weekly flag challenge

  1. FriendlyGhost

    Flag Challenge № 289 voting

    The challenge: Flag Challenge #289 (reboot): Better - or worse - together Going a bit ASB with this one: Design a flag for a multi-national military organisation (like NATO, SEATO, CTSO, the Warsaw Pact, etc), formed by a group of nations aligned with a nation which in OTL lost a war (e.g...
  2. Weekly Flag Challenge #285 Voting poll

    Entry 1: Zeleny Klyn, officially the Ukrainian Democratic Amur Republic (UDAR) The UDAR's independence from the Far Eastern Republic is sometimes known as the Charoite Divorce, a reference to the bloodless Charoite Revolution of 1966, which had led to the end of Chita's rule over Zeleny...
  3. Petike

    Weekly Flag Challenge #284 Voting poll

  4. Weekly Flag Challenge #283 Voting

    Flag Challenge #283: Corporatocracy Your task is to draw the flag of a corporation that somehow got an entire country under its control. Whether it's a chartered company from the past, a megacorp from the cyberpunk future, or anything else is up to you.
  5. PolishMagnet

    Weekly Flag Challenge #281 Voting

    FLAG CHALLENGE #281: Anniversary Create a flag marking the anniversary of a country's founding (like the Canada 150 flag). Please vote for the entry you like best.
  6. Weekly Flag Challenge #276 Voting

    Flag Challenge #276: Vichy Earth Create a flag for Earth, which has become a client state of alien invaders.
  7. Born in the USSA

    Flag Challenge 274 Voting

    Flag Challenge 274: A Color Revolution Continuing my all-consuming obsession with ideologies and color symbolism, create a flag for a revolutionary state (an existing one or an AH creation) in a world where the dominant political color and symbol of the guiding ideology is different for some...
  8. Weekly Flag Challenge #273 Voting

    Flag Challenge 273: Not Evil, Just Widely Misunderstood Your task is to design a flag that looks far more villainous and sinister than the actual country or organization it represents. I think the National Levelers Association flag is a good OTL example.
  9. Weekly Flag Challenge #271 Voting

    Flag Challenge 271: Colonized Europe Your task is to draw a colonial or post-colonial flag of a European country in a world where global hegemony was achieved by another continent and Europe was colonized.
  10. Weekly Flag Challenge #269 Voting

    Flag Challenge 269: In the distant future of the year 2022 It is quite fascinating to explore what people of the past anticipated from the future that has already become the present for us. Well, it's usually just a linear extrapolation of their current trends plus flying cars, but still. So...
  11. Born in the USSA

    Flag Challenge 268 voting

    Flag Challenge 268: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help!" This challenge comes in two parts: Pick a supernatural or sci-fi issue or setting detail. The setting should otherwise be recognizably the recent past or present. Create a flag for a government agency (secret or otherwise)...
  12. Weekly Flag Challenge #267 Voting

    Flag Challenge #267: Capitalist symbolism Communist states can often be easily identified by their flag. (Red color, five-pointed star, hammer and sickle variations, etc.) Your task is to design a flag that immediately shows that the state is capitalist.
  13. Born in the USSA

    Weekly Flag Challenge 266 Voting

    Flag Challenge 266: Lions and Tigers and Bears This one's pretty straightforward: take a country of your choosing and remake its flag to prominently feature the national animal. Countries with weird or cool animals are of course preferred and simply slapping an animal over the existing flag is...
  14. Weekly Flag Challenge #265 Voting

    Flag Challenge #265: Tell me you're Nordic without telling me you're Nordic Design a flag for a Nordic country without using a Nordic cross.
  15. Weekly Flag Challenge #263 Voting

    Flag Challenge #263: The Rus, but which Rus? Inspired by a recent resurgence of interest in the flag of the Novgorod Republic, your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is: Design a flag for a Rus' or East Slavic state that is NOT a successor state of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, Tsardom...
  16. Born in the USSA

    Weekly Flag Challenge 262 Voting

    Flag Challenge 262: Say You Want A Revolution! Inspired by some talk about politics and ideology in the AH tropes thread I wanted to do another challenge about my favorite topic of all time, weird politics and revolutions! In the interest of diverse results I've split this challenge into a few...
  17. Born in the USSA

    Weekly Flag Challenge #260 Voting

    Flag Challenge 260: Let Your Freak Flag Fly!- Voting Have another nifty future history challenge, this one inspired by Transmetropolitan! Because the times they are a changin' and social attitudes with them your challenge is to create a pride flag for some future ethnic group or social...
  18. Weekly Flag Challenge #257 Voting

    FLAG CHALLENGE #257: Faster, Higher, Stronger At the 1992 Olympics, the South African team performed under a specially designed flag; The Republic of China has been using the Chinese Taipei Olympic flag since 1981; there were Australasia and the United Team of Germany with their own flags and...
  19. Born in the USSA

    Weekly Flag Challenge #256 Voting

    Flag Challenge 256: Party like its 2099! Inspired by a fun idea I had for a future history American party system, my challenge to you all is to create a flag for a major 21st century American political party, combining my loves of weird politics, ideological colors and flag making. Is it a...
  20. Poll for Flag Challenge Number 247: A Return to Truth

    FLAG CHALLENGE #246: A Return to Truth Description: Make a flag showing a extremist religious/political group. It can be of any ideology/religion/political group, just as long as they are fundamentalist in their doctrine/implementation.