do what you feel is right buddy either way i salute you for making such a great tl.
I think I will continue it I love writing it and many people tell me they love reading it (also my girlfriend will not let me hear the End of it if some bad comments can deter me from followign my passions such as writing and her arguments alrleady give me tinitus most of the tiem with her nagging, oh I love her).
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1) Port Moresby and all of New Guinea
2) Spain in the War
3) looking back at how the League of Nations failed to prevent the War
4) Battle of Rennell Island
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Chapter 873: Battle of Port Moresby and the Push to Milne Bay
Chapter 873: Battle of Port Moresby and the Push to Milne Bay

The defense of Port Moresby, originally consisted of 5,000 Australian forces, who opposed the Japanese first landing attempts, but soon rose with other Royal Australian forces and United States Forces, as well as locally recruited Papua Infantry Battalions and Papuan auxiliary to nearly 10,000 overall. Supported in the air by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and United States Army Air Force (USAAF) against the bombing raids of the Imperial Japanese Army and Imperial Japanese Navyto weaken their defenses the Japanese had learned that their long march trough the Jungle and the Kokoda Trail was not the way to go. Under overall command of General Douglas MacArthur, who also assumed the Japanese would no longer play their main cards trough such a long jungle march, the defenses of Port Moresby in New Guinea (Nuigui) were focused more westwards, were skirmishes suggested that the Japanese send large troop contingents trough the jungles there under horrendous conditions, while also increasing their numbers north of the Owen Stanley Range with the aid of the North New Guinea railway build across the northern coastline, so that not all of their supplies relied on coming by sea over Rabaul alone. Throughout the fighting many Papuans served as poachers for the more outward garrisons, but as many simply vanished in the cover of the night, returning to their families instead of fighting for the Australians, Americans or Japanese in a conflict they had nothing to gain from. Since 1942 Port Mroesby itself was a defensive complex of bases, with thousands of forces station in, or around it in staggered defensive lines, as it was the last main Allied bastion on New Guinea. Not only was it therefore important for defensive purposes, but also for counter offensives in the warfare for the New Guinea island as well, to push back the Japanese. To prove the importance, General MacArthur located his headquarters in Port Moresby since November 1942 and refused to leave and evacuate, like he had done in the Philippines, when the Japanese assaulted the city again and again. During this conflict Australia reorganized the former German New Guinea and Papua in the combined Territory of Papua and New Guinea, that they held under Australian administration ever since 1918.

Despite this several local laws and decisions made in the separate territories remained only active in the respective former two parts and would not become combined, as the overall province, sitting on two sides of the massive mountain range would otherwise have been to hard to administrate. The Japanese and their puppet vassal colony of Nuigui would learn so as well when they attempted to run the whole local islands from Rabaul later on, with the South becoming a hot-spot for local native and Australian/ Allied aided guerrilla and rebel movements. The harbor town of Port Moresby became site of one of the major sieges in the last part of the New Guinea campaign, when the arrived Japanese reinforcements blew up the Allied trench fortified lines trough underground tunnels and infiltrated their defensive line, pushing them back further and further. Quickly Port Moresby was attacked from two sides by the Japanese who had brought superior numbers, but at the same time would also suffer six to eight times the Allied causalities during this last part of the campaign. Once the Japanese Co-Prosperity Sphere forces actually managed to take Port Moresby under heavy own losses, the Allies defenses crumbled across the whole New Guinean front-line and were pushed back in a supposed retreat, that would end up in a chaotic mass panic rushing to Milne Bay in the hopes of getting evacuated there, or anywhere along the retreat. During this retreat they were bombed by the IJA/ IJN air forces and nearby naval forces at every opportunity to prevent the Allies from reforming their defensive lines and stop the Japanese once more. During the Battle of Port Moresby, General Douglas MacArthur himself was killed which lead to only more confusion and chaos during the overall retreat of the local Australian and American allied forces. Some would get lost in the jungle, falling victims to animals, cannibalist tribes or starvation, others would run out of supplies along the evacuation paths, or die during the bombing of the overcrowded Milne Bay evacuation points. In the End many more died during the hasty organized evacuations, while some became Japanese prisoners of war, when the Japanese flag waved over Milne Bay and all of New Guinea was now in Co-Prosperity Sphere hands.
Chapter 874: Spain in the War
Chapter 874: Spain in the War

