for young parents), more balanced boss-employee relationship, a more comprehensive rural regeneration program, more proactive role in the United Nations, among many others. The Emperor remained the head of state and "symbol of national sovereignty", but the prime minister is the head of government.

I maintained the national colors of the country (red and white) just like in the OTL counterpart, but the design is Spanish fess, and at the center is the OTL Seal of the Japanese Government, also known as Go-Shichi no Kiri (五七の桐).
Thanks, @Jing_Jing !

A Flag for Meluha Nadu


Create a flag that will represent a predominantly Dravidian-speaking India, either mostly within the borders of its OTL counterpart or encompassed most of the subcontinent. Any form of government and ideology will be applicable.

: 16 March, 2021, 12:00 AM GMT
Close: 22 March, 2021, 11:59 PM GMT
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FLAG CHALLENGE #244: Somos Más Fuertes Juntos

Central America has been united as a single government before (see "Federal Republic of Central America" on Wikipedia). Your job is to do it again. Or do it right the first time. Or somesuch.

It doesn't matter what kind of alteration to the timeline drives your entry. Maybe the original republic stayed together, got larger (smaller?), and created a new flag.

Maybe Guatemalan President General Justo Rufinho Barrios succeeded in forging a new consolidated nation by force in the 1880s.

Maybe in 1921, the Federation of Central America didn't just flounder and disappear. Maybe it thrived and gradually became a strong, centralized democratic republic.

You make the choice. You make the flag.

Submissions Open: Now
Submissions Close: 9 pm EDT on April 6
The winner is GREEN PAINTING!!! Congrats!

Centroamérican Republic

In the 60s, in response to the Soviet-backed Latin American federalist movements in the Americas, the United States began pushing for more regional integration of Latin-American states. Gran Colombia, Andes Union and the second Central American Republic were created in the process.

White for the isthmus (if elaboration is needed, then the upper quarter is for North America, the lower quarter South America, the central circle Central America), blue for the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Phrygian cap for liberty, and laureate for reunion of Central America.

The Phrygian cap was a core element of the original Central American seal, I'd say why shouldn't we make it more visible?
FLAG CHALLENGE #245: Saudiless Arabia

Draw a flag that’s flown in a world where the current Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was either avoided or overthrown.

Exactly how this was done is up to you.

Whether the state(s) that replaced the KSA is better or worse is also up to you.

It could be the flag of an ATL country (or countries) in the OTL territory of Saudi Arabia, or flag of a state elsewhere in the world as a result of butterflies caused by the missing Al-Sauds.

Submissions Open: Now
Submissions Close: April 23
@Ernak won a close race, now it’s your chance to post a new challenge.


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The House of Saud wasn’t meant to last a century.

They were the supreme example of incompetents and nepotists, installing their family members into crucial positions despite the availability of capable individuals. The Saudi state apparatus had no real way of appointing people, for all of its key posts were filled by members of the House of Saud. Yet the kingdom’s control over one resource—oil—allowed the Saudis to paper over all dissent, giving their citizens a generous welfare state at the cost of their political liberties. There was no national job-training regimen, yes. There was a severe lack of jobs that were not in the petroleum industry, yes. There was quite simply no future for millions of Saudis, but as long as the oil flowed the Saudis were able to keep their people sated.

Until one day, the wells ran dry.

Many expected the Kingdom’s oil reserves to last far longer, but the Iran War drove consumption to unprecedented levels. In addition Iran bombed ARAMCO facilities with drones, disrupting what was left of the oil industry. King Salman’s economic diversification plans were still in their infancy and only 20% of the Saudi population was actively employed in non-petrol careers.

Soon, many disaffected Saudis took to the streets to riot and protest. When the military cracked down on the rioters, the riots soon blazed into a revolution. Revolution led to civil war as the Saudi military battled the newly-formed Arabian Liberation Army, watering the sands with blood.

From this chaotic din a new plant bore fruit- the Brotherhood of Restitution to the Faith, simply known as the Brotherhood. They began as a fringe eco-Salafist movement formed during the early days of the civil war, and gained strength as the Arabian Liberation Army was defeated by American intervention. Inspired by the success of the Islamic State, they embarked on a lightning offensive from their stronghold of Buraydah against Riyadh. The siege of Riyadh was intense—some of the most intense in the entire conflict, in fact—but they managed to gain a toehold in the suburbs. From there they initiated a media and propaganda campaign aimed at winning over members of the Saudi National Guard, to turn their tide in their favor.

