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Another lurker, first of all to concur with everyone else, this timeline is amazing! The internal politics of the different provinces are especially interesting. Just curious, I looked up Eliza Dushku because I had no idea who she was, and apparently she supported Bernie OTL. Any reason why she is conservative in TTL?



Pretty much an error on my part! Thanks for reading though!! I'm also glad to have you along :kissingheart:

I know you said you were busy, but I would love to learn more about these more sovereign First Nations groups if you get the time!

After the election!

What’s Dan Koh doing with himself?

Labour candidate for Ward 15 Boston.

I'd like to add my voice to the many long-time lurkers recently commenting on the amazing work you do, Kanan.
This timeline was the reason why I joined this site, and every update makes me feel incredibly happy.
I humbly suggest you change your title from "Duchess of Litchfield" to "Empress of the Universe", because it more accurately represents how awesome this is.

<3 I KNOW I've seen your name before in the like notifications so I'm glad you've decided to chime in! I'm so glad that you've joined just for this haha, I hope there's a lot other stuff on here that you enjoy!

I am moving soon, I might need to think of a new title... ;)

Please don't feel any need to answer my questions - I know you're busy.

  • How did Israel come about (without WW2, what was the motive for its creation) and why is it such good friends with South Africa?
Israel was unilaterally declared during the late 1940s while Britain was busy with the German Civil War. Unable to stop it, the British were forced to simply allow it to proceed. The last chance to reclaim it ended when Stalin (who had been victorious by 1950 and was invading Romania), sent troops and support to Israel to help establish the state. Thus, Israel became a Soviet-backed (but not puppet state) of the Soviet Union. Stalin had no real care about angering the British by invading "their land," he had planned on invading all of Europe. He died before this could happen, which is how the iron curtain fell on Eastern Europe. No veneer of "Nazi liberation," so the term "Evil Empire" was more aptly used.

Israel and South Africa grew close recently. Israel has long had a chemical and biological weapons programme, and it has always been somewhat of a pariah, the United States does not maintain relations with it and Britain still never fully, and legally, recognised their separation. They only have an interests section in Jerusalem. The sense of fear and isolation led both Israel and South Africa to work together throughout the 1960s to the present day, but only during the past 20 years or so have they become close allies. The Soviet Union under Gorbachev withdrew from their more questionable operations, and allowed the peaceful secession of the Baltic states. With Soviet support gone, Israel needed someone. Israeli technology is used across South Africa, and South African labour and resources are used in Israel.

Much like how radical Islam OTL does not reflect Islam, Israel's state ideology is a radical interpretation of Zionism and Judaism. Antisemitism really doesn't as we know it, it petered out in the 1950s with the European depression and then rebirth of the economy.
New England has never had a serious constitutional crisis.
  • Will we ever see more of South Africa? It's fascinating, in a morbid sort of way, to see the ugly bits of the world as well as the good bits.
It's on my list!
The Tri-City Region. It was fairly hard to think of a way to make a city that spans not only state borders, but national borders. It's familiar, but not too familiar. For one, New Jersey is finally relevant again! The massive fragmentation of municipalities in New Jersey is out the door so it finally makes sense to me again. Staten Island is as unique as always, and the Bronx is replaced by the old, larger municipality of Westchester, which would blend the city with its mix of urban and suburban areas, generally making it a better place to live for everyone. Plus, you add in the stupid layers of Government (e.g. New England->Long Island->Croydon County->Tri-City Region->Jamaica->Neighbourhood) and it's just so much fun to think about how each of these layers will have an effect on the people, and you wonder how pronounced their power really is? Does it matter who the Mayor of Brooklyn really is when the Tri-City Commissioner can have an unpopular law passed and collapse the city's economy if they don't go along?

It could be wonderfully corrupt or perfectly clean. Who knows!

And finally, as a token of my appreciation, have this news article I made. This is not canon. It's just a thing I made to show you how much I love this world that you've created (and also to reassure myself that there might be hope for Africa yet).


It's canon now!
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Especially because it just came out that the Cheeto in Chief just diverted $10 million away from FEMA in anticipation of Florence, and gave it to ICE. I know we’re not supposed to talk about OTL politics here but I just needed to vent.
For a new member, I have to say that your ability to create alternate news articles is pretty impressive. Excellent work!

Why thank you. It took a lot of time and effort, and I’m glad to see it paid off.

