You Either Die A Hero, Or Live To See Yourself Become The Villain
Aka what happens when I flip Nixon and Kennedy for fun. A more simple list not to be taken seriously
- 35: Richard Nixon**/Henry Cabot Lodge(1961-1963)
- 36: Henry Cabot Lodge(1963-1965)/William Miller(1965-1969)
- 37: John F Kennedy/Terry Sanford(1969-1974)
- 38: Terry Sanford(1974-1977)
- 39: George Bush/Bob Dole(1977-1985)
They Live: The Great Emancipator, Savior Of The Union
16(second term): Abraham Lincoln/Andrew Johnson(March 4 1865-March 4 1869)[1]
-Election of 1868: Ulysses S Grant/Reuben E Fenton(Republican) vs George H Pendleton/Francis P Blair(Demcorat)[2]
17(first term): Ulysses S Grant/Reuben E Fenton(March 4 1869-March 4 1873)
-Election of 1872: Ulysses S Grant/Reuben E Fenton(Republican) vs Charles F Adams/Thomas A Hendricks(Liberal Republican/Democrat)
17(second term): Ulysses S Grant/Reuben E Fenton(March 4 1873-March 4 1877)
-Election of 1876: Roscoe Conkling/Rutherford B Hayes(Republican) vs Samuel J Tilden/Thomas A Hendricks(Democrat)[3]
18(first term): Samuel J Tilden/Thomas A Hendricks(March 4 1877-March 4 1881)
-Election of 1880: Samuel J Tilden/Richard M Bishop(Democrat) vs Elihu B Washburne/Horace Maynard(Republican) vs James B Weaver/Theodore Roosevelt Sr(Fair Union)[4]
19(first term): Elihu B Washburne(March 4 1881-March 4 1885)/Horace Maynard*(March 4 1881-May 3 1882)
-Election of 1884: Elihu B Washburne/Robert Todd Lincoln(Republican) vs Grover Cleveland/Thomas F Bayard(Democrat) vs James B Weaver/Peter Cooper(Fair Union)
19(second term): Elihu B Washburne*/Robert Todd Lincoln(March 4 1885-October 23 1887)
20(first term): Robert Todd Lincoln(October 23 1887-March 4 1889)[5]
-Election of 1888: Robert Todd Lincoln/Levi P Morton(Republican) vs Isaac P Grey/Theodore Roosevelt Sr(Democrat)
21(first term): Isaac P Grey/Theodore Roosevelt Sr(March 4 1889-March 4 1893)
-Election of 1892: Isaac P Grey/Theodore Roosevelt Sr(Democrat) vs Thomas Edison/Mark Hanna(Republican)[6]
21(second term): Isaac P Grey*/Theodore Roosevelt Sr(March 4 1893-February 14 1895)
22(first term): Theodore Roosevelt Sr(February 14 1895-March 4 1897)
-Election of 1896: Adlai Stevenson I/Horace Boies(Democrat) vs Robert Todd Lincoln/Thomas B Reed(Republican) vs Frank B Sargent/Eugene V Debs(Socialist)[7]
HR: Adlai Stevenson(1st EV, 2nd PV), Robert Todd Lincoln(2nd EV, 1st PV), Frank B Sargent(3rd)
23(second term): Robert Todd Lincoln/Thomas B Reed(March 4 1897-March 4 1901)
-Election of 1900: Frederick Dent Grant/William Randolph Hearst(Republican) vs Alton Brooks Parker/Julian Carr(Democrat) vs Frank B Sargent/Tad Lincoln(Socialist)
HR: Alton Brooks Parker(1st), Frank B Sargent(2nd), Frederick Dent Grant(3rd)[8]
24(first term): Alton Brooks Parker/Tad Lincoln(March 4 1901-March 4 1905)
-Election of 1904: Alton Brooks Parker/Nelson A Miles(Democrat) vs Henry Ford/George Washington Carroll(Republican) vs Daniel De Leon/Elias Charles Disney(Socialist)
25(first term): Daniel De Leon/Elias Charles Disney(March 4 1905-March 4 1909)[9]
-Election of 1908: Henry Cantwell Wallace/Frank W Arnold(Socialist) vs Oliver Twain/Max Campbell(Democrat) vs Joseph B Foraker/Mortimer Oswald(Republican)[10]
26(first term): Henry Cantwell Wallace/Frank W Arnold(March 4 1909-March 4 1913)
-Election of 1912: Josiah Ruggles Wilson/Elias Charles Disney(Socialist) vs Theodore Roosevelt/Oscar Underwood(Democrat) vs William H Taft/Alexander Blake(Republican)
27(first term): Theodore Roosevelt/Oscar Underwood(March 4 1913-March 4 1917)
-Election of 1916: Theodore Roosevelt/Oscar Underwood(Democrat) vs Henry Ford/John M Parker(Republican) vs Alistair Harrison/Ashton Rimmer(Socialist)
27(second term): Theodore Roosevelt/Oscar Underwood(March 4 1917-March 4 1921)
-Election of 1920: Thomas Grace Coolidge/Arnold Hewitt(Republican) vs Arthur Meredith/William Henry Roosevelt(Democrat) vs Elias Charles Disney/Max Dunne(Socialist)
28(first term): Elias Charles Disney/Max Dunne(March 4 1921-March 4 1925)
-Election of 1924: Ronald Debs/Max Dunne(Socialist) vs Michael Oswald/John Heidler(Democrat) vs Robert M.La Follette Sr/Samuel King(Republican)
29(first term): Robert M.La Follette Sr/Samuel King(March 4 1925-March 4 1929)
[1]POD is meant to be badass. Robert decides to go with his parents to Ford's Theater, and sits in a way where Booth would have trouble getting up close like he needs with his derringer. Robert realizes what's happening and slugs Booth, allowing father and son to take the gun and stop the attempt. Somewhere a young T.R is crying in joy. Asides from that, a better Reconstruction can occur under Lincoln's watch