The rise of the Brotherhood gripped the world, especially the wider Islamic world, in fear. None of them wanted another Islamic State, especially one so close to the Holy Cities. Yet at the same time, the United States had drawn down its forces in Saudi Arabia to focus on its internal crisis…

So the world watched as the Saudi National Guard turned on the House of Saud and joined the Brotherhood in capturing Riyadh, vanquishing the Saudis and beginning a humanitarian crisis as millions of refugees fled the burning wreckage of the city.

Yet this is not the end of the Saudi civil war, as Muslim UN forces and the remnants of the Arabian Liberation Army are countering the Brotherhood’s attempts to conquer the Holy Cities. Time will tell if this insurgent group can engrave its name in the already-long-lists of political extremists that have seized power…​

Deleted member 108228

A Return to Truth


Make a flag showing a extremist religious/political group.

It can be of any ideology/religion/political group, just as long as they are fundamentalist in their doctrine/implementation.

Submissions Open: Now
Submissions Close: 12:00 AM at CST on May 5th

Deleted member 108228

The winner of the challenge is @The Professor.

Now it's his chance to give out the prompt!

The Sons of Liberty
The modern Sons of Liberty are a terrorist organisation based primarily in the North American Provinces of the Imperial British Commonwealth.
Their primary aim is secure "independence" of what they call the American Colonies from the "British Yoke" despite all provinces essentially having self governance and representation in the Commonwealth Council & Parliament.
Other aims generally include white and male supremacy.
Their willingness to target civilians and refusal to engage politically have ensured most countries label them a terrorist group.
Their flag derives from that of the original late 18th century Sons of Liberty, an organisation aimed at promoting independence of the eastern coast due to lack of representation in British Government, that became defunct following the establishment of the Chamber for Colonial Affairs under King Frederick I. It consists of 5 red and 4 white stripes. The modern group have added a red ringed pentagram. Both the stripes and star are alleged to represent the 5 liberties but only Freedom from Tax, Freedom to Carry Arms, and Freedom of Absolute Speech, are consistently present in the various tracts sent out by members.
Flag Challenge 247 : Sons of the Frankish Hydra

With the death of the August Emperor Charles the Great the brief 2nd Western Roman Empire fell. Though many among his sons and sons of sons would claim Caesar none would obtain August until centuries later with the rise of St Arnold who not only received recognition from the Eastern Empire but was effectively sole August Emperor during the East's Ducate Wars.

Your Challenge is to create a flag for one of the vassal/constituent kingdoms, of this Arnoldine Empire, that claims direct descent from one of the sons of Charlemagne.
Ideally this kingdom will not have the name of any long lasting OTL kingdom.
NB for clarification the St Arnold mentioned is an ATL figure who is credited with recreating the WRE.

Submissions Open: Now
Submissions Close: 18th May, 23.59 GMT
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Centuries later = when, exactly?
Whenever you want
In this TL, when did Charles die?
Whatever best fits your idea
Do I read it correctly that we would be creating a flag for one of the states that sprang up after his death - it could be for the state that Arnold comes from, or not - and this state is eventually subsumed by Arnold's reconstituted WRE?
Yes though the flag doesn't have to date before the reconstitution.
And Uru Hammer has won with:
Lehoi Gorria - the Red Lion
After the death of Charles the Great, his empire rested in the hands of his sons, split into three kingdoms as Charles had planned. However, years of famine and negligence had sown the seeds of discontent in many areas. Little rebellions and uprisings became more common. Louis the Pious, ruling the West, called for increasingly harsh measures from the dukes appointed to represent the interests of the crown in suppressing these revolts, but the dukes were often sympathetic to the people, having grown up in the areas they ruled. Louis decided to make an example of the Duke of Bordeaux for failing to be sufficiently harsh in his responses to a local uprising. Duke Seguin was deposed, and a new ruler assigned to the region, Duke Centullo.

