Map Thread XXI

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I like how you have to walk two thirds the width of the park just to get from the parking to the park itself. That’ll weed out the whiners and make the ride lines shorter.
It’s a concept for Disneyland Singapore (which, where’d you even put this? Maybe flatten Universal Studios Singapore and get some reclaimed land?).

Most people there don’t drive anyway (car prices are insanely high, public transit is excellent).
Surely not. :evilsmile:

(BTW, what does the lighter shade of green in the wiki map indicate? 'cause a Randomid Caliphate with a modern POD including Iran warrants fifty lashes with a wet noodle.)
Claimed but not controlled. The 1953 coup didn't happen due to a different situation in the region (much easier to just give into justified audit demands than have to deal with a less predictable- and less bribe-able- state for all of your foreign oil needs). Iran- and other major oil producers- of course gets a lot of money from this, and Mossaddegh is remembered well.
More of my work-in-progress map, now with New France! Well, part of it, anyway!
The United Provinces of the New Netherlands.png

1)The Republic of Florida (San Agustín)

Chief Language: Spanish

Chief Language: Catholicism)

Government: Parliamentary democracy

Neighbors: Virginia on the North, Louisiana on the West, the Cubas (not shown) to the South

Relations With Their Neighbors: Shares in the general dislike of the Virginians. Gets along OK with the Louisianans. Formerly had territorial disputes with the Cubas (over what we would call "The Bahamas"). They now get along well as members of the "Thanks, Big Brother Mexico, But We'd Rather Not Become Your Newest States" Club.

Note: Not my most "developed" idea, perhaps, but I've always wondered what kind of distinct national identity Florida might have developed if it had remained Spanish. I resisted the urge to have them have an "Hombre de Florida" type reputation.
2)The Empire of Louisiana (Nouvelle-Orléans)

Chief Language: French

Chief Religion: Catholicism

Government: "Constitutional" monarchy. In practice, corruption is widespread, but it is a point of pride to never take too much and to never take anyone's last cent.

Neighbors: The New Netherlands on the North, Virginia and Florida on the East and Mexico on the West.

Relations With Their Neighbors: A member of the "We Hate Virginia" Club with Florida and the New Netherlands. Formerly had territorial disputes with Mexico, has accepted that they're not getting the land back. Their control of the lower Mississippi earns them a tidy sum in "shippng fees".

Note: Founded by a charismatic colonial governor who took advantage of turmoil in Old France to declare the territory's independence and to name himself Emperor. Somehow shambles along despite outdsiders' regular predictions over the decades of their imminent demise. Has a long-distance rivalry with New France over which of them is the true heir to the spirit of France.

3)The Commonwealth of New England (Boston)

Chief Language: English

Chief Religion: Protestantism (Religious tolerance exists in theory. but in practice, the non-Protestant population is vanishingly small. Catholic and other immigrants from Europe tended to go to the New Netherlands, Florida, the Cubas, Louisiana or Mexico.)

Government: Parliamentary democracy, somewhat more conservative and less tolerant than the New Netherlands

Neighbors: New France on the North, the New Netherlands on the West.

Relations With Their Neighbors: Longstanding territorial disputes with New France, whom they think of as a hereditary enemy. Has set aside similar disputes with the New Netherlands, with the realization that they need Nieuw Amsterdam's good offices as a counterweight to Québec.

Note: A small nation that feels "hemmed in" by its neighbors. Has an international reputation as a "nation of small-town lawyers".
4)The Dominion of Newfoundland (Saint John's)

Chief Language: English

Chief Religion: Protestantism

Government: Parliamentary democracy

Neighbors: New France on the South.

Relations With Their Neighbors: No great love lost between the Newfies and the New French, but they get along well enough.

Note: Baffin Island (not shown) is also part of Newfoundland. Independent, but still closely-linked to the mother country, Greater Britain. Cynics in other countries see it as a British "fishing colony".

5)The Kingdom of New France (Québec)

Chief Language: French

Chief Religion: Catholicism

Government: Monarchy (Not an absolute monarchy, but the monarch has more power than we in OTL are used to most monarchs having )

Neighbors: Imperial Russia on the West, Lakhota, Mexico, New England and the New Netherlands on the South, Newfoundland on the North.

