Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department, Unit 317, Main Building
January 8 1938
It was a cold day here in Pingfang. It was around -18C outside with fine layer of snow on the ground with a light layer of overcast of clouds above. It was a truly nasty day in Pingfang. Yet for the Japanese Commander of Unit 317 he was getting ready to brave the nasty weather to greet the guest that were coming to his base. Calling them guest, as he thought was the wrong term. They were coming to work with his unit as it could offer things that their civilians back at home would be fairly unhappy about if they were doing it in their homelands, or even in their colonies. So they had come to an agreement to host a team here at Pingfang in return for their notes.
The Japanese annexation of Manchuria was a sore spot for many on the international diplomatic stage. Very few nations worldwide had given diplomatic recognition of the annexation of what was meant to be a buffer state between Japan and Russia. Well before Russia became the Soviet Union. Yet that when out the window when the Japanese invaded the Kingdom of Manchuria in 1930 and annexed it a year later. As of the start of the new year only a grand total of six nations[1] with the Imperial Federation granted recognition only late last year[2]. As such very few foreign nationals ever travelled to Japanese Manchuria.
Now a team of top flight British scientist were travelling to this heavily guarded base deep in Manchuria. Control of the limited numbers of foreign nationals in Manchuria kept them away from Pingfang, and for good reason. Pingfang was home to one of the most secret weapon programs in Japan at the moment. Japan was working with biological agents in order to create a weapon that was deadly. Some of Japan’s top minds were at Pingfang or some of the other sub-camps working on different ideas to create deadly bio weapons.
Japan wasn’t alone with their efforts to create bio weapons. Eight[3] nations were all working on the goal of deadly germs to be used in the next war. Some of these programs were well funded, fairly well balance along with being ethical, notably the Germans with their efforts at creating bioweapons. Others such as Brazil and the Ottoman Empire were bare bone programs that were designed to allow them to build up their expertise in the area for later growth once more funding was ready.
Then there was the Japanese Program. Most of the world leaders had something of an idea that Japan had their own bioweapons program, but if they knew the scope and total lack of ethnics in it, they would be beyond shocked. The Japanese were using human subjects to test their bio agents to see how they would do and once they served their use they would be killed and have their bodies burned. They were using captured bandits, criminals, homeless Han Chinese, and since the start of the second Sino-Japanese War, Chinese Prisoners of War. Not even the Soviet Union which was known for its violence against its own people when that far in testing their bioagents.
As the British learned of the Japanese efforts at Pingfang they decided to try and hitch up. The idea of using even prisoners who were under court orders of death for testing bioagents would had caused a major sink in the British Home Islands. Yet the ECP wanted to tested their weapons on humans. After a few rounds of talks the British and Japanese came to an agreement that stopped short of a full on joint program, but allowed the British to make use of Japanese bases and test subjects. That team was reaching Pingfang on this cold and general crappy day.
[1] Haiti*, Mexico*, United Kingdom, Austria-Hungary, South America, and the Imperial Federation
*They did so more to piss the US off than anything else.
[2] This was part of deal stuck between London and the Imperial Federation for something else.
[3] The British Empire, Soviet Union, Soviet Spain, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire