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The U.S. according to my little section of Florida. :p

Obviously it's exaggerating but XD


I'll have you know Maine is very nice and I've only seen two houses inexplicably flying the Confederate battle flag here!

Wait, there's more than one? For fucks sake Maine! I love you, but you're the most Northern of the North, the fuck are Confederate battle flags doing in Maine?! :mad:
A sequel to the map posted here; this is another one of the maps from a continuing project of mine, this time showing the nation's as per their 'democracy index' rankings. Keep in mind that both this and the prior map that I posted from this series depicts the world as it is at the beginning of 2015.

Poor Peru. Lucky Somalia
I decided to continue my post on "The Ultra-Consumerist Era", I hope you enjoy!

Finally, after years of dominance as a world power, the Soviet Union has finally collapsed. It has fragmented into two large states, both no longer considered communist, however one very Nationalistic and Socialist, and the other very democratic, yet increasingly capitalistic. It is built on people remembering the days under the USSR, and wanting to stray as far away as possible. The idea of even increasing taxes on businesses or anything at all is immediately deemed "communist". The Polish Republic and it's "allies" grow ever closer to the United States, and the economy continues rising steadily. The Chinese have also reverted to democracy. They also begin to continue down the path of hyper-capitalism though.

In America, a very new, revolutionary technology has arisen. Starting as a network to connect people together in the military, it slowly moved into the hands of college students, and eventually the genera; public. This lead to the "Cybernet" to begin it's life. As the new companies of Apple and Microsoft began to compete fiercly, both developed computers able to use this new Cybernet. People would become more connected than ever, with large and small communities growing on the internet. Among these were boards for sharing television and shows, notably Japanese animation, which will be talked about later. People also discussed things such as books, art, music, etc., and smaller things, notably Alternate History:)). The largest two users of this came from two countries. America, and Japan, followed by Britain, Germany, France, China, Poland, and others. On the Cybernet, a sort of hybrid culture began in it's infancy. One that shared images on the internet, called "memes", and other such things. Videos and pictures were shared, along with music, etc. A new era had began for knowledge. Along with this, in 1989 a new sort of music and culture came with it. Vaporwave. It was the first truly globalized music form, and it took many of it's sounds from existing songs, leading to many copyright problems, but it continued to survive.

In the union in Central Asia, a conflict with Iran over who owned the northeastern part escalated, along with American viewpoints of Iranese leadership. An invasion began by the Americans and Central Asians, called the "Gulf War" The Iranese were quite successful on the front with Central Asia, but, knowing they had the Americans, it would surely be in their favor...

Link to map:
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Just making maps mainly for practice now. This is supposed to be a different post WW1 Europe, where Poland is made quite a bit larger (union with Lithuania, like pre-partition) and Germany has broken into Confederation of the Rhine, Bavaria, Saxony and Prussia.
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