Relations With Their Neighbors:
  1. Imperial Russia: Respects them as a fellow "old school" monarchy. Still keeps an eye on them, though.
  2. Lakhota: Annoying savages who refuse to convert to Catholicism. Otherwise harmless.
  3. Mexico: Peasants who have somehow become a super-power. At least they're mostly Catholics, of a sort.
  4. New England: Dangerous radicals. "Englishmen" without the minimal amount of refinement that proper Englishmen have. They hide behind Nieuw Amsterdam's skirts to escape the thrashing they so richly deserve.
  5. Newfoundland: They don't like them and watch them closely, but otherwise leave them alone. The don't want to give Greater Britain an excuse to make trouble for them.
  6. The New Netherlands: A nation of bourgeois merchants and farmers that foolishly protects those perfidious Yankees.
Bonus Non-Neighbor: Has an long-distance feud with Louisiana over which of them represents the true heritsge of France. This consists largely of periodic exchanges of insults at about the schoolyard level.

Note: New France extends over most of OTL's Canada east of the Rockies. At some point, I'll do a different map to show it all. The nation was founded when the French king successfully fled TTL's version of the French Revolution and set himself up in North America. The New Frnech like to say to themselves, "L'année prochaine à Paris" , but realistically, it ain't gonna happen.

6)The United Provinces of the New Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam)

Chief Language: Amerikaans (I'm imagining something closer to the ancestral Dutch than OTL Afrikaans is, but further than American English is from British English is, if that makes any sense, which it may not)

Chief Religions: Protestantism, Catholicism (Various flavors of Christianity are the vast majority, but religious tolerance is practiced.)

Government: Parliamentary democracy, what we would call "left of center", with racial tolerance and tolerance for persons of different sexualities, and so on. It's not a paradise, but overall, it's a pretty good place to live.

Neighbors: New France on the North, New England on the East, Louisiana and Virginia on the South, and Lakhota and Mexico on the West.

Relations With Their Neighbors:
  1. Lakhota: the Lakhota are a proud people, and make much of the fact that they are the only Native North American people to retain their independence, but their leaders are well aware that they retained their independence because the Mexicans, New Netherlanders and New French found it expedient to leave them as a buffer state rather than fight a war over the territory. Relations with the New Netherlands are generally good, and Nieuw Amsterdam allows the Lakhota to maintain certain sacred sites on their territory.
  2. Lousiana: The New Netherlanders get along well enough with the genial kleptocrats in Nouvelle-Orléans, the moreso since neither of them likes the Virginians much.
  3. Mexico: Mexico is one of TTL's super-powers, stretching from the border with Imperial Russia (about midway through IOTL's British Columbia) down into South America. The Mexicans consider the Americas their sphere of influence and like their neighbors to behave themselves, so everyone tends to keep quiet so the Mexicans won't decide to "teach" them how to behave.
  4. New England: There were territorial disputes in the early Nineteenth Century, Later, the Yankees were happy to have the good offices of Nieuw Amsterdam to keep the New French off their backs.
  5. New France: Relations are cool but correct. There are no current disputes, but the two nations are not overly fond of one another, largely because New France sees the New Netherlanders as being too cozy with their old rivals in Louisiana.
  6. Virginia: There were disputes in the Ninetenth Century over Nieuw Amsterdam's refusal to return escaped slaves, coming close to war on more than one occasion. However, the fact that they are surrounded by nations that don'tb like them much (The New Netherlands, Lousiana and Florida on the south) have kept them from getting too frisky.

Note: Heavily into what we would call "green" or "alternative" energy sources. Think of themselves as the "one sane nation" in the Americas.

7)The Commonwealth of Virginia (Williamsburg)

Chief Language: English

Chief Religions: Church of Virginia (Protestant) is the church of upper and middle class whites, various other Protestant sects/cults are followed by poor whites and non-whites.

Government: An "aristocratic republic". dominated by a white upper class from wealthy "old families" (the franchise is based on property ownership) that works assiduously to keep the poor whites, African-descended people and what few Native Americans survive divided. Slavery was technically abolished in the early Twentieth Century, but Blacks are still heavily oppressed.

Neighbors: The New Netherlands on the North, Florida on the South and Louisiana on the West.

Relations With Their Neighbors: The Virginian ruling class looks down on the New Netherlanders as vulgar, bourgeois shopkeepers and farmers, the Floridians as savage mongrels and the Louisianans as degenerate mongrels. Occasionally they like to make noises about putting them all in their places, but are well aware that they wouldn't stand a chance against the three of them, and that's without even taking into consideration what the Mexicans might do.

Note: Somewhat of a pariah among nations that like to think of themselves as "civilized". Their chief export is tobacco which sells well enough in countries that don't overmuch worry about whether foreign workers are exploited. When a Mexican scientist worked out that smokng is bad for you, the Virginians took it as part of a conspiracy to wreck their economy.
From my Vic3 France Game - makes it much easier to create some real impressive wanks.

