• As winter continued, on January 27th, Charles of Austria, and his wife, Anne of Bohemia and Hungary had their fourth child and second son, who they named Maximillian after his late grandfather. Also, in Cadiz, on February 1st just before the arrival of King Ferdinand VI’s army the Duchess of Cadiz, Infanta Magdalena of Navarre had a second son with her husband, who she and Juan Carlos named Pedro, after her granduncle, Pierre of Foix. The King of Spain for his part, rode at the head of an invasion force totaling 40,000 men, with the immediate plan being to cross the straits of Gibraltar, and seize Ceuta, which was to be followed by half of the force attacking Teoutan. Before he could launch his proper invasion of Wattassid Morocco Ferdinand had to undertake some of the more mundane matters of leading his realm to war. Firstly, he would need to appoint regents to govern Spain in his absence. For this role, he decided to have three of his most capable family members serve as coregents(his father’s regency in Aragon highlighted that multiple regents could be more effective than one). His first appointment as regent was a natural one, his mother Margaret of Austria, who had served well as regent during the Second Italian War, and possessed great political acumen. The second regent that he chose was the elder of his two brothers, Juan Carlos, Duke of Cadiz, who despite his cool relationship with his wife, proved to be a competent administrator of Cadiz. The third person he chose to be coregent was his third sister, Urraca, Duchess of Alba, who, had thoroughly recovered from her delivery of her eldest child Fadrique in January. The last choice was mostly motivated by the fact that her husband was to accompany Ferdinand on campaign, as well as the fact that of all of his sisters, Urraca possessed the greatest political acumen. As for his commanders, Ferdinand would delegate power to three men to serve as sub-commanders. The first that he choose was the widowed Luis Fernández de Córdoba, the Duke of Sessa, who had served well during the Third Italian War, and as a second cousin and son-in-law to the famed Gran Capitan provided a morale boost to the men. His second choice was a rather predictable one, his younger brother, the Infante Jaime, Count of Urgell who had received a thorough education on matters of war. His third major commander was to be his brother-in-law Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, who was in possession of great tactical acumen, and had a bone to pick the Moroccans as his father was killed during a raid by Barbary pirates when he was just three years old. As for his wife and children, Ferdinand would have them stay with his sister-in-law at Cadiz, so that he could easily see them during the campaign, yet he would not risk the lives of his wife and young children by bringing them on campaign in North Africa. Another measure that Ferdinand would take before leaving Spain, was the hiring of a Jewish Financier Samuel Abravanel(whose younger brother Abraham was enslaved by Barbary Pirates), to manage the army’s logistics, and his nephew, one Isaac Abravanel was also hired as a military engineer. Soon enough, on March 9th, Ferdinand and his army landed at Ceuta, and easily crushed it’s modest garrison, and then allowed limited looting(though the city’s inhabitants were mostly spared from violence, a result of Ferdinand’s pragmatism) Meanwhile, a Portuguese force of 14,000 men led by King Miguel I of Portugal and his young brother-in-law Teodósio I, Duke of Braganza landed at Tangier, took the city and put it’s garrison and ruling class to the sword. This different approach in regards to the handling of conquered lands in North African was mostly the result of the different personalities of the two kings, for while they were cousins, and married to a pair of sisters they had vastly different views on religion. Miguel, having been raised under the direction of his exceptionally pious parents(he left his mother Isabella of Aragon as Regent in his absence), viewed this war as an extension of the Reconquista, and as such wanted his men to completely dominate the local people(though he granted clemency to Jews, provided that they pay a hefty head tax). Ferdinand for his part, while no skeptic, was not particularly devout, and mostly left the Muslims and Jews alone, provided that they pay the property tax that ensured their protection, something driven by Ferdinand’s pragmatism, as such taxes provided another source of income for the Spanish crown. In stark contrast to his cousin, King Ferdinand VI simply viewed the war as a way to earn glory on the battlefield, and an opportunity to curb Barbary piracy. Still, regardless of their different motivations, the two kings soon prepared to advance further into Watassid Morocco, Miguel and Ferdinand both began to advance south, towards Larache and Tétouan respectively. The Portuguese for their part were able to take Larache with little bloodshed on May 7th, for King Miguel, capitalizing on the tales regarding the treatment of Tangier, gave the town’s leaders an ultimatum: They were to surrender and give supplies to his men or their town would be sacked. The town’s leaders, knowing that the Sultan, Abu al-Abbas Ahmad, and his army were in Fez naturally chose the former, and the town’s citizenry was mostly unmolested. Meanwhile, on May 24th, after a two-week siege, the Spanish army was able to take Tétouan in a hard-fought assault, loosing 500 men in the process. Finally, after a month without much of a proper response, on June 25h the Spanish and Moroccan armies met on the field of battle at the hills around the Kasbah of Chefchaouen, where 50,000 Moroccans, lead by their young Sultan Abu al-Abbas Ahmad , faced 30,000 Spaniards. One popular anecdote in Spain is that right before the battle, as a young page asked if he would retreat in the face of a larger army, King Ferdinand VI smacked the young man and asked,”Could you call yourself a man to be scared by such rabble? No, we will not be the ones that retreat on this day.” This flamboyant attitude, and the later events of that day, would see the Spanish king earn the sobriquet Ferdinand VI “The Bold” of Spain, a stark contrast to his late father’s sobriquet, “The Good”. As the battle began, it became apparent that despite their zeal, ferocity and numbers, the Moroccans were not meant to wage the same sort of war the Spaniards were, and when the Infante Jaime, lead the Spanish Knights against the Moroccan heavy cavalry, the Moroccan cavalry, after minutes of fighting fled the field. Meanwhile, at the rest of the line, the Moroccans found it all but impossible to penetrate the Spanish Tercio formations and faced withering fire from the Spanish Arqubusiers. What ultimately broke the Moroccan resolve, however, was a charge upon their flanks by Spanish knights lead by not only the Infante Jaime, but also King Ferdinand VI himself, who was credited with personally killing seven Moroccan infantrymen. At the end of the bloody day, 8,000 Spanish troops were killed, whereas a total of 20,000 Moroccans were killed, and another 8,000 were captured, effectively orbiting the Moroccan army. Sultan Abu al-Abbas Ahmad, for his part, was killed in a protracted mounted duel with the Infante Jaime, who killed his opponent by somehow managing to pierce the Sultan’s gorget, leaving the man choking to death on his own blood. Almost immediately after the victory, the King elevated his brother’s title to the dignity of Duke of Urgell, while Luis Fernández de Córdoba, for his expert placement of the Arqubusiers would be made Viceroy of Castile after the wars end. The Duke of Alba, Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, who played a key role in organizing the Tercios would be rewarded with the prestigious office of Mayordomo Mayor, a role in managing the King’s household. While the battle did not cause an immediate surrender, it would be the nail in the coffin of Watassid rule in Morocco, and would become a catalyst for the rise of the Saadi dynasty. Almost immediately after the battle, on July 2nd, the patriarch of the Saadi family, and the Prince of Tagmadert, Mohammed ash-Sheikh, perhaps predicting the Watassid defeat, marched at the head of a 20,000 strong army on Fez, with the intent of declaring himself Sultan of Morroco(The Watassids were now extinct in the male line, as Sultan Ahmad was childless), and of making peace with the Spanish and Portuguese. After a brief week long siege, in which the defenders of the city received word of the Watassid Sultan’s death, the city surrendered, and Mohammed ash-Sheikh was proclaimed as Sultan Mohammed I of Morocco on July 16th. The Sultan for his part, realizing that continuing the war would be an exercise in futility, would sign the Treaty of Fez on August 4th. This treaty granted the Portuguese all the Moroccan coastline to the South and West of Tangier, save for Agadir, with a small pale of inland hinterland. The Spanish for their part were to receive all of the Moroccan Coastline east of Tangier, and they too were to receive a pale of hinterland. For the Spanish and Portuguese, the treaty was a great success, for it not only gave them control of several valuable ports, but it had also made any future raids by Barbary Pirates inconvenient, and meant that the Spanish Navy could focus it’s attentions on raids coming from Algiers and Tunisia. Also, two months later in Portugal, in October, King Miguel’s wife, Catherine of England, revealed that she was pregnant for the fourth time, and many of the Portuguese prayed that she would deliver a male heir in the next year.
    Another war between cross and crescent would take place in Hungary as well, though some would argue that this conflict would be of far more epic proportions regarding its potential consequences. The Ottomans, under Sultan Suleiman I of the Ottoman Empire, soon began to penetrate the Hungarian frontier by June, the 55,000 strong army reached the Danube, with the intent of pillaging the Hungarian countryside. Soon enough, the Hungarian King, Louis I of Hungary, called upon the realm’s nobility to provide troops for the realm’s defense, and after receiving reports from Christian spies within the Ottoman army of the Turks intent, directed the bulk of his forces towards Buda, in an effort to protect Central Hungary from the Turk. Louis also had ample reason to fight, his wife, Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary, was heavily pregnant, and could not be safely moved should he be defeated. Crucially for the Hungarians, they were also to receive some outside help. Firstly, was a contingent of 8,000 Polish troops, sent by King Sigismund I of Poland(having welcomed the birth of his third child Princess Sophia, three months beforehand), who was tied to Louis as his uncle, as well as through the fact that he was the Queen of Hungary’s brother-in-law through his marriage to Eleanor of Austria. Another source of assistance came from King Louis’s father-in-law, Phillip I, Holy Roman Emperor, who provided 4,000 men to drive off the Turks, partially out of a genuine wish to help his son-in-law and daughter, but also out of the knowledge that the Turks could use Hungary as a springboard to attack Austria, or his second son’s lands in Istria. Another form of assistance was a slightly surprising one, for Duke Massimiliano I of Milan, spurred on by his own piety, and the exhortations of his wife Isabella of Aragon to beat back the infidel(in the mold of her grandmother and namesake) arrived in Hungary at the head of a 3,000 strong army in July. Soon enough, on August 29th, the Hungarians, and their allies, now totaling 45,000 men, with 100 cannons, attacked the exhausted Ottoman army outside the town of Mohács. While he made the decision to attack at this point, a Hungarian knight protested that this was unchivalrous, to which King Louis bitterly laughed,”Did the Turk show chivalry to Belgrade, or all of the towns that they have just pillaged? No, I think it time that they be given the same treatment that they mete out to the innocent.” The battle soon began at mid-morning, and the butchery would not end until the sun had set. The initial charge by the Hungarians, with their cavalry advantage, went swimmingly well, and much of the Ottoman irregular forces, and cavalry was either routed or killed. The battle became significantly more difficult for the Hungarians when they started fighting the Ottoman Janissaries and professional troops, yet with the fervor of men fighting for their kingdom and their god, they fought on. The Hungarian Cavalry, with their Ottoman counterparts now absent, could now play a decisive role in the battle. They, alongside their Polish comrades, concentrated on attacking the Ottoman Artillery, forcing the enemy infantry to pull back to protect the artillery, and in a tighter formation, they were very vulnerable to the Hungarian cannon.; After a volley of artillery, the Hungarians charged upon the remaining Ottomans, whose artillery advantage was now nullified, for their cannon could not fire without hitting their own men, and had to contend with near-constant flank attacks by Hungarian cavalry. Ultimately, the crucial moment of the battle came when Sultan Suleiman collapsed after he was shot in the hip, by an arquebusier, and his men thinking him dead, attempted to flee the field. As the Ottomans attempted to flee, however, many were killed, or captured by the Hungarian Knights, driving the Ottoman death toll even higher, while Sultan Suleiman was captured, though he would recover from his wounds. In spite of the fact that this was a victory for the Hungarians it was a very costly one, an estimated 12,000 Hungarians and their allies were killed, or badly wounded, and even some prominent noblemen died, such as John Zápolya and his younger brother George Zápolya, both shot dead by Janissaries. Ottoman casualties were even worse than those of their enemies, an estimated 20,000 Ottoman troops were killed, and another 10,000(mostly Rumelian levies) were captured. As for their leadership, the Grand Vizier, Ibrahim Pasha was trampled underfoot by a Polish Knight, Malkoçoğlu Balı Bey, killed by a Milanese arquebusier and the Crimean Khan, Devlet I Giray, was badly wounded by Hungarian footmen. Soon after the battle the Treaty of Buda was signed, in which the Sultan was released in return for an annual indemnity equal to 5,000 Akçe a year for ten years, as well as a truce preventing the mutual aggression for ten years. Territoriality, The Ottomans were to give Belgrade, and all lands north of the city to King Louis II. Overall, while this wasn’t exactly a devastating defeat for the Ottomans, it was a humbling one, which would cause Sultan Suleiman “The Magnficient” to focus on the internal stability of his Empire, and in fighting his Persian rivals, the Safavids. On September 7th, upon his return to Hungarian court he found that his wife Mary, had just given birth the day before, to a daughter, who she named Catherine, after St. Catherine of Siena, upon whom she prayed for her husband’s survival and victory. Louis, though a little disappointed that the child was a girl, saw the successful delivery as a good omen for his realm, and showed his wife much gratitude.
    Also, in early August, Frederick of Austria, the penultimate child of Phillip I, Holy Roman Emperor, and Juana of Aragon, was wed to Barbara Fugger the daughter of the incredibly wealthy Raymund Fugger, in a marriage intended to repay the Fugger family for funding Phillip’s election as Holy Roam Emperor. While the marriage was simply designed as a way of repaying debts, it soon blossomed into passionate love, for Frederick, like his mother, expressed a nearly excessive devotion to his spouse, and Barbara, unlike her father-in-law, returned that love fully.
    In Italy meanwhile, on August 22nd, a glittering marriage took place in Florence, befitting the groom’s wealth, and the bride’s status. The groom was the young Duke Alessandro I of Florence, who was determined to overcome the stain of his bastardry by marrying Louise of Savoy, the youngest of Duke Philibert II of Savoy’s two daughters by Maria of Aragon. The two seemed to like each other well enough, though Louise would later come to regret her expectation that he would be discreet when it came to extramarital affairs, and he would take multiple mistresses throughout their marriage. Still, Louise was determined that she would not be conniving like her mother, and instead of trying to replace her husband’s mistress with pliable women, she simply ignored them. Another show of Louise’s indifference towards the unfaithfulness of powerful men, was the fact that she was accompanied to Milan by her bastard half-sister Agnes of Savoy, who would go on to serve as her chief lady in waiting for several years. In Milan, Louise’s cousin, Isabella of Aragon, Duchess of Milan, and her husband Duke Massimiliano I of Milan welcomed the birth of another child on August 23rd, a boy who they named Giovanni, the Italian variant of her late father’s name. Unfortunately, the sickly child, was born two months early, and would die just two days later, on August 25th. The saddened couple would soon receive some better news, when several days later it was agreed that Sigismund, the Crown Prince of Poland, would be wed to their eldest daughter, Bianca Maria Sforza, shortly after the boy’s sixteenth birthday.
    In The Holy Roman Empire, Emperor Phillip I was finally, after months of negotiation, able to meet with the Empire’s many princes at Speyer, on September 3rd, for an imperial diet regarding the spread of Lutheranism, as well as the fate of the man who had heavily criticized the Catholic Church, Martin Luther. Ultimately, in spite of the protests of his son, Charles of Austria and more hardline Catholics Phillip reached a compromise, peaceful Lutherans were to be tolerated in areas ruled by Catholic Princes, while peaceful Catholics were to be tolerated in lands ruled by the Protestant Princes, while Catholicism was to remain the Empire’s official religion, and Church lands could only be taken by being purchased from Rome.
    In Sweden, a dispute over the expulsion of Archbishop Gustav Troll, by King Gustav I prompted the beginning of the Swedish Reformation, though h unlike it’s Norwegian Counterpart, the Swedish Church would retain nearly every piece of Catholic Doctrine, except for three main difference. First and foremost was that the King of Sweden was the head of the Swedish Church, and seized half of the Church’s land in Sweden for the crown. Secondly, the bible was to be translated to Swedish and Finnish, the main vernacular languages of Sweden, to prevent priests from manipulating the people into believing things that only benefitted the clergy. Thirdly, while Communion was still a central part of worship, it was stressed that the bread and wine were mere symbols of the blood and body of Christ. This relatively moderate reformation was also done for dynastic reasons, as Gustav scaled back on more radical reforms to keep his betrothal with Princess Hedwig of Poland.
    In England, King Henry VIII arranged marriages for his two youngest daughters, Princess Elizabeth, and Princess Edith. Princess Elizabeth was to be betrothed to her second cousin, Philibert of Savoy, the eldest son of Phillip of Savoy and Susanna of Bavaria, who stood to inherit Savoy after his grandfather (the current Duke) and his father. Princess Edith for her part was betrothed to her first cousin once removed, Crown Prince John of Denmark, reaffirming ties between England and Denmark.
    Towards the end of the year, a crucial marriage binding the d’Este and Habsburg families soon took place, on December 26th, with Ercole d’Este, the son and heir of Duke Alfonso I of Ferrara being wed to Catherine of Austria, the youngest daughter of the Holy Roman Emperor. Many remarked that the two were remarkable well suited to one another, as they both shared a keen interest in their religious studies, and much like their cousins, the Duke and Duchess of Milan, the two came to love each other through their shared interests.

    Teodósio I, Duke of Braganza
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    Infanta Beatrice, Duchess of Braganza
    Ritratto di Beatrice di Braganza - Google Art Project (cropped).jpg

    Sultan Suleiman "The Magnificent" of The Ottoman Empire
    File:Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire.jpg ...

    Duke Alessandro I of Florence
    Portrait of Alessandro de'Medici in Armor Italy... - People of ...

    Louise of Savoy, Duchess of Florence

    Agnes of Savoy

    Ercole d'Este

    Catherine of Austria
    Catherine of Austria, Queen of Portugal - Wikipedia
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  • As the year began, on January 7th, Phillip of Savoy, and his wife Susanna of Bavaria welcomed the arrival of their fifth child and second daughter who they named Matilda. Also, on February 21st, Duke Alfonso I of Ferrara and his wife Bona Sforza had what would be their final child, a girl named Ippolita, after her deceased older brother Ippolito.
    In the Swiss Cantons, on January 10th, Felix Manz, a prominent Anabaptist managed to flee to Zürich, where he and many other Swiss Brethren began to rise up in a rebellion against the authority of the reformist Huldrych Zwingli, a conflict that would take years to be resolved.
    In the New World, the English King, Henry VIII, nervous at the prospect of French domination of North America, decided to expand English colonies from the Maritimes to the mainland, and within weeks, two hundred colonists established a settlement at the mouth of the St. George River, which the named, New Bristol (1). As with the Maritime colonies, the English would maintain good relations with the native peoples through trade and intermarriage, ensuring stability in the region.
    The Spanish for their part would establish their first permanent settlement in Florida at Chequescha (2) (named by the Native Peoples) with 300 colonists(250 men and 50 women) on March 28th, by sailing into the Biscayne bay, under the direction of Hernando de Soto, who would go on to be appointed as the first Governor of Florida. Hernando, like many other Spanish Conquistadors, was shrewd enough to secure alliances with the local tribes, and he found an important ally in the Tequesta and Calusa tribes and instigated a conflict against the Ais and Jaega tribe’s, which the Spanish and their native allies would eventually win. De Soto’s alliance with the Tequesta went beyond just pragmatism, he seemed to genuinely admire them and he would marry the niece of the Tequesta chief, who would take the name of Violeta de Soto. When they started to suffer from European diseases, he did all he could to assist them, and ultimately, about 20 percent of the tribe’s people died of these diseases, which, while not ideal, was a lower proportion than many other Native tribes would suffer.
    In England meanwhile, tragedy struck, for just hours after his birth, Henry Tudor, the third son of the Duke and Duchess of Somerset, died on March 16th.
    In Naples on May 2nd King Ferdinand III of Naples and Maria of Aragon, Queen of Naples, had their fourth child, a boy named Alfonso. In Denmark, on May 11th, King Christian III, and Isabella of Austria brought their seventh child into the world, a boy named Phillip, after the Queen’s father, the Holy Roman Emperor. The boy’s birth provided some relief to the royal couple, they now finally had a second son.
    In June , Prime Minister Trond Torleivsson Benkestok of Norway faced his first major legislative hurdle. After the birth and death of his eldest child, Bjorn on June 11th, he received more bad news a week later, for on June 18th The Senate of Norway failed to pass a bill to the Chamber of Representatives that he sponsored, with a large majority of 90 senators opposing it. The bill was known as the Mead Tax, which would have enacted a one-tenth tax on the sale of mead and other alcoholic beverages, the proceeds of which were intended to expand the Republican Navy. The main reason why the Senate did not successfully pass the bill onto the Chamber of Representatives, was that the Senators knew the bill would be unpopular in their constituencies and that it was not likely to pass in the Chamber anyThe failure of this angered the already saddened Prime Minister, yet he knew he would have to abide by the legislative branch’s decision if he wanted to be reelected in 1530.
    On July 20th, King Miguel I of Portugal and his wife, Catherine of England managed to provide Portugal with a male heir, a boy named Manuel, after Miguel’s late father and predecessor, King Manuel I of Portugal. Nearly all of Portugal breathed a sigh of relief at this, as this meant that the Infanta Eleanor and her betrothed, Juan, Prince of Asturias were not likely to rule over Portugal.
    In Florence, on August 4th, Duke Alessandro I of Florence and his wife Louise of Savoy had their first child, a son who they named Lorenzo, after the Duke’s late father. The arrival of a son brought great relief to Alessandro, for the succession of his Duchy would have been uncertain without a son.
    Also, in The Holy Roman Empire on November 1st, Frederick of Austria and his wife Barbara Fugger welcomed the birth of their eldest child, a girl named Margaret , who brought great joy to her parents and grandparents.
    In Poland, Frederick of Austria’s eldest sibling, Eleanor of Austria, Queen of Poland and her husband King Sigismund I of Poland, had another child, a son named Wojech. Much to the consternation of his parents. Prince Wojech would die just two weeks after his birth, on November 27th.

    (1) OTL Quebec
    (2) OTL Miami

    Barbara Fugger
    Lucas Cranach d.J. - Christiane von Eulenau (Dresden).jpg

    Frederick of Austria
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  • As winter dragged on, on February 2nd, in Vienna, Charles of Austria and Anne of Bohemia and Hungary had their fifth child, a daughter named Joanna, after her paternal grandmother. The mirth of the event helped mitigate the nervousness that gripped the Habsburg dynasty, for it soon became apparent that the Holy Roman Emperor, the once energetic Phillip I, was suffering from a debilitating illness, which modern historians believe to be Type 2 Diabetes, caused by his dietary excess. As a result of his illness, the Emperor swiftly moved to have his eldest son be named King of The Romans, to which the Imperial electors agreed, particularly after some well-placed bribes.
    In Hungary, on April 31st, Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary went into labor for the third time, and although the birth lasted ten hours, both mother and child survived. The baby was soon revealed to be a boy, who King Louis II of Hungary named Vladislaus, in honor of his father.
    In Sweden meanwhile, at the end of the month of May, Princess Hedwig of Poland arrived to marry Gustav I of Sweden. Despite some awkwardness given the age difference between husband and wife, the two were soon united by a mutual desire to maintain good relations with her homeland through trade, and alliances.
    In Spain, on June 15th, Mary of England, Queen of Spain went into a difficult labor at the Alcázar of Seville, which lasted a total of nine hours. The child that she gave birth to was a girl, the Infanta Isabella, named after Ferdinand’s paternal grandmother, and Mary’s late mother. The Queen initially seemed to be in good health for the first few days after the birth, yet a week later, she was stricken with a combination of Tuberculosis (the same disease that killed her father-in-law) and Puerperal fever. Just three days later, Mary of England, Queen of Spain, finally drew her last breath on June 25th, much to the heartbreak of her husband, children, and mother-in-law (Margaret of Austria, treated Mary with the same tenderness that Isabella of Castile gave her) Later that evening, it was rumored that King Ferdinand VI of Spain, drank so much wine that he passed out in his chambers, as his own way of coping with the loss of his beloved wife. Mary's closest siblings, Henry VIII of England, Catherine Tudor, Queen of Portugal were also distraught by her premature death. It was reported the Queen of Portugal openly broke down in tears after receiving the news of Mary's death.
    Two months later, in Mid-August, Blanca of Aragon, the fifteen-year-old younger sister of the King of Spain, was wed to King Francis I of France, in an extravagant ceremony in Paris, and was soon crowned Queen of France. Queen Blanca was very enamored with her husband, for although he was old enough to be her father, she found him very handsome, and charming. Much like her parents, Blanca seemed to be a romantic, and naively pictured herself having a happy and blissful marriage with the King of France. King Francis for his part, was slightly annoyed by the level of fawning that his young wife lavished upon him, and still kept the company of his mistresses. Speaking to the Duke of Bourbon he remarked,”Elle est jolie mais à peine assez pour me tenter." Which roughly translates to," She is pretty but hardly enough to tempt me. " Still when their wedding night came, Francis, ever the womanizer, did not fail to consummate their marriage.
    In Bavaria, Duke William IV and Margaret of Savoy had their third son, who they named William after the infant’s father.
    In Italy, on November 22nd , Ercole d’Este, and his wife Catherine of Austria welcomed the arrival of their eldest child, a boy named Alfonso after, Ercole’s father, the Duke of Ferrara. In Florence Meanwhile, on December 4th, Duke Alessandro and Louise of Savoy had their second child, a boy named Piero. Tragically the child was born sickly and would die just two days after his birth on December 6th.

