Part 47, Chapter 626
Chapter Six Hundred Twenty-Six

27th November 1947


Douglas was glad that Kat was unhurt, but he was furious about getting a call saying that she was at the hospital. Matters weren’t helped when he found her in the operating theater observing the Surgeons as they worked on saving the life of the man who had been with her. The rules were that there was no talking when he wanted nothing more than to yell at her for being so reckless. Kat was supposed to have been getting ready to be leaving for Argentina, instead she had been keeping an impossibly full schedule doing everything but that. In the mornings she was at University, during the early afternoon she was with the Empress. Then she was out until late at night doing something she couldn’t talk about with the BII of all people. The week before they had accompanied the Emperor and Empress when they had attended the royal wedding in London. Kat had been expressly invited because she was a friend of the bride. It was all too much.

Doug walked into the small gallery and saw Kat sitting there watching calmly. Gunther, the partner of the man being operated on had told him what had happened. They had been tracking down a suspect in the killings of several women when the suspect had stabbed Sven Werth and was going to kill him when Kat had shot him twice. The suspect had fled, leaving a trail of blood as Kat had worked to save Sven’s life. A few minutes later the uniformed police had caught up with them and Kat being Kat had taken over directing them to secure the scene. She had Gunther dive while she struggled to keep Sven alive in the backseat knowing that waiting for an ambulance would take too much time. It didn’t surprise Doug that Kat had gotten involved, he just wished that she had talked to him first. A sketch artist was waiting to talk to Kat so that they could get the likeness of the killer out to every relevant police agency.

Sitting down next to Kat, Doug saw that the Surgeons were working on stitching intestine. That was only one of the most terrible things that he’d ever seen. “Are you alright” He asked in a whisper. Kat sat there for several minutes thinking about an answer.

“No” Kat whispered back angrily, “Two shots, center mass and that monster still walked away.”

“I’m sure you did your best” Doug whispered. He’d learned long ago not to overreact to some of the things Kat said. Especially when he wanted to strangle her.

“I need to talk to Shafer about this” Kat whispered, “Perhaps he has some ideas about…”

“Ma’am” A uniformed policeman said as he entered the operating theater and handed Kat a folded note, “Preliminary results, rushed like you asked.”

“Thank you” Kat replied, earning a glare from one of the attendants.

“What does it say?” Doug asked.

“It says that they got a full set of usable fingerprints off the knife” Kat whispered, “They are trying to find a match in the files but that could take weeks. The blood found on the scene matches the blood type of the semen found in the victims and the knife itself looks like it matches cut marks found in the bones of the last victim.”

“What does all that mean?”

“It means that when we arrest this monster it will be from the jail cell to the courtroom to the guillotine, open and shut” Kat whispered, “Just wish it was at less of a cost.”

She looked down at Sven’s body as the Surgeons were starting to stitch his abdomen up.


Ilse was listening to Anne talk about the process of writing, her favorite compulsion, and was struggling to stay awake. Sitting in the warm kitchen where she had been trying to do her homework before Anne had walked in wasn’t helping matters. One of the classes that Ilse had been struggling with had been Composition. She had asked Anne for help which had turned out to be a bit of a mistake. Anne had suggested that she needed to create the habit of writing, a diary had helped her.

That was when the conversation had taken an odd turn. Not only had Anne been writing in that diary of hers for years, it was actually the latest in a long series of volumes to her diary that she had been writing in for years. Ilse had asking if she could see them had been another mistake. Anne’s reaction had been a very emphatic no. Apparently, she included everything in them and the idea of anyone else reading them was something she viewed with considerable mortification. Personally, Ilse wondered what Anne could possibly have been doing in her life that could have caused that reaction. In the time Ilse had known her Anne had shown herself to be someone who had hardly had an embarrassing thought, much less done anything that could fall under that category.

“Enough” Ilse said, “Do you have any suggestions that will help me now?”

“Just practice” Anne replied.

“What she’s saying is there are no shortcuts” Petia said from where she had been listening in, “Worse comes to worse, you follow your sister’s advice and aim for a passing grade.”