The loss of Spanish Western Sahara (Sahara Espanol) and Spanish Morocco (Marruecos Espaniol), as well as the assumed soon loss of Ceuta and Melilla, alongside fear that the Alleis could jump over to the Iberian Mainland was real inside the Spanish population ever since the first Allied landing during Operation Torch. Free France even openly claimed Spanish African territories and had already incorporated the Allied occupied Spanish Guinea into French Equatorial Africa (French: Afrique-Équatoriale française) similar to former German Kamerun (Cameroon), while the British seamed eager to keep the Canary Islands. Most Falange Fascists and Nationalists however feared that an Allied Invasion of mainland Iberia could bring back the Spanish Republic and seek revenge upon them all. Already the American-British blockade of food, that Spain depended so much upon, which was why the German Empire needed to send grain from the captured Ukraine, but naturally prioritized Central Europe over the Western European French or Iberian's while doing so. Further more the Spanish Army had proven as good as the Italians, meaning they needed local German, French and Italian support, not only during the capture of Gibraltar, but also the overall securing of their African holdings. While it increased the range of German submarines and naval bombers into the Atlantic, Allied propaganda leaflets and even special forces were dropped over Spain from British-Allied but official neutral Portugal, bringing in food, weapons and other supplies for local pro-Republican underground groups to reignite the Spanish Civil War. While Portugal served as a still neutral trade partner for raw materials the Germans needed, similarly to how a neutral Spain would have, the British pressure made it questionable how long that would still be the chase. German forces needed to aid in the defense of Spain and it’s colonies were also not operating elsewhere were they could be utilized better, like the Middle East, or Eastern Europe. Food shortages, unrest and an increasing pro-Republcian uprising made the regime of Franco as well as the Spanish Catholic Churhc and the Monarchy supporting it more oppressing and brutal then ever before.

At the same time the mountain border to Portugal, even if it would join the Allies looked rather dependable and when the Portuguese did not join the Axis Central Powers, the Germans had started aiding the Spanish in incorporating that border, as well as their northern Coastline into the Atlantic Wall. Ever since the war started the Spanish army and militia, as well as their air force had increased drastically, with around 200 to 400 planes coming from Germany, France, or Italy, or being stationed in Spain that no longer were needed in the Northern Mediterranean, Central North Africa, or the Balkans. Spain beside food and grain was also in dire need of coal (9.5 to 11.6 million metric tons between 1940 to 1944, or around 53% to 72% of the 1935 production), petroleum and other goods that were hard to supply to them by their new Axis Central Power allies, while they exported valuable Tungsten and some other raw materials to the Germans in exchange. A situation that got worse once the American-British forces had occupied the Azores. Shortages soon crippled the Spanish economy and lead to increasing pro-Republican protests and uprisings. Fears that Spain could become the Western Front for the Alleis only increased once the new El Cid Line was constructed as fortifications across the Portuguese border and the southern coastline. While Spain forced Allied shis tp detour further west, a more fuel costly and longer route, but the Germans had not managed to secure the Canary Islands o build it up as an Axis Central Powers air and naval base against Allied Atlantic shipping before loosing it. At the same time Italian, Fascist French and Spanish ships from the Mediterranean left for the Atlantic to raid Allied convoys there until the Torch landings in Morocco and Allied air cover from the Canary Islands, Western Spanish Sahara and Western Spanish Morocco. While the Mediterranean became an Axis Central Powers lake, meaning a heavy setback for the British, the entrance of the Americans int other war and the fighting in Russia meant it had less of an overall impact then Berlin, Rome and Madrid might have hoped for. The Allies whoever had no direct invasion plans for Spain, as it would mean fight trough the mountain border in Portugal and later the mountain border int o France and still be far away from Germany, Austria or Italy, while at the same time meaning they would then have to feed the starving Spanish and French.