    King Francis I of France
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    Blanca of Aragon, Queen of France
    Maria Manuela, Princess of Portugal - Wikipedia
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    1528 Family Trees
  • House of Trastámara
    Juan III of Castile and Aragon(b.1478, r . from 1492 in Aragon, r. from 1514 in Castile, d.1521) m. Margaret of Austria, Queen of Aragon, (b. 1480) had issue
    1) Isabella of Aragon, Duchess of Milan(b.1498) m. Massimiliano Sforza, Duke of Milan(b.1493) has issue
    2) Ferdinand, VI of Spain(b.1499) m. Princess Mary Tudor of England, Queen of Spain (b.1496, d.1528) , had issue
    3) Infante Juan Carlos, Duke of Cadiz (b.1501) m. Princess Magdalena of Navarre(b.1494) has issue
    4) Infanta Maria, Queen of Naples(b.1503) m. King Ferdinand III of Naples(b.1488) has issue
    5) Infante Alfonso(b.1504, d.1504)
    6) Infante Jaime, Duke of Urgell(b.1506)m. Maria Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, sister of Fernando Álvarez de Toledo (b.1505) has issue
    7) Infanta Urraca, Duchess of Alba(b.1508)m. Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba(b.1507) has issue
    8) Infanta Eleanor(Royal Nun)(b.1511)
    9) Infanta Blanca, Queen of France(b.1512) m.King Francis I of France(b.1494)
    Ferdinand VI of Spain(b.1499) m. Mary of England, Queen of Spain(b.1496, d.1528) had issue
    1)Infanta Margarita(b.1515, d.1515)
    3)Juan, Prince of Asturias(b.1519) eng.Infanta Eleanor of Portugal(b.1519)
    4)Infanta Juana(b.1521)
    5)Infante Alfonso(b.1523)
    7)Infanta Isabella(b.1528)

    Infante Juan Carlos, Duke of Cadiz (b.1501) m. Princess Magdalena of Navarre, Duchess of Cafiz(b.1494) has issue
    1)Sancho de Trastámara(b.1520) eng.Catherine de Medici(b.1519)
    2)Stillborn daughter(1522)
    3)Pedro de Trastámara(b.1525)
    4)Gabriel de Trastámara(b.1528)

    Infante Jaime, Duke of Urgell(b.1506)m. Maria Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, sister of Fernando Álvarez de Toledo (b.1505) has issue
    1)Margarita de Trastámara(b.1521)
    2)Garcia de Trastámara(b.1522) eng.Maddalena de Medici(b.1519)
    3)Carlos de Trastámara(b.1524)
    4)Stillborn son(1526)
    5)Stillborn son(1528)
    Infanta Urraca, Duchess of Alba(b.1508)m. Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba(b.1507) has issue
    1)Fadrique Álvarez de Toledo(b.1526)
    House of Aviz
    Manuel I of Portugal(b.1469, r. from 1495, d.1521) m.Isabella of Aragon, Queen of Portugal(b.1470) has issue
    2)Miguel I of Portugal(b.1498) m. Catherine Tudor, Princess of England(b.1501) has issue
    3)Infante Afonso(b.1500) m. Helena de Lencastre (b.1503) has issue
    4)Infanta Isabella(b.1502, d.1502)
    5)Infanta Beatrice Duchess of Braganza(b.1505)m. Teodesio, Duke of Braganza(b.1510), has issue
    6)Infante Ferdinand, Duke of Guarda(b.1507) m. Guiomar Coutinho(b.1509) has issue
    7)Infante Antonio(b.1509, d.1509)
    8)Miscarried daughter(1511)
    Miguel I of Portugal,(b.1498) m.Catherine of England, Queen of Portugal(b.1501) has issue
    1)Eleanor, Princess of Portugal(b.1519) eng.Juan Prince of Asturias(b.1519)
    3)Infanta Isabella(b.1523)
    4)Infanta Maria(b.1524, d.1524)
    5)Manuel, Prince of Portugal(b.1527)
    House von Habsburg
    Phillip I, Holy Roman Emperor,(b.1478, r. from 1482 in Burgundy, and from 1521 in The Holy Roman Empire ) m.Juana of Aragon, Holy Roman Empress(b.1479) has issue
    1)Eleanor of Austria, Queen of Poland(b.1498) m. Sigismund I of Poland(b.1467) has issue
    2)Charles of Austria(b.1500) m.Princess Anne of Bohemia and Hungary(b.1503)has issue
    3)Isabella of Austria(b.1501)m. King Christian II of Denmark(b.1481) has issue
    4)Ferdinand of Austria, Duke of Istria(b.1503) m.Bianca Sforza(b.1504, d.1521) m.Princess Marie of France(b.1505) has living issue by the latter
    5)Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary(b.1505) m. King Louis II of Hungary(b.1506) has issue
    6)Catherine of Austria(b.1507) m. Ercole D’este(b.1510) has issue
    7)Frederick of Austria(b.1509) m. Barbara Fugger (b.1510) has issue
    1)Leopold of Austria(b.1527)
    8)Antoine of Austria(b.1512)
    Charles of Austria(b.1500) m.Princess Anne of Bohemia and Hungary(b.1503), has issue, also has bastard issue
    1a)Elizabeth of Austria(b.1520) eng. Francis, Dauphin of France(b.1518)
    2a)Phillip of Austria(b.1522)
    3a)Anna of Austria(b.1523, d.1524)
    4a)Maximillian of Austria(b.1526)
    5a)Joanna of Austria(b.1528)
    1b)Margaret of Parma(b.1522)
    Ferdinand of Austria, Archduke of Inner Austria(b.1503) m.Bianca Sforza(b.1504, d.1521) m.Princess Marie of France(b.1505) has living issue by the latter
    1a)Stillborn Daughter(1521)
    1b)John of Austria(b.1523, d.1523)
    2b)Ferdinand of Austria(b.1525)
    3b)Eleanor of Austria(b.1526, d.1526)
    4b)Margaret of Austria(b.1528)
    Frederick of Austria, Archduke of Tyrol(, b.1509) m. Barbara Fugger (b.1510) has issue
    1) Margaret of Austria (b.1527)
    House of Savoy
    Phillibert II, Duke of Savoy(b.1480, r. from 1497) m.Maria of Aragon, Duchess of Savoy(b.1482), has mistress Teresa de Bivero, has issue by both
    1a)Phillip of Savoy(b.1499) m.Susanna of Bavaria, (b.1502) has issue
    2a)Margaret of Savoy(b.1501) m. William IV, Duke of Bavaria(b.1493) has issue
    3a)Louis of Savoy(b.1503) m.Leonora Sforza
    4a)Ferdinand of Savoy(b.1504, d.1504)
    5a)Louise of Savoy, Duchess of Florence(b.1506) m.Duke Alessandro I of Florence(b.1510), has issue
    6a)Charles of Savoy(b.1508)
    7a)John of Savoy(b.1510)
    8a)Amadeus of Savoy(b.1511) eng.Giovanna Francesca Borgia(b.1512)
    9a)William of Savoy(b.1513)
    10a)Emmanuel of Savoy(b.1515)
    1b)Agnes of Savoy(b.1511)
    2b)Nicolas of Savoy(b.1516)
    Phillip of Savoy(b.1499), m.Susanna of Bavaria(b.1502) has issue
    1)Phillibert of Savoy(b.1518)
    2)Ferdinand of Savoy(b.1520)
    3)Albert of Savoy(b.1522, d.1522)
    4)Maria of Savoy(b.1524) eng.Prince Charles of France, Duke of Orleans(b.1522)
    5)Matilda of Savoy(b.1527)
    House of Tudor
    King Henry VII of England(b.1458 r. from 1485, d. 1509) m.Elizabeth of York Queen of England(b.1466, d.1511) had issue
    1)Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales (b.1486, d. 1501) eng. Catherine of Aragon, died without issue
    2)Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots(b.1489) m.James IV Stuart, King of Scots(b.1473) had issue, 2nd marriage to John Stuart, Duke of Albany(b.1481) has issue
    3)King Henry VIII of England(b.1491) m. Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England(b.1485)
    4)Mary Tudor, Princess of England, Queen of Spain(b.1496) m. King Ferdinand VI of Spain(b.1499)
    5)Edward Tudor, Duke of Somerset(b.1499, d.1499)
    6)Edmund Tudor, Duke of Somerset(b.1500) m. Katherine Stafford, Duchess of Somerset (b.1499), has issue
    7)Princess Catherine of England, Queen of Portugal(b.1501), m. King Miguel I of Portugal has issue
    King Henry VIII of England(b.1491, r.from 1509) m.Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England(b.1485), has issue
    1)Stillborn daughter(1506)
    2)Stillborn daughter(1507)
    3)Arthur, Prince of Wales(b.1509) eng.Anne of Cleves(b.1515)
    4)Princess Mary of England(b.1510)eng.Francis I, Duke of Lorraine(b.1517)
    5)Prince Henry, Duke of York(b.1512) eng.Amalia of Cleves(b.1517)
    6)Prince Edward of England, Duke of Richmond (b.1514)eng.Mary Howard(b.1519)
    7)Princess Elizabeth of England(b.1515)eng. Phillibert of Savoy(b.1518)
    8)Princess Edith of England(b.1519) )eng.Prince John of Denmark(b.1518)
    10)Prince Thomas of England(b.1523)
    Edmund Tudor, Duke of Somerset(b.1500) m. Lady Katherine Stafford(b.1499), has issue
    1)Elizabeth Tudor(b.1516, d.1516)
    2)Stillborn daughter(1519)
    3)Jasper Tudor(b.1521)
    4)Edward Tudor(b.1525)
    5)Henry Tudor(b.1527, d.1527)

    House of Borgia
    Giovanni Borgia, Duke of Gandia(b.1474, d.1497, r. from 1488) m. Maria Enriquez de Luna(b.1474, d.1539) had issue
    1)Juan Borgia y Enriquez, Duke of Gandia (b.1494)
    2)Francisca de Jesus Borgia(b.1494)
    3.Isabel de Borgia y Enriquez(b.1497)
    Cesare Borgia, Gonfalnier of The Papal Armies and Duke of Romagna(b.1475, d.1508) m. Princess Charlotte of Naples(b.1480) had issue
    1)Anna Borgia(b.1499)
    2)Rodrigo Borgia(b.1501, d.1502)
    3)Pedro Luis Borgia(b.1502)
    4)Cesare Borgia(b.1504 d.1504)
    5)Lucrezia Borgia(b.1507)
    Gioffre Borgia, Duke of Alveito m.Sancha of Aragon(b.1478, d.1505 died without issue), 2nd m. Giovanna, of Naples(b.1479) has issue
    1)Francesco Borgia(b.1507)
    2)Francesca Borgia(b.1509, d.1509)
    3)Giovanna Francesca Borgia(b.1512)eng.Amadeus of Savoy(b.1511)
    4)Ferdinand Borgia(b.1515)
    5)Alfonso Borgia(b.1516, d.1517)
    7)Sibilia Borgia(b.1522)
    House of Aragon
    Lucrezia Borgia Duchess of Montalnto(b.1480), m.Alfonso of Aragon(b. 1481 d.1508), m. Ferdinand of Aragon, Duke of Montalto(b.1482) has issue by both
    1a)Rodrigo of Aragon(b.1499)
    2a)Stillborn daughter(1501)
    3a)Sancho of Aragon(b.1504)
    5a)Alfonso of Aragon(b.1509)
    1b)Giovanna of Aragon(b.1512)
    2b)Anna of Aragon(b.1514, d.1514)
    3b)Inés of Aragon(b.1517)
    House of Sforza(Dukes of Milan)
    Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan(b. 1452, r. from 1494) m.Beatrice D’este, Duchess of Milan(b.1475), took Lucrezia Crivelli as a Mistress has issue by both
    1a)Massimiliano Sforza(b.1493), m. to Infanta Isabella of Aragon(b.1498)
    2a)Francesco Sforza(b.1495)
    3a)Stillborn Son(1497)
    4a)Leonora Sforza(b.1500) m. Louis of Savoy(b.1503)
    6a)Bianca Sforza(b.1504, d.1521) m.Ferdinand of Austria, Duke of Istria(b.1503) no living issue
    7a)Ricciarda Sforza(b.1507,)
    8a)Niccolo Sforza(b.1509)
    1b)Giovanni Paolo Sforza(b.1497
    2b)Francesca Sforza(1503)
    Massimiliano Sforza Duke of Milan(b.1493) m.Isabella of Aragon, Duchess of Milan(b.1498) has issue
    1)Ludovico Sforza(b.1513), eng.Princess Renee of France(b.1510)
    3)Francesco Sforza(b.1516)
    4)Bianca Maria Sforza(b.1517) eng.Crown Prince Sigismund of Poland(b.1519)
    5)Alessandra Sforza(b.1519)
    6)Stillborn daughter(1521)
    7)Caterina Sforza(b.1522)
    8)Agnese Sforza(b.1524, d.1524)
    9)Giovanni Sforza(b.1526, d.1526)

    House of Valois
    Louis XII of France(b.1462) m.Anne of Brittany, Queen of France(b.1477, d.1514) had issue
    1a)Claude of France, Duchess of Brittany(b.1499) m. Francis I of France(b.1494)
    4a)Princess Marie of France m.Ferdiand of Austria, Duke of Istria(b.1505) has issue
    5a)Stillborn son(1508)
    6a)Princess Renee of France(b.1510) eng.Ludovico Sforza
    7a)Stillborn son(1512)
    King Francis I of France(b.1494, r from 1515) m.Claude of France, Queen of France(b.1499, d.1522) had issue, m. Blanca of Aragon, Queen of France(b.1512)
    1a)Princess Louise of France(b.1516, d.1517)
    2a)Princess Charlotte of France(b.1516, d.1524)
    3a)Francis, Dauphin of France(b.1518), eng.Elizabeth of Austria(b.1520)
    4a)Prince Henri, Duke of Anjou(b.1519)
    5a)Princess Madeline of France(b.1520)
    6a)Prince Charles, Duke of Orleans(b.1521) eng.Maria of Savoy
    7a)Marguerite of France(b.1522) eng.Frederick, Duke of Calabria(b.1523)

    House of Stuart
    King James IV of Scotland(b.1473, d.1516) m. Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots(b.1489), had issue
    1)Stillborn daughter(1509)
    2) Arthur Stewart, Duke of Rothesay(b.1512-d.1512)
    3)James V of Scotland(b.1515) eng.Princess Madeline of France(b.1520)
    4)Prince Alexander, Duke of Ross(b.1516)
    John Stuart, Duke of Albany(b.1481) m. Margaret Tudor(b.1489), Queen mother of Scotland and Duchess of Albany, has issue
    1)Robert Stuart(b.1518)
    2)David Stuart(b.1520, d.1520)
    3)Annabella Stuart(b.1522)

    House d’Este
    Alfonso I d’Este, Duke of Ferrara(b.1476) m.Anna Sforza(b.1476. d.1497, no living issue) 2nd m.Bona Sforza, Duchess of Ferrara(b.1494) has issue
    1)Ercole d’Este(b.1511) m. Catherine of Austria(b.1507) has issue
    2)Eleanora d’Este(b.1515)
    3)Isabella d’Este(b.1518)
    4)Stillborn daughter(1520)
    5)Ippolito d’Este(b.1523, d.1523)
    6)Miscarriage (1525)
    7)Ippolita d’Este(b.1527)

    Ercole d’Este(b.1511) m. Catherine of Austria(b.1507) has issue
    1)Alfonso d’Este(b.1528)

    House De Medici
    Duke Alessandro I of Florence(b.1510, r.from 1526) m.Louise of Savoy, Duchess of Florence(b.1506) has issue
    1)Lorenzo de Medici(b.1527)
    2)Piero de Medici(b.1528, d.1528)

    Neapolitan House of Trastámara
    King Ferdinand III of Naples(b.1488, r.from 1507) m.Maria of Aragon, Queen of Naples(b.1503), has issue
    1)Princess Isabella of Naples(b.1520)
    2)Miscarriage (1521)
    3)Frederick, Duke of Calabria(b.1523) eng.Princess Margurite of France(b.1522)
    4)Prince Pedro of Naples(b.1524, d.1524)
    5)Prince Alfonso of Naples(b.1527)
    Bastard issue by Flora Strozzi(b.1499)
    1b)Leonora of Aragon(b.1524)
    2b)Carlos of Aragon(b.1528)
    House of Wittelsbach
    Duke William IV of Bavaria(b.1493) m.Margaret of Savoy, Duchess of Bavaria(b.1501), has issue
    2)Theodor of Bavaria(b.1520)
    3)Albert of Bavaria(b.1523)
    4)Kunigunde of Bavaria(b.1525, d.1525)
    5)William of Bavaria(b.1528)

    House of Oldenburg
    King Christian II of Denmark(b.1481) m.Isabella of Austria, Queen of Denmark(b.1501), has issue
    1)Prince John of Denmark(b.1518) eng.Princess Edith of England(b.1519)
    2)Prince Phillip Ferdinand of Denmark(b.1519, d.1520)
    3)Prince Maximillian(b.1519, d.1519)
    4)Princess Dorothea of Denmark(b.1520)
    5)Princess Christina of Denmark(b.1522)
    6)Stillborn son(1523)
    7)Prince Phillip of Denmark(b.1527)
    House Jagellion(Poland)
    King Sigismund I “The Old” of Poland(b.1467) m.Barbara Zapoyla, Queen of Poland(b.1495, d.1515) had issue. 2nd marriage to Eleanor of Austria(b.1498), Queen of Poland, has issue
    1a)Princess Hedwig of Poland, Queen of Sweden(b.1513) m. King Gustav I of Sweden(b.1496)
    2a)Princess Anna of Poland(b.1515, d.1520)
    1b)Sigismund, Crown Prince of Poland(b.1519), eng.Bianca Maria Sforza(b.1517)
    3b)Princess Isabella of Poland(b.1524)
    4b)Princess Sophia of Poland(b.1526)
    5b)Prince Wojech of Poland(b.1527, d.1527)

    House Jagellion (Hungary)
    King Louis II of Hungary(b.1506, r.from 1516) m.Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary(b.1505) has issue
    1)Stillborn son(b.1523)
    2)Princess Catherine of Hungary(b.1526)
    3)Prince Vladislaus of Hungary(b.1528)
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  • As January began, the King and Queen of England, reeling from the loss of Mary Tudor, Queen of Spain, the previous year, received some consolation through the growth of their children, for Sir Thomas More (1478-1544) , the Lord Chancellor of England, had also taken a role in educating the many princes and princesses of England. The Lord Chancellor took a keen interest in three of them in particular: Arthur, Prince of Wales, Princess Mary Tudor, and Prince Thomas of England. While the former two had already grown into adulthood, they are mentioned in comparisons to their youngest sibling in which More wrote,”His highness, Prince Thomas excels in his theological studies, even more so than the Prince of Wales, and only the Princess Mary surpasses him, by account of her age and diligence. He certainly does have the makings of a fine clergyman or scholar.”
    The Prince of Wales for his part, was generally viewed as a well rounded young man, and while he was not as frail as his paternal uncle and namesake, he has been described as merely a decent warrior and knight. Instead, Arthur dedicated himself to the art of diplomacy, as well as careful attention to detail, which would allow him to hone his skills as a manager of finances. chroniclers have described him in the following account,”The Prince of Wales, is lean and tall in build, barely shorter than his father, while he is fair in skin and hair, like their majesties. His eyes are blue much like his parents, and much to the Prince’s irritation many ladies swoon over him. Arthur shows little interest in women other than his betrothed, Anne of Cleves, and is slavishly devoted to his duties, eager to please both of his august parents.” In Somerset, on January 25th, Prince Edmund, Duke of Somerset, and his wife Katherine Stafford, Duchess of Somerset had another child, a girl named Eleanor, after one of Katherine’s great aunts from the Woodville family.
    In Savoy, the birth of a sixth child to Phillip of Savoy and Susanna of Bavaria, ended in disappointment, for on January 27th, just an hour after her birth, the child, a sickly girl named Isabella died, much to the consternation of her family.
    In France, on September 19th, Blanca of Aragon, Queen of France brought her eldest child with King Francis I of France into the world, a son named Jean, after the Queen’s late father. This birth further secured the French succession, and while King Francis I was hardly in love with his young wife, he was pleased with the speed in which she bore him a son.
    Meanwhile, in Spain, the widowed King Ferdinand VI of Spain, overcome with loneliness took a long term mistress, a Portuguese woman, Micaela de Castro(b.1510). The circumstances through which the lady and her family moved to Spain were rather troubling ones, for, after the death of her father, Álvaro de Castro "the Old", five years prior, her older brother Rodrigo de Castro(b.1504) squandered much of his inheritance on extravagant banquets, which made finding good matches for Micaela and her younger sister Leonor(b.1512), all but impossible in Portugal. As a result of this, Micaela, her mother, Isabel de Melo Barreto e Menezes, and Leonor found themselves serving as ladies in waiting to the Queen Mother of Spain, Margaret of Austria, while their brother had also fled to Spain to avoid his debtors. Soon enough, Micaela de Castro would glow in her position of mistress to the King and would go on to reveal that she was pregnant with the king’s child. In Portugal meanwhile, on March 2nd, Catherine of England, Queen of Portugal went into labor for the fifth time, and gave birth to a daughter named Teresa, after Teresa Lourenço, the mother of King João I.
    In Milan, on August 14th, Duke Massimilano I of Milan and his wife, Isabella of Aragon, Duchess of Milan had their final child, a boy named Martino. Several weeks later they would welcome the arrival of their daughter-in-law, Renee of France, who soon wed their eldest son Ludovico Sforza.
    In November, at the Alcázar of Seville, Micaela de Castro, mistress of King Ferdinand VI of Spain gave birth to her bastard child by him on November 5th. Fortunately, the labor did not prove to be too difficult, and Micaela gave birth to a healthy baby boy, named Ferdinand, who would be known as Ferdinand Fernandez, as an indication of his royal patronage, as the boy was acknowledged by his father as his bastard son.
    Unfortunately, a member of the House of Trastámara was to suffer great misfortune this year, as the Infante Jaime, Duke of Urgell would become a widower. The tragic event occurred on December 7th, when Maria Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, Duchess of Urgell gave birth to her sixth and final child, a son named Francesco and suffered a hemorrhage from the difficult delivery, dying that night. The death left Infante Jaime, heartbroken, for while his marriage was one to appease the Castillian nobility, it had turned into a very loving one. To make matters worse, the son that the Duchess died giving birth to would die just one day later. The King of Spain, for his part, while feeling great sympathy for his younger brother’s loss, was preoccupied with the matter of remarriage. Ferdinand VI, while reluctant to do so, for the love he bore for his late wife, the cheerful and vibrant Mary of England, knew that another marriage could be useful to further shore up the succession, should some tragedy befall his sons, Juan, Prince of Asturias and the Infante Alfonso. Ultimately, he had agreed to marry Philiberta of Savoy(b.1498), Dowager Duchess of Florence the half-sister of his uncle by marriage Philibert II of Savoy. The marriage was slated to take place in February, by which time she and her daughter, Maddelena de Medici(b.1519, betrothed to Ferdinand’s nephew, Garcia de Trastámara) were to arrive in Spain.