That was the other thing that had changed in Ilse’s life. Since Kat that insisted that Kira allow her introduction before the Court of the Empress, everyone knew that she was the younger sister of Gräfin von Mischner. Suddenly she was defensive about the name assigned to her, Elizabeth Ingrid Tritten had always been her name, no one’s daughter or sister. Suddenly she had people asking if she would change her name to reflect the change in her social standing and she was holding her tongue, because she really wanted to tell them what they could do with that idea. The other thing was something that Kat had warned her about. Ilse was now a member of an up and coming family, the result was that she found herself being invited to social events and being introduced to the younger sons of Junker families. It’s because you’re regarded as a good potential daughter-in-law, Kat had said, the same thing had happened to her. Ilse regarded that prospect about the same way Anne did someone else reading her diary.
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Excuse me for over thinking or under thinking as the case may be.
Is there is still a draft going on and if so, how is it being received by the general public?
Because I am thinking as an example of two students at the University of Jena, it is November 1947 and both of them are in their first year as students.
One is eighteen years old and the other is twenty years old, the twenty years old student was drafted in 1945 and fought in the Korean Theatre as an eighteen years old and he is listening to this eighteen year old student complaining about doing military service when there is no real threat to Germany.
With the reductions in the Heer, is there still a need for a draft or can there be enough volunteers to meet the manpower needs?

Conscription remains the law of the land, without a student deferment or disability, turning eighteen means that you should probably not make any serious plans for the next year or so.
Another aspect is that reserve Officers are subject to recall at any time for their entire professional lives, thirty years.

I can think of a couple of reasons - one military and one societal.

Militarily, if Bad Things happen the SKA and Luftwaffe respond to the first alarm. If they are insufficient the second alarm is the Paras. The third alarm is the Panzers and Panzer Dragoons. After that is a full-scale mobilization and having a mainpower pool with at least some training would help immensely.

Societally, having everyone go through the shared experience of a couple of years with the Heer in heterogenous units helps keep society from settling into strata based on family, wealth or other factors. It's kinda like the 'everybody goes through Judenbach' for the SKA or 'everybody jumps' for the Paras.

IMHO, of course.
Societally, having everyone go through the shared experience of a couple of years with the Heer in heterogenous units helps keep society from settling into strata based on family, wealth or other factors. It's kinda like the 'everybody goes through Judenbach' for the SKA or 'everybody jumps' for the Paras.
This, it is one of the reasons Finland still has compulsory military service for all males (females can volunteer). And of course, when every general has been a grunt at one time, they have at least some idea what it is like, perhaps not demanding the impossible all the time.
Why is she going to Argentina, and with whom, or did I miss something.

She's going along with Doug on his next big assignment.

Douglas also had his own career to consider. These days he had his choice of assignments, but he recalled last year when he had been on an expedition to the Karnak Temple in Egypt he had kept thinking about how Kat would love it and missed her terribly the whole time. Perhaps Kat could come along on his next big assignment. It would fall on her winter break and unlike their friends, the two of them didn’t have children or any on the way that they would need to worry about. They could finally go on a real adventure.

“How would you like to go to Patagonia, Kat?” Doug whispered.

“Was hast du gesagt?” Kat replied, her voice muzzy with sleep. What did you say?

“Nothing Kat” Doug whispered, “Go back to sleep.” And he kissed the top of her head.
And I keep thinking about the fact that Lang is still down there. Which is going to send every agency and politician into overdrive. To believe that Lang is retired and only visiting family is possible, but add Kat and that 'cover' right out the door.
I would throw a bet about a Military Coup attempt and Kat being dragged into the mayhem... but I rather avoid sucker bets.
Sitting down next to Kat, Doug saw that the Surgeons were working on stitching intestine. That was only one of the most terrible things that he’d ever seen. “Are you alright” He asked in a whisper. Kat sat there for several minutes thinking about an answer.

“No” Kat whispered back angrily, “Two shots, center mass and that monster still walked away.”

“I’m sure you did your best” Doug whispered. He’d learned long ago not to overreact to some of the things Kat said. Especially when he wanted to strangle her.

“I need to talk to Shafer about this” Kat whispered, “Perhaps he has some ideas about…”

Maybe Kat should think about stepping up to something like a .380 ACP from her 7.65. One of the sites I looked at made the point that a .380 may be more controllable for the second and subsequent rounds than something like a 9mm Luger given her smaller hands.
I would throw a bet about a Military Coup attempt and Kat being dragged into the mayhem... but I rather avoid sucker bets.
I am on your side on this.
With the Dulles Brothers running foreign policy for the Dewey Administration, they are looking to place Pro-American governments in Latin America and while I am interpreting that Argentina is neutral, that is not good enough for the Americans and that is going to make it more probable that the United States is going to do something stupid.

IOTL John Foster Dulles was the chief foreign policy adviser to Governor Dewey in the 1944 and 1948 campaign and the Vice Presidential nominee on the Republican Party ticket in 1944 was Ohio Governor John W Bricked who was part of the Taft Machine in Ohio.
I would throw a bet about a Military Coup attempt and Kat being dragged into the mayhem... but I rather avoid sucker bets.

I am on your side on this.
With the Dulles Brothers running foreign policy for the Dewey Administration, they are looking to place Pro-American governments in Latin America and while I am interpreting that Argentina is neutral, that is not good enough for the Americans and that is going to make it more probable that the United States is going to do something stupid.

IOTL John Foster Dulles was the chief foreign policy adviser to Governor Dewey in the 1944 and 1948 campaign and the Vice Presidential nominee on the Republican Party ticket in 1944 was Ohio Governor John W Bricked who was part of the Taft Machine in Ohio.

And the South American Squadrons of the KLM, French Marine Nationale and British Royal Navy show up to evacuate German, French, British and other European citizens from the chaos. Cue aircraft carriers loaded with helicopters lifting people out of embassies secured by MA, Seebattalion, Royal Marine, Fusiliers Marins and other troops.

Edit: and Doug is there to document it all.
I can envisage this event prodding Kat to specialize in Criminal Psychology and actually joining the Federal Police to hunt down serial killers and state threats!
Part 47, Chapter 627
Chapter Six Hundred Twenty-Seven

29th November 1947


“This is the real reason why, Elisabeth” Helene said. As she watched Ilse sitting cross-legged, playing with Manfred on a blanket on the floor. “They see you as a gentler, more socially acceptable version of your sister.”

“That’s ridiculous” Ilse replied. “Do they have any idea of the sort of life I’ve had?”

“There’s a certain amount of wishful thinking involved” Helene said, “But they like to think that you were raised by well meaning people in an overwhelmed system.”

Helene was aware of the lengths that Marcella had gone to keep Kat and Hans out of that system. Ilse personally showed signs of the neglect that she had endured with her relatively small stature and delayed emotional maturity. It was a mercy that she lacked the hard, razor sharp edges that Kat had even if Ilse didn’t realize it. The more time Helene spent with her, the more she realized that Ilse’s personality hewed far closer to that of Hans. In a more just world she would have grown up in the Böhler-Strobel household and be free to be her own person. Instead she idolized Kat, felt pressured to become like her older sister and was still seen by the State as a disposable commodity. Helene just understood that Manfred made delighted sounds when his Auntie Ilse came to play with him.

“They don’t know anything” Ilse said, “But what can you expect from people who’ve never missed a meal in their lives.”

“I understand that” Helene replied, “But they will take it the wrong way if you point that out to them.”

“You make it sound like I would ever take them up on one of these invitations.”

Helene laughed at that. “Kat certainly never did, but I think it would be amusing if you tried.”


“Because of the realities of the situation” Helene said, “Many of those families had made arrangements that came to grief at the hands of the Soviets. The daughters of those families found they preferred marriage to men who knew how to duck and had earned their titles. And the younger sons, the ones they are wanting you to meet, please…” Helene shook her head as she concluded that.

Ilse wasn’t sure if that was completely true, but it did describe the choices that Helene had made with her own life. It also described why they would consider inviting someone like her into their lives.

