north africa

  1. Huneric-senpai

    Templar or tuetonic order Carthage.

    Just a weird crack idea I had, we know the Norman's got really close to taking over Tunis in the 8th crusade, so what if that crusade succeeded, and north africa became the second successfully crusader state. How would such a state be managed, how would it balance the native Muslims, native...
  2. Huneric-senpai

    State structures and new world colonisation in a mauro roman north Africa (Maghreb).

    Inspired by this thread, The Dihya revolt is somehow successful, and the Maghreb west of Tripoli remains in the Christian sphere of influence, repelling the Arabs throughout the next millennia. How would the state structures of the Maghreb develop, what would the interactions between the rural...
  3. What is the maximum amount of territory that a longer lived Norman Kingdom of Sicily could hold onto and how long could it hold onto that territory?

    The Norman Kingdom of Sicily is somewhat one of my most favorite states of history, and for good reason: it was rich, advanced, and tolerant of Muslims. In particular I have been fascinated by the Kingdom’s attempts to expand into Tunisia and North Africa, and how it governed its territories...
  4. TheWitheredStriker

    AHC/WI: A Moorish/Mudéjar state in North Africa AFTER 1492?

    Heya! I've been trying to find a way for the Moors to set up their own state after the collapse of Granada in 1492, when they effectively lost statehood. IOTL, I've found two attempts at the establishment of a Morisco/Mudéjar state: The Morisco Revolt from 1568-71. The Moors rallied after...
  5. Ana Luciana II

    AHC: Independent Karamanli Libya

    The Karamanli of Libya were an interesting bunch to say the least. They arrived in Libya in 1711, their founder was a Janissary, and seized the governorship of Libya (then the Ottoman province of Tripolitania) and ruled it as a functionally independent state until the 1830s. Their last ruler...
  6. Moulay Ismail achieves all of his objectives?

    The second ruler of the Alaouite dynasty, Moulay Ismail Ibn Sharif was one of the most powerful rulers Morocco had in the 17th and 18th centuries, stabilizing its internal affairs after the decades of turmoil that followed the demise of the Saadi dynasty. He then launched several campaigns...
  7. WI: France Assimilates North Africa

    France doesn't undergo the demographic collapse that occurred OTL throughout the 18th and early 19th century and as a result some of these extra people go on to settle and colonise North Africa. Furthermore, because France would have a far higher population proportional to the natives they are...
  8. No Fatimid Caliphate

    either Abdallah dies as infant or in Kutama tribes and the Fatimid caliphate never exist, how would the maghreb evolve? and how long will the Ikhshidid dynasty have control in Egypt
  9. AHC: France fails to take over Morocco

    What if the French failed to conquer Morocco and establish a protectorate there? What would be the consequences on the Maghreb and the Islamic world in general? Morocco was slowly modernizing from 1873, and was experiencing a succession crisis in the beginning of the 1900s. Map of Morocco in...
  10. Al-Za’im

    How long could Norman Africa realistically last?

    The Norman "Kingdom of Africa" is a fascinating yet extremely brief era in North African history. Lasting only twenty years, the "Kingdom" never really amounted to anything beyond a constellation of Norman-held towns along coastal Ifrīqiya, later conquered by the Al-Muwahedeen/Almohad Caliphate...
  11. Al-Za’im

    Prevent the decline of North Africa

    A prevalent narrative exists revolving around the Banu Hilal and their supposed destructiveness during their migrations into Ifriqiya and the Maghreb. These migrations, both romanticized and demonized, where apparently catalysed by the encouragement of the Fatimids as a punitive measure against...
  12. AltoRegnant

    AHC: Independent, Native Ran Catholic "Morocco"/Berber Kingdom

    Morroco and West Africa are the western edge of today's muslim world (given who founded the settler colonies in america I don't think anyone is surprised.) However, prior to Islam spreading under the arabic conquests, the region was a mix of christianity from rome and native paganism. Your...
  13. Sarthak

    Ottoman Libya?!

    During the Allied occupation of Libya after ww2 Osman Fuad who remained extremely popular with the Libyan populace was approached by some Libyan notables (like al-Sennusi) to become the King of Libya. Osman Fuad rejected the offer iotl and the crown went to Idris. But what if Osman Fuad had...
  14. Munich Shuffle: 1938-1942
    Threadmarks: Munich Shuffle 1938-1942 - Hendon

    September 17th 1938 – Britain – Disaster at Hendon After the Anschluss in March of 1938 there may have been hopes that Hitler might be satisfied with his gains and concentrate on consolidating them, at least for a year or two. There was a brief panic about the possibility of a German attack on...
  15. Superpower Ancient Egypt:Sneferu Fourth Dynasty conquer North Africa

    please answer the follow up questions and like and the share the post 2613BCE Sneferu begins Fourth Dynasty of Egypt POD Sneferu raids Jordan he encounters camels (which were already been domesticated in Arabia). He incorporates them into his army replacing donkeys and creating a camel cavalry...
  16. Cymry-Korean

    Al-Andalus and the Maghreb? Was the Relationship Sustainable?

    As someone who's recently been rather interested in the history of relations between Iberia and North Africa , I noticed that one rather common tendency was for a North African power to exert influence in Al-Andalus, whether they invaded or were invited. How sustainable could this union be? The...
  17. No Banu Hilal or Sulaym Migrations

    At the instigation of the Fatimids, two large pastoralist Arab confederacies, the Banu Hilal and Banu Sulaym, migrated towards North Africa in the 11th Century. The Zirid dynasty in North Africa had renounced the Fatimid Caliphate, converting to Sunni Islam and recognizing the Abbasids...
  18. Vylon Disigma

    ww2: Naval stratergy after Axis Victory in the eastren Medditeranian

    As in the title, what do the fighting navies do if, due to some tremendous British blunder, the axis powers find themselves masters of Egypt, Cyprus and Malta? I'm Imagining this happens some time in 1941 and some damage has been done to the Suez Canal. What can/does the remainder of the...
  19. In a scenario where the byzantines are able to hold Syria and Egypt and repeal the arabs, can they hold the Exarchate of Africa?

    Can they hold the Exarchate of Africa because of the roman identity, or would it eventually break free from the empire?
  20. AltoRegnant

    WI: The Diocese of Africa Wasn't Conquered By The Germanic Barbarians?

    The provinces and later Diocese of Africa was one of the wealthiest parts of the Roman Empire, providing much of the food to the European world. This begs the question: what if the barbarians were unable to conquer the region, getting stalled in Spain and Scicily? Would North Africa stand as the...