    Micaela de Castro
    Bacchiacca - Woman with a Cat.jpg

    Ludovico Sforza
    Bartolomeo Veneto - Lodovico Martinengo - Google Art Project.jpg

    Princess Renee of France
  • As the year began, Norwegian Prime Minister Benkestok received joyous news, for, on the first relection for Prime Minister on December 12th of the previous year, he was reelected all but unanimously, for no other person wanted to run against the founder of the Republic. This happiness was doubled by the fact that his wife, the thirty-year-old First lady Cecilia Henriksdotter successfully gave birth to a living son, named Knut on January 19th. In Spain meanwhile, in late February, King Ferdinand VI of Spain met and wed his second wife, Philiberta of Savoy at the Alcázar of Seville. Happily enough for bride and groom, there were also several of their relations as the most prominent guests in attendance, including Duke Philibert II of Savoy, Maria of Aragon, Duchess of Savoy, Duke Massimiliano I of Milan, Isabella of Aragon, Duchess of Milan, Isabella of Aragon, Queen Mother of Portugal, King Miguel I of Portugal and Catherine of England, Queen of Portugal. Husband and wife seemed to be friendly enough with one another, though the King quietly remarked to his onetime sister-in-law that his dearly departed Mary of England was much more cheerful and vibrant than his second wife. Philiberta of Savoy for her part was pleased by the prospect of being Queen of Spain and found her slightly younger husband to be rather attractive. One of her ladies wrote in her diary,”Her majesty is tall in stature, heavyset, and is somewhat comely as she is fair in both skin and hair. She takes great pride in her new role as Queen, and fawns over her daughter Maddalena, whom she already calls La piccola duchessa(The Little Duchess), though some, including myself, think her uncouth to do so so soon after the death of the mother of her daughter’s betrothed.”
    At Liege, in the Holy Roman Empire, on April 21st, Charles of Austria, King of the Romans, and his wife Anne of Bohemia and Hungary had their sixth child, a girl named Catherine in honor of Charles’s youngest sister, as well his maternal aunt, the Queen of England and Anne’s maternal grandmother, the late Countess of Foix.
    Meanwhile, in Ferrara, on April 29th, Ercole d’Este and his wife Catherine of Austria had their second child, another boy, who they named Ippolito after Ercole’s late younger brother. Much to the sadness of the family, the baby boy would die just two days later on May 2nd, as a result of being born a month early.
    In Poland, on May 17th, King Sigismund I of Poland and Eleanor of Austria, Queen of Poland had what would be their final child, a boy named Casimir. Shortly after this joyous occasion it was decided that Princess Isabella of Poland(b.1524), the eldest of King Sigismund’s daughters by his second marriage was to be betrothed to Phillip of Pomerania(b.1515), the only son of Duke George I of Pomerania. This marriage also had a practical purpose, to serve as a counterbalance to the wealthy Duchy of Brandenburg, and to show Sigismund’s Austrian in-laws that he was not their puppet(though ironically enough the marriage would later serve to mend fences between the Catholic Habsburgs and the Lutheran Phillip I of Pomernia)
    In Milan, on May 24th, Ludovico Sforza, the heir to the Duchy, and his wife, Renee of France brought their first child into the world, a daughter named Isabella. Despite some disappointment regarding the child’s sex, the Ducal family was grateful that both mother and child survived the difficult labour, and that the Princess proved herself capable of carrying a child to term.
    At Buda, in Hungary, King Louis II of Hungary and Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary would welcome the arrival of their fourth child, a boy named Alexander on June 7th, whom it was hoped would prove to be an excellent general like his namesake, the legendary Alexander The Great.
    In the Duchy of Florence, on June 19th, Duke Alessandro I of Florence and Louise of Savoy, Duchess of Florence welcomed the arrival of their third child and eldest daughter, who they named Alfonsina, after Alessandro’s late grandmother, the somewhat unpopular Alfonsina Orsini, and they hoped that the girl could one day make an advantageous marriage. On the topic of marriage, the Ducal couple also received a letter from King Ferdinand VI of Spain, proposing a marriage between their eldest child, Lorenzo de Medici(b.1527), and his eldest surviving daughter, Juana of Aragon(b.1521), to which they gratefully agreed.
    Further south in Naples, on June 26th, King Ferdinand III of Naples and Maria of Aragon, Queen of Naples had their fifth child that would come to term, a son named Giovanni after the Queen’s late father.
    In the Holy Roman Empire, immense tragedy would strike, for on September 25th, at Aachen, the Holy Roman Emperor Phillip I died of his illness(diabetes) in the prescence of his wife and children, the former of whom was especially heartbroken. Further tragedy would take place just two weeks later, when, Frederick of Austria and his heavily pregnant wife, Barbara Fugger were traveling by barge on the Meuse. While the journey was initially pleasant, heavy gusts of wind blew the barge of course, and it slammed in to several large rocks, and its occupants were thrown from the vessel. As soon as he was hit the water, the first thought Frederick of Austria had was saving his wife, and with some difficulty, he managed to do so. After dragging his wife to land, Frederick, in spite of his wife’s protests to stay with her, swam back into the river to attempt to save the servants that accompanied them. Unfortunately, this would be one of Fredrick’s last acts, for in the confusion, he had tried to save several servants, a difficult task, even for a skilled swimmer. As a result, the heroic and selfless Frederick of Austria slipped below the Meuse and drowned on that tragic day of October 10th. The Dowager Empress, Juana of Aragon, was said to have broken down when she received the news of her beloved son’s death, who had been the favourite of her youngest three children, and remarked in tears to her overly pious eldest son that,”There is no point in proving piety to a cruel god.”
    At Copenhagen, Denmark, on November 14th, Isabella of Austria, Queen of Denmark had her final child with King Christian II of Denmark, though sadly, the child would turn out to be a stillborn daughter.
    At Stockholm, Sweden, on December 13th, King Gustav I of Sweden and his Queen, Hedwig of Poland provided Sweden with a heir, with the birth of a son named Eric, named after the King’s father, one of the last remarkable events of the year.

    Philiberta of Savoy, Queen of Spain, with her two stepsons( Juan, Prince of Asturias is the boy to her left, while the Infante Alfonso stands behind her, )and her daughter's betrothed Garcia de Trastámara(who stands in front of her)
    Parmigianino, ritratto di camilla gonzaga coi figli.jpg

    King Gustav I of Sweden
    Gustav I of Sweden - Wikipedia

    Hedwig of Poland, Queen of Sweden
    Cranach the Younger Anna Jagiellon.jpg
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  • As winter continued throughout Europe, on January 14th, King Miguel I of Portugal, and Catherine of England, Queen of Portugal had their sixth child, and second son, the Infante Duarte, named for his late uncle Edward, Duke of Somerset, who had died in infancy. Some noted that it seemed as if the boy would live longer than his namesake, for although he was born a few weeks early, and was somewhat sickly, he appeared to be in good health. It was also during this time that King Miguel tightened his control over the Portuguese colonies in Brazil, decreeing that there were to be no less than twenty captaincies, an effort to ensure that no one administrator garnered too much power. He also ensured they would have to consult the Governor-General of Brazil before taking any military actions, and that slavery amongst the Brazilian natives was to be limited to individuals who actively fought in battle and were captured. Instead of slavery, the chief way of garnering labor from índios was a semi feudalistic system known as tributo locação which roughly translates to tribute tenancy. Under this system, the natives of the province would be alotted land to hold as their own, while in exchange for this they were to either provide a portion of their harvest, or other goods(as a form of rent), or they were to work for the equivalent value of their rent. Included in this system were specific protections to be alloted to the Native peoples living under it, for instance, when King Miguel issued the Porto Decree which decreed that: 1:An Índio could not be forced to provide sexual services to their landlords or other Portuguese, the penalty for the rape of an Índio is ten lashes, a substantial fine and the revocation of lands.. 2: An Índio cannot be subjected to corporal punishment without a trial, if this occurs without one the penalty is a large fine, whereas an execution wihout trial of an innocent Índio is punished with the execution of the landlord, or any other that arranged the killing. Tragically, however, the Portuguese capital city of Lisbon would suffer much death and destruction as a result of an earthquake, though fortunately, all members of the royal family were spending the winter elsewhere.
    In Spain, on February 17th at the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos in Córdoba, King Ferdinand VI of Spain, and Philiberta of Savoy, Queen of Spain welcomed the arrival of their first child with one another, which turned out to be a son, The Infante Felipe, named after The King of Spain’s late maternal uncle. Also, a few weeks after this the King of Spain arranged a betrothal for his youngest child by his late first wife, the Infanta Isabella. He reached out to his cousin, Charles V Holy Roman Emperor and suggested that the girl would be betrothed to Charles’s eldest son, Phillip of Austria, and the betrothal was soon finalized.
    To the Northeast, in Savoy, on March 7th, Phillip of Savoy and Susanna of Bavaria had a seventh child, a boy named Phillip. Unfortunately, the baby would die weeks later, on March 29th, to the immense grief of his parents.
    In the Holy Roman Empire, on March 16th at Liege, the grieving Barbara Fugger gave birth to the posthumous child of her beloved Frederick of Austria, who she named Leopold, as it was a common name amongst the Habsburg family.
    In England, on July 24th, Anne of Cleves became Princess of Wales when she married Arthur, Prince of Wales, in a fabulous ceremony befitting the station of both husband and wife. In spite of the age gap between them, the two seemed to get along very well with one another, though Anne’s father-in-law King Henry VIII was not impressed by her lack of sophistication. It was said that upon his father quietly complaining to him about this, Arthur, Prince of Wales responded by saying,”Then it is well that she is to be wed to me, not you father.” Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England, for her part thought her an ideal daughter-in-law, for Anne was meek, intelligent, eager to please and admired Catherine. Another arrival from Cleves was Amalia of Cleves, who attended her sister’s wedding, and met her betrothed, Prince Henry, Duke of York for the first time. She was of course, too young to be wed to her betrothed, but this would give her time to acclimate to her new homeland. Later, on August 22nd, Prince Edmund, Duke of Somerset, and his wife Katherine Stafford, Duchess of Somerset had their final child, a daughter named Margaret after the Duke’s eldest sister, the Dowager Queen of Scotland.
    In France, on August 1st, King Francis I of France and Blanca of Aragon, Queen of France had their second child, a son named Louis, after King Francis’s father-in-law by his late first wife. Unfortunately, the child was born three months early, and as a result, the boy would die just hours after his birth, causing a “deluge of grief” for the Queen.
    In early September, in Barcelona, the Infante Jaime, Duke of Urgell remarried, to a woman who had recently befriended, Leonor de Castro. King Ferdinand VI was also in attendance, though he was slightly displeased, as his youngest brother had informed him that he was going to marry Leonor, rather than asking for his king’s permission. Still, the marriage of the king’s youngest brother to the sister of the mother of his only bastard child attracted great fanfare, and the king was willing to begrudge this given that his brother seemed to be recovering from the depression that he had been suffering since the death of his beloved first wife, Maria Álvarez de Toledo.
    In Savoy, on October 19th, tragedy struck, as Emmanuel of Savoy, the youngest son of Duke Philibert II, and Maria of Aragon, Duchess of Savoy, was stricken with Tuberculosis(the same disease that king killed his uncle King Juan III of Spain), and much to the great sadness of his family, Emmanuel would die of his affliction.
    One last notable event to occur of the year, on December 15th, was the tragic death of the one-year-old Prince Alexander of Hungary, whose death devastated both of his parents. Another consequence of this is that the succession in Hungary was viewed as less secure, as at the moment, King Louis II and Mary of Austria had only one living son. As a result of this, the King of Hungary arranged for the betrothal of his eldest child, Princess Catherine to her cousin, Maximillian of Austria, the second son of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, so as to ensure that at the very least Hungary could count on the protection of the Holy Roman Empire.

    Anne of Cleves, Princess of Wales
    Anne of Cleves - Wikipedia

    Arthur, Prince of Wales
    Lyon Antoine de Bourbon (detail).jpg

    Leonor de Castro, Duchess of Urgell
    Bacchiacca - Portrait of a Woman with a Book of Music.jpg
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  • With the start of the new year, a Spanish expedition number some two hundred Spaniards, and three thousand Native allies, descended into Peru, to explore (and conquer) those rich lands. In April, at Quito (1), they soon encountered the remains of the army(Numbering about 40,000 men) of the Sapa Inca, Huáscar, who, with the help of an interpreter explained to the expedition’s leader, Francisco Pizzaro, that he and his half-brother Atahualpa were fighting a civil war over control of the lands of the Inca, and that he would appreciate assistance from the Spanish and their allies. Francisco Pizzaro saw great opportunity in this, for he could establish a puppet ruler in the region, and reap the rewards for assisting him, so he made a shrewd offer to Huáscar: He and his men would fight on his behalf and help seize control of the Inca lands, but in exchange for this Huáscar and the Inca nobles would have to convert to Catholicism, outlaw human sacrifice, allow the settlement of Spaniards in their lands(Of which Pizzaro would lead, founding half a dozen cities), and become vassals of the Spanish Empire, with Huáscar being granted the unique dignity of “Grand Prince of the Inca”(Though he would continue to be known as the Sapa Inca in Peru, with the spiritual element of the title eliminated). While Huáscar found Christianity to be a rather strange and alien religion, he bore no love towards the Inca priesthood, and knew that accepting this offer would probably be the best way to at least rule over the Inca in some capacity, and so he agreed to the Spanish terms, and prepared to march against the forces of his half-brother. It was also during this time that he announced his intention (which he would succeed in) to divorce his sister-wife Coya Chuqui Huipa, and marry again(he would ultimately marry Francisco Pizzaro’s paternal half-sister, Ines Pizarro b.1512) (2) Soon enough, on May 27th, the two forces(Two hundred Spaniards with 30,000 native allies, against 25,000 Inca) met on the field of battle outside of the city of Cajamarca, in a battle to decide the fate of Peru. The disparity between the two sides was soon made abundantly clear, for the Spanish firearms, horses, and steel smashed the Inca flanks while their native allies held the line in the center. Another factor in this victory was European diseases, for a good portion of the Inca force was already ailing from smallpox(though this disease also caused 8,000 of Huáscar’s troops to lose their lives. By the evening, when Atahualpa was captured, and then summarily beheaded by Huáscar’s orders, 18,000 Inca lay dead, whereas the Spanish and their allies suffered only light casualties (about 1,000 of their allies and four Spaniards were killed). This would ultimately culminate in Huáscar becoming the ruler of the entire Inca patrimony(Though there would be on and off resistance to his rule, many who opposed him would meet their end at the tip of Spanish steel) and soon enough the Spanish king would receive Galleons filled to the brim with gold, courtesy of his new vassal.
    In the other portion of the Spanish New World, Hernando de Soto the first Governor of Florida soon solidified control over the entire landmass, for with the help of the tribes allied to him(the Tequesta and Calusa) he managed to subjugate the opposing tribes in the region.
    Meanwhile, near New Angouleme, the French started to colonize up the river Cartier (3) where they found that the lush lands facilitated the growth of newly discovered Tobacco, where several sprawling plantations would go on to be established. This, however, would spell disaster for the local indigenous tribe, the Lenape, for they, already finding themselves devastated by European diseases, were now living on land that the French colonists eyed with envy. The result was rather predictable, the remaining Lenape were issued an ultimatum, to vacate those lands or face death. The Lenape, for their part, choose both, for while half of the tribe(mostly women and children) fled north, the fighting men of the tribe launched a courageous last stand against the French militia, north of New Angouleme. The opposing sides of the battle were fifty Lenape, and forty French militiamen. Soon enough, when the two sides met in battle, the butchery began, and though the Lenape fought fiercely, they were killed almost to the last man (4) losing a total of forty men killed, while twelve French militiamen were killed during the skirmish. As a result of this, the French would successfully continue their northward expansion, which would go on to pay dividends to the French crown.
    Further north, the English would continue their colonization of the lands surrounding the St. George river, and would go on to make a generous offer to the local tribes: Any native that converted to Catholicism could join the local militia, and would be eligible to hold high office. This act would more or less grant the converts full English citizenship, in an effort to encourage conversion in the region.
    Back in Europe, in Portugal, devastating news would spread throughout the realm, as on February 7th, the Infante Duarte, second son of the King and Queen of Portugal died, less than a month after his first birthday.
    In Milan, on April 11th, Ludovico Sforza and his wife Princess Renee of France, had their second child together, a daughter named Beatrice after Ludovico’s paternal grandmother, the still-beautiful patron of the arts, Beatrice d'Este.
    To the south, at Florence, Louise of Savoy and Duke Alessandro I of Florence would welcome the arrival of their fourth child, a daughter named Maria, after her maternal grandmother. Shortly afterwards, Duke Alessandro, would go on to take his newest mistress, in the form of his wife’s illegitimate half-sister Agnes of Savoy. When the Duchess of Savoy discovered the affair, she simply did nothing, for she was close to her half-sister, and preferred her husband to sleep with women that she had a good relationship with, for they wouldn’t be much of a threat(5).
    In Naples meanwhile, on June 2nd Maria of Aragon, Queen of Naples, and King Ferdinand III of Naples would have their sixth child, though disappointingly enough the girl was stillborn.
    Far to the north, on July 22nd , in The Holy Roman Empire, Charles V and Anne of Bohemia and Hungary welcomed the arrival of their seventh child, a girl named Eleanor, after the Emperor’s elder sister, Eleanor of Austria, Queen of Poland.
    Meanwhile, in Bavaria, on July 29th, Duke William IV of Bavaria and Margaret of Savoy would have their last child, a girl named Wilhelmina, after both her father and deceased elder brother.
    Further north, in Sweden, on August 13th, King Gustav I of Sweden and Hedwig of Poland would have their second child, a girl named Barbara, in honor of Hedwig’s late mother, a gesture which was said to have deeply touched the young Queen.
    In England meanwhile, on September 15th, King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon would become grandparents for the first time, though not in a manner that they approved of, for their grandchild was an illegitimate one. It would seem that Prince Henry, third of his name to hold the Duchy of York was a rather lustful and impatient young man, for since he was sixteen, he was engaged in a semi-secret affair with the Lady Madge Shelton(b.1508), one of his mother’s ladies-in-waiting. It was said that Catherine of Aragon, though a usually affectionate mother, was absolutely irate at the news of the birth of George Fitzroy, and openly demanded that her second son go on a pilgrimage to do penance for his ,”Brazen sins.”
    Henry VIII, the King of England, for his part could understand what his son did, for he himself had taken mistresses during his wife’s many pregnancies, but was somewhat frustrated at his son’s lack of precautions, for he was also careful not to sire illegitimate children of his own. After hearing his wife’s demand the king was said to have chuckled a little and said,”Just try to do right by the girl of Cleves once you are wed.”
    Just a week later, the royal couple would accompany their eldest daughter, Mary Tudor to Lorraine(where they would also meet with Catherine’s sister, Juana of Aragon, the Dowager Empress of the Holy Roman Empire), where she wed the fifteen-year old Francis of Lorraine(6). Despite the age difference, the couple seemed to be rather enamored with one another, for both were rather charming and attractive, and the two shared a common interest in music.
    Back in England, shortly after the return of the King and Queen they would welcome the arrival of their eldest legitimate grandchild, for, on Christmas day, Anne of Cleves, Princess of Wales went into labor for the first time. Although the labor was somewhat difficult, after four hours the Princess of Wales birthed a healthy child, a girl, named Catherine, after her paternal grandmother.

    (1) The geographic locations of Huáscar and Athalupa are switched here, giving the former the opportunity to access Spanish aid.
    (2) A rarer form of mixed-race marriage between an indigenous man and a European woman, their son Pedro, would go on to marry an Inca noblewoman and inherit his father's lands
    (3) OTL Hudson River
    (4) The Lenape would survive, in some form, and join the Iroquois Confederacy, in opposition to the French
    (5) The expression "Like mother, like daughter" may ring a bell here
    (6) I changed Mary Tudor the younger's marriage, as @BlueFlowwer kindly pointed out she could do better than a Howard, while @Jan Olbracht helpfully gave me the suggestion of Francis of Lorraine

    Francisco Pizarro
    Francisco Pizarro - Wikipedia

    Huáscar, Grand Prince of the Inca

    Ines Pizzaro, Grand Princess of the Inca
    Foschi A woman playing the spinet.jpg

    Prince Henry, Duke of York

    A modern depiction of Lady Madge Shelton
    Lady Margaret Shelton or Pretty Madge - The Anne Boleyn Files

    Francis of Lorraine
    Francis I, Duke of Lorraine - Wikipedia

    Mary Tudor
    NPG 428; Queen Mary I - Portrait - National Portrait Gallery
  • With the beginning of this year, came tragedy in France, as one of King Francis II’s sons became deathly ill. Prince Henri, Duke of Anjou, would be the one to die, for in early February, the thirteen-year-old contracted smallpox(supposedly while exploring a disease-ridden home)(1) which left him bedridden for days. The Duke of Anjou would die of his illness after four days of suffering, on February 10th, leaving his father heartbroken at the death of yet another child. The news would cause the Prince’s stepmother, Blanca of Aragon(who held her stepsons Francis of Brittany and Henri, Duke of Anjou in higher regard than their brother Charles of Orleans), to go into labor a month early, on February 20th. Thankfully, both mother and child would survive the birth, and the safe arrival of her newborn daughter, Princess Joan(2) would soften the blow of her half-brother’s death.
    In England, in the month of April, Prince Henry, Duke of York was wed to his betrothed, the fourteen-year-old Amalia of Cleves, in a fabulous ceremony at the Palace of Placentia, in the hopes that the Duke of York would be less interested in bedding his mistress when he was married. Naturally, such a thing did not occur, yet Amalia of Cleves, the new Duchess of York was willing to tolerate her husband’s infidelities, and impressed her mother-in-law, Catherine of Aragon, with her grace and skill in embroidery. The Duke of York for his part, would continue to prefer his older and more experienced mistress, but was happy to do his duty when it came to siring legitimate heirs if it got his mother to stop complaining about his lechery.
    In the Holy Roman Empire, on May 18th, Emperor Charles V and his wife Anne of Bohemia and Hungary would have what would be their last child: a stillborn son. While the news was a little distressing, the Emperor believed the succession was secure enough, for he had two sons, two living brothers, and several nephews to inherit the Empire should some tragedy befall his own sons. Shortly after this, his youngest brother, Antoine of Austria, Duke of Württemberg, finally married, after a series of on and off betrothals with princesses throughout the Empire. The Duke’s wife was the fifteen-year-old Clara of Saxe-Lauenburg, raised to be a Catholic by her strict mother, to improve her chances of making a good marriage. While it could not be said that the two were passionately in love, Antoine and Clara respected each other, and though Antoine had occasional affairs, he was always careful to keep them discreet.
    To the south, in late Savoy, Phillip of Savoy, and Susanna of Bavaria had their eighth child, a girl, named Anna on May 23rd. Shortly after this, Phillip’s eldest son, Philibert of Savoy, now fifteen, wed his betrothed, the seventeen-year-old, Princess Elizabeth of England, in what would mostly be a marriage of convenience.
    Back in France, on June 4th, Duke Peter III of Bourbon, and his second wife, Eleanor de Foix(3) welcomed the arrival of their eldest child, a girl named Anne, after the elder of his two younger sisters, Anne de Bourbon, Duchess of Longueville, who was married to Louis II d'Orléans, Duke of Longueville. Just three days later, the Duke’s other younger sister, Charlotte de Bourbon, and her husband, Jean de Foix, the son and heir of Gaston de Foix, Duke of Nemours, had their first child, also named Anne, for both the Duchess de Longueville, and Jean’s mother, the Countess D’Auvergne.
    Sad news would come from Bavaria on July 9th, when Duke William IV of Bavaria’s and Margaret of Savoy’s eldest son, Theodor of Bavaria, caught a case of Tuberculosis and died of the illness.
    In Milan meanwhile, on June 19th, Ludovico Sforza and Renee of France, had their third child, and crucially, their only son, Massimiliano Sforza, named for the Duke of Milan.
    In Ferrara, on July 13th, Ercole D’Este and Catherine of Austria had their third child, a son named Carlo, after Catherine’s brother, the Holy Roman Emperor.
    To the east, in Hungary, on October 10th, King Louis II of Hungary and Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary brought their sixth child into the world, a daughter named Joanna, for Mary’s mother Juana of Aragon. Unfortunately, Princess Joanna was not destined to be long for this world and died just a day after her birth.
    In early December, much to the consternation of the young couple, Mary of England would miscarry her first pregnancy by Francis of Lorraine, though to his credit the young man did his best to comfort his wife.

    (1) Here Henri dies to his younger brother's stupidity, and the title of Duc D'anjou will be granted to his half-brother Jean
    (2)Named after Joan of France, Duchess of Berry because I'm running low on names for Valois girls without recycling those of Francis's dead elder daughters
    (3)I'll update the family trees in my next post, I've added the houses of Bourbon and Foix(Eleanor is the eldest daughter of Gaston de Foix and Anne de La Tour d'Auvergne).