Many also questioned their Axis Central Power allies, as Spain had claimed not only Morocco, but also parts of Algeria that their allies never gave them in fear it might alienate Fascist Monarchist France, while also preventing more French colonies to joining Free France in fear ov being given to Spain or Italy. Especially in the Spanish Countryside pro-Republican rebels would rise up again and in some parts remain activ until the 1950ies or even 1960ies. Those Guerrillas were however local phenomenon and rather well contained by the Spanish militia, guardia civil and army alike. Known as the Spanish Maquis to the Allies and Bandoleros (Bandits) to the National Spanish Monarchy and Kingdom, leading to Spanish-Portuguese relations souring because of the pro-Allied Propaganda from their Western Iberian nation state and kingdom. Spanish state propaganda, the monarchy and even the Spanish Catholic Church therefore backed the Axis Central Powers Propaganda of their nation the best they possibly could, branding anyone speaking out against this as a pro-Republican traitor. Franco having gambled that after the Fall of France and the soon fall of the Soviet Union/ Russia, the British would sue for peace in which Spain could gain much, without contributing, or risking much had not payed off as he had hoped. This was true as the nearest British naval Base was in Sierra Leon in West Africa, but much of this changed with Operation Torch. Now Allied air and naval bases were right next to the Spanish Coast and the blockading of Spanish Ports in the Atlantic Coast. The Canary Islands, Western Morocco and Western Sahara themselves meant Allied divisions had to be stationed there, as well as around 3,2 million additional people feed in the Alleid controlled regions of Western Africa that were cut of from the main inland farms, trade and supply routes still in Axis Central Powers hands. Portugal was divided between being a pro-British fascist government and closer political, ideological and brotherly Iberian ties with the Spanish and the Axis Central Powers, putting Lisbon in a troubling tight spot. Meanwhile the Spanish Republican Government in Exile supported Diego Martínez Barrio, president of the Spanish Republican Government in Exile and his supporters as the most likely pro-Alleid Spanish Republic government, should they liberate Spain and with it the Iberian Peninsula from Fascist Royalist, National Monarchist elements.
Maybe he fell down a flight of stairs and broke his neck. A fitting death for a prima donna like him.
I like a air dropped raid bomb hitting him personally, since he was so keen on using nukes across Asia OTL if he would have been given a free hand, but everyone can choose his favorite death for him, this is why I left it vaguely open. ;D
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Chapter 875: Failure of the League of Nations
Chapter 875: Failure of the League of Nations

Many would later claim that the League of Nations had played a huge part in the Second Great War, especially many of the former members that later joined the Western Allies United Nations. League of Nation decisions and resolutions. It began in Yankoku, were the local government, partly made up by many members of the former Fengtiang Clique, Guominjun Clique and Anhui Clique, led by Yan Xishan, which in the eyes of the League of Nations gave them enough credibility to accept local ethnic, cultural and religious independence movements from the Chinese Empire/ Chinese Republic, as they had done with Manchuria (Manchu), Mengjiang (Mongolian), seeing the local Yan (Jin dialect) as a similar separated ethnic group, as the locals wishing more independence from the Kuomintang (KMT) and even the former Zhili Clique claimed as well. Similar lackluster in decisions and actions in Ethiopia and later the Sudetenland, as well as Czech and Slovakian in Africa and Europe lands as well. Falling for the same trick in Taikoku (with local Mia and Zhuang ethnics with Cantonese, or Yue and Zhuang dialect), Tibet and other regions were the Japanese Empire, the Korean Empire and their allies, used the local distinguished ethnic, language, religious, cultural and national groups worthy of their own nation state, to use the self-determination of the League of Nations against itself. The reborn German Empire, the Austrian-Hungarian reunited Empire and the Kingdom of Italy quickly tried the same and with these, alongside puppet and vassal states recognizing each others depending nations and occupied territories, the League of Nations crumbled from within. Soon Imperial France, the Kigndom of Romania, the Kingdom of Korea, the Empire of Manchuria, Haiti, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil recognized the new Axis Central Powers and Co-Prosperity Sphere Nation States, or outright left the League of Nations for it’s growing incompetence and inactivity against global and regional acts of aggression and war against sovereign nation states and local ethnic, religious or other groups.