The local uprising became a full scale rebellion as the deposed Duke joined the fight against Louis and then drew alliances from neighboring lands, eager to see the Western Realm crumble. While Duke Seguin was killed in the rebellion, his able son, then known as William of Septimania, took up the banner and led the rebel forces to several decisive victories at Bordeaux, Agen, and Tolosa. His exploits in battle, as well as his livery, led to the men calling him Vasconiako Lehoi Gorria, the Red Lion of Vasconia. William's victories carved out the small kingdom of Vasconia (later called Gascony) and crucially took control of the Garonne River. The northern border of Gascony was settled at the Dordogne.

William of Septimania was declared King William I, the Red Lion of Gascony. Those who had followed his banner in battle now used it as a flag to unite the kingdom. A blue strip on the fly border of the flag was added to symbolize dominion over the Garonne River, and that flag design remained unchanged for centuries.

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FLAG CHALLENGE #248: State of the Union

This challenge is to create the flag of a US State that does not currently exist. It could be...
  • a state that was proposed, but never realized in OTL
  • a state that could be added in the future
  • a state that might come to exist as a result of splitting a state like Texas or California into multiple states
  • a completely fictional state from an ATL
Good luck to all!

Submissions Open: Now
Submissions Close: June 3 - 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time
And the winner is Born in the USSA

reset size.png

The Commonwealth of Jerusalem's Lot

In the wake of the Stuart Restoration and the return of Charles I to the throne from his exile in France, there came a question of what to do with the radical sects and political groups that had supported the Interregnum once their leaders had been hanged, drawn and quartered. The solution would be a massive wave of transportation to the North American colonies, seen as an effective way to remove these groups from proximity to power while simultaneously Anglicizing territory disputed with the French in North America. While these involuntary colonists, almost all of them various flavors of dissident Puritans, would settle almost entirely in New England by far the highest concentration would be in the territory historically known as Maine.

Within the new Puritan communities by far the strongest faction would be the group known as the Fifth Monarchists, with a radical plan to create a "heavenly society" inspired both by the age old eschatology of the Four Kingdoms of Daniel and the numerological importance of the year 1666. Establishing a radical and borderline theocratic regime on the small colony, renaming it Jerusalem's Lot in the process, the grip of the Fifth Monarchists would begin to wane after the promised year came and went without some sort of divine sign or revelation. With the fall of the Fifth Monarchists from grace other dissenting sects would exert their independence from the central authority of the colony even as its government fell under the sway of those few Leveller thought leaders that had escaped the noose in the mother country.

As time went on, this history of religious pluralism and populist governance would attract other heterodox religious groups, and while the colony was folded into Massachusetts on paper as a means of subverting the so-called "Radical Colony", locals would exercise a fair amount of autonomy throughout the eighteenth century. With the outbreak of hostilities between Britain and the colonies, 'Salem's Lot would send its own delegation separate from that of Massachusetts in the hope of finally achieving political independence. The colony would prove itself throughout the American Civil War, as the conflict would become known, overcoming an attempt to carve a loyalist province out from within its borders and expanding into the neighboring land territory of Nova Scotia, cutting the island off from the mainland. Having fought off both New Ireland and Nova Scotia, the colony's pleas would be answered, becoming the fourteenth state in 1790 as the Commonwealth of Jerusalem's Lot.

In the early republican period, the Commonwealth would prove one of the loudest voices for religious toleration and natural rights, born both of a staunchly Leveller political culture and a deep memory of the vulnerability created by religious infighting inherited from the early years of the colony, attracting groups such as the Society of Universal Friends and a variety of French and English utopian socialists. As the nineteenth century bore on, 'Salem's Lot would become a hotbed of abolitionist fervor even compared to the rest of New England, and would vehemently oppose the persecution that had driven the Latter Day Saints from New York State to Illinois. Although there were few LDS members in the state and some were opposed to his plans for compensated manumission of slaves, the Commonwealth went heavily for Smith in the 1844 election, fighting on the Union side in the resulting American Wars of Religion.

Union victory and the death of slavery would see the expansion of the Leveller ethos beyond the Commonwealth as a massive influx of European radicals driven out of the continent in reaction to the failed 1848 revolutions and the spirit of the times during the Third Great Awakening would combine to see the flowering of new religious movements, political models and intentional communities throughout the United States. In the modern day, the influence of Salem's Lot is largely seen as a positive one, having provided a longstanding bastion of religious pluralism and political freedom that has undoubtedly steered its neighbors and the nation as a whole steadily between the twin perils of the reactionary retrenchment of the old aristocratic classes and the atheistic radicalism of the Nihilist International.