    Amalia of Cleves, Duchess of York
    Hans Holbein d. J. - Portrait of Margaret Wyatt, Lady Lee - WGA11574.jpg

    Clara of Saxe-Lauenburg, Duchess of Württemberg
    Joos van Cleve 014.jpg

    Antoine of Austria, Duke of Württemberg
    Jean Clouet, Portrait de Louis de Clèves, comte de Nevers.jpg

    Princess Elizabeth of England

    Philibert of Savoy
    Lucas Cranach d. J., Bildnis eines jungen Mannes (1533) (2).JPG
    1533 Family Trees
  • House of Trastámara
    Juan III of Castile and Aragon(b.1478, r . from 1492 in Aragon, r. from 1514 in Castile, d.1521) m. Margaret of Austria, Queen of Aragon, (b. 1480) had issue
    1) Isabella of Aragon, Duchess of Milan(b.1498) m. Massimiliano Sforza, Duke of Milan(b.1493) has issue
    2) Ferdinand, VI of Spain(b.1499) m. Princess Mary Tudor of England, Queen of Spain (b.1496, d.1528) ,had issue, took Micaela de Castro as a mistress(b.1510), had issue 2nd marriage to Philiberta of Savoy, Queen of Spain(b.1498) has issue,
    3) Infante Juan Carlos, Duke of Cadiz (b.1501) m. Princess Magdalena of Navarre(b.1494) has issue
    4) Infanta Maria, Queen of Naples(b.1503) m. King Ferdinand III of Naples(b.1488) has issue
    5) Infante Alfonso(b.1504, d.1504)
    6) Infante Jaime, Duke of Urgell(b.1506)m. Maria Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, sister of Fernando Álvarez de Toledo (b.1505) has issue 2nd marriage to Leonor de Castro(b.1512), Duchess of Urgell, has issue
    7) Infanta Urraca, Duchess of Alba(b.1508)m. Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba(b.1507) has issue
    8) Infanta Eleanor(Royal Nun)(b.1511)
    9) Infanta Blanca, Queen of France(b.1512) m.King Francis I of France(b.1494) has issue
    Ferdinand VI of Spain(b.1499) m. Mary of England, Queen of Spain(b.1496, d.1528) had issue 2nd marriage to Philiberta of Savoy, has issue
    1a)Infanta Margarita(b.1515, d.1515)
    3a)Juan, Prince of Asturias(b.1518) eng.Infanta Eleanor of Portugal(b.1519)
    4a)Infanta Juana(b.1521), eng.Lorenzo de Medici(b.1527)
    5a)Infante Alfonso(b.1523)
    7a)Infanta Isabella(b.1528)
    1b)Ferdinand Fernandez(b.1529)
    1c)Infante Felipe(b.1531)
    Infante Juan Carlos, Duke of Cadiz (b.1501) m. Princess Magdalena of Navarre, Duchess of Cafiz(b.1494) has issue
    1)Sancho de Trastámara(b.1520) eng.Catherine de Medici(b.1519)
    2)Stillborn daughter(1522)
    3)Pedro de Trastámara(b.1525)
    4)Gabriel de Trastámara(b.1528)

    Infante Jaime, Duke of Urgell(b.1506)m. Maria Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, sister of Fernando Álvarez de Toledo (b.1505, d.1529) has issue, 2nd marriage to Leonor de Castro(
    1a)Margarita de Trastámara, Duchess of Escalona(b.1521)m. Diego López Pacheco, 3rd Duke of Escalona (b.1506)
    2a)Garcia de Trastámara(b.1522) eng.Maddalena de Medici(b.1519)
    3a)Carlos de Trastámara(b.1524)
    4a)Stillborn son(1526)
    5a)Stillborn son(1528)
    6a)Francisco de Trastámara(b.1529, d.1529)
    1b)Álvaro de Trastámara(b.1532)

    Infanta Urraca, Duchess of Alba(b.1508)m. Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba(b.1507) has issue
    1)Fadrique Álvarez de Toledo(b.1526)
    2)García Álvarez de Toledo (b.1528)
    3)Diego Álvarez de Toledo (b.1530)
    4) Beatriz Álvarez de Toledo (b.1533)
    House of Aviz
    Manuel I of Portugal(b.1469, r. from 1495, d.1521) m.Isabella of Aragon, Queen of Portugal(b.1470) has issue
    2)Miguel I of Portugal(b.1498) m. Catherine Tudor, Princess of England(b.1501) has issue
    3)Infante Afonso(b.1500) m. Helena de Lencastre (b.1503) has issue
    4)Infanta Isabella(b.1502, d.1502)
    5)Infanta Beatrice Duchess of Braganza(b.1505)m. Teodesio, Duke of Braganza(b.1510), has issue
    6)Infante Ferdinand, Duke of Guarda(b.1507) m. Guiomar Coutinho(b.1509) has issue
    7)Infante Antonio(b.1509, d.1509)
    8)Miscarried daughter(1511)
    Miguel I of Portugal,(b.1498) m.Catherine of England, Queen of Portugal(b.1501) has issue
    1)Infanta Eleanor(b.1519) eng.Juan Prince of Asturias(b.1518)
    3)Infanta Isabella(b.1523)
    4)Infanta Maria(b.1524, d.1524)
    5)Manuel, Prince of Portugal(b.1527)
    6)Infanta Teresa(b.1527)
    7)Infante Eduarte(b.1531, d.1532)
    House von Habsburg
    Phillip I, Holy Roman Emperor,(b.1478, r. from 1482 in Burgundy, and from 1521 in The Holy Roman Empire, d.1530 ) m.Juana of Aragon, Holy Roman Empress(b.1479) has issue
    1)Eleanor of Austria, Queen of Poland(b.1498) m. Sigismund I of Poland(b.1467) has issue
    2)Charles of Austria(b.1500) m.Princess Anne of Bohemia and Hungary(b.1503)has issue
    3)Isabella of Austria(b.1501)m. King Christian II of Denmark(b.1481) has issue
    4)Ferdinand of Austria, Duke of Inner Austria(b.1503) m.Bianca Sforza(b.1504, d.1521) m.Princess Marie of France, Duchess of Inner Austria(b.1505) has living issue by the latter
    5)Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary(b.1505) m. King Louis II of Hungary(b.1506) has issue
    6)Catherine of Austria(b.1507) m. Ercole D’este(b.1510) has issue
    7)Frederick of Austria Archduke of Tyrol(b.1509, d.1530) m. Barbara Fugger (b.1510) has issue
    1)Maragaret of Austria(b.1527)
    2)Leopold of Austria, Archduke of Tyrol(b.1531, posthamous son)
    8)Antoine of Austria, Duke of Württemberg (b.1512) m. Clara of Saxe-Lauenburg, Duchess of Württemberg(b.1518)
    Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor(b.1500) m.Princess Anne of Bohemia and Hungary, Holy Roman Empress(b.1503), has issue, also has bastard issue
    1a)Elizabeth of Austria(b.1520) eng. Francis, Dauphin of France(b.1518)
    2a)Phillip of Austria(b.1522) eng.Isabella of Aragon(b.1528P
    3a)Anna of Austria(b.1523, d.1524)
    4a)Maximillian of Austria(b.1526) eng.Princess Catherine of Hungary(b.1526)
    5a)Joanna of Austria(b.1528)
    6a)Catherine of Austria(b.1530)
    7a)Eleanor of Austria(b.1532)
    8a)Stillborn son(1533)
    1b)Margaret of Parma(b.1522)
    Ferdinand of Austria, Archduke of Inner Austria(b.1503) m.Bianca Sforza(b.1504, d.1521) m.Princess Marie of France(b.1505) has living issue by the latter
    1a)Stillborn Daughter(1521)
    1b)John of Austria(b.1523, d.1523)
    2b)Ferdinand of Austria(b.1525)
    3b)Eleanor of Austria(b.1526, d.1526)
    4b)Margaret of Austria(b.1528)
    5b)Anna of Austria(b.1530)
    6b)Frederick of Austria(b.1533)

    House of Savoy
    Phillibert II, Duke of Savoy(b.1480, r. from 1497) m.Maria of Aragon, Duchess of Savoy(b.1482), has mistress Teresa de Bivero, has issue by both
    1a)Phillip of Savoy(b.1499) m.Susanna of Bavaria, (b.1502) has issue
    2a)Margaret of Savoy(b.1501) m. William IV, Duke of Bavaria(b.1493) has issue
    3a)Louis of Savoy(b.1503) m.Leonora Sforza
    4a)Ferdinand of Savoy(b.1504, d.1504)
    5a)Louise of Savoy, Duchess of Florence(b.1506) m.Duke Alessandro I of Florence(b.1510), has issue
    6a)Charles of Savoy(b.1508)
    7a)John of Savoy(b.1510)
    8a)Amadeus of Savoy(b.1511) m.Giovanna Francesca Borgia(b.1512)
    9a)William of Savoy(b.1513)
    10a)Emmanuel of Savoy(b.1515, d.1531)
    1b)Agnes of Savoy(b.1511)
    2b)Nicolas of Savoy(b.1516)
    Phillip of Savoy(b.1499), m.Susanna of Bavaria(b.1502) has issue
    1)Phillibert of Savoy(b.1518) m. Princess Elizabeth of England(b.1515), has issue
    2)Ferdinand of Savoy(b.1520)
    3)Albert of Savoy(b.1522, d.1522)
    4)Maria of Savoy(b.1524) eng.Prince Charles of France, Duke of Orleans(b.1522)
    5)Matilda of Savoy(b.1527)
    6)Isabella of Savoy(b.1529, d.1529)
    7)Phillip of Savoy(b.1531, d.1531)
    8)Anna of Savoy(b.1533)
    Phillibert of Savoy(b.1518) m. Princess Elizabeth of England(b.1515), has issue
    1)Phillip of Savoy(b.1533)
    House of Tudor
    King Henry VII of England(b.1458 r. from 1485, d. 1509) m.Elizabeth of York Queen of England(b.1466, d.1511) had issue
    1)Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales (b.1486, d. 1501) eng. Catherine of Aragon, died without issue
    2)Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots(b.1489) m.James IV Stuart, King of Scots(b.1473) had issue, 2nd marriage to John Stuart, Duke of Albany(b.1481) has issue
    3)King Henry VIII of England(b.1491) m. Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England(b.1485)
    4)Mary Tudor, Princess of England, Queen of Spain(b.1496) m. King Ferdinand VI of Spain(b.1499)
    5)Edward Tudor, Duke of Somerset(b.1499, d.1499)
    6)Edmund Tudor, Duke of Somerset(b.1500) m. Katherine Stafford, Duchess of Somerset (b.1499), has issue
    7)Princess Catherine of England, Queen of Portugal(b.1501), m. King Miguel I of Portugal has issue
    King Henry VIII of England(b.1491, r.from 1509) m.Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England(b.1485), has issue
    1)Stillborn daughter(1506)
    2)Stillborn daughter(1507)
    3)Arthur, Prince of Wales(b.1509) m.Anne of Cleves(b.1515) has issue
    1)Catherine of England(b.1532)
    4)Princess Mary of England(b.1510)m.Francis of Lorraine(b.1517) has issue
    5)Prince Henry, Duke of York(b.1512) m.Amalia of Cleves(b.1517), has Lady Margaret "Madge" Shelton(b.1508) as a mistress, issue by the latter
    1b)George FitzYork(b.1532)
    6)Prince Edward of England, Duke of Richmond (b.1514)eng.Mary Howard(b.1519)
    7)Princess Elizabeth of England(b.1515)m. Phillibert of Savoy(b.1518) has issue
    8)Princess Edith of England(b.1519)eng.Prince John of Denmark(b.1518)
    10)Prince Thomas of England(b.1523)
    Edmund Tudor, Duke of Somerset(b.1500) m. Lady Katherine Stafford(b.1499), has issue
    1)Elizabeth Tudor(b.1516, d.1516)
    2)Stillborn daughter(1519)
    3)Jasper Tudor(b.1521)
    4)Edward Tudor(b.1525)
    5)Henry Tudor(b.1527, d.1527)
    6)Eleanor Tudor(b.1529)
    7)Margaret Tudor(b.1531)

    House of Borgia
    Giovanni Borgia, Duke of Gandia(b.1474, d.1497, r. from 1488) m. Maria Enriquez de Luna(b.1474, d.1539) had issue
    1)Juan Borgia y Enriquez, Duke of Gandia (b.1494)
    2)Francisca de Jesus Borgia(b.1494)
    3.Isabel de Borgia y Enriquez(b.1497)
    Cesare Borgia, Gonfalnier of The Papal Armies and Duke of Romagna(b.1475, d.1508) m. Princess Charlotte of Naples(b.1480) had issue
    1)Anna Borgia(b.1499)
    2)Rodrigo Borgia(b.1501, d.1502)
    3)Pedro Luis Borgia(b.1502)
    4)Cesare Borgia(b.1504 d.1504)
    5)Lucrezia Borgia(b.1507)
    Gioffre Borgia, Duke of Alveito m.Sancha of Aragon(b.1478, d.1505 died without issue), 2nd m. Giovanna, of Naples(b.1479) has issue
    1)Francesco Borgia(b.1507)
    2)Francesca Borgia(b.1509, d.1509)
    3)Giovanna Francesca Borgia(b.1512)m.Amadeus of Savoy(b.1511)
    4)Ferdinand Borgia(b.1515)
    5)Alfonso Borgia(b.1516, d.1517)
    7)Sibilia Borgia(b.1522)
    House of Aragon
    Lucrezia Borgia Duchess of Montalnto(b.1480), m.Alfonso of Aragon(b. 1481 d.1508), m. Ferdinand of Aragon, Duke of Montalto(b.1482) has issue by both
    1a)Rodrigo of Aragon(b.1499)
    2a)Stillborn daughter(1501)
    3a)Sancho of Aragon(b.1504)
    5a)Alfonso of Aragon(b.1509)
    1b)Giovanna of Aragon(b.1512)
    2b)Anna of Aragon(b.1514, d.1514)
    3b)Inés of Aragon(b.1517)
    House of Sforza(Dukes of Milan)
    Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan(b. 1452, r. from 1494) m.Beatrice D’este, Duchess of Milan(b.1475), took Lucrezia Crivelli as a Mistress has issue by both
    1a)Massimiliano Sforza(b.1493), m. to Infanta Isabella of Aragon(b.1498)
    2a)Francesco Sforza(b.1495)
    3a)Stillborn Son(1497)
    4a)Leonora Sforza(b.1500) m. Louis of Savoy(b.1503)
    6a)Bianca Sforza(b.1504, d.1521) m.Ferdinand of Austria, Archduke of Inner Austria(b.1503) no living issue
    7a)Ricciarda Sforza(b.1507)
    8a)Niccolo Sforza(b.1509)
    1b)Giovanni Paolo Sforza(b.1497
    2b)Francesca Sforza(1503)
    Massimiliano Sforza Duke of Milan(b.1493) m.Isabella of Aragon, Duchess of Milan(b.1498) has issue
    1)Ludovico Sforza(b.1513), m. Princess Renee of France(b.1510)
    3)Francesco Sforza(b.1516)
    4)Bianca Maria Sforza(b.1517) eng.Crown Prince Sigismund of Poland(b.1519)
    5)Alessandra Sforza(b.1519)
    6)Stillborn daughter(1521)
    7)Caterina Sforza(b.1522)
    8)Agnese Sforza(b.1524, d.1524)
    9)Giovanni Sforza(b.1526, d.1526)
    10)Martino Sforza(b.1529)
    Ludovico Sforza(b.1513) m.Princess Renne of France(b.1510) has issue
    1)Isabella Sforza(b.1530)
    2)Beatrice Sforza(b.1532)
    3)Massimiliano Sforza(b.1533)
    House of Valois
    Louis XII of France(b.1462) m.Anne of Brittany, Queen of France(b.1477, d.1514) had issue
    1a)Claude of France, Duchess of Brittany(b.1499) m. Francis I of France(b.1494)
    4a)Princess Marie of France m.Ferdinand of Austria, Duke of Inner Austriab.1505) has issue
    5a)Stillborn son(1508)
    6a)Princess Renee of France(b.1510) m.Ludovico Sforza
    7a)Stillborn son(1512)
    King Francis I of France(b.1494, r from 1515) m.Claude of France, Queen of France(b.1499, d.1522) had issue, m. Blanca of Aragon, Queen of France(b.1512) has issue
    1a)Princess Louise of France(b.1516, d.1517)
    2a)Princess Charlotte of France(b.1516, d.1524)
    3a)Francis, Dauphin of France(b.1518), eng.Elizabeth of Austria(b.1520)
    4a)Prince Henri, Duke of Anjou(b.1519, d.1533)
    5a)Princess Madeline of France(b.1520), eng. King James V of Scotland(b.1515)
    6a)Prince Charles, Duke of Orleans(b.1521) eng.Maria of Savoy(b.1524)
    7a)Marguerite of France(b.1522) eng.Frederick, Duke of Calabria(b.1523)
    1b)Prince Jean, Duke of Anjou(b.1529)
    2b)Prince Louis(b.1531, d.1531)
    3b)Princess Joan(b.1533)

    House of Bourbon
    Suzanne, Duchess of Burbon(b.1491, d.1516) m.Charles III, Duke of Bourbon(b.1490, d.1529) had issue
    4)Duke Peter III of Bourbon(b.1514)
    5)Anne de Bourbon, Duchess of Longueville(b.1516)
    6)Charlotte de Bourbon(b.1516), m. Jean de Foix
    Duke Peter III of Bourbon(b.1514) m.Isabella de Foix, Duchess of Bourbon (ATL cousin of Gaston de Foix) (b.1513, d.1530) 2nd. marriage to Eleanor de Foix, Duchess of Bourbon(b.1517) issue by both
    1a)Charles de Bourbon(b.1528, d.1528)
    2a)Stilbborn daughter(1529)
    3a)Suzanne de Bourbon(b.1530
    1b)Anne de Bourbon(b.1533)

    House de Foix
    Gaston de Foix, Duke of Nemours(b.1489) m. Anne de La Tour d'Auvergne(b.1496) has issue
    1)Jean de Foix(b.1516) m. Charlotte de Bourbon(b.1515) has issue
    2)Eleanor de Foix, Duchess of Bourbon(b.1517) m.Duke Peter III of Bourbon(b.1514) has issue
    3)Marie de Foix(b.1519, d.1519)
    4)Charles de Foix(b.1522)
    5)Louis de Foix(b.1525)

    House of Lorraine
    Francis of Lorraine(b.1517) m.Mary of England(b.1510) has issue
    House of Stuart
    King James IV of Scotland(b.1473, d.1516) m. Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots(b.1489), had issue
    1)Stillborn daughter(1509)
    2) Arthur Stewart, Duke of Rothesay(b.1512-d.1512)
    3)James V of Scotland(b.1515) eng.Princess Madeline of France(b.1520)
    4)Prince Alexander, Duke of Ross(b.1516)
    John Stuart, Duke of Albany(b.1481) m. Margaret Tudor(b.1489), Queen mother of Scotland and Duchess of Albany, has issue
    1)Robert Stuart(b.1518)
    2)David Stuart(b.1520, d.1520)
    3)Annabella Stuart(b.1522)

    House d’Este
    Alfonso I d’Este, Duke of Ferrara(b.1476) m.Anna Sforza(b.1476. d.1497, no living issue) 2nd m.Bona Sforza, Duchess of Ferrara(b.1494) has issue
    1)Ercole d’Este(b.1511) m. Catherine of Austria(b.1507) has issue
    2)Eleanora d’Este(b.1515)
    3)Isabella d’Este(b.1518)
    4)Stillborn daughter(1520)
    5)Ippolito d’Este(b.1523, d.1523)
    6)Miscarriage (1525)
    7)Ippolita d’Este(b.1527)

    Ercole d’Este(b.1511) m. Catherine of Austria(b.1507) has issue
    1)Alfonso d’Este(b.1528)
    2)Ippolito d'Este(b.1530, d.1530)
    3)Carlo d'Este(b.1533)

    House De Medici
    Duke Alessandro I of Florence(b.1510, r.from 1526) m.Louise of Savoy, Duchess of Florence(b.1506) has issue
    1)Lorenzo de Medici(b.1527) eng. Infanta Juana of Aragon(b.1521)
    2)Piero de Medici(b.1528, d.1528)
    3)Alfonsina de Medici(b.1530)
    4)Maria de Medici(b.1532)
    Neapolitan House of Trastámara
    King Ferdinand III of Naples(b.1488, r.from 1507) m.Maria of Aragon, Queen of Naples(b.1503), has issue
    1)Princess Isabella of Naples(b.1520)
    2)Miscarriage (1521)
    3)Frederick, Duke of Calabria(b.1523) eng.Princess Margurite of France(b.1522)
    4)Prince Pedro of Naples(b.1524, d.1524)
    5)Prince Alfonso of Naples(b.1527)
    6)Prince Giovanni of Naples(b.1530)
    7)Stillborn Daughter(1532)
    Bastard issue by Flora Strozzi(b.1499)
    1b)Leonora of Aragon(b.1524)
    2b)Carlos of Aragon(b.1528)
    3b)Antonio of Aragon(b.1529, d.1529)
    4b)Ricciarda of Aragon(b.1532)
    House of Wittelsbach
    Duke William IV of Bavaria(b.1493) m.Margaret of Savoy, Duchess of Bavaria(b.1501), has issue
    2)Theodor of Bavaria(b.1520, d.1533)
    3)Albert of Bavaria(b.1523)
    4)Kunigunde of Bavaria(b.1525, d.1525)
    5)William of Bavaria(b.1528, d.1529)
    6)Wilhemina of Bavaria(b.1532)

    House of Oldenburg
    King Christian II of Denmark(b.1481) m.Isabella of Austria, Queen of Denmark(b.1501), has issue
    1)Prince John of Denmark(b.1518) eng.Princess Edith of England(b.1519)
    2)Prince Phillip Ferdinand of Denmark(b.1519, d.1520)
    3)Prince Maximillian(b.1519, d.1519)
    4)Princess Dorothea of Denmark(b.1520)
    5)Princess Christina of Denmark(b.1522)
    6)Stillborn son(1523)
    7)Prince Phillip of Denmark(b.1527)
    8)Stillborn daughter(1530)
    House Vasa
    King Gustav I of Sweden(b.1496) m.Hedwig of Poland, Queen of Sweden(b.1513) has issue
    1)Prince Erik, Duke of Kalmar(b.1530)
    2)Princess Barbara(b.1532)
    House Jagellion(Poland)
    King Sigismund I “The Old” of Poland(b.1467) m.Barbara Zapoyla, Queen of Poland(b.1495, d.1515) had issue. 2nd marriage to Eleanor of Austria(b.1498), Queen of Poland, has issue
    1a)Princess Hedwig of Poland, Queen of Sweden(b.1513) m. King Gustav I of Sweden(b.1496)
    2a)Princess Anna of Poland(b.1515, d.1520)
    1b)Sigismund, Crown Prince of Poland(b.1519), eng.Bianca Maria Sforza(b.1517)
    3b)Princess Isabella of Poland(b.1524)
    4b)Princess Sophia of Poland(b.1526)
    5b)Prince Wojech of Poland(b.1527, d.1527)

    House Jagellion (Hungary)
    King Louis II of Hungary(b.1506, r.from 1516) m.Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary(b.1505) has issue
    1)Stillborn son(b.1523)
    2)Princess Catherine of Hungary(b.1526)eng.Maximillian of Austria(b.1526)
    3)Prince Vladislaus of Hungary(b.1528)eng.Ippolita d'Este(b.1527)
    4)Prince Alexander of Hungary(b.1530, d.1531)
    5)Princess Anne of Hungary(b.1531)
    6)Princess Joanna of Hungary(b.1533, d.1533)
  • As the year began, it became apparent that it would be a year of some change to the various ruling houses of Europe, particularly, for the primary branch of the House de Trastámara. This change would be wrought by two important events, firstly was the fact that in January Spain’s Queen, Philiberta of Savoy revealed that she was pregnant with King Ferdinand’s child for the second time in three years. Furthermore, in April, the Infanta Eleanor of Portugal arrived, at the Alcázar of Seville where she, accompanied by her grandmother, Isabella of Aragon, Queen Mother of Portugal was wed to her cousin, Juan, Prince of Asturias. While there was some initial difficulty in getting the Pope to acquiesce to such a match eventually, the wealth and power of the Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal convinced Pope Clement VII to grant a dispensation for the marriage. It was in this wedding that the prosperity of both kingdoms and their colonies was shown off in utter decadence. To illustrate this, in his work The Life and Reign of Ferdinand VI “The Bold” of Spain, Carlos Hernandez de Cordoba writes,”The bride and groom both wore outfits representing the colors of their respective kingdoms, The Infanta Eleanor wore a white gown with blue stitching, while Juan, Prince of Asturias wore a red-gold brocade over a blue tunic. The ceremony was officiated by Gaspar de Ávalos de la Cueva, the Archbishop of Granada, the most important priest in the entirety of the Iberian Peninsula. The Kings of Portugal and Spain also seemed eager to display the wealth of their colonies. King Miguel, and Queen Catherine of Portugal, mournful that they could not attend due to bouts of the flu, sent their daughter a wedding gift of several fine chairs made of Mahogany, the wood being derived from Portugal’s colony of Brazil. The Spanish naturally refused to be outshone, and the new Princess of Asturias was gritted by her husband with gifts of gold rings, silver crucifixes, and diamond necklaces. The dessert course of the feast included dishes from Spain’s colonies in the Caribbean and Mexico: Chilled fruits in the form of pineapple and guava, as well as a most popular drink among the upper-class across the Iberian Peninsula, chocolate. After the feast the groom and his father indulged themselves with a smoke of tobacco, a fairly new habit that had spread from Spain’s colony of Florida, something which Isabella of Aragon considered to be a sinful vice, yet she held her tongue for the sake of her granddaughter’s happiness. As for the bride and groom, the two saw much of each other over the course of the day, and both seemed to be the best combinations of their respective parents. The Princess of Asturias for her part had auburn hair, as a result of the combination of her red-gold haired father and dark-haired mother, while she inherited brown eyes from both of her parents. She was tall and lean in stature, in short, she was considered the most renowned beauty amongst the Portuguese Infantas. In regard to her personality, she was frank and honest, though not to the point of bluntness and was especially well-read in some of the rediscovered tales of Greek mythology, particularly those of the Goddess Demeter. The Prince of Asturias meanwhile inherited his father’s blonde hair and blue eyes, though he had the shape of his late mother’s eyes. He was nearly as tall as his father, and had the body of a soldier, not quite as burly as his father but was also slimmer. In regards to his personality he was charismatic, though a bit less flamboyant and prideful than his father, though he maintained his place as his father’s favorite son through his love of jousts, the art of war and hunting. Overall, bride and groom seemed well matched, and while they did not fall in love with one another as quickly as their parents, they eventually came to have a fairly loving marriage.”
    Five months later, Queen Philiberta’s pregnancy mercifully came to its conclusion, which was initially seen as a relief, for it soon became apparent that she was either carrying a very large baby, or multiple children, as one of her ladies, Elvira Vargas y Silva wrote in June,”Her majesty is very miserable, she is annoyed that she has to void her bladder twice an hour, and cannot bear to lay even on her side, such is the strain she is placed under, I pray to god that she may soon find relief.” Early in the morning of September 7th, Queen Philiberta went into labour, which would ultimately last a grueling twelve hours. within the first four hours, she birthed the first of the two fraternal twins, a girl, the Infanta Ana (named for , and eight hours later it finally ended when a boy was expelled from her womb, the Infante Luis. It is unclear as to whether the younger twin was stillborn, or short-lived, and ultimately historians came to a compromise: It was initially thought that the baby was alive, but it later turned out to be a stillbirth, however, the stillborn son retained the name of Luis, as both children were named for the Queen’s paternal grandparents. Although they were saddened by the loss of the younger twin, the King and Queen of Spain were relieved that Philiberta and Ana survived. As for the choice of godparents, they ultimately decided upon Juan Carlos, Duke of Cadiz, Infanta Magdalena of Navarre, Duchess of Cadiz, as well as Philibert II, Duke of Savoy and his wife, the ailing Maria of Aragon, Duchess of Savoy, as gestures of good will to both the Spanish nobility, and the Duke of Savoy.