The main failure of the League of Nations resulted not from itself, but the Treaty of Versailles, created in direct disrespect and violation of it’s self-determination of local ethnic majority groups, which could only have left to future conflicts and aggression over this still disputed areas, especially as this included some of it’s main backers and founding nations as well. Instead of trying to eliminate most of this post-war border conflicts and problems by outright addressing them in clear statements and treaties all would agree upon, Versailles was seen by many as a forced threat of victors over losers, not a agreed upon negotiated solution by the League of Nations member states and nations, like it was originally planned and anticipated. Therefore even those signing the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations membership were often outright opposing of any of these argued over territories and ethnic regions, they themselves claimed for their state and nations, meaning none of them would be willing to ever uphold, or enforce them of their own because of that. At the same time those this way distracted with their own Irredentism and territorial claims inside the League of Nations often cared even less for the wishes, ambitions, dreams and claims of others further away, so that never a unified resolution, or block against forceful territorial aggression formed. Those far away and of little interest to problems half a world away also often had no insight in what was truly going on in local contested areas, which is how Yan Xishan, his North Chinese allies and the Japanese for example managed to fool the League Of Nation Commission in Yankoku, Mengjiang, or Manchuria alike, claiming the local ethnic groups, cultures and government wished for independence from Beijing/ Nanjing and with it independence from the Chinese Empire/ Chinese Republic alike without the League of Nations realizing that they aided in the creation of local Japanese puppet states and vassals instead. The same failure would later be repeated by the League of Nations in Africa and Europe against Italy, Germany and Austria, further encouraging this fascist, national kingdoms and empires that their aggressive colonial and imperial view and treating of the world trough the power of the strongest was not only justified and legal, but that the League of Nations would not do anything to stop them with force. From there things escalated further into the Second Great War.
Chapter 876: Battle of Rennell Island
Chapter 876: Battle of Rennell Island

The Solomon Islands were mainly in Japanese control by now after the costly victory at Guadalcanal, with the exception of Rennell Island, which was why the Allies had prepared their own opposition from their nearby bases at Espiritu Santo, Efate and Nouméa, while the Japanese supplies and reinforcements had to come from their local main base and headquarters in Rabaul to cover the Solomon Islands. The Japanese knew Rennell Island well, as their Rufe float-planes operated from Lake Tegano during the war in the Pacific, until the American Catalinas used it as a base during the last stages of the Battle of Guadalcanal and for raids during the Battles of Malaita and Makira alike. Rennell Island was home to several endangered species as the 1933 Templeton Crocker Expedition had discovered and it would be the place of the last major air and naval battle of the Solomon Island Campaign on 29 December 1942/ 30 December 1942, shortly before the Japanese landings on 28 January 1943. Most Japanese losses actually came from coral reefs their landing boats would crush into, as the Imperial Japanese Army and Imperial Japanese Navy faced allied air and naval forces opposing their own during the landing in this last Allied island in the Southern Solomon Islands. During the battle the US Navy would loose a heavy cruiser, a destroyer and was forced to retreat, as Japanese island based air cover and naval forces dominated the naval Battle of Rennell Island. The naval and air battle were actually the main engagements, as the Allies, especially American forces on Rennell Island were mostly pilots, mechanics, engineers and a few support crew for the small Catalinas Operation based on Lake Tegano to observe and occasional raid the Japanese airfields and bases at Guadalcanal. Because of that the Allies had a pretty good idea were the Japanese Invasion force were heading and tried to intercept them, but at the same time lacked the forces and the will to garrison the small island and create major local defenses, let alone managing to do so in time. Instead they decided to try and intercept the Japanese to force their retreat and buy themselves more time to prepare for their return, a strategy that would fail during the Battle of Rennell Island.

Instead the local American forces of the Lake Tegano Catalinas Operation tried their best to bomb and attack the Japanese landing forces, leading to further confusion and causalities as the Japanese meet the reefs around Rennell Island (Renneru-shima in Japanese). Against the direct invasion however the small American Operation crew on the island could do little, so they burned down their own supply depot of fuel and ammunition, everything they could not take back with them during the evacuation and also placed a couple of mines and explosives across the island in hopes they would distract the Japanese invasion force and trick them into believing they faced more local opposition by an American garrison. The trick worked as mock-up coconut build soldiers in American uniforms and purposely build spring guns and drip rifles were used to convince the Japanese that the Americans still occupied the island, leading to some instances of friendly fire upon the Japanese invaders. Overall the Japanese invasion and battle for Rennell Island would see the main causalities at sea, during the aerial and naval engagement. Shortly after Rennell Island would also prove to be to far away from the Rabaul supply and reinforcement line, as well as to exposed south of the main Solomon Islands to be efficiently supplied, reinforced and garrisoned as a air and naval base of any medium kind. Running in the same problems as the Allied Australians and Americans before the Japanese soon realized that Rennell Island would be little more then a target practice range for the Allied air and naval forces against any Japanese garrison or possible base there. At the same time the Imperial Japanese High Command refused to give up a once conquered isle without a fight and so sparse reinforcements and mainly resupplies were send by sea and air, often hunted by Allied submarines, ships, fighters and bombers with the instruction to the local Japanese garrison to use some of the fruits, as well as local ones to sustain themselves and were even encouraged to feed upon the natives, which they used as forced labor for their local defenses, or the American and own corpses if that was needed so far away from their main supply lines.
Chapter 877: Imperial Manchu Navy
Chapter 877: Imperial Manchu Navy