Israel was unilaterally declared during the late 1940s while Britain was busy with the German Civil War. Unable to stop it, the British were forced to simply allow it to proceed. The last chance to reclaim it ended when Stalin (who had been victorious by 1950 and was invading Romania), sent troops and support to Israel to help establish the state. Thus, Israel became a Soviet-backed (but not puppet state) of the Soviet Union. Stalin had no real care about angering the British by invading "their land," he had planned on invading all of Europe. He died before this could happen, which is how the iron curtain fell on Eastern Europe. No veneer of "Nazi liberation," so the term "Evil Empire" was more aptly used.

Israel and South Africa grew close recently. Israel has long had a chemical and biological weapons programme, and it has always been somewhat of a pariah, the United States does not maintain relations with it and Britain still never fully, and legally, recognised their separation. They only have an interests section in Jerusalem. The sense of fear and isolation led both Israel and South Africa to work together throughout the 1960s to the present day, but only during the past 20 years or so have they become close allies. The Soviet Union under Gorbachev withdrew from their more questionable operations, and allowed the peaceful secession of the Baltic states. With Soviet support gone, Israel needed someone. Israeli technology is used across South Africa, and South African labour and resources are used in Israel.

Much like how radical Islam OTL does not reflect Islam, Israel's state ideology is a radical interpretation of Zionism and Judaism. Antisemitism really doesn't as we know it, it petered out in the 1950s with the European depression and then rebirth of the economy.

Interesting. I assume that means there was greater Jewish migration to Israel before that time then?
Are there any other nasty pariah states in the world, or is it just SA and Israel?

The Tri-City Region. It was fairly hard to think of a way to make a city that spans not only state borders, but national borders. It's familiar, but not too familiar. For one, New Jersey is finally relevant again! The massive fragmentation of municipalities in New Jersey is out the door so it finally makes sense to me again. Staten Island is as unique as always, and the Bronx is replaced by the old, larger municipality of Westchester, which would blend the city with its mix of urban and suburban areas, generally making it a better place to live for everyone. Plus, you add in the stupid layers of Government (e.g. New England->Long Island->Croydon County->Tri-City Region->Jamaica->Neighbourhood) and it's just so much fun to think about how each of these layers will have an effect on the people, and you wonder how pronounced their power really is? Does it matter who the Mayor of Brooklyn really is when the Tri-City Commissioner can have an unpopular law passed and collapse the city's economy if they don't go along?

It could be wonderfully corrupt or perfectly clean. Who knows!

That’s actually really interesting. I hadn’t paid as much attention to the Tri-City region as some other bits, but going back, it’s really interesting, and yeah, it must have been hard to work out the governance of a trans-national megacity. I hope we’ll be seeing more of it.


It's canon now!

*a full hour of happy dancing*

I do not deserve this honour. I hope I’m not interfering too much with your plans for the timeline.

Senate Majority Leader Bob Casey issued a joint statement with Minority Leader Charlie Baker which stated they will do whatever they can to combat the disastrous effects of climate change.

Bipartisan cooperation? On climate change, no less?

I don’t care what’s going on in South Africa, or the USSR, or China, or the fact that we had Prime Minister Pauline Hanson.
I want to go to this world, right now.

Also, another couple of questions.
I’ve seen some thumbnails of flags in your country lists that look quite intriguing. Could we see a larger version of these flags (I’m assuming you have them somewhere), especially of Brazil, India and the Commonwealth?
Also, what’s up with Arabia and the rest of the Middle East, how’d that turn out the way it did? (Assuming alternate treaties at the end of WW1, but interested to know the how and why.)

Sorry for bombarding you with questions, I’ll go back into hiding now...

EDIT: You must have cute cat pictures.
Here you go.


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As a Rhode Islander, I should ask: did the Chafees ever enter New England/Rhode Island politics ITTL? if so, under what party label?
Torrington, Connecticut? Huh, that's strange considering what your OTL mayor is doing ITTL.

From a few pages back:
I hope to get more things about each candidate personally. I actually know Carbone fairly well... she's actually my mayor :biggrin:

Also this:

Not particularly. If you take a gander at the MP list, there's a lot of obscure names of people even New Englanders haven't heard of. To be completely honest, it was either her or Scott Brown who was going to lead the Tories in 2016. I vaguely planned for her to lose her position after 2016, then i made the thread and things went differently.

This is what you get to do when writing your own timeline. Mayor of your small Connecticut town to future Prime Minister of New England is well within the realms of the butterflies.
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