    In Portugal, in June, just two months after their eldest child’s wedding, King Miguel I of Portugal, and Catherine of England, Queen of Portugal announced that the Queen was pregnant again, for it would seem that Catherine inherited her late mother’s fertility.
    In Savoyard events, there was to be several important developments. The first is that in April Philibert of Savoy, the eldest son of his grandfather’s heir, Phillip, took a mistress. That mistress was one of his wife Elizabeth’s English maids of honor, the thirteen-year-old Margaret Carey, who like her mother, Mary Boleyn, would profit from being the mistress of a powerful man, though this affair irritated Philibert’s wife to no end, she realized that it would be all but impossible to force her husband to end the affair, as her grandmother-in-law and aunt Maria of Aragon said to her,”Asking some men not to whore is like asking them not to breath, I advise you not to waste your energy. In any case, your position is secure, you have birthed an heir, and no doubt you will produce more. My grandson may be a fool for not seeing your virtues, but he will come to appreciate the wealth and alliances that you have brought to this duchy.” Just two months later, on June 29th Phillip of Savoy and Susanna of Bavaria would have yet another child, a son named John, after both Phillip’s maternal uncle, King Juan III of Spain as well as his younger brother, John of Savoy, who had recently been invested as Archbishop of Turin.

    To the west in French events there were to be two events, the first being one that would bring benefits to the French King, while the latter would bring nothing but headaches. To begin, in May, it was arranged that Prince Jean, Duke of Anjou, eldest son of King Francis I of France and Blanca of Aragon was engaged Suzanne de Bourbon, only surviving child that Duke Peter III’s first marriage with Isabella of Foix produced, who also happened to be her father’s heiress presumptive, though her stepmother’s second pregnancy in August would make it apparent that she may not permanently be her father’s heiress. The other event that was to take place was the Affair of the Placards (Known in France known as Affaire des Placards) in which followers of Huldrych Zwingli’s variant of Protestantism circulated placards denouncing the Catholic Eucharist, which forced the normally pragmatic King Francis to intervene. In the face of open, and apparently hostile heresy, the French King would have dozens of these vocal Protestants burnt at the stake, though this would only be the beginning of religious division that would threaten to tear France apart in the coming decades.

    To the North, in England, there was also some signs of religious dissent, especially in the Southeastern regions of the Kingdom, namely Suffolk and Kent, the former of which would be on the receiving end of the worst of the violence. Suffolk was to be particularly damaged as there was to be two sects of Protestantism gaining followers, which would oppose both each other and the Catholic authorities. The first, unsurprisingly was the conventional variant of Lutheranism which had gained traction with Burghers and other city dwellers that were critical of the Catholic Church. The second, was a slightly more shocking one, Pederssonism, the sect of Anabaptism that compelled the Norwegians to drive out the King of Denmark and proclaim a Republic. The latter of the two sects was gaining less traction than the former, but it found considerable support amongst the urban poor and peasantry, who saw the rights afforded to their counterparts in Norway. Needless to say King Henry VIII was determined to stamp out both heresies, as it was natural for a “Defender of the Church” to do so. Thus, in October, he sent Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk with several thousand royal soldiers to pacify the region. The result was particularly bloody, as those who refused to recant were put to the sword, and fought against the Royal army, but within a week order was restored. Unfortunately, the news of such bloodshed greatly distressed the Princess of Wales, and two weeks later, at the end of October Anne of Cleves suffered a miscarriage.

    In Sweden meanwhile, on December 20th, King Gustav I of Sweden and his wife Hedwig of Poland, Queen of Sweden welcomed the arrival of their fourth child, a son named John, father solidifying the Swedish succession.

    Across the Baltic in the month of July, Poland’s Crown Prince, Sigismund, was wed to Bianca Maria Sforza, daughter of Duke Massimiliano I of Milan and his wife, Isabella of Aragon in a fabulous ceremony in Crackow. One Polish Chronicler, Józef Adamczyk wrote,”The lady Bianca Maria may bring our kingdom a rich dowry, but I fear that she is ill-matched for our Prince. She possesses a little charm, but is plain and hefty, were it not for the Prince’s youth I would be unsure if he could bring himself to bed the lady princess. His grace for his part is athletic and burly, and I would not be surprised if he makes his life more enjoyable by taking a mistress, it is rumored that the lady Barbara Radziwiłł dotes on him. It would be a good thing for her, her sister Anna is married to the Voivode of Nowogródek, and a place in the Prince’s heart would propel her family even higher.”

    Far to the southwest, in Florence, there was to be one rather distressing event for the Ducal couple, for in the month of June, Louise of Savoy, Duchess of Florence would suffer a miscarriage.

    Infanta Eleanor of Portugal, Princess of Asturias
    Infanta Eleanor of Portugal, Princess of Asturias 1534.jpg

    Juan, Prince of Asturias
    Juan, Prince of Asturias 1534.jpg

    Bianca Maria Sforza, Crown Princess of Poland
    Bianca Maria Sforza, Crown Princess of Poland.jpg

    Sigismund Jagellion, Crown Prince of Poland
    Sigismund II Augustus - Wikipedia

    Barbara Radziwill
    bensozia: Józef Simmler The Death of Barbara Radziwiłł, 1860

    Margaret Carey
    Steven van der Meulen Catherine Carey Lady Knollys.jpg
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  • With the beginning of the year would come conflict. Said conflict, was fortunately not that of war(at least in Europe proper), Europe had enjoyed a rather unprecedented period of peace following the conclusion of The Third Italian War. This conflict was to be in personalities, at the Alcázar of de los Reyes Cristianos, between the Princess of Asturias, Eleanor of Portugal and the Queen of Spain, Philiberta of Savoy. Apparently, over the previous fall, Juan, Prince of Asturias had taken a mistress, a member of a wealthy merchant family, one Elena Martinez(age 20), and had spent much more time with her than with his wife. While the two had enjoyed a good relationship and grown to love each other, this did greatly annoy the Infanta Eleanor who generally stood silent about it in public. One of Queen Philiberta’s ladies, Rosa de Bivero(a niece of Teresa de Bivero, lady of Maria of Aragon) recounts the clash between the Princess of Asturias and Queen, she writes,”The Princess Eleanor entered the Queen’s chambers, and asked how she is to deal with the Prince’s unfaithfulness. The Queen laughed and haughtily informed her that she should not run complaining about a problem that she, through not being an attentive wife has caused. The princess then glared at her and called her a fat old cow, who only became Queen through the death of a better woman, her late aunt Mary. As the Princess stormed out of the room, Queen Philiberta called her a Portuguese filly, who like her grandmother Isabella of Aragon, does not know her place.”
    Naturally, neither woman was pleased by the other and petiotioned the King to reprimand the other. King Ferdinand VI for his part was partially amused, yet also aggravated, for he did not wish to offend either woman. As a result of this, the King simply refused to chastise either woman, and later remarked that he had more important things to attend to. Indeed, this was not the King’s usual pompous attitude to the,”Nonsense of women.” Which is what he called the argument, he had plans of his own. Plans of war. Those plans were attacking the final notable base that the Barbary corsairs under Ottoman suzerainty held, that of Tunis. Other than his own war that saw Morocco lose its entire coastline, King Ferdinand’s grandmother, Isabella of Castile had, towards end of her reign, succesfully ordered the conquest of much of Algeria. Still, in spite of this, the Balearic islands, as well as portions of Sicily had suffered the occasional raid from the Barbary pirates, thus, the King sought to put an end to their raids once and for all, by cutting off the head of the serpent: The infamous Hayreddin Barbarossa, who had overthrown the local ruler who had previously paid tribute to the King of Spain: Mulay Hassan, in the year before. The task at hand was a demanding one, for though Barbarossa’s forces would likely be outnumbered by those of the King of Spain, the man was a formidable warrior, and an excellent commander. Thus, King Ferdinand would leave nothing to chance in this campaign, bringing an estimated forty thousand men, five thousand of which were Portuguese troops lent to him by his cousin Miguel, King of Portugal. Another form of foreign support lent to this expedition was twenty galleys from Spain’s allies in Naples and Genoa, with the Neapolitans providing eight, and the Genoese providing a dozen ships, for both had suffered at the hands of the Barbary pirates.. Overall he naval complement of his forces would consist of roughly three hundred ships, including five galleons, to ensure total victory. Thus, in late April the campaign had begun, with the King of Spain bring his youngest brother the Infante Jaime, Duke of Urgell, as well as his brother-in-law Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba as his foremost generals. King Ferdinand would also bring his eldest son, Juan, Prince of Asturias on campaign, to prove himself on the field of battle. In regards to who would govern the Kingdoms of Spain in his absence, he choose his mother, Margaret of Austria as regent. His younger siblings who had previously served in the role, the Infante Juan Carlos, Duke of Cadiz, and the Infanta Urraca, Duchess of Alba could not serve as coregents, because the former was suffering from a case of dysentery while the latter was in the final months of her fifth pregnancy. On the topic of pregnancies in Spain, it would turn out that before he departed for North Africa with his father and uncles, Juan, Prince of Asturias managed to get his wife pregnant, though it would not be known until a couple of months after his departure. Finally, after months of preparation, the Spanish army and fleet would make arrive at Tunis, where ferocious fighting would occur between the Spaniards and the forces under Barbarossa’s command. The Barbary fleet heavily outnumbered and outgunned, was rather easily crushed, and the Portuguese Galleon: the Portuguese galleon Botafogo would break the chains protecting the harbor with her ram. Eventually, the port of Tunis, La Golleta would fall, after heavy bombardment and an amphibious assault by the Spanish infantry, in which Juan, Prince of Asturias would prove his worth as a warrior by striking down two Ottoman soldiers. By the end of the day, thirty thousand of the city’s inhabitants were massacred by the Spaniards, as well as the entirety of the garrison and Barbary fleet, and wholesale looting and devastation of the city would occur as well. Hayreddin Barbarossa for his part was captured: branded with hot irons, and after sustaining many beatings and lacerations was uncertainly beheaded by the King of Spain. King Ferdinand VI was said to have remarked to his men,”We shall treat this cesspool as our Roman forebearers treated Carthage, though we, in our infinite mercy shall stop short of salting the fields.” Tunis’s fate, would be ghastly indeed, though most of the residential buildings would be spared to make room for immigrants from Spain, most of whom would be Christians from the poorer area around La Mancha, while some Jews and Muslims from Granada would be granted permission to settle there as well, for they too had been victims of Barbary piracy, and were unlikely to aid the Ottomans in the future, while some would also provide low interest loans to the rest of the immigrants.. Regarding defenses, a garrison of four thousand men would be left in the city, most of whom would be sheltered in a Kasbah near La Gouletta. Upon their return to Spain in July, at Seville, Juan, Prince of Asturias received the unfortunate news that his wife had miscarried their unborn child just weeks ago, though his father tried to reassure him, that given time, they may have many children. It was also shortly after this return to one of the many Alcázar’s in which court was held, that King Ferdinand managed to impregnate Queen Philiberta for the third time, with her child due in June of the next year. In September meanwhile, Sancho de Trastámara, nephew of the King of Spain, and heir to his father, the Duke of Cadiz(who fortunately survived his brush with dysentery) was wed to his betrothed Catherine de Medici, at the royal court in Seville. One chronicler, Roberto Yanez wrote,”Young Sancho is a rather boisterous young man, let us hope that his bride will have a moderating effect.”
    Of course, Catherine for her part, having been raised by her grandmother-in-law, in Spain for much of childhood knew much of the local customs, and seemed rather enamored with her royal husband. Indeed, Sancho must have found her attractive enough, for the fifteen-year-old eagerly consummated his marriage. However, had she known this was a sign of Sancho’s temperament and later infidelities, perhaps Catherine de Medici would have wished he was more hesitant.

    To the west, at the edge of Europe, Portugal would continue to prosper from her colonies in Brazil, and the conquest of Morocco’s western coast, though the latter required sizeable garrisons as the Moroccan’s chafed under Portuguese rule, for they were much more restrictive on matters of religion than the Spanish. In Lisbon, on May 28th, Portugal’s Queen, Catherine of England, gave birth to her seventh child, a boy named Diogo, named after King Miguel’s uncle: Diogo, Duke of Viseu, who had been executed by King João II on rather dubious charges in 1484.

    To the northeast, in the Duchy of Savoy, its Duchess, Maria of Aragon, the second youngest child of the Catholic Monarchs, lay dying. The fifty-one year old seemed to have contracted Typhus, as for three weeks, the Duchess suffered a series of horrifying symptoms: High fever, red spots all over the body and deliruim. The latter of the symptoms would cause her to hallucinate and believe that her grandson, Ferdinand of Savoy, was actually her youngest son Emmanuel, who had died four years ago. Finally, her suffering mercifully ended on March 7th as her fifth son John, the Archbishop of Turin, was performing a mass for his mother’s soul, and she drew her last breath. Two months later, on May 26th, her son Phillip of Savoy and his wife Susanna of Bavaria would have their tenth and final child: a son, named Robert. This would not be the only notable birth in the Ducal family, for on October 7th, exactly seven months after the Duchess’s death, her grandson, Philibert of Savoy and his wife Elizabeth of England, had their second child. Following a long, yet successful labor, the Princess gave birth to a girl, named Maria, for the child’s great-grandmother who had so recently passed.

    In England, there was to be a flurry of activity, for Anne of Cleves, Princess of Wales was pregnant for the third time, while her younger sister, Amalia of Cleves, Duchess of York was also with child. As such both women would take additional ladies into their household during this delicate period. The Princess of Wales for her part would take a pair of young cousins as ladies. The two newest ladies were Eleanor Percy, and Elizabeth Boleyn the former was fourteen years old, and was the eldest child of Henry Percy, 6th Earl of Northumberland, and Anne Boleyn, Countess of Northumberland, while the latter was the thirteen year old only daughter of George Boleyn and Maud Percy. Eleanor and Elizabeth seem to have been close friends throughout their lives, with the two acting more like sisters than cousins, perhaps due to the fact that Elizabeth had only brothers while Eleanor’s sisters were so much younger than her that while she doted on them, she did not necessarily view them as peers. The newest addition to the Duchess of York’s household was Dorothy Seymour, age fifteen, the daughter of John Seymour, Duke of Exeter, who had been granted the title as a reward for his competent service as an administrator throughout the realm. Dorothy’s elder sister Jane was the second wife to Henry Radclyffe, the heir to the Earldom of Sussex, married in 1527, two years after the death of his first wife Elizabeth Howard, who had died giving birth to a stillborn son. On February 10th, Anne of Cleves would birth her second child, a girl, named Margaret, after her husband’s aunt, the Dowager Queen of Scotland. Unfortunately, the baby girl would die a little over two months after her birth, on June 13th, causing grief, as well as worry over the succession, for the Prince of Wales had only one surviving child, his daughter Catherine. Some however, including the Prince of Wales himself, held faith that his wife would one day give birth to a son, or that his daughter would be a competent Queen, should the burden of leadership be thrust upon her. Amalia of Cleves' pregnancy would have a much better outcome than her sister’s, for on August 4th, she would give birth to a healthy son named Henry, after both the king and the Duke of York. Just two days later, Prince Edward, Duke of Richmond and his wife Mary Howard, who were both deeply in love with one another, had their first child on August 6th. This child was a boy, named Thomas, for both his paternal uncle and maternal grandfather, was born a little less than a year after his parents’ marriage.
    Boleyn Family Tree
    George Boleyn(b.1503, d.1565) m.Maud Percy(b.1503, d.1560) had issue
    1)Thomas Boleyn(b.1521)
    2)Elizabeth Boleyn(b.1522)
    3)William Boleyn(b.1524, d.1524)
    4)Henry Boleyn(b.1527)
    5)John Boleyn(b.1529)
    6) Stillborn son(1532)
    7)Geoffrey Boleyn(b.1534)
    Percy Family Tree
    Henry Percy(b.1502, d.1557) m.Anne Boleyn(b.1501, d.1560) had issue
    1)Eleanor Percy(b.1522)
    3)Henry Percy(b.1526)
    4)George Percy(b.1528)
    5)William Percy(b.1529)
    6)Catherine Percy(b.1532)
    7)Joan Percy(b.1534)
    8)Margaret Percy(b.1537)
    Radclyffe Family tree
    Henry Radclyffe(b.1507, d.1557) m. Elizabeth Howard(b.1505, d.1525) second marriage to Jane Seymour(b.1508, d.1562) had issue by both
    1a)Stillborn son(1525)
    1b)Robert Radclyffe(b.1528, d.1528)
    2b)Elizabeth Radclyffe(b.1530)
    3b)Margaret Radclyffe(b.1532)
    4b)John Radclyffe(b.1535, d.1535)
    5b)Henry Radclyffe(b.1539)
    6b)Edward Radclyffe(b.1541)
    To the south, in France, there was to be two notable births amongst the French arsitocracy. The First, being that on June 17th, Duke Peter III of Bourbon, and his wife, Eleanor de Foix, had a son named Jean, named after Eleanor’s older brother. The other noteworthy birth was that of a stillborn son on December 5th, to Jean de Foix and Charlotte de Bourbon, and while the stillbirth was tragic, there was little pressure on the two, for they were still very young, barely eighteen years old.
    In Lorraine, Francis of Lorraine and Mary of England would have their first child that would come to term, a son named Charles, who was born on November 11th.

    Prosperous Italy would also witness the expansion of several ducal families. The first of which was Florence, where Duke Alessandro had his first illegitimate child by his wife’s half-sister on March 18th , a son who he named Alessandro, after himself. Four months later, on August 26th, The Duke’s wife, Louise of Savoy would bear him another child, a son, named Simonetto, named after Duke’s mother, as it was the male version of the Duke’s mother’s name.
    In Milan meanwhile, on July 27th, Ercole d’Este and Catherine of Austria would have their fourth child, a daughter named Bona, who shared a birthday with Bona’s late uncle, Duke Ludovico of Milan. To the north in Milan, on July December 21st, Ludovico Sforza and Renee of France would have their fourth child, and third daughter, a girl named Anna, after Renee’s mother the late Duchess of Brittany and Queen of France. This happiness would soon be marred by sadness for two days later, on December 23rd, Beatrice d’Este, the Dowager Duchess of Milan would die of natural causes at the age of sixty.
    In Poland, Beatrice d’Este’s grandaughter, Bianca Maria Sforza, the Crown Princess of Poland would become a mother, with the birth of her daughter, Anna Jagellion, on November 1st, though she would later be distressed to hear that her husband had taken a mistress, Barbara Radziwiłł.
    To the north in Denmark, in the month of May, Princess Edith of England arrived to wed Crown Prince John of Denmark in a lavish ceremony at Copenhagen. A member of the Danish lower nobility, and historian, Svend Haraldson Ankner wrote,”The Princess is very beautiful, with a round face, small lips, while she has her father’s reddish hair and dark eyes. Princess Edith is like Queen Catherine in temperament, kind, humble, and pious while she received an excellent education under her mother’s direction. It would seem that we have received a lady who will one day be an excellent queen.” Prince John for his part was described as a bit overweight, though he made up for this with a good sense of humor, charm, and substantial intelligence. The two would go on to fall passionately in love, and there would no hint or record of infidelity.

    In Sweden, much to the joy of King Gustav, Hedwig of Poland would give birth to her fourth child , a son named John, on April 2nd.

    Catherine de Medici
    Catherine de Médicis 1519-1589 (Catherine de Medicis)

    Sancho de Trastámara
    Tiziano, ippolito de' medici.jpg

    Mary Howard, Duchess of Richmond
    Mary Howard Archives | The Tudor Travel Guide

    Prince Edward, Duke of Richmond
    Prince Edward, Duke of Richmond.jpg

    Edith of England, Crown Princess of Denmark
    Princess Edith of England.jpg

    John, Crown Prince of Denmark
    Ottheinrich, Herzog von Pfalz-Neuburg.jpg
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  • There would begin with election results in Norway, as Prime Minister Trond Torleivsson Benkestok, after serving two terms as Norway’s Prime Minister, was ineligible to seek another term in office. There would be a total of three candidates for the office of Prime Minister that year, and the people of Norway cast their votes on December 12th of the previous year. The candidates were for the highest office in the republic were: Henrik Nielsen(age 60), the marshal of the Republic during the tenure of his son-in-law,. Arvid Kolden(age 52) who had just finished his third term as a senator representing the province of Nordland and the recently retired Colonel Helga Solvisdotter(age 29), who had recently married. The following is a brief description of each candidate and their aims: Marshal Henrik Nielsen sought to mostly continue his son-in-law’s policies, especially in increasing the size of the navy. While he despised the idea of a monarchy, throughout the campaign he postured himself as a natural successor to Prime Minister Benkestok, saying once in a visit to Oslo,” I have served well in my capacity as marshal, and I believe that is thanks to my experience within the highest levels of Government, that I would make a fine leader of our nation.” Regarding his foreign policy, Nielsen believed in maintaining close relations with Sweden, while pushing for conflict against England and Denmark decrying,”The tyrant King of England reminds us all why we are glad not to be ruled by a king. He burns and kills those who choose to follow Pederssonism, as well as those of other sects. Perhaps we should do something to liberate his beleaguered people.” Senator Arvid Kolden for his part encouraged a sort of guarded neutrality in regard to foreign affairs, taking part in trade and only taking part in wars unless the Republic is directly attacked. Kolden also advocated for lower spending and taxation, to encourage commerce within Norway. Helga Solvisdotter, wanted to stay allied with the Swedes, though was not hostile to the English once stating,”If we can bind England to us, they may not interfere in our affairs.”
    It is unknown if Solvisdotter believed she could actually win or not, for while she had some fame from her command, and heroism, she did not exactly have the same political connections as the older men she was running against. She did however have wealth, in the form of estates and a pension granted to her by the Republic for her service, as well as donations from several wealthy merchants in Southern Norway, who may have wished to see a member of a Burgher family, as opposed to two noblemen, become Prime Minister. In any case, it is most likely that Helga Solvisdotter wished to cultivate more of a reputation for herself, as the first woman to run for a national elected office anywhere in the world, and that perhaps even a failed campaign could propel a future political career. Overall, the results of the election would be: Marshal Henrik Nielsen winning the office of Prime Minister and roughly 55 percent of the vote, Senator Arvid Kolden won an estimated 25 percent while Colonel Helga Solvisdotter won the remaining 20 percent of the vote. All in all it seemed that little would change when Henrik Nielsen was elected Prime Minister, for initially, he did little that could be considered out of the ordinary. Indeed, his choice of Vice Minister was a shrewd one, for he picked Kjell Arneson (age 43). Arneson was a savvy politician, andan excellent administrator, having proved both in his two terms as Governor of Møre og Romsdal and was from a family of middling merchants, becoming the first non-noble to hold the office of Vice Minister. Such an appointment seemed to be a good omen, though this would be disproved by later events…