The Imperial Manchu Navy (IMN) of the Empire of Manchuria/ Manchukuo, a member state of the Co-Prosperity Sphere was mainly crewed with the dominant Han majority (as was much of the local population and citizens of Manchuria), alongside Japanese, often ones who had before been served in the Imperial Japanese Navy, alongside Korean and White Russian minorities in special forces and officer positions beside the Manchurian/ Manchu themselves. In 1942 the IMN had 2 Battleships planned or under construction, one as the future flagship of their navy. The rest of the IMN was made up by 2 Heavy Cruisers, with 2 more planned or under construction, 20 Light Cruisers, with 20 more planned and under construction, 20 Destroyers, with 40 more planned or under construction, as well as 20 patrol ships, gunboats, armed merchant ships, and submarine chasers, with 30 more planned or under construction. Together with a Regiment of Marines, 40 first line Naval Aircraft with 10 trainers. 100 Fighters, 20 Land-based twin engine bombers, 40 Seaplanes and flying boats, the IMN's main objective was to secure the coast of Manchuria (the Yellow Sea or Manchu Sea and the Japanese Sea) from enemy invasions, as well as the trade routes near the coast and to Yankoku, National Han China, Korea and Japan, from enemy raiding ships and submarines. This included the Imperial Manchu Merchant Fleet made up by 100 ships, with additional 100 more planned or under construction. Most of this ships and airplanes were of original Imperial Japanese origin and often even still used Japanese Officers and Captains during the majority of the Second Great War. They were also responsible for mining the overall areas nearby the Manchurian Coast in overall fear of any possible enemy naval landing force against them, once Manchuria had entered the Second Great War, even if officially, Manchuria was only involved in the War in China and Russia, not against the Western Allies of Europe or the Americans officially, even if some of their forces also operated as volunteers and auxiliaries among those of other Co-Prosperity Sphere Nation States in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean respectively.

The Uniforms of the IMN were directly modeled after the Imperial Japanese Ones, but the color scheme of their yellow elements was more in the light and dark yellow color scheme of the Imperial Manchurian Flag, which itself was modeled after the Manchu Banner. In the new Manchurian Empire, this flag and sign it pointed from represented the new Imperial Manchu Navy and the Yellow Sea and the Japanese Sea and coasts and shores of the new Manchurian “independent” member State of the Co-Prosperity Sphere, it protected. Because of this more defensive goals of the IMN, many of it's Manchurian Captains while being experts in green water (coastal waters, ports and harbors), brown water (navigable rivers and their estuaries), as well as excellent fleet protectors, submarine hunters, cruiser and destroyer commanders, blockade runners, mine sweepers and mine layers, as well as very familiar with the Yellow Sea (additional known as Western Chosen Sea, Yankoku Sea, or Western Manchurian Sea), the East China Sea (or Han China Sea) and the Sea of Japan (also called Eastern Chosen Sea), were quit unfit for operations in blue water (better known as the open ocean). Far fetched campaigns in the South or East Pacific were therefore not often accompanied by Manchurian Ships, even if some operated inside the Sea of Okhotsk (later known as the North Japanese Sea, or Eastern Manchurian Sea) during the Second Great War against the Soviet Russian Red Navy. Most of this operations involved intercepting Allied Convoys heading to the Soviet Union, or guarding Japanese Convoys in the region. The IMN established a large naval and air base Dailan and Haishenwai with coastal fortifications and guns. Similar to the rivalry between the Imperial Japanese Dalian/ Kwantung Navy, the Imperial Manchu Army and Navy argued which one of these armed forces would primarily secure harbors, coastal towns as well as the Liao River, Songhua River, Argun River, Amur River, Ussuri River and Yalu River to the west, north, east and south of their nation state. The two rivers in the north and east nearby the Manchurian People’s Republic and the Soviet Union also were the reason why larger IMN forces guarded the northern border with riverboats and fortified harbors and outposts alongside the Imperial Chosen Army.
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Chapter 878: Imperial Manchu Special Naval Landing Forces
Chapter 878: Imperial Manchu Special Naval Landing Forces