[2]Grant still gets chosen because of how popular he is, Lincoln himself being fond of him. While he continues the more positive Reconstruction policies, the Gilded Age is still a thing with or without Lincoln's survival, and he does face some charge of administrative corruption. However Fenton is a more honest VP and Grant sticks with him the full eight years
[3]Though there is still quite a bit of bigotry against blacks, and more so in the south, Jim Crow laws, voter repression of blacks and attempts to virtually deny the 14th and 15th amendments in the south are far less than OTL, thanks to 12 years of proper Reconstruction and no Andy J getting a job at a time where he'd mess it up. As such, the Democrats have a more honest election, though as much any election in the Gilded Age can be. The Republicans had an intentional darkhorse, who Half-Breeds were quick to blame for why they lost it.
[4]The Election of 1880 saw the rise of a strong third party, the Fair Union. It added the fledgling Greenbacks in and promised "fair wages, protection from monopolies and respect for the common man". Theodore Roosevelt Sr was the first running mate, to James B Weaver as the first candidate. To some, they decided the Election of 1880
[5]Robert Todd Lincoln was a man living in two shadows. Washburne was a great president, and his father perhaps the single greatest president of them all. The younger Lincoln would see his father's funeral on January 23 1888, and end up losing to the Democratic ticket. However he would return for a term of his own, playing an important military and economic role. Some see him as underrated, others see his post-presidency as more important. The Democrats took the Fair Union under their wing. Theodore Sr once said to his son "there is one think you must never let yourself fall into, and that's the vice presidency". Ironic, given he would become president with the death of Grey, but because of his declining health chose not to seek a term on his own.
[6]Not an inventor in this timeline, at least not like what you recognize, a darkhorse candidate
[7]A new order was arising-that of socialism. To some, a reborn Farmer Labor. To others, dangerous subversives. It was not easy, but eventually they managed to put their man in the White House. It was a curious ticket, an example of the differing beliefs and ideologies between Robert and Tad. Things were a changing.
[8]Electoral college ends after this. Elias Charles Disney is OTL Walt Disney's father
[9]To some, a mere dreamer. To other, promise of hope beyond. The first Socialist president, like the Whigs of old De Leon chose to run only one term, citing that "we must not let ourselves get addicted to power. We must remain humble, and this is how we shall". The second Socialist president showed up after him. Then T.R, this time a Democrat
[10]Doesn't exist IOTL, but you recognize his name. He is TTL son of Mark Twain. His running mate is entirely fictional, again because people would be eligible who were born quite some time after the POD. Josiah Wilson is the alternately named version of Woodrow Wilson's brother. Grace Coolidge is someone who doesn't exist IOTL, but his father is OTL Calvin Coolidge's father. Max Dunne is referencing Vincent R Dunne
[11]Heidler has no relation to a certain customs worker, but I figured I could get away with a reference. It's not like the Little Magician's family had to change his obviously Dutch Van Buren surname
[12]Last ITTL president to exist IOTL, butterflies let him live until 1932, declines a second term due to age.
Abridged list(
Deep red=Socialist)
- 15: James Buchanan/John C Breckinridge(1857-1861)
- 16: Abraham Lincoln(1861-1869)/Hannibal Hamlin(1861-1865), Andrew Johnson(1865-1869)
- 17: Ulysses S Grant/Reuben E Fenton(1869-1877)
- 18: Samuel J Tilden/Thomas A Hendricks(1877-1881)
- 19: Elihu B Washburne*(1881-1887)/Horace Maynard*(1881-1882), Robert T Lincoln(1885-1887)
- 20/23: Robert Lincoln(1887-1889, 1897-1901)/Thomas B Reed(1897-1901)
- 21: Isaac P Grey*/Theodore Roosevelt Sr(1889-1895)
- 22: Theodore Roosevelt I(1895-1897)
- 24: Alton B Parker/Tad Lincoln(1901-1905)
- 25: Daniel De Leon/Elias Disney(1905-1909)
- 26: Henry C Wallace/Frank W Arnold(1909-1913)
- 27: Theodore Roosevelt II/Oscar Underwood(1913-1921)
- 28: Elias Disney/Max Dunne(1921-1925)
- 29: Robert M.La Follette/Samuel King(1925-1929)