What do you all think? The initial idea popped into my head today as an AHC to create a more diverse and tolerant religious and political landscape in the early US, and try and puzzle through some of the resulting knock on effects. This challenge came along and it seemed to fit nicely so here it is! It's relatively simple all told, I started with the flag of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, used the blue field from the existing Maine flag, flipped the colors of the St. George's cross to represent New England, and added a red lion to represent the Fifth Monarchists, just not the incredibly complicated one the group used historically. They're widely regarded as extreme by 'Salem's Lot nowadays but their rhetoric about creating a pure and good society worthy of God's Kingdom has lingered in the state ever since even as the concept migrated from "ironclad Puritanism" to "Leveller-inspired liberalism".

To that end I also changed the Fifth Monarchist slogan from "...will rouse..." to "...has roused...", a change made following the Commonwealth's strong abolitionist stand leading up to the American Wars of Religion, an earlier but slightly longer Civil War/Mexican-American War hybrid based on President Smith's religion as well as his support for Texas annexation and proposals to end slavery that had so fragmented the American religious landscape between Northern and Southern branches of the major protestant denominations. Made up of the territory of OTL Maine and New Brunswick, Jerusalem's Lot is an important leftward influence in the United States, held up as an example by more idealistic liberals, religious dissenters and utopian socialists across the country even as the politicians of the Commonwealth have taken a hard line against the Nihilist school of Anarchism that has spread like a cancer out of Russia ever since the 1920s. Fun fact!- Texas has been governed under Fourierist principles since its annexation, having fought with the Union against Mexico and the Christian States of America during the AWR and Illinois remains the heartland of the LDS church instead of Utah.

For my challenge, inspired by BioShock, Pirate Utopia, Tomorrowland and the Kowloon Walled City your challenge is to create a flag for a city state or micronation. Your polity should be:
  • At least de facto independent, either through secrecy and isolation or through BioShock style ASB superscience. This doesn't need to be the focus, it's more flavor than anything else, though a Soviet science city would be a good historical example.
  • Representative of a unique but firm ideology or political system. For historical example Carnaro was the precursor to Fascism and Kowloon was an organic anarchist community.
I'm posting this at 10:30 PM Central Time Friday night, you have until 10:30 PM Central Time on Thursday to submit your designs. 600x1200 is the size limit, don't forget!
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@Uru Hammer wins this one!
The Ultrahuman Republic of Madagascar

When the ultrahumans began appearing in the 2030s, conflict was bound to happen. There was no shortage of extremists on either side. From the Puritans to the Beyond Sapiens Movement, what we learned more than anything was that humanity was not ready.

But humanity didn't get a choice. While this tableau provided plenty of chances for heroism from humans and ultrahumans alike, it became apparent that maybe the right first step was to separate and let both groups get used to the new normal. Madagascar had been rescued by ultrahumans from a tsunami in 2036, and had been a relatively safe haven for them since that time. In 2040, the Coexistence Summit (sponsored by the United Nations Commission on Ultrahumans) brokered the arrangement that led to the establishment of the Ultrahuman Republic of Madagascar in 2042. Established as a nation populated mainly, and ruled entirely, by ultrahumans, the hope was that natural systems of control would be established within the ultrahuman society and that humanity would have time to get used to the existence of these forces of nature.

As of 2050, the jury is still out.
The flag of the URM is a tricolor with a stylized double helix. The green stands for nature, stressing the belief that ultrahumans are a natural successor to humanity. The red stands for the willingness of the ultrahumans to defend themselves from aggression - they will shed blood to protect their kind. The blue stands for the hope of peace with humanity.
FLAG CHALLENGE #250: Redesign

For this challenge, you will need to select a current, national level flag that you believe could use a redesign. For your entry, include the original (thumbnail or behind spoilers) and your redesign.

Submissions Open: Now
Submissions Close: Tuesday, June 29, NOON Eastern Daylight Time

Please remember to review the RULES, especially concerning flag size. This is NOT a multi-flag entry. The original flags for the country can be demonstrated as thumbnails or behind spoilers. Your redesign will follow the normal size rules: For an image in a single-flag entry, the shortest side must be 600 pixels or less, and the longest side must be 1200 pixels or less.