“Are you going to stick around for dinner?” Helene asked, her eyes begging Ilse to stay. Helene had been trying to learn to cook and the results were decidedly hit or miss. The last time Ilse had stuck around she’d eaten the rubbery pot roast and potatoes with way too much garlic without complaint. Witnessing Hans eating was something to behold, he had a stomach that had been shaped from being a soldier for the last decade. He could eat anything.

“Yes” Ilse said, “But I’ll need a ride if I’m to make the last train.”

Helene smiled Ilse said that.


You were working in an unofficial capacity, so we can’t give you a medal for saving Inspector Werth’s life. In appreciation for that we’re giving you this, it should help if you're ever in a similar situation and can’t shoot the skell in the head.

It was signed by Felix Meisner, the Director of the Berlin Division of the Federal Police. It had come with a written commendation by the President of the Federal Police lauding her for volunteering as a concerned citizen to aid the investigation and bringing her unique skills to the table. It had also come with a new PPK chambered in 9mm Kurz and a not so subtle job offer in Federal Interior Intelligence. It was nice to know that her skills were still in demand somewhere. It also would feel odd putting aside the 7.65mm pistol that she had carried since Schafer had given it to her in the final chaotic minutes before the Reichstag bombing.

Gunther had kept her appraised of the ongoing investigation over the last two days even though he didn’t have to. The suspect now had a name, Oskar Dirlewanger. The finger prints had been matched faster than anyone had thought. The man was a known petty criminal who had been in and out of jail over the last decade. He was also a convicted rapist who had a University Doctorate stripped from him. If Kat had known that she might have left Sven Werth behind, run that odious monster to the ground and engaged in some brutal retributive justice. At the same time the rational part of Kat’s mind knew that such an action could have gotten her killed.

As of this moment, Dirlewanger was still at large and Kat was going to leave on Monday morning to spend all of December on a photo expedition with Douglas. Probably just as well, Kat thought to herself as she shoved a sweater into her duffle bag. This vacation was not going to involve a whole lot of formality, something she was thankful for. Doug was happy that she finally seemed to have her priorities in order and wasn’t going to be killing herself with an impossible schedule. The truth was that she welcomed to break, November had been an exhausting month and the warm Summer weather in Argentina was something she was looking forward to, even if they were headed for the Southern Andes.
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Part of me wonders if that little scumbag won't die of (oh the irony) infections caused by the bullets sooner or later.
Did anyone happen to catch who Princess Elizabeth married? Because I did not see any names and Peabody-Martini has the good habit of sometimes throwing us a curve ball.
More likely than not it is the same as IOTL Prince Phillip of Greece.
Kat should donate her 7.65mm pistol to the historical display in the lobby of the Reichstag commemorating the bombing of the original building. I find it miraculous that she got it back in the aftermath of the bombing and then carried it throughout the war.
What's the chance of Dirlewanger sneaking onboard a ship to flee the country? He'd probably pick a destination with a large German community so as to be able to blend in.

Like Argentina.

Hold on a minute...
Still loving the story--it's one of the finest online. I definately see Kat as hoving an eventful trip--though she didn't need to kill anyone on her last visit to the USA. Mayhen, however, is all too likely in Argentina, between the escaped rapist and American meddling in South America.

On another note, the intense, combat training of the old style cavalry makes me think this is Checkov's training--their archaic skills will be needed...
Still loving the story--it's one of the finest online. I definately see Kat as hoving an eventful trip--though she didn't need to kill anyone on her last visit to the USA. Mayhen, however, is all too likely in Argentina, between the escaped rapist and American meddling in South America.

On another note, the intense, combat training of the old style cavalry makes me think this is Checkov's training--their archaic skills will be needed...
Considering things, it's highly likely that the Heer Cavalry Ceremonial unit it's likely to be, like in OTL Chilean's Military Parade, the one that opens all Commemorative Parades of the end of the First and Second Great Wars,and as such, a highly sought position by aspiring Heer Officers that seek to be fast tracked to good posts in the Heer.

Kurt it's going to be in the odd position of pretty much determine WHO gets inside the unit and gets likely chosen to be given a position in the Units of their liking,so expect the odd Annoyance to be invited alongside Gerta to many dinners of old school Junkers who are frantic for their sons to get a position in the 1st Royal Hussars....