juan prince of asturias

  1. mickeymouse

    WI: The assassination attempt against Ferdinand II of Aragon had succeeded?

    On December 7, 1492, King Ferdinand II of Aragon was departing from the Plaça del Rei in Barcelona when a man named Juan de Cañamares (or, Joan de Canyamars) armed with a short sword took the chance to stab him, leaving a long wound that went from his ear to his neck (as a chronicler of the time...
  2. What if Prince Arthur of England, Prince Juan of Spain, Prince Miguel of Portugal and Prince Charles Orlando of France survived?
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    To steal from my fanfic summary (which I will be loosely using as a basis for this timeline): Between 1495-1502, four important Crown Princes died in history. But what if they didn't? What if when Arthur Tudor became king of England, those three princes were his counterparts? Six months after...
  3. Awkwardvulture

    Thriving Pomegranate Seeds: A Trastámara Spain Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Hello everyone, I've been reading and commenting on this site for a while and I thought I'd give the whole writing thing a try. As you may be able to tell by the title, this will be a timeline about Spain, and the rest of the world. It will start with a POD in 1492, with four major changes for...
  4. The Bashful Bookworm

    Por la gracia de Dios: An Iberian Union Timeline
    Threadmarks: 1. A New Hope (December 1497)

    Chapter One: A New Hope December 8th, 1497 Alcalá de Henares Madrid, Kingdom of Castile The chapel in the Archbishop of Toledo's palace was silent as a crypt, save for the quiet prayers of its sole occupant. Shafts of winter moonlight slanted through the stained-glass windows, reducing the...