The Imperial Manchu/ Manchurian/ Manchukuo Navy Special Naval Landing Forces (IMN-SNLF) of the Empire of Manchuria, was an elite marine troop of the Imperial Manchu/ Manchurian/ Manchukuo Navy (IMN), made up mainly by the Han who dominated Manchuria/ Manchukuo, with Japanese, Korean and White Russian minorities in special forces and officer positions beside the Manchurian/ Manchu themselves headquartered and trained from Dalian. The Imperial Manchurian Navy Special Naval Landing Forces and the Imperial Manchuria Navy administrated the Island instead of any civil government and fortified it heavily between 1938 and 1942. An airfield, naval installations, bunkers, trenches, anti-air defenses, coastal guns and artillery as well as their own shipyard and naval dry-docks and repair stations made the Dalian Harbor a well defend key position in the Western Chosen Sea (or Yellow Sea, Manchurian Sea and Yankoku Sea). Trained and led mostly by Japanese, Imperial Japanese Navy Special Naval Landing Forces Officers and Commanders, the Manchu/ Manchukuo Imperial Manchu/ Manchurian Navy Special Naval Landing Forces fought in decisive battles during the Pacific War. From the frozen North in Karafuto/ Sakhalin Island in the Far East of the Soviet Union, all the way down to the Pacific Ocean mainly in Garrison duty on Farmosa/ Taiwan and the Philippines, as the Japanese viewed the Manchurian as an Asian land power, not a naval one. Often facing the same local guerrillas and rebel forces like they had already faced back home against local bandits and rebels inside their Empire of Manchriau/ Manchukuo. Often using only had older, outdated Japanese equipment and weapons as their own, while the Japanese IJN-SNLF had the most modern and better weapons and equipment for themselves in the Eastern Pacific, leading to much higher losses under Manchu/ Manchukuo soldiers in the Pacific War. Still the Imperial Manchu Navy Special Naval Landing Forces, proved themselves to be formidable soldiers, skilled fighters and a worthy addition to the other active forces of the Co-Prosperity Sphere, earning fame and honor for their bravery and victories during these campaigns.

The Uniforms of the IMN-SNLF, much like that of the Manchuria/ Manchukuo Navy were directly modeled after the Imperial Japanese Ones, but the color scheme of their yellow elements was more in the light and dark yellow color scheme of the Imperial Manchurian/ Manchu Flag and original Qing Dynasty Banners. In the new Manchuria/ Manchukuo Empire, this part of the flag represented the new Imperial Manchuria/ Manchukuo Navy and the west and east coasts and shores of the new “independent” member State of the Co-Prosperity Sphere, it protected. Despite this more defensive and passive stand, similar to that of the Imperial Manchuria/ Manchukuo Army (IMA), the Imperial Manchuria/ Manchukuo Navy Special Naval Landing Forces and parts of the Imperial Manchuria/ Manchukuo Navy (IMN) fought alongside the Japanese, Chosen, Mengjiang and Yankoku troops in the Russian Far East, the Amur and Coastal Provinces and Karafuto/ Sakhalin Territory of the Soviet Union, during the beginning of Hokushin-ron. Once these were secured and the Frontline against the Soviet Union turned into kind of a stalemate from the Argun River towards the eastern Stanovoy Range, the War in the Pacific had slowed down. While taking heavy losses and causalities in these püerations against Karafuto/ Sakhaling and the Russian Far East Coast, especially the naval landings that surrounded Haishenwai (Wladivostok), aiding the Japanese led Co-Prosperity Sphere advance into the Russian/ Soviet Union Far East and Siberia. This lead to the need of now more free forces from Co-Prosperity Sphere member states that were not directly at the Frontline and served mostly as reserve regions like Yankoku, Taikoku, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Siam/ Thailand, the Philippines and Chosen (Korea), or other places. They now transferred new troops to the Frontlines in the North (Soviet Union), the West (Chinese Civil War), the South-West (India-Burma), the South-East (Niugini, or New Guinea) and the East (Pacific). This lead to much more heavier involvement of the Imperial Manchuria/ Manchukuo Navy Special Naval Landing Forces alongside Japanese and Taikoku Army, Navy and Special Naval Landing Forces themselves.
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