    In France, the year would start with a wedding and the arrival of a Dauphine, for the winter was a particularly mild one. Thus, in late January, Elizabeth of Austria, the eldest child of Charles V, and Anne of Bohemia and Hungary arrived to marry the Dauphin Francis. The Dauphin was a quiet, pious, and stern young man, a rather stark contrast to his rowdy younger brother, Charles the Duc d’Orleans. Indeed it is likely that the Dauphin Francis was more similar to his mother in demeanor than any of his other siblings, often chastising those who acted in a flirtatious way. It was said that before the arrival of his bride Francis spent hours in prayer, asking well to give him the strength to fulfill his duties. The bride-to-be for her part was somewhat reluctant to leave her home and be wed to a Frenchman. Princess Elizabeth has been described as,”High-spirited, friendly and charming with many friends.” When Elizabeth of Austria arrived at the Palace of Fontainebleau, she was greeted with a very mixed reception. While her official welcoming seemed pleasant, it was merely the mask that the French presented to the other European monarchies. Other than her cousin, Queen Blanca, Elizabeth had few friends, amongst the French nobility, with only the ambitious Marie of Guise, Duchess of Longueville, and her mother, Antoinette of Bourbon, Duchess of Guise being steadfast allies. Still, despite some initial cold formality, The Dauphin appreciated his wife’s warmth and friendly nature, and the two would fall in love with one another. In fact, she, alongside her stepmother-in-law, would quickly find themselves pregnant by their respective husbands. The Queen of France’s pregnancy would begin sooner, and on May 13th, Blanca of Aragon, Queen of France would have her fourth child, and second daughter, the Princess Agnes. The choice of name was a rather unconventional one, for neither Blanca nor Francis had a close relative bearing that name. Instead, the Princess was simply named so because she was born on the feast day of St. Agnes of Poitiers, in the hopes that honoring the saint in such a way would ensure the girl would live past infancy. It would turn out that, the Dauphine would not be so fortunate. For on October 20th, she went into labor for the first time. The birth was long and difficult and many feared for the Dauphine’s life, given her age. Fears for Elizabeth of Austria’s life would prove to be unfounded, and she successfully birthed a daughter, named Anne, for both her mother, Anne of Bohemia, and Francis’s maternal grandmother, Anne of Brittany. Sadly, the child would not live long, succumbing to a chill on October 24th, much to the heartbreak of her parents.
    In Savoy, Margret Carey, one of Elizabeth of England’s ladies, as well as the mistress of her employer’s husband would face a rather difficult decision. For, in the month of March the fifteen-year-old received a letter from her mother, Mary Boleyn, Dowager Baroness of Hunsdon(who had recently remarried to a soldier William Stafford) urging her to return home. A surviving copy of the letter states,”Daughter, please request a release from the Princess Elizabeth. Being a mistress of a Duke’s grandson may grant you status, but does it give you security? Do you truly think that Philibert would be as generous to you as his grandfather is to his Spanish woman? I think not. In any case, Queen Catherine bears no ill will towards you for laying with her daughter’s husband and offers you a place as one of her ladies. Accept it, for I know Elizabeth will be less forgiving than her mother, and in service to the Queen, you may find yourself a proper husband. -Your concerned mother, Mary, Dowager Baroness of Hunsdon.”
    Apparently, the lady Margaret decided to follow her mother’s orders, and after ending her relationship with the younger Philibert of Savoy, requested permission from the man’s wife to be released from her service. Elizabeth, eager to get rid of the woman who had vied for her husband’s affections, agreed. Thus, by July of the same year Margaret Boleyn became a lady-in-waiting to Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England. It was in this role that she would conduct herself with more propriety, helped by the fact that King Henry VIII, was wholly faithful to his wife, as she was no longer in her childbearing years, thus there was no longer long periods of time in which he had an excuse to be with anyone else.
    One more event that would occur in Savoy would be the birth of a third child to Philibert of Savoy and Elizabeth of England, a girl, Susanna of Savoy, born a month early on November 1st, who would within an hour of her birth.
    In Spain at the Alcázar of Segovia on June 9th, the Queen, Philiberta of Savoy, would, at the age of thirty-eight, give birth to her final child, a daughter named Ana. The Infanta Ana was named for Philiberta’s grandmother, Anne of Cyprus, and for her late sister-in-law Maria of Aragon’s stillborn twin sister. Fortunately, the child would live, and the Infanta Ana would go on to be Philiberta’s favorite daughter, for she would go on to be the most similar to her in character. The King of Spain’s nephew, Sancho of Cadiz would also become a father, though this would be fleeting. On December 3rd his wife, Catherine de Medici would give birth to their eldest child, a daughter named Ana for her maternal aunt, Anne de La Tour d'Auvergne. Tragically, their daughter would only live for a little over a week, dying on December 11th.
    Far to the north, in the Duchy of Lorraine, there would be a further tragedy, for, on April 20th, Mary of England, Duchess of Lorraine gave birth for their second time, birthing a daughter, named Renata. Unfortunately for her and Francis, the child would live for just nine days, dying on April 29th, a stark reminder of the specter of infant mortality.
    To the northwest, in Scotland, there were to be happier tidings, for the Scots were celebrating the wedding of their King, James V, who seemed to be impatient for the company of a woman, given that he had sired at least four illegitimate children before he was wed. That bride was the sixteen-year-old Madeline of Valois, a Princess of France, though she would not arrive until July, with extra care taken due to her frail health. The two seemed to get along rather well, and perhaps even loved each other, with James V writing in his journal that,”The ladye is much worth the wait.”
    To the east in Denmark there we to be good tidings, for Edith of England, Crown Princess of Denmark would, on August 12th, give birth to her eldest child, a son named Christian, bringing much happiness to herself and her husband. Unfortunately, the celebrations of the birth would be muted, for a week later, on August 19th, the boy’s grandmother, Isabella of Austria, Queen of Denmark would pass, after catching a deadly case of Tuberculosis, causing great distress to many, especially her mother, Juana, the Dowager Empress of the Holy Roman Empire.
    Far to the south, in Italy, there would be several notable events. The first was the birth of the youngest child to King Ferdinand III of Naples and his wife Maria of Aragon, occurring on February 5th. That child would be a daughter, named Margherita, for Maria’s mother, the Dowager Queen of Spain.
    To the north, in Milan, there was also to be a birth, as Ludovico Sforza and Renee of France would have their fourth child. The girl that Renee gave birth to would be named Anna, after her mother, Anne of Brittany.
    The last important event of the year would take place around Christmas, for a betrothal between Albert of Bavaria, the heir to his father’s duchy, and Princess Christina of Denmark was arranged.

    Kjell Arneson, Vice Mininister of Norway
    Ludwig X. von Bayern.jpg

    Elizabeth of Austria, Dauphine of France, and Duchess of Brittany
    Elizabeth of Austria, Dauphine of France.jpg

    Francis, Dauphin of France and Duke of Brittany
    History of Portraiture on Twitter: Died #OnThisDay in 1536: #Dauphin Francis  III, #Duke of #Brittany (1518-36), son of #King #FrancisI of #France  #Portrait by Corneille de Lyon (1500/10-75), 1536 #FrançoisI #Valois  #FrenchRoyalty #

    Madeline of Valois, Queen of Scots

    James V, King of Scots
    Portrait of James V of Scotland (1512 - 1542).jpg
  • This year would begin with a glimmer of hope, at least for the happiness of the young Princess of Asturias, Eleanor of Portugal, though later events of the year would crush her. This glimmer of hope was the fact that her husband, Juan, the Prince of Asturias, and heir to the Kingdoms of Spain, ended his relationship with his slightly older mistress, Elena Martinez(b.1515, d.1557). Perhaps to soften the blow he arranged for her to marry Francisco de Vargas y Silva, 7th Lord of Higuera de Vargas(b.1514), which would bring her family the status that wealth alone, could not bring, and the woman would go on to have six children with her husband, and has living descendants today. Unfortunately, her former paramour would not have the same success for in the month of May, his wife Eleanor would miscarry their second, and ultimately last child. Still, Juan had grown into a devoted husband to Eleanor, and this would be the high point of their marriage, however short. Towards the end of June, the Prince of Asturias would become deathly ill, suffering from sharp pain in his side, malaise, Hematuria(bloody urine) and swollen legs. Modern doctors have concluded that he likely had Kidney Cancer, which while survivable today, in an age without modern medicine, and with constant travel, such a disease could be a death sentence. He would ultimately succumb to his illness on July 24th at the Royal Alcázar of Madrid, where he had been learning to administer the city, with his wife Eleanor, and Grandmother Margaret of Austria by his side. When the usual exhumation of his body was completed it was discovered that he had lumps in his kidneys, and his personal physician correctly inferred that it was Cancer that killed the Prince of Asturias The following letter written by Margaret of Austria, Queen Mother of Spain illustrates her sorrow following her grandson’s death,” Ferdinand, my son, I write to you not as your subject, but as your mother. I have heard that the muddy roads near Barcelona have delayed you and because of them, you are too late. Juan has passed into the hereafter, he suffered so in the month before his death, it breaks my heart. His suffering is at least over, and I am sure that he is with his grandfather. I will make the arrangements for his funeral, and I shall see you again in Granada next month.”
    Ferdinand VI, King of Spain was naturally heartbroken by the news of his eldest son’s death, and reportedly some could hear the overturning of furniture and loud cursing after the courier who bore the letter left the King’s chambers in Barcelona. There were of course, political implications as result of Prince Juan’s death, for his younger brother, the Infante Alfonso, would become the new Prince of Asturias. The younger boy was said to have had a decent relationship with his older brother but was envious of the fact that Juan was more similarities to their father, and thus the older boy was very much the apple of the King’s eye. Whereas Juan was tall, gregarious, athletic, and blonde, Alfonso had their mother’s dark hair, was slight in figure, bookish and shy. Soon after Prince Juan’s funeral, there was talk of perhaps betrothing Alfonso to his older brother’s widow, Eleanor of Portugal, yet this would prove fleeting for several reasons. The first is that Pope Paul III (Alessandro Farnese), the same man who had issued the partially successful Sublimis Deus Papal Bull refused to grant a dispensation for the marriage. The reason for his refusal seems to be rather principled, and he remarked that,”The King of Spain’s eldest son had no living children with his cousin Eleanor, so why should I grant a dispensation for the same girl to marry the boy’s younger brother?”
    Thus, for now, the new Prince of Asturias was without a promised. Though reportedly his father had endeavored to see if the betrothal between the French King’s niece, Jeanne d’Albert, the Princess of Viana and William, Duke of Jülich-Cleves would fall through, for the spirited heiress seemed to be against the marriage to the older man.
    As a result of the failure to obtain a dispensation, Eleanor of Portugal, the Dowager Princess of Asturias would leave Spain to return home, and the grief-stricken young woman would arrive in Lisbon in October. On October 15th she would witness her mother’s eighth labor. In fact, she would become godmother of the child that was born, the Infante Arturo, named for her eldest maternal uncle, the long dead elder Arthur, Prince of Wales. It has been speculated that she may have been bitter that her mother, nearly thirty-six years old, was able to bear a child, while all the fruit from her own marriage was two dead unborn children. Still, she seemed to have been happy for her parents, and soon made a request of her father: That she would not remarry for several years and would be able to pick her next husband. Her father, King Miguel I, known for being an indulgent parent, agreed to this, and conferred upon her the title Duchess of Barcelos.
    To the east, in the Duchy of Ferrara, the new Duchess, Catherine of Austria, shortly after her husband’s ascension, would give birth to a stillborn son on January 19th.
    In Florence, there was to be a period of upheaval and confusion, following the assassination of Duke Alessandro I of Florence, as the twenty-six year old’s lust had lead him to be killed at the hands of his own cousin, Lorenzino, who had lured him into a room, with the promise of a liasion with a beautiful widow, it was said that in the attack, Lorenzino was injured, losing a part of his fingers after being bitten by his cousin in self defense, but eventually stabbed him to death.
    The crime however was still discovered, by Agnes of Savoy, the illegitimate half sister of the Duchess Louise, who was said to have been looking for her lover, the now dead Duke, as she wished to announce her latest pregnancy by him. The young woman purportedly broke down in tears before informing her half-sister. Said woman, Louise of Savoy, certainly possessed some of the same cunning that her late mother, Maria of Aragon had, though with more steel in her heart. She immediately announced that as regent for her nine-year-old son, she had the responsibility to take up the mantle as ruler of the Duchy, and ordered an immediate search for her late husband’s murderers. Her actions were not necessarily those of a vengeful pregnant widow, but of a woman determined to protect her children, who she feared may be the targets of assassination themselves. She showed the stabbed body of her husband to the people of Florence in a somber public ceremony. One chronicler recounts that,”The fair lady rose her voice among the din of the crowd, and urged the people on’ People of Florence, see what the traitors have done to my husband, and do the same to them, I will not rest until those responsible burn in the fires of Hell!’ The crowd roared at this and vowed to kill those who had dared to strike down the Duke.”
    Soon enough the two assassins were detained, tortured, and publicly garroted at the orders of the Duchess Louise, but she would not stop there. While she did not officially take responsibility, it is almost certain that in the coming weeks she had several scions of the Medici family killed to prevent them from attempting to assassinate her children, or press their own claims to the Duchy. First to die would be the aged Lucrezia de Medici, who suddenly died in her sleep(smothered to death). Next would be Lucrezia’s eldest child, the renowned diplomat Giovanni Salviati, who was set upon by “Highwaymen” and was found with dozens of stab wounds. In fact, in this short period, every one of Lucrezia de Medici’s children and adult grandchildren would follow her to the grave, be imprisoned or would be forced into a heavily monitored holy order. Most notably would be her prominent daughter, Maria Salviati, strangled to death with her own rosary, as well as Maria’s own son Cosimo dying shortly after, after a period of “Stomach Complaints”(Arsenic Poisoning). Cosimo’s illegitimate child, Bia de Medici(b.1537, d.1568) would be spared, though she would spend the rest of her life in a nunnery, without the knowledge of her real paternity.
    She also likely had a proponent of the Florentine Republic killed, for Filippo Strozzi the Younger, soon found himself drowned and at the bottom of the Mediterranean, with rocks tied to his limbs. Louise of Savoy would also banish her husband’s former mistresses from court, with the only exception being her half-sister, Agnes of Savoy. After all the bloodshed, the Dowager Duchess gave birth to her final child on May 24th, a daughter, Isabella de Medici, who she named for her grandmother Isabella of Castile.
    In Milan, on June 7th, Renee of France, wife of the Duchy’s heir, Ludovico Sforza would give birth to a stillborn son, much to the couple’s consternation.
    In Savoy there was to be somewhat disquieting news, for Philibert of Savoy, the Duke’s grandson sired his first of several illegitimate children, a son, born to one of his wife’s English ladies, Anne Calthorpe(b.1520, d.1582), on February 1st. The illegitimate son would be named Charles, and apparently, Philibert’s wife, Elizabeth of England was livid with her husband for recognizing the boy as his own.
    To the northwest, in France there were to be some notable births in the realm amongst the nobility. Firstly, Jean de Foix, the heir to the Duchy of Nemours, and County of Auvergne had a third child with his wife Charlotte de Bourbon. This child, born on August 14th, was a girl named Marie, for Jean’s younger sister who had died in infancy.
    In the Duchy of Bourbon Duke Peter III and his wife Eleanor de Foix would have another child, a son, named Louis, after Eleanor’s late granduncle, Louis XII of France. Unfortunately, the child would die three weeks after his birth, on September 7th.
    In the Duchy of Lorraine, Francis of Lorraine and Mary of England would have another child, a daughter named Renata after his mother, on April 20th. Tragically, the child was born three months early, and rather predictably died several hours after her birth.
    Across the English Channel in England there was to be happier news, for Anne of Cleves, the Princess of Wales was pregnant for the fourth time, and it was hoped that the twenty-two-year-old would deliver a long-awaited son. She would not disappoint, and at Greenwich Palace, on October 12th, she would give birth to a healthy, and painfully large son, named Henry for his grandfather. It was months after this that the youngest child of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. Prince Thomas, would begin receiving tutelage from the younger William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, who had been appointed as his namesake uncle’s successor in 1532. It soon became apparent that his parents King Henry, and Queen Catherine, as well as his namesake Thomas More, wanted to groom him for the position himself, which he was well suited to given his pious and studious personality.
    To the northern part of the British Isles, in Scotland the new Queen, Madeline of Valois, would have a miscarriage in November, but despite her frail health, the Queen of Scots would survive, with some doubt placed in her ability to carry a child to term.
    To the east, across the North Sea, there was to be an event of some import to the Danes. That was the remarriage of King Christian II, about a year after the death of his first wife, Isabella of Austria. It was said that the chief reasons for this remarriage was the hope of having a third son, as well as receiving a dowry, with the aim of the latter being used to fund a potential campaign to reclaim Norway or Sweden. His choice of second wife was a rather unconventional one, a thirty-year-old woman from Italy that had been widowed twice. This woman, was Ricciarda Sforza(Youngest sister of Duke Massimiliano), who would soon be known as Ricciarda “The Fair” of Milan, Queen of Denmark, who arrived in October. A beautiful woman, of good pedigree, she had first been married to Ranuccio Farnese, son of then-Cardinal Farnese in 1524, and after five years of marriage, the young man died of Tuberculosis. Ricciarda then briefly remarried again in 1531, to Ferdinando I Orsini, Duke of Gravina as his second wife, but the older man died of dysentery just two years later in 1533, once more leaving Ricciarda as a childless, but wealthy and beautiful widow. Although her stepchildren initially resented her presence, as their father had remarried rather quickly, Ricciarda managed to win them over with her kindness and gifts, and thus raised the youngest two, Christina and Phillip, as her own.
    To the east, in the other Scandinavian Kingdom, King Gustav I of Sweden and Hedwig of Poland would have their fifth child, in Stockholm on October 2nd, a son named Sigismund for his maternal grandfather the King of Poland.
    On the subject of Poland, across the Baltic Sea, the Crown Prince Sigismund would soon have a legitimate son, for at Wawel Castle in Krakow his wife, Bianca Maria Sforza, would give birth to their second child, on December 19th, who they named Sigismund.
    To the south, in the Jagellion Kingdom of Hungary, King Louis II of Hungary and Mary of Austria would have their seventh and final child on November 21st, at Pest, a daughter named Alexandra, after her older brother that died in Infancy.

    Elena Martinez, former mistress of Juan, Prince of Asturias, Lady of Higuera de Vargas.
    Christoph Amberger - Bildnis Barbara Schwarz (1542).jpg

    Anne Calthorpe, mistress of Philibert of Savoy
    Miller-Anderson Histories: ANNE CALTHORPE (DRURY) 1463-1494 | Lady in  waiting, History, 17th century fashion

    A painting of Eleanor of Portugal, Dowager Princess of Asturias and Suo Jure Duchess of Barcelos as a widow
    Style of Corneille de Lyon | Portrait of a Widow | The Metropolitan Museum  of Art

    Ricciarda "The Fair" of Milan, Queen of Denmark
    Moretto da Brescia 007.jpg
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  • It was in this year that King Ferdinand VI began to prepare his now eldest surviving son, Alfonso, for his new role as Prince of Asturias. Although the King of Spain was in roaring health, the death of his eldest son Juan, the previous Prince of Asturias, the previous year, made him all too aware of the specter of mortality. It soon became apparent that young Alfonso had a great talent for administration and dispensing justice which he soon showed in governing the area surrounding Madrid, though this time the King of Spain would rarely leave that region, as the death of his eldest son had rattled him, and the royal court became less itinerant than it had in the years before. What the King of Spain did not know, was that his son had a secret, one that has only recently been definitively proven through the opening of the Royal Archives in 1992, which discovered sonnets and letters that were written of him by a close companion of his. In: An Unexpected King: The Life and Reign of King Alfonso XII of Spain (c.1996) Ines Soriano writes,” It was during the liberalization process, undertaken by her most gracious majesty Queen Maria III, that certain private documents have been made available to historians like myself. In a sonnet, created by the famous poet Rafael Núñez (b.1521) it has been revealed that the young Prince of Asturias was engaged in a love affair with another young man. Don Núñez was that lover, a Mestizo born as the illegitimate child to a Spanish soldier of Hidalgo stock and a Taino woman in Santo Domingo, he was orphaned at a young age. His mother died of Smallpox when he was barely a year old, while two years later his father was killed during a revolt by some plantation owners, who resisted arrest when they violated the Córdoba Decree, that protected most Indios from enslavement and ill-treatment. As a result, Rafael Núñez would be sent to Cáceres where his paternal aunt, one Elvira de La Fuente, would raise him, and oversee an education with an emphasis on Poetry. I will not disclose the exact wording of the sonnet, for it contains a fair bit of lascivious language, but it speaks of a teen of higher rank ‘parting his legs’ for Rafael. Thus, it can be concluded with some certainty, that Alfonso was discretely homosexual. King Ferdinand VII did not seem to notice this, for although he bitterly complained of his son’s perceived lack of masculinity, it was his son’s other interests that were the cause of his complaints.”

    At the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos meanwhile, Sancho de Trastámara, eldest son and heir of The Infante Juan Carlos, the Duke of Cadiz, would have his first living child. On April 2nd, Catherine de Medici went into labor, and after four hours, a daughter was born. They decided to name the child Magdalena, after Sancho’s mother, the Infanta Magdalena of Navarre, as well as Catherine’s own late mother, Madeline de la tour Auvergne. The Dowager Queen Margaret of Austria was said to have been overjoyed by the birth of her first living Spanish great-grandchild, and even the King of Spain was in a better mood and became the child’s godfather. Young Sancho, however, would displease his wife, uncle and his parents, soon after, by bragging that he impregnated a young noblewoman by the name of Isabel Osorio. Shortly after this, at the very same Alcázar, that Garcia de Trastámara, the King of Spain’s other nephew, son of the Infante Jaime, Duke of Urgell, was wed to Maddalena de Medici, the King’s stepdaughter in a lavish ceremony. Queen Philiberta was especially pleased by this, for her daughter was now married into the same dynasty that she had married into and meant that all her grandchildren would be of royal status.

    In Portugal it would was arranged that Manuel, Prince of Portugal, would marry his second cousin, Catherine of England, the eldest surviving child of Arthur, Prince of Wales and Anne of Cleves, for the birth of her younger brother Henry, in the previous year, made her succession to the English throne less likely. Still, in case she were to inherit England, there was a clause in her marriage contract that of her hypothetical sons, the eldest would inherit Portugal, while the second eldest would inherit England.

    In France meanwhile, there would two important pregnancies, that of the Queen, Blanca of Aragon, and of the Dauphine, Elisabeth of Austria. The Dauphine Elisabeth’s pregnancy would be the first to end, for on January 19th, he would give birth to a son. She and Francis, Duke of Brittany decided to name the child Louis, after his maternal grandfather and late half-brother. King Francis of course, was a bit displeased that his son did not name his grandson after himself, but his wife calmed him down, by flattering him,”If all the Kings of France were named Francis, how would the people know that the first Francis, was the greatest of them?” Queen Blanca’s fifth pregnancy would end in tragedy, for in March she would suffer a miscarriage.

    Across the English Channel there would be a birth, for on October 21st, Amalia of Cleves, Duchess of York, and Prince Henry, the Duke of York would have their second child, a daughter named Catherine. The choice of name was cause for argument between the two, for Henry resented how his mother constantly scolded him for his infidelities, especially upon the birth of his third bastard by Madge Shelton, Phillip FitzYork, just two months prior. Still, Amalia insisted that he honor his mother in such a way, and so the name would stay. Unfortunately, the girl would die after a month of life, on November 27th.

    In Florence the year was mostly calm, as the Dowager Duchess of Florence, Louise of Savoy, ever like her wily grandfather, King Ferdinand II of Aragon, tighten her grip on the reigns of power in Florence.

    In Milan however, the tiller of state would pass from one generation to the next. The reason for this was that on June 4th, Duke Massimiliano I of Milan, would die of Pleurisy, at the age of forty-five, after a period of illness lasting three months. As a result, his son, alongside his pregnant wife, would ascend to the title of Duke, becoming Duke Ludovico II of Milan. Duke Massimiliano’s widow, Isabella of Aragon, was devastated by the death of her beloved husband, complaining bitterly to her youngest sister, Blanca, the Queen of France in a letter,”My husband was barely a year older than your own and has been faithful, unlike the French fool you are married to, yet God takes my husband away, while yours still lives.”

    To the north, in the Holy Roman Empire, it was arranged that the Emperor Charles V’s fifth child, Joanna of Austria, would be wed to Christian of Denmark, the son of John, Crown Prince of Denmark, and Edith of England.

    In Denmark, King Christian II of Denmark would have his first child by Ricciarda of Milan on December 13th, a son, who he named Christian after himself. Sadly, the child would die of illness just a week later on December 20th.

    Rafael Núñez, Poet and paramour of Alfonso, Prince of Asturias
    Rafael Nunez II.PNG

    Isabel Osorio, mistress of Sancho of Cadiz
    File:María Victoria dal Pozzo della Cisterna.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
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  • With the coming of the new year, there would be a rather scandalous birth in Spain, that of Sancho de Trastámara’s first of several illegitimate children. On January 25th, his mistress, Isabel Osorio gave birth to a daughter, who the vain young man named Sancha, the female variant of his own name. His wife, Catherine de Medici was absolutely furious with him, and her temper was worsened by the fact that her mother-in-law, Magdalena of Navarre, seemed happy for her son to have an illegitimate child, while her father-in-law, the Infante Juan Carlos did not rebuke his son for his indiscretions, perhaps the only thing that the Duke and Duchess of Cadiz agreed on. Her only real ally in this embarrassing time would be her uncle by marriage, King Ferdinand VI, who chastised his nephew for wantonly siring an illegitimate child while he was married., while the other members of the family quietly disapproved of Sancho’s actions Of course, some thought that such a critique was hypocritical given that he had a bastard son, Ferdinand Fernandez, though he was quick to point out that his bastard was born when he was a widower, after the demise of his first wife, Mary Tudor the Elder.

    Speaking of the Royal bastard, young Ferdinand Fernandez was granted the title of Duke of Pastrana, by his father to give him an adequate income. He was also soon betrothed to Juana Pacheo(b.1527), the only child of Diego López Pacheco, 3rd Duke of Escalona by his late first wife. The girl was also additionally well connected as she also happened to be the stepdaughter of the King’s niece, Margarita de Trastámara, the Duchess of Escalona, who was only a few years older than her stepdaughter.
    To appease Queen Philiberta, Ferdinand would create their only son, the Infante Felipe, Duke of Estremera, and would find him a suitable betrothal in the form of Anna of Savoy, his cousin once removed (thus permissible), the youngest daughter of Phillip of Savoy and Susanna of Bavaria.

    To the west, in Portugal, at the Ribeira palace on March 17th, King Miguel I of Portugal and Catherine of England, Queen of Portugal would go on to have their penultimate child: The Infante Antonio, named for the King’s youngest brother, who had died in infancy thirty years before. Shortly after this their second eldest daughter, the Infanta Isabella, asked permission to marry the young Miguel de Menezes, 4th Marquis of Vila Real(b.1520), whom she had fallen in love with. Ultimately, King Miguel assented to the match, and the Infanta Isabella would wed Miguel de Menzes after her fifteenth birthday, in mid-May, concurrent with the elevation of Vila Real from Marquisate to Duchy, a rather lucrative perk of being the King’s son-in-law. Portuguese Chronicler João de Barros wrote in The Reign of King Miguel I “The Pious” of Portugal,” The second eldest Infanta bowed before her father, and implored him to allow her to marry the Marquis, speaking of the love she felt for him. The King who seldom denied his children something they wanted, gave his blessing to the Infanta to marry, and the smiling girl gave her father a tight embrace.”

    In France, there was to be a cacophony of activity, as a result of several important births among the noble families, and most importantly, a royal marriage. The royal marriage in June was that of Prince Charles, Duke of Orleans, to Maria of Savoy, a granddaughter of Duke Philibert II of Savoy. The marriage, undertaken as one of several Valois marriages to buy peace from the other European powers. The Duc D’Orleans seemed to take well enough to his young wife, who quietly played the role of a dutiful wife, an astute manager of the Duchy’s finances while willing to overlook some of her husband’s flaws to make the marriage work. Chief among them would be his lust for the company of women, though for the first few years of the marriage he seemed to mostly direct his attentions towards his wife. Unlike the Dauphine, Maria of Savoy seemed to face less resentment, as the French nobility gave most of their ire towards the Austrians rather than the Savoyards. One of the Duchesse D’Orleans French ladies described her as,”A comely sensible, and intelligent young woman, I truly hope that the Duchess Maria has a happy marriage with Duke Charles.”
    The aforementioned births would occur in the Houses of Bourbon, Lorraine and De Foix. The first of these would take place on March 19th, in the Duchy of Nemours where the heir to the Duchy: Jean de Foix, and his wife Charlotte de Bourbon would have their first child, a daughter named Louise, both for the current King’s late mother, as well his predecessor King Louis XII.

    Two months later in Lorraine, on May 24th, Mary of England, and Francis of Lorraine had their third child that would come to term, a son named Antoine after his own father, the Duke. Sadly, the child was not long for this world, and died two days after his birth, to his mother’s heartbreak. Mary of England wrote in a letter to her mother Catherine of Aragon, the Queen of England,”Why must God punish us so? I have been pregnant four times, and yet we have only one living child... I am grateful for young Charles, but I do not know how much more loss I can take. Keep us in your prayers mother, for we will certainly need them. -Your grieving daughter, Mary Tudor.”

    There was to be equally tragic news in the Duchy of Bourbon, for on August 18th it’s Duke, Peter III and the Duchess Eleanor de Foix would have their fourth child together. Unfortunately, their son Gaston, named for his maternal grandfather, was born two months early and died hours after his birth.

    Across the English Channel in England there was to be happier news, for Anne of Cleves, the Princess of Wales, was pregnant again. After several months of a particularly grueling pregnancy, Anne would give birth a month early on February 19th, to a frightfully small son. Despite the fears of the King and Queen, the boy would live through the fragile weeks following his birth, and would be named William, after his maternal uncle, the newly ascended Duke William “The Rich” of Cleves, who would be one of the child’s godfathers. The three other godparents would mostly be rather predictable, for they were all Aunts and Uncles of little William. They would be: Prince Henry, Duke of York, his wife Amalia of Cleves and his paternal Aunt Elizabeth of England. Some have noted that including Elizabeth, while not making her husband Philibert Godfather was an intentional slight towards the man that had been frequently unfaithful to the second eldest daughter of Henry and Catherine.
    In the Duchy of Somerset, ruled by Prince Edmund, King Henry’s only living brother, the Duchess, Katherine Stafford, began to show signs of a mysterious illness, suffering from bone pain, short breath and yellowing of her skin. While she would live through the year, modern doctors concluded that it was Breast Cancer, that afflicted the Duchess.

    To the north in Scotland, there would be a key birth, for Madeline of Valois had disproved all those who thought her incapable of bringing a child to term. Ultimately, after a surprisingly easy pregnancy, Madeline would give birth to a healthy son on May 22nd, naturally named James for his father. While the Queen of Scots seemed to recover well, this would provide false hopes, for barely two months later, she would catch Tuberculosis and die in her husband’s arms. In spite of protests from the Royal Physicians, King James refused to leave his beloved wife’s side. Thus, the young Queen of Scot’s passed from this world, loved by her new people for her kindness, as well as for delivering the vital male heir, and she would be known as “Good Queen Madeline.” By the people of Scotland.

    Across the North Sea, other than some births, things would continue to be rather quiet in Scandinavia. In Denmark, on November 7th, Crown Prince John, and Edith of England would have their second child, a son named Frederick. Tragically, the baby would die several weeks later on November 26th, much to their concentration.

    To the East in Sweden, the House of Vasa would suffer similar misfortune, for one July 1st, Hedwig of Poland would give birth to her sixth child, a son named Charles, who would live for only one day, dying on July 2nd.

    To the South, across the Baltic Sea, at Warsaw on February 20th, Crown Prince Sigismund and Bianca Maria Sforza would have their third child, named Casimir for his youngest brother. Again, tragedy would strike, and the infant would die a month later, on April 21st.

    In Bavaria meanwhile, there would be a ray of happier news, a long-awaited wedding. This wedding was between the seventeen-year-old Princess Christina of Denmark, and the sixteen-year-old Albert of Bavaria, his father’s only son and heir. Husband and wife seemed to be happy with one another, a beautiful and charming Princess marrying a capable and handsome young man, who would one day become Duke.

    Across the Alps, in Savoy death would strike once more, for Duke Phiibert II of Savoy, who despite still keeping his Spanish mistress, Teresa De Bivero, had been greatly saddened by his wife Maria of Aragon’s death, and his health had been in a gradual decline over the past four years famously stating,”Her death was the only time she has ever caused me displeasure.” Ultimately, Duke Philibert II of Savoy would die of Pleurisy on September 10th, and his son would become Duke Phillip II of Savoy. Two months later on December 26th, Philibert of Savoy, namesake of his grandfather, and now heir to his father’s duchy would have his fourth child, a daughter named Margaret, after his wife Elizabeth’s aunt, the Dowager Queen of Scotland, as well as his aunt by marriage (and a second cousin of his, via his maternal Wittelsbach family) , Margaret of Austria, the Dowager Queen of Spain.

    In Italy, this year would be a rather eventful one, with a number of marriages, deaths and births. In Milan, on July 28th, Duke Ludovico II of Milan and Renee of France would have their sixth and penultimate child, a daughter. As for the name of their daughter, they decided to choose a unique name that had never been used in their family before, driven by a compromise over the choice. The Duke wanted to name their daughter Camilla, whereas the Duchess wanted to name her Dorotea Thus, they decided to give their daughter the name Camilla Dorotea, which sparked the use of the name throughout Italy.

    To the South, in Ferrara, Duke Ercole II and Catherine of Austria would have their sixth child, on January 15th, a daughter born a day after her thirty-second birthday. They would decide to name their daughter Giovanna, the Italian variant of her mother Juana of Aragon’s name. It was just before this that they betrothed their eldest son, Alfonso, to Matilda of Savoy, second eldest daughter of Phillip of Savoy.

    In Naples, there were to be two different events, one a cause for happiness, and another a cause for anguish. The first of these, was the death of Giovanna of Naples, Princess of Squillace on August 27th, of a Heart Attack at the age of sixty, leaving her husband, Gioffre Borgia, a depressed widower, who would follow her to the grave less than a decade later.

    The happier event, which occurred in October, was the wedding between Frederick, Duke of Calabria and Marguerite of France (known as Margherita in Naples). Unlike his father, Frederick would prove to be a gallant and faithful husband, and Marguerite of France, unlike her mother-in-law, had a very pleasant, and oblique personality. The two also shared interests in intellectual pursuits, such as chess, and would both become famous patrons of the arts. Thus, the two would enjoy a very happy and loving marriage.

    Maria of Savoy, Duchess of Orleans

    Prince Charles of France, Duke of Orleans
    Charles II de Valois, Duke of Orléans (ca 1543).jpg

    Infanta Isabella of Portugal, Duchess of Vila Real
    Catarina duquesa braganza.jpg

    Miguel de Menzes, Duke of Vila Real

    Ps: portaits of Albert of Bavria, Christina of Denmark as well as The Duke and Duchess of Calabria will be in another post, lest I go over the image limit and they become unavailable.
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    1539 Albert of Bavaria, Christina of Denmark and Duke and Duchess of Calabria Portraits
  • Christina of Denmark
    Christina of Denmark - Wikipedia

    Albert of Bavaria
    Albrecht V Bayern Jugendbild.jpg

    Marguerite of France, Duchess of Calabria
    Margaret of France, Duchess of Berry by Studio of François Clouet.jpg

    Frederick, Duke of Calabria
    16th-century unknown painters - Young Nobleman - WGA24042.jpg
    1539 Family Trees
  • House de Trastámara
    Juan III of Castile and Aragon(b.1478, r . from 1492 in Aragon, r. from 1514 in Castile, d.1521) m. Margaret of Austria, Queen of Aragon, (b. 1480) had issue
    1) Isabella of Aragon, Duchess of Milan(b.1498) m. Massimiliano Sforza, Duke of Milan(b.1493, d.1538) had issue
    2) Ferdinand, VI of Spain(b.1499) m. Princess Mary Tudor of England, Queen of Spain (b.1496, d.1528) had issue, took Micaela de Castro as a mistress(b.1510), had issue 2nd marriage to Philiberta of Savoy, Queen of Spain(b.1498) had issue,
    3) Infante Juan Carlos, Duke of Cadiz (b.1501) m. Princess Magdalena of Navarre(b.1494) has issue
    4) Infanta Maria, Queen of Naples(b.1503) m. King Ferdinand III of Naples(b.1488) had issue
    5) Infante Alfonso(b.1504, d.1504)
    6) Infante Jaime, Duke of Urgell(b.1506)m. Maria Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, sister of Fernando Álvarez de Toledo (b.1505) has issue 2nd marriage to Leonor de Castro(b.1512), Duchess of Urgell, has issue
    7) Infanta Urraca, Duchess of Alba(b.1508)m. Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba(b.1507) had issue
    8) Infanta Eleanor(Royal Nun)(b.1511)
    9) Infanta Blanca, Queen of France(b.1512) m.King Francis I of France(b.1494) has issue
    Ferdinand VI of Spain(b.1499) m. Mary of England, Queen of Spain(b.1496, d.1528) had issue 2nd marriage to Philiberta of Savoy, had issue
    1a)Infanta Margarita(b.1515, d.1515)
    3a)Juan, Prince of Asturias(b.1518, d. 1537) m.Infanta Eleanor of Portugal(b.1519) no surivivng issue
    4a)Infanta Juana(b.1521), eng.Lorenzo de Medici(b.1527)
    5a)Alfonso, Prince of Asturias(b.1523)
    7a)Infanta Isabella(b.1528)eng. Phillip of Austria(b.1522)
    1b)Ferdinand Fernandez, Duke of Pastrana, (b.1529)eng. Juana Pacheo(b.1527)
    1c)Infante Felipe, Duke of Estremera (b.1531) eng.Anna of Savoy(b.1533)
    2c)Infante Luis(Stillborn twin of Infanta Constanza d.1534)
    3c)Infanta Constanza(b.1534)
    4c)Infanta Ana(b.1536)

    Juan, Prince of Asturias(b.1518, d. 1537) m.Infanta Eleanor of Portugal(b.1519) no living issue

    Infante Juan Carlos, Duke of Cadiz (b.1501) m. Princess Magdalena of Navarre, Duchess of Cafiz(b.1494) has issue
    1)Sancho de Trastámara(b.1520) m.Catherine de Medici(b.1519), has issue
    2)Stillborn daughter(1522)
    3)Pedro de Trastámara(b.1525)
    4)Gabriel de Trastámara(b.1528)
    Sancho de Trastámara(b.1520) m.Catherine de Medici(b.1519), has issue and took Isabel Osorio as mistress, issue by both
    1a)Ana de Trastámara(b.1536, d.1536)
    2a) Magdalena de Trastámara(b.1538)
    1b)Sancha de Trastámara(b.1539)

    Infante Jaime, Duke of Urgell(b.1506)m. Maria Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, sister of Fernando Álvarez de Toledo (b.1505, d.1529) has issue, 2nd marriage to Leonor de Castro(b.1512)
    1a)Margarita de Trastámara, Duchess of Escalona(b.1521)m. Diego López Pacheco, 3rd Duke of Escalona (b.1506) has issue
    2a)Garcia de Trastámara(b.1522) m.Maddalena de Medici(b.1519)
    3a)Carlos de Trastámara(b.1524)
    4a)Stillborn son(1526)
    5a)Stillborn son(1528)
    6a)Francisco de Trastámara(b.1529, d.1529)
    1b)Álvaro de Trastámara(b.1532)
    2b)Maria de Trastámara(b.1534)
    3b)Eleanor de Trastámara(b.1535)
    4b)Isabella de Trastámara(b.1537)
    5b)Micaela de Trastámara(b.1538)

    Infanta Urraca, Duchess of Alba(b.1508)m. Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba(b.1507) has issue
    1)Fadrique Álvarez de Toledo(b.1526)
    2)García Álvarez de Toledo (b.1528)
    3)Diego Álvarez de Toledo (b.1530)
    4) Beatriz Álvarez de Toledo (b.1533)
    5) Maria Álvarez de Toledo (b.1535)
    6) Juan Álvarez de Toledo(b.1536, d.1536)

    House de Aviz
    Manuel I of Portugal(b.1469, r. from 1495, d.1521) m.Isabella of Aragon, Queen of Portugal(b.1470) has issue
    2)Miguel I of Portugal(b.1498) m. Catherine Tudor, Princess of England(b.1501) has issue
    3)Infante Afonso(b.1500) m. Helena de Lencastre (b.1503) has issue
    4)Infanta Isabella(b.1502, d.1502)
    5)Infanta Beatrice Duchess of Braganza(b.1505)m. Teodesio, Duke of Braganza(b.1510), has issue
    6)Infante Ferdinand, Duke of Guarda(b.1507) m. Guiomar Coutinho(b.1509) has issue
    7)Infante Antonio(b.1509, d.1509)
    8)Miscarried daughter(1511)
    Miguel I of Portugal,(b.1498) m.Catherine of England, Queen of Portugal(b.1501) has issue
    1)Infanta Eleanor, Dowager Princess of Asturias and Duchess of Barcelos(b.1519) m.Juan Prince of Asturias(b.1518), no living issue
    3)Infanta Isabella, Duchess of Vila Real(b.1523)m. Miguel de Menezes, Duke of Vila Real(b.1520)
    4)Infanta Maria(b.1524, d.1524)
    5)Manuel, Prince of Portugal(b.1527)eng. Catherine of England(b.1533)
    6)Infanta Teresa(b.1527)
    7)Infante Eduarte(b.1531, d.1532)
    8)Infante Diogo(b.1535)
    9)Infante Arturo(b.1537)
    10)Infante Antonio(b.1539)

    House von Habsburg
    Phillip I, Holy Roman Emperor,(b.1478, r. from 1482 in Burgundy, and from 1521 in The Holy Roman Empire, d.1530 ) m.Juana of Aragon, Holy Roman Empress(b.1479) has issue
    1)Eleanor of Austria, Queen of Poland(b.1498) m. Sigismund I of Poland(b.1467) has issue
    2)Charles of Austria(b.1500) m.Princess Anne of Bohemia and Hungary(b.1503)has issue
    3)Isabella of Austria(b.1501)m. King Christian II of Denmark(b.1481) has issue
    4)Ferdinand of Austria, Duke of Inner Austria(b.1503) m.Bianca Sforza(b.1504, d.1521) m.Princess Marie of France, Duchess of Inner Austria(b.1505) has living issue by the latter
    5)Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary(b.1505) m. King Louis II of Hungary(b.1506) has issue
    6)Catherine of Austria(b.1507) m. Ercole D’este(b.1510) has issue
    7)Frederick of Austria Archduke of Tyrol(b.1509, d.1530) m. Barbara Fugger (b.1510) has issue
    1)Maragaret of Austria(b.1527)
    2)Leopold of Austria, Archduke of Tyrol(b.1531, posthumous son)
    8)Antoine of Austria, Duke of Württemberg (b.1512) m. Clara of Saxe-Lauenburg, Duchess of Württemberg(b.1518) has issue

    Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor(b.1500) m.Princess Anne of Bohemia and Hungary, Holy Roman Empress(b.1503), has issue, also has bastard issue
    1a)Elisabeth of Austria, Dauphine of France(b.1520) m. Francis, Dauphin of France(b.1518) has issue
    2a)Phillip of Austria(b.1522) eng.Isabella of Aragon(b.1528)
    3a)Anna of Austria(b.1523, d.1524)
    4a)Maximillian of Austria(b.1526) eng.Princess Catherine of Hungary(b.1526)
    5a)Joanna of Austria(b.1528) eng.Christian of Denmark(b.1536)
    6a)Catherine of Austria(b.1530)
    7a)Eleanor of Austria(b.1532)
    8a)Stillborn son(1533)
    1b)Margaret of Parma(b.1522)

    Ferdinand of Austria, Archduke of Inner Austria(b.1503) m.Bianca Sforza(b.1504, d.1521) m.Princess Marie of France(b.1505) has living issue by the latter
    1a)Stillborn Daughter(1521)
    1b)John of Austria(b.1523, d.1523)
    2b)Ferdinand of Austria(b.1525)
    3b)Eleanor of Austria(b.1526, d.1526)
    4b)Margaret of Austria(b.1528)
    5b)Anna of Austria(b.1530)
    6b)Frederick of Austria(b.1533)
    Antoine of Austria, Duke of Württemberg (b.1512) m. Clara of Saxe-Lauenburg, Duchess of Württemberg(b.1518) has issue
    1)Franz von Habsburg(b.1535
    2)Catherine von Habsburg(b.1537)
    3)Stillborn son (1539)

    House of Savoy
    Phillibert II, Duke of Savoy(b.1480, r. from 1497, d.1539) m.Maria of Aragon, Duchess of Savoy(b.1482, d.1535), has mistress Teresa de Bivero, has issue by both
    1a)Phillip of Savoy(b.1499) m.Susanna of Bavaria, (b.1502) has issue
    2a)Margaret of Savoy(b.1501) m. William IV, Duke of Bavaria(b.1493) has issue
    3a)Louis of Savoy(b.1503) m.Leonora Sforza
    4a)Ferdinand of Savoy(b.1504, d.1504)
    5a)Louise of Savoy, Duchess of Florence(b.1506) m.Duke Alessandro I of Florence(b.1510, d.1537), has issue
    6a)Charles of Savoy(b.1508)
    7a)John of Savoy(b.1510)
    8a)Amadeus of Savoy(b.1511) m.Giovanna Francesca Borgia(b.1512)
    9a)William of Savoy(b.1513)
    10a)Emmanuel of Savoy(b.1515, d.1531)
    1b)Agnes of Savoy(b.1511)
    2b)Nicolas of Savoy(b.1516)

    Duke Phillip III of Savoy(b.1499), m.Susanna of Bavaria, Duchess of Savoy(b.1502) has issue
    1)Phillibert of Savoy(b.1518) m. Princess Elizabeth of England(b.1515), has issue
    2)Ferdinand of Savoy(b.1520)
    3)Albert of Savoy(b.1522, d.1522)
    4)Maria of Savoy(b.1524) eng.Prince Charles of France, Duke of Orleans(b.1522)
    5)Matilda of Savoy(b.1527)
    6)Isabella of Savoy(b.1529, d.1529)
    7)Phillip of Savoy(b.1531, d.1531)
    8)Anna of Savoy(b.1533)
    9)John of Savoy(b.1534)
    10)Robert of Savoy(b.1535)

    Phillibert of Savoy(b.1518) m. Princess Elizabeth of England(b.1515), has issue also has illegitimate issue by mistress Anne Calthorpe(b.1520, d.1582)
    1a)Phillip of Savoy(b.1533)
    2a)Maria of Savoy(b.1535)
    3a)Susanna of Savoy(b.1536, d.1536)
    4a)Margaret of Savoy(b.1539)
    1b)Charles of Savoy(b.1537)

    House of Tudor
    King Henry VII of England(b.1458 r. from 1485, d. 1509) m.Elizabeth of York Queen of England(b.1466, d.1511) had issue
    1)Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales (b.1486, d. 1501) eng. Catherine of Aragon, died without issue
    2)Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots(b.1489) m.James IV Stuart, King of Scots(b.1473) had issue, 2nd marriage to John Stuart, Duke of Albany(b.1481) has issue
    3)King Henry VIII of England(b.1491) m. Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England(b.1485)
    4)Mary Tudor, Princess of England, Queen of Spain(b.1496) m. King Ferdinand VI of Spain(b.1499)
    5)Edward Tudor, Duke of Somerset(b.1499, d.1499)
    6)Edmund Tudor, Duke of Somerset(b.1500) m. Katherine Stafford, Duchess of Somerset (b.1499), has issue
    7)Princess Catherine of England, Queen of Portugal(b.1501), m. King Miguel I of Portugal has issue

    King Henry VIII of England(b.1491, r.from 1509) m.Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England(b.1485), has issue
    1)Stillborn daughter(1506)
    2)Stillborn daughter(1507)
    3)Arthur, Prince of Wales(b.1509) m.Anne of Cleves(b.1515) has issue
    1)Catherine of England(b.1532)
    3)Margaret of England(b.1535, d.1535)
    4)Henry of England(b.1537)
    5)William of England(b.1539)
    4)Princess Mary of England(b.1510)m.Francis of Lorraine(b.1517) has issue
    5)Prince Henry, Duke of York(b.1512) m.Amalia of Cleves(b.1517), has Lady Margaret "Madge" Shelton(b.1508) as a mistress, issue by both
    1a)Henry Tudor(b.1535)
    2a)Catherine Tudor(b.1538, d.1538)
    1b)George FitzYork(b.1532)
    2b)Elizabeth FitzYork(b.1535)
    3b)Phillip FitzYork(b.1538)

    6)Prince Edward of England, Duke of Richmond (b.1514)m.Mary Howard, Duchess of Richmond(b.1519)has issue
    7)Princess Elizabeth of England(b.1515)m. Phillibert of Savoy(b.1518) has issue
    8)Princess Edith of England(b.1519)eng.Prince John of Denmark(b.1518)
    10)Prince Thomas of England(b.1523)

    Edmund Tudor, Duke of Somerset(b.1500) m. Lady Katherine Stafford(b.1499), has issue
    1)Elizabeth Tudor(b.1516, d.1516)
    2)Stillborn daughter(1519)
    3)Jasper Tudor(b.1521)
    4)Edward Tudor(b.1525)
    5)Henry Tudor(b.1527, d.1527)
    6)Eleanor Tudor(b.1529)
    7)Margaret Tudor(b.1531)

    House of Borgia
    Giovanni Borgia, Duke of Gandia(b.1474, d.1497, r. from 1488) m. Maria Enriquez de Luna(b.1474, d.1539) had issue
    1)Juan Borgia y Enriquez, Duke of Gandia (b.1494)
    2)Francisca de Jesus Borgia(b.1494)
    3.Isabel de Borgia y Enriquez(b.1497)
    Cesare Borgia, Gonfalnier of The Papal Armies and Duke of Romagna(b.1475, d.1508) m. Princess Charlotte of Naples(b.1480) had issue
    1)Anna Borgia(b.1499)
    2)Rodrigo Borgia(b.1501, d.1502)
    3)Pedro Luis Borgia(b.1502)
    4)Cesare Borgia(b.1504 d.1504)
    5)Lucrezia Borgia(b.1507)

    Gioffre Borgia, Duke of Alveito/Prince of Squlliace m.Sancha of Aragon(b.1478, d.1505 died without issue), 2nd m. Giovanna of Naples(b.1479, d.1539) has issue
    1)Francesco Borgia(b.1507) m.Alessandra Sforza(b.1519) has issue
    2)Francesca Borgia(b.1509, d.1509)
    3)Giovanna Francesca Borgia(b.1512)m.Amadeus of Savoy(b.1511)
    4)Ferdinand Borgia(b.1515)
    5)Alfonso Borgia(b.1516, d.1517)
    7)Sibilia Borgia(b.1522)
    1)Francesco Borgia(b.1507) m.Alessandra Sforza(b.1519) has issue
    1)Isabella Boriga(b.1536, d.1536)
    2)Gioffre Borgia(b.1538)

    House of Aragon
    Lucrezia Borgia Duchess of Montalnto(b.1480), m.Alfonso of Aragon(b. 1481 d.1508), m. Ferdinand of Aragon, Duke of Montalto(b.1482) has issue by both
    1a)Rodrigo of Aragon(b.1499)
    2a)Stillborn daughter(1501)
    3a)Sancho of Aragon(b.1504)
    5a)Alfonso of Aragon(b.1509)
    1b)Giovanna of Aragon(b.1512)
    2b)Anna of Aragon(b.1514, d.1514)
    3b)Inés of Aragon(b.1517)

    House of Sforza(Dukes of Milan)
    Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan(b. 1452, r. from 1494, d.1515) m.Beatrice D’este, Duchess of Milan(b.1475, d.1534), took Lucrezia Crivelli(b.1452, d.1508) as a Mistress has issue by both
    1a)Massimiliano Sforza(b.1493), m. to Infanta Isabella of Aragon(b.1498)
    2a)Francesco Sforza(b.1495)
    3a)Stillborn Son(1497)
    4a)Leonora Sforza(b.1500) m. Louis of Savoy(b.1503)
    6a)Bianca Sforza(b.1504, d.1521) m.Ferdinand of Austria, Archduke of Inner Austria(b.1503) no living issue
    7a)Ricciarda Sforza(b.1507)
    8a)Niccolo Sforza(b.1509)
    1b)Giovanni Paolo Sforza(b.1497)

    Massimiliano Sforza Duke of Milan(b.1493, d.1538) m.Isabella of Aragon, Duchess of Milan(b.1498) had issue
    1)Ludovico Sforza(b.1513), m. Princess Renee of France(b.1510)
    3)Francesco Sforza(b.1516)
    4)Bianca Maria Sforza(b.1517) eng.Crown Prince Sigismund of Poland(b.1519)
    5)Alessandra Sforza(b.1519)
    6)Stillborn daughter(1521)
    7)Caterina Sforza(b.1522)
    8)Agnese Sforza(b.1524, d.1524)
    9)Giovanni Sforza(b.1526, d.1526)
    10)Martino Sforza(b.1529)

    Ludovico II Sforza, Duke of Milan(b.1513) m.Princess Renne of France, Duchess of Milan (b.1510) has issue
    1)Isabella Sforza(b.1530)
    2)Beatrice Sforza(b.1532)
    3)Massimiliano Sforza(b.1533)
    4)Anna Sforza(b.1535)
    5)Stillborn Son(1537)
    6)Camilla Dorotea Sforza(b.1539)

    House of Valois
    Louis XII of France(b.1462) m.Anne of Brittany, Queen of France(b.1477, d.1514) had issue
    1a)Claude of France, Duchess of Brittany(b.1499) m. Francis I of France(b.1494)
    4a)Princess Marie of France m.Ferdinand of Austria, Duke of Inner Austriab.1505) has issue
    5a)Stillborn son(1508)
    6a)Princess Renee of France, Duchess of Milan(b.1510) m.Ludovico II Sforza, Duke of Milan
    7a)Stillborn son(1512)

    King Francis I of France(b.1494, r from 1515) m.Claude of France, Queen of France(b.1499, d.1522) had issue, m. Blanca of Aragon, Queen of France(b.1512) has issue
    1a)Princess Louise of France(b.1516, d.1517)
    2a)Princess Charlotte of France(b.1516, d.1524)
    3a)Francis, Dauphin of France(b.1518), m.Elisabeth of Austria(b.1520) has issue
    4a)Prince Henri, Duke of Anjou(b.1519, d.1533)
    5a)Princess Madeline of France, Queen of Scots(b.1520, d.1539), m. King James V of Scotland(b.1515) had issue
    6a)Prince Charles, Duke of Orleans(b.1521) m.Maria of Savoy, Duchess of Orleans(b.1524)
    7a)Princess Marguerite of France(b.1522) m.Frederick, Duke of Calabria(b.1523)
    1b)Prince Jean, Duke of Anjou(b.1529)
    2b)Prince Louis(b.1531, d.1531)
    3b)Princess Joan(b.1533)
    4b)Princess Agnes(b.1536)
    Francis, Dauphin of France(b.1518), m.Elisabeth of Austria(b.1520) has issue
    1)Anne of France (b.1536, d.1536)
    2)Louis of France (b.1538)
    House of Bourbon

    Suzanne, Duchess of Burbon(b.1491, d.1516) m.Charles III, Duke of Bourbon(b.1490, d.1529) had issue
    4)Duke Peter III of Bourbon(b.1514)
    5)Anne de Bourbon, Duchess of Longueville(b.1516)
    6)Charlotte de Bourbon(b.1516), m. Jean de Foix
    Duke Peter III of Bourbon(b.1514) m.Isabella de Foix, Duchess of Bourbon (ATL cousin of Gaston de Foix) (b.1513, d.1530) 2nd. marriage to Eleanor de Foix, Duchess of Bourbon(b.1517) issue by both
    1a)Charles de Bourbon(b.1528, d.1528)
    2a)Stilbborn daughter(1529)
    3a)Suzanne de Bourbon(b.1530
    1b)Anne de Bourbon(b.1533)
    2b)Jean de Bourbon(b.1535)
    3b)Louis de Bourbon(b.1537, d.1537)
    4b)Gaston de Bourbon(b.1539, d.1539)

    House de Foix
    Gaston de Foix, Duke of Nemours(b.1489) m. Anne de La Tour d'Auvergne(b.1496) has issue
    1)Jean de Foix(b.1516) m. Charlotte de Bourbon(b.1515) has issue
    2)Eleanor de Foix, Duchess of Bourbon(b.1517) m.Duke Peter III of Bourbon(b.1514) has issue
    3)Marie de Foix(b.1519, d.1519)
    4)Charles de Foix(b.1522)
    5)Louis de Foix(b.1525)
    Jean de Foix(b.1516) m. Charlotte de Bourbon(b.1515) has issue
    1)Anne de Foix(b.1533)
    2)Stillborn son(1535)
    3)Marie de Foix(b.1537)
    4)Louise de Foix(b.1539)

    House of Lorraine
    Francis of Lorraine(b.1517) m.Mary of England(b.1510) has issue
    2)Charles of Lorraine(b.1535)
    3)Renata of Lorraine(b.1537, d.1537)
    4)Antoine of Lorraine(b.1539, d.1539)

    House of Stuart
    King James IV of Scotland(b.1473, d.1516) m. Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots(b.1489), had issue
    1)Stillborn daughter(1509)
    2) Arthur Stewart, Duke of Rothesay(b.1512-d.1512)
    3)James V of Scotland(b.1515) m.Madeline of France, Queen of Scots(b.1520, d.1539) had issue
    4)Prince Alexander, Duke of Ross(b.1516)
    John Stuart, Duke of Albany(b.1481) m. Margaret Tudor(b.1489), Queen mother of Scotland and Duchess of Albany, has issue
    1)Robert Stuart(b.1518)
    2)David Stuart(b.1520, d.1520)
    3)Annabella Stuart(b.1522)
    King James V of Scotland(b.1515) m.Madeline of France, Queen of Scots,(b.1520, d.1539) had issue
    2)James, Duke of Ross(b.1539)

    House d’Este
    Alfonso I d’Este, Duke of Ferrara(b.1476, d.1534) m.Anna Sforza(b.1476. d.1497, no living issue) 2nd m.Bona Sforza, Duchess of Ferrara(b.1494) had issue
    1)Ercole d’Este(b.1511) m. Catherine of Austria(b.1507) has issue
    2)Eleanora d’Este(b.1515)
    3)Isabella d’Este(b.1518)
    4)Stillborn daughter(1520)
    5)Ippolito d’Este(b.1523, d.1523)
    6)Miscarriage (1525)
    7)Ippolita d’Este(b.1527)eng.Vladisalus, Crown Prince of Bohemia and Hungary(b.1528)

    Ercole d’Este(b.1511) m. Catherine of Austria(b.1507) has issue
    1)Alfonso d’Este(b.1528)
    2)Ippolito d'Este(b.1530, d.1530)
    3)Carlo d'Este(b.1533)
    4)Bona d’Este(b.1535)
    5)Stillborn son(1537)
    6)Giovanna d’Este(b.1539)

    House De Medici
    Duke Alessandro I of Florence(b.1510, r.from 1526, d.1537) m.Louise of Savoy, Duchess of Florence(b.1506) has issue also has illgetimate issue by illegitamte sister-in-law, Agnes of Savoy(b.1511)
    1a)Lorenzo de Medici(b.1527) eng. Infanta Juana of Aragon(b.1521)
    2a)Piero de Medici(b.1528, d.1528)
    3a)Alfonsina de Medici(b.1530)
    4a)Maria de Medici(b.1532)
    6a)Simone de Medici(b.1535)
    7a)Isabella de Medici(b.1537)
    1b)Alessandro de Medici(b.1535)
    2b)Teresa de Medici(b.1537)

    Neapolitan House of Trastámara
    King Ferdinand III of Naples(b.1488, r.from 1507) m.Maria of Aragon, Queen of Naples(b.1503), has issue
    1)Princess Isabella of Naples(b.1520)
    2)Miscarriage (1521)
    3)Frederick, Duke of Calabria(b.1523) m.Princess Margurite of France(b.1522)
    4)Prince Pedro of Naples(b.1524, d.1524)
    5)Prince Alfonso of Naples(b.1527)
    6)Prince Giovanni of Naples(b.1530)
    7)Stillborn Daughter(1532)
    8)Princess Margherita of Naples(b.1537)
    Bastard issue by Flora Strozzi(b.1499)
    1b)Leonora of Aragon(b.1524)
    2b)Carlos of Aragon(b.1528)
    3b)Antonio of Aragon(b.1529, d.1529)
    4b)Ricciarda of Aragon(b.1532)
    5b)Ippolita of Aragon(b.1535)

    House of Wittelsbach
    Duke William IV of Bavaria(b.1493) m.Margaret of Savoy, Duchess of Bavaria(b.1501), has issue
    2)Theodor of Bavaria(b.1520, d.1533)
    3)Albert of Bavaria(b.1523) m.Princess Christina of Denmark(b.1522)
    4)Kunigunde of Bavaria(b.1525, d.1525)
    5)William of Bavaria(b.1528, d.1529)
    6)Wilhemina of Bavaria(b.1532)

    House of Oldenburg
    King Christian II of Denmark(b.1481) m.Isabella of Austria, Queen of Denmark(b.1501, d.1536), second marriage to Ricciarda of Milan, Queen of Denmark(b.1507)
    1a)Prince John of Denmark(b.1518) m.Princess Edith of England(b.1519) has issue
    2a)Prince Phillip Ferdinand of Denmark(b.1519, d.1520)
    3a)Prince Maximillian(b.1519, d.1519)
    4a)Princess Dorothea of Denmark(b.1520)
    5a)Princess Christina of Denmark(b.1522)
    6a)Stillborn son(1523)
    7a)Prince Phillip of Denmark(b.1527)
    8a)Stillborn daughter(1530)
    1b)Prince Christian(b.1538, d.1538)
    Crown Prince John of Denmark(b.1518) m.Edith of England(b.1519) has issue
    1)Christian of Denmark(b.1536)
    2)Prince Frederick(b.1539, d.1539)

    House Vasa
    King Gustav I of Sweden(b.1496) m.Hedwig of Poland, Queen of Sweden(b.1513) has issue
    1)Prince Erik, Duke of Kalmar(b.1530)
    2)Princess Barbara(b.1532)

    House Jagellion(Poland)
    King Sigismund I “The Old” of Poland(b.1467) m.Barbara Zapoyla, Queen of Poland(b.1495, d.1515) had issue. 2nd marriage to Eleanor of Austria(b.1498), Queen of Poland, has issue
    1a)Princess Hedwig of Poland, Queen of Sweden(b.1513) m. King Gustav I of Sweden(b.1496)
    2a)Princess Anna of Poland(b.1515, d.1520)
    1b)Sigismund, Crown Prince of Poland(b.1519), m.Bianca Maria Sforza(b.1517) has issue
    3b)Princess Isabella of Poland(b.1524)
    4b)Princess Sophia of Poland(b.1526)
    5b)Prince Olbracht of Poland(b.1527, d.1527)
    6b)Prince Casimir(b.1530)
    Sigismund, Crown Prince of Poland(b.1519), m.Bianca Maria Sforza(b.1517) has issue, also has issue by mistress Barbara Radziwiłł
    1a)Anna of Poland(b.1535)
    2a)Sigismund of Poland(b.1537)
    3a)Casimir of Poland(b.1539, d.1539)
    1b)Olbracht Jagellion(b.1536)

    House Jagellion (Hungary)
    King Louis II of Hungary(b.1506, r.from 1516) m.Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary(b.1505) has issue
    1)Stillborn son(b.1523)
    2)Princess Catherine of Hungary(b.1526)eng.Maximillian of Austria(b.1526)
    3)Prince Vladislaus of Hungary(b.1528)eng.Ippolita d'Este(b.1527)
    4)Prince Alexander of Hungary(b.1530, d.1531)
    5)Princess Anne of Hungary(b.1531)
    6)Princess Joanna of Hungary(b.1533, d.1533)
    7)Princess Alexandra(b.1537)

    House Vasa
    King Gustav I of Sweden(b.1496) m.Hedwig of Poland, Queen of Sweden(b.1513) has issue
    1)Prince Eric, Duke of Kalamr(b.1530)
    2)Princess Barbara(b.1532)
    3)Princess Anna(b.1534)
    4)Prince John, Duke of Finland(b.1535)
    5)Prince Sigismund, Duke of Ostergotland(b.1537)
    6)Prince Charles(b.1539, d.1539)
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  • In Spain, at Cadiz, on May 14th, Catherine De Medici and Sancho of Cadiz would have their third child, a girl named Juana, after the Dowager Holy Roman Empress. Sadly, the child would live for less than a week, dying on May 20th

    To the west, at the Ribeira Palace on October 15th, King Miguel I and Catherine of England would have their tenth and final child, as the thirty-nine-year-old Queen would give birth to an Infante named Dinis, who would be destined for a career in the Church.

    In France meanwhile on July 29th, King Francis I of France and Blanca of Aragon, Queen of France would have their fifth child that would come to term, a daughter named Catherine, for Blanca’s aunt, Catherine of Aragon, the Queen of England.

    Across the English Channel, there was to be several noteworthy events, several of them tragic. One such tragedy was the demise of The Prince of Wales’s second eldest son, William of England, on July 24th, after suffering a series of deadly fevers for days, the boy was just a year old. Less than two month later, on October 4th, his mother Anne of Cleves, Princess of Wales would give birth to a child that would help mitigate the great sadness felt by his elder brother’s death. That son would be named John, for his maternal grandfather late, John III, Duke of Cleves, as well as his granduncle, the late Juan III of Spain.

    On April 18th, Katherine Stafford, beloved wife of Prince Edmund, Duke of Somerset would die of Breast Cancer at the age of forty one, just two years after her father, Edward Stafford the Duke of Buckingham succumbed to the sweating sickness. It was after this that Duke Edmund made a request of his elder brother King Henry VIII, that he be allowed to choose his second wife, provided that she is of high birth. The King of England, in a particularly sympathetic mode, agreed to his brother’s request.

    In the Duchy of York, on September 7th, Prince Henry, Duke of York, and Amalia of Cleves would have their third child together, a daughter who they named Joan.

    To the north, in Scotland, King James V would reluctantly remarry, this time to a match destined to bring himself closer to both the Spanish and the French: Isabella of Navarre, youngest sister of King Henry II of Navarre, thus a member of the French House D’Albert, and through her sister, Magdalena, was sister-in-law to the Infante Juan Carlos, Duke of Cadiz. The Princess of Navarre was rather disparagingly referred to as the “Spinster Princess”, for the youngest of her elder siblings, Charlotte of Navarre(1) was chosen instead of her to be wife of René I de Rohan, Viscount of Rohan, thus she remained unwed for much of her life. The wedding took place at St Andrews Cathedral in Scotland. Husband and wife did seemed to get along decently enough, though this was perhaps more out of duty than anything else, while Isabella, though not exceptionally close to her young stepson James, Duke of Rothesay, seemed to respect the boy.

    To the east, In the Holy Roman Empire, there was to be a rather troublesome event for the House of Habsburg, stemming from one of its younger members. Said member was the Archduchess Joanna of Austria, now twelve years of age, and much unlike her namesake grandmother, had possessed great zeal and religiosity, purportedly spending many hours at prayer, and in studying theology. Said interest was initially viewed as only a good thing by her pious father, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, while her grandmother the dowager Holy Roman Empress warned that such an obsession could cause trouble. Ultimately, Juana of Aragon was proved right, for one day, in the month of August, the girl announced that she refused to marry the King of Denmark’s grandson, and announced her intention to take the veil as a nun. Historian Oskar Schmid, in Emperors of Blood and Christ writes,”The Archduchess Joanna resolutely refused to marry, claiming that God had called her into his service, and that the only man she would be a bride to is Christ. When the Emperor tried to dissuade her, reminding her of her obligations as Archduchess, Joanna then made the sign of the cross, stating that she would much rather face the wrath of her father, than that of God.” Her father, while somewhat nonplussed, accepted his daughter’s demands, reasoning that she would be unhappy in married life, and that he had other daughters who could wed young Christian.

    Thus, with funds given to her by her father, the Archduchess Joanna would found a convent at Hall in Tirol, becoming a Nun of the Cistercian order. Eighteen years later she would become an abbess at the age of thirty and would personally see to the care and education of many orphans. Of course, this meant that Charles needed to furnish a replacement bride for his grandnephew, and he did so in the form of his second youngest daughter, Catherine of Austria.

    To the north, in Denmark, on January 11th, King Christian II of Denmark and Ricciarda of Milan, Queen of Denmark had their second child, a son named Ludwig, who would reassure the King of the safety of the succession.

    Archduchess Catherine of Austria as a child

    (1) Charles of Navarre is born as a girl, Charlotte of Navarre, who weds Isabella's OTL spouse so that Isabella remains unwed until now..
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  • In Spain, at the Duchy of Cadiz, Sancho of Cadiz would sire his second child with Isabel Osario, this time a son, much to the envy of his wife Catherine de Medici, who, as of now had only one living daughter with Sancho. This bastard named Enrique de Trastámara would be born on May 6th, ironically in the same month that it has been speculated that he and his wife conceived their fourth child. Speaking of Catherine de Medici, it was during this time that the disillusioned woman would develop a close friendship with her uncle by marriage, King Ferdinand VI. This, however, would pose some complications for Catherine for several reasons. First of these, was that she would develop something of a rivalry in precedence with Queen Philiberta, who was determined to maintain her position as the foremost woman in Spanish court. Indeed, by the logic of the time, Catherine should have had a relatively low rank in Spanish court, behind not only the Queen but behind the many Infantas(that is the daughters, aunts and sisters of the king), the Queen Mother, Margaret of Austria, as well as the King’s nieces. Of course, there would also be a clash of personalities between her and Philiberta as well, for just like she once did with her stepdaughter-in-law, Philiberta blamed Catherine for having an unfaithful husband. Another, rather large complication of this closeness was rumored that she and the King of Spain were having an affair. These were not true, and only Queen Philiberta seemed to believe them, another point of contention between the two. In fact, the friendship between Catherine de Medici and Ferdinand VI was just friendship, for the King appreciated Catherine’s intelligence and the humility with which she acted towards him, while Catherine was grateful for the fact that he had repeatably chastised her husband for having illegitimate children.

    In Portugal, at the Ribeira on August 23rd, Isabella of Aragon, the Queen Mother of Portugal, would pass from this world, at the impressive age of seventy. She died of Influenza, the illness that she held great disdain for, as it had caused her to miscarry her first pregnancy, it was reported that after taking ill, at the beginning of August she said,”Of all the illnesses, it had to be this damned one.” Her funeral was one of splendor, for she was a woman of great prestige throughout her life, who held several important roles. From eldest daughter of the Catholic Monarchs to Princess of Portugal, then Regent of Aragon who chased off the French and finally Queen of Portugal. In short, it can definitively be said that Isabella of Aragon lead an interesting life, and though her children and grandchildren mourned her greatly, they appreciated the love and sage advice that she had provided to them. Truthfully, other than the manner of her death, Isabella was likely in fairly good spirits when she passed, for years beforehand, she had been able to meet the first three of her great-grandchildren: Ferdinand of Beja (b.1539), Catarina of Braganza(b.1540) as well as Maria of Menezes(b.1541). This also symbolized the fact an entire generation was either dead or growing old, after all, three of the five children of the Catholic Monarchs were now dead, with only Juana of Aragon, Dowager Holy Roman Empress and Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England, still living.

    Across the Pyrenees, in France, there was to be a duo of royal births and a miscarriage. Firstly, in February, Maria of Savoy, Duchess of Orleans would miscarry her first child by Prince Charles, Duke of Orleans. To his credit, the Royal Duke did not stray from his wife in this emotional time, and the once immature young man took great efforts to comfort his “grand amour” that is, his great love.

    The other two pregnancies were those of Queen Blanca, and the Dauphine Elisabeth of Austria. The Queen's pregnancy would be the first to reach it ends, as on July 31st barely a year after her previous pregnancy Blanca of Aragon gave birth to her third son(though second living son, and penultimate child, Prince Henri, named for his elder half-brother that Blanca adored, who would be styled as Prince Henri, Duc d’Angouleme as he came of age fifteen years later, when he would marry his second cousin, Catherine of Lorraine(b.1541). The Dauphine for her part would give birth on November 11th, to a second son who she and Francis would name Charles, for her father, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, as well as the Dauphin’s only living full brother, Charles, Duc d’Orleans. The births of Henri and Charles would take place at the Château de Fontainebleau, and the boys, half-uncle, and nephew would go on to cultivate a close friendship in the coming years.

    The House de Foix would welcome another member into its ranks with the birth of Gaston de Foix, for after ten years of marriage, Jean de Foix, heir to the Duchy of Nemours, and Charlotte de Bourbon finally had a son on June 1st.

    In Lorraine on June 4th, Francis of Lorraine and Mary of England would have their fourth child that would come to term, a daughter named Catherine for her beloved mother, which the Princess described as ” Joyous and long-awaited" in a letter to her parents. As previously mentioned, Catherine of Lorraine was betrothed to her second cousin Prince Henri of France from birth.

    Across the English Channel, there was a tumult of events. Firstly, in Greenwich Palace, a grand wedding was to be held. That wedding was the second marriage of Prince Edmund, Duke of Somerset, age forty-one, only living brother of King Henry VIII. He was wed to his late wife’s ward, the longtime orphan, Catherine Howard, then eighteen in the month of February. The circumstances surrounding the wedding are rather famous amongst more romantic circles, despite the age difference between Edmund and Catherine. It has been said that just a month before, when Edmund had offered to arrange for an advantageous marriage for the young woman, as he had for her brother Charles, who in the previous year had been married to Bridget Plantagenet, and had been appointed Lord Deputy of Calais, at the suggestion of his mentor the Duke. Catherine then surprised Duke Edmund by proposing that she marry him, embracing him, and promising to give him love, children and that as a stepmother she would deeply respect his children(several of whom were older than her, and her stepson Jasper had at this point been married to Frances de Vere for four years.) by the late Duchess Katherine Stafford. The Duke then asked if she was sure , and then we she reaffirmed her feelings for him, he decided they would be wed. In fact, the two were passionately in love, and in less than a year of the marriage, Catherine Howard would give birth to a son named Edmund, on November 1st, named for both her father, and her husband. It was a few weeks after this that her brother George Howard would benefit from his brother-in-law and mentor’s largesse and influence, for he, then seventeen, married to the fourteen-year-old Elizabeth FitzGerald, known as the “Fair Geraldine” with whom he would have seven children. George would later serve as a knight in the King’s armies, and would be granted a fine manor, and license to sell Gascon wine by the King, who was brother-in-law to his sister.

    In York, on October 21st, Prince Henry, Duke of York, and Amalia of Cleves had their fourth child, a son named John, who having been born two months early, would die in infancy just a day after his birth.

    To the north in Scotland, at Methven Castle in Perthshire, Margaret Tudor, eldest of the Tudors would pass from this world, after suffering a stroke on October 18th, dying at the age of fifty-one. It was said that her son, James V was greatly distressed by her death, as it had occurred just two years after the death of his first wife, Madeline of Valois.

    On the opposite side of the North Sea, in Copenhagen Denmark, there was to be yet another royal birth, as on January 17th, Edith of England and Crown Prince John would have their third child, a son named John after the Crown Prince.

    To the east across the Oresund strait King Gustav I would have yet another child with Hedwig of Poland Queen of Sweden, the Princess Cecilia born on November 16th, named for her paternal grandmother Cecilia Månsdotter, who had been terribly treated during her imprisonment by King Christian II of Denmark and died many years prior.

    To the south, in Poland, Bianca Maria Sforza, Crown Princess of Poland by virtue of her marriage to Crown Prince Sigismund would miscarry a child in June, at Crackow, causing her husband to pay a visit to his mistress Barbara Radziwiłł, which would result in the birth of an illegitimate child in the next year.

    In the Holy Roman Empire, at Vienna, the Archduke Maximillian of Austria, second son of Charles V and Anne of Bohemia and Hungary was wed to his double-first-cousin, Princess Catherine of Hungary in an elaborate ceremony in the month of November, in which the parents of both bride and groom were in attendance. The couple while rather happy with each other, would have only two living children, out of five pregnancies, possibly due to their close kinship (1). Their children were: Ludwig(b.1543), Maria(b.1545, d.1545), Charles(b.1548, d.1548). Anna(b.1550) and Joanna(b.1556, d.1556).

    Across the Alps, in Milan, Duke Ludovico II of Milan and Renee of France would have their final child on March 25th, a daughter named Claudia for her late sister: Claude of Brittany, Queen of France.

    (1) Yes I’m trying to reduce the number of first-cousin marriages, but made an exception given that Louis II of Hungary and Mary of Austria only have one living son, so they would marry their eldest daughter off to a Habsburg in case Vladislaus dies childless

    Catherine de Medici, as depicted in the series The Trastámaras after finding out her husband Sancho had another bastard child
    Catherine de'Medici: orphan, captive, wife, Queen, mother, politician,  survivor – Ann Foster

    Prince Edmund, Duke of Somerset and Catherine Howard, Duchess of Somerset in the period romance film, Edmund and Catherine
    Pin on |REIGN|

    Mary Tudor, Duchess of Lorraine, as depicted in French period film, Duchesse Marie following the birth of Catherine of Lorraine
    Sarah Bolger as Mary Tudor - Photo - The Tudors Wiki

    PS: Once more because of image limits, another post will cover some other portraits...
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