Over the last 100 years, France has spread its hegemony the world. First under the Bourbons and then under the radical Second Republic, France has reduced its neighbors to subjugated clients, wrested the most valuable trading regions of Asia and the Americas away from its enemies and to its sway, spread like a blot across Germany and brought most of Africa under its flag. With a GDP almost eight times that of the next largest economy and a veteran and battle tested army, vast when its many client regimes are considered, the the French are nigh unchallengeable by any power.

And yet there are cracks in France's global empire. Many of its client regimes are propped up by French guns alone, - many are monarchies ideologically removed from France's radical republicanism and oppressive regimes in their own right. Four times have French forces rolled across Spain while Charles V of Spain feasts in Madrid, and the kings of Sardinia-Piedmont, Holland, Hanover and Rome too owe only the French for their continued rule. The Boards of Directors of the Companies in Calcutta and Jakarta have noted that their interests are beginning to diverge with that of an increasingly left-wing regime in Paris, and of France's colonial clients in Asia, Africa and Cuba few were ever comfortable with their subjugation.

Were it only one or even a few of of such crises France would likely come out unscathed, but each one is a bleeding ulcer it can scarcely ignore. The Canadian Civil War of 1933-1934 would have been but a small affair, was France not trapped in its latest attempt to subjugate the middle east against the Ottomans, a conflict which had embroiled Prussia, the Russians and the Chinese against it. Even while France held the line in Prussia and South East Asia, and driving up the Euphrates, Marie-Felix Habierre was forced to abandon her ambitions of liberating the Caucuses and Prussia to rescue the regime in Montreal from falling to independence minded-Communists and their American backers. Only the rushed deployment of French forces to the front lines in Ontario and the Pacific, and the landing of a French army up the Potomac to burn the Whitehouse forced the exit of the Americans from the war and surrender of the rebels.

And the world has noticed. The aging Tsar Nicholas Romanov has seen the weakness in France's success, and the thousand and one places it bleeds. If a small coalition of Russia's allies - the von Schliefens of Prussia, the Ottomans, and a rapidly modernising Qing can fight France to a standstill with the aid of America and a few Canadian rebels, perhaps a larger one can bring it to its knees. And France's belligerence has only made enemies during the French Century, while even Russia alone has yet more allies - Mexico, the Brazilian Empire and Peru-Boliva all find themselves within Russia's market and with the Tsar's diplomats whispering in their leader's ears.

One not need to look far to find those with emnity towards France. The English have been humiliated and London burned several times, with Ireland, Scotland and Wales wrested from them and their most valuable colonies being reduced to French clients (or in the notable cases of South Africa, seceding from British rule before collapsing themselves), but its fleet has been rebuilt in recent years of peace and its remaining colonies are still wealthy sources of raw materials for its industries. The new nations of the British Isles are no friends of France and its belligerent ways. The Republic of Austria has taken many humiliations, but its core of Austria and Bohemia remains loyal and wealthy. The Americans have suffered their own humiliations at the hands of the French, and have not forgotten the recent burning of Washington or the French liberation of New England. China's vast army is modernising with aid from Prussia and its Russian allies, and seeks to avenge the defeats inflicted upon it by French adventurism. All of these are potent allies for one last Great War to save Europe from a godless French yoke.

And then there is Hungary - the young lion of nations. The French did not know what they had created when a stroke of the pen in the 1880s freed the Republic of Hungary from Austrian dominion, but it may yet become another of France's petards they will be hoist with. The vast amount of French technology and investment that flowed into the young country has caused its economy to grow vast in the last fifty years, and with only 30 million people it boasts the second largest economy in the world. Its army may not be as vast as China, or Russias's*, though the need to defend the young radical republic from Austrian reconquest and then from French and Prussian absolutism has made it vast, but it is as modern as the wealth of the Hungary can buy and been trained by French advisors. But it has not has not stepped up to aid its sister republic, and in France's fall there may be an opportunity to build a freer and fairer egalitarian Europe than the one France leaves behind.

The Beast bleeds - men know that it can be killed. The winds of war are blowing, and they feel different on Europe's skin. And if the last great alliance can be mustered, an Eighth Coalition against French hegemony - perhaps the French century will end.

*Game note: In game it the #2 sized army in the world, and is actually bigger than France or Russia. Who knows where they found 687 regular batallions from.
Vic3France 1936.png
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Speaking of non-parallels, I'm working on the Old World of the WIP I posted on the other page;


I'm currently obsessed with the idea of a western-aligned, somewhat liberal Iran/Persia, so ITTL's modern day there's a Big Arab Federation currently invading it and garnering the ire of the world.


*Abbas I, Khosrow Parviz, Khosrow Anushirvan, Bahram V, Yazdegerd III, Esmail I, Hormizd IV, Shapur I, II, III, and IV, Narseh, and Nader Ashfar have entered the Chat.

Cool map though!
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