
  1. Nulligon

    Better When Worse: Borghese's Italy
    Threadmarks: 1

    Foreword The Years of Lead were a difficult period for Italy, one of turmoil, uncertainity, and instability. Ask any Italian who has lived through that time and they'll perfectly recall the fear and tension people were constantly forced in. Bombings, shootouts, thefts and homicides...
  2. Neutral Fascist Italy in WWII = Neutral Yugoslavia/no invasion and partition of Yugoslavia?

    In timelines where Fascist Italy either joins the allies (The Footprint of Mussolini), or it remains neutral (La Transizione Imperfetta), Yugoslavia still gets invaded and partitioned by Italy, Hungary, and Bulgaria, however, would this actually occur should Italy wish to remain neutral...
  3. Could fascism survive to the present without WW2?

    I know that fascism is a nebulous term where the definition isn't entirely agreed upon, with debates over whether Franco was fascist or not, but just assume a more broad definition of the sort of right-wing nationalist dictatorships that popped up during the interwar years, like Austria, Italy...
  4. ThatOneAlbertanMapper

    The Fascist Poland uprising (and flag I designed)

    Poland was freed from the Warsaw Pact finally, but that was not enough for many angry citizens. Who's to say communism won't rise in Poland again? Who's to say Russia won't invade them for leaving? The Polish now have a strong desire to go farther to the right, and more want to get revenge on...
  5. CHKeeley

    WI: French Politics after the Sovietization of Central Europe?

    I’m wondering what would French politics look like in the 1920s and 1930s following the tried-and-true scenario of Germany going red in the aftermath of the First World War. For the sake of the scenario, let’s say the Spartakusaufstand and similar risings are avoided in 1919/1920 and the...
  6. Ana Luciana II

    Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich
    Threadmarks: Title

    SELIG SIND DIE TOTEN ~ Scheubner-Richter's Reich ~ ‘The rise of Germany and the German nation from today's shame and defenselessness can only take place if we remove ruthlessly and completely from Germany and the German lines all those that carry the guilt for the destruction of the German...
  7. The Long Winter of our Discontent
    Threadmarks: United States

    The Long Winter of our Discontent How the West Shattered By Waldemar Hirsch, 2023 The 24th October 1929 is a date that will forever scar the human soul, it was on that day a calamitous short sell led to the collapse of the entire American economy in three weeks, the devaluation of the American...
  8. PolishMagnet

    La Transizione Imperfetta - Italy 20 years after fascism

    This is a timeline idea I had floating around for a month or two, and we'll see how it goes. The short of it is: Mussolini is assassinated in 1934 Balbo takes over Italy neutral in WW2 I will avoid giving more, as the details of the timeline are meant to be trickled slowly. I will also be...
  9. MeatPowers

    The German-Czechoslovak War of 1938

    Hitler annexes Austria! MARCH 25, 1938 On the night of March 12, Hitler marched his Heer, the German army, across the border of Austria. The Nazi forces were met with little resistance as they marched to and occupied Vienna. The very next day, the Nazis held a referendum in Austria to determine...
  10. PolishMagnet

    Italian Neutrality in WW2 - What happens to East Africa?

    In a situation where fascist Italy remains neutral through WW2, I became curious as to what might happen to East Africa. Everyone always seems to focus only on Europe and Libya, but Italy also had territory in the Dodecanese and East Africa (esp. after the invasion of Abyssinia). Assuming...
  11. Russian Fascism in the 1920s

    I've noticed that most alt-his ideas about a "fascist" Russia tend to focus either on wholly reactionary movements like the Black Hundreds and White Army, or minor emigre movements that popped up later on and were inspired by mature fascist movements like in Italy and Germany such as...
  12. pls don't ban me

    Balbo replaces Mussolini in 43

    Hello everyone i've got a question regarding the Fall of Mussolini in 1943 so... let's say that Balbo stays as air marshal instead of being exiled to Libya thus isn't killed in 1940 and is picked as replacement to Mussolini in 43 instead of Badoglio after the vote of no confidence because he's...
  13. WI: Several Latin American countries Fascist movements had been more serious and came together as a Fascist bloc on the eve of WW 2?

    This idea based on some reading of different Fascist or Fascist style movements in Latin America (like the Mexican Gold Shirts). FDR was all about the Good Neighbor policy, so much so that he didn't even use military force when Mexico nationalized their Oil industry. Which got me thinking what...
  14. Fascist Germany in Nato?

    Mildly inspired by: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/how-would-the-western-allies-without-soviet-treat-germany-alone.529066/#post-23190658 The question is really, how would 'Notzi' Germany work in Nato, or, realistically a Nato analogue given the necessary pods. Firstly, Now this...
  15. What if Poland went fascist in the early 1930s?

    The cutoff point in this timeline is in 1934 where the ONR Falanga party, which was the Nationalist party in Poland, had a lot more supporters than in our timeline. The far-right ideas the party proposed such as anti-semetic laws and class solidarity would become popular among the youth which...
  16. WI: Victor Emmanuel III killed in 1912

    On the 14th of March 1912, an anarchist factory worker shot tree bullets at Victor Emmanuel III's carriage, but missed him and only injured one of the officers who were escorting him. What if instead VE III was killed? His heir Umberto II was only eight years old so a regency would have to be...
  17. FireCrispyHistory

    What if Switzerland and Sweden got involved in World War 2?

    By if they got involved, I mean how they would affect the world if they declared war with or on the Tripartite Pact, or Germany, Italy, and Japan. I would think that if they joined in on the Axis powers' side, then the world would have been different. I would say the PoD is around 1933, where...
  18. Communist Italy After 1918

    POD any time after 1918. What are some possibilities to make Italy communist?
  19. AHC: Pre-War New Zealand Fascist Party

    Historically, unlike other countries at the time, New Zealand never had an actual fascist party until the 60's when WWII was long over. The only far-right group existing at the time was the New Zealand legion, which even then believed in individualism unlike most fascist organizations. Starting...
  20. Soviets start WW2 effects of Political left, welfare state and civil rights

    what if soviets started WW2 by invading Europe incl germany before Nazis even take Austria with earlier industrialization leader other than Stalin butterflying away Holocaust how would this effect left, racism , civil rights and welfare state assuming soviets lose will supporters of welfare...