german empire

  1. GameBawesome

    Alternate history- Mitteleuropa unification in the 1800s

    Challenge: with a POD in the 1800s, instead of just the German States uniting to created a German Empire, they incorporated also the Austrian Empire (or Austria-Hungary) to create a Mitteleuropa, in a amalgamation of the states of Germany (imperial or confederation)and the multiethnic Austrian...
  2. SealTheRealDeal

    PC/WI: Yet another "Glorious Past" mentality in Prussia

    Would it be possible for the German army to become complacent after its stunning victory in 1871, similar to how the Prussian army grew complacent after the passing of Frederick the Great and again after the end of the Napoleonic Wars? If so, what are the potential implications of a Germany...
  3. AHC/WI: Earlier German unification under Prussia?

    As the title says, OTL Germany as a nation unified as one nation in 1871. But what happens if Prussia have succeeded in uniting Germany much earlier than 1871?
  4. AHC: Have the German, British, and Russian Empires be allies in a war roughly equivalent to WW1

    Inspired by the fact that, at the time of WW1, the King of Britain, Kaiser of Germany, and Tsar of Russia were first cousins.
  5. Admiral Bloonbeard

    Modern pop culture if the Central Powers won World War 1

    World War 1 isn't called the "War of the Century" for a reason. It was a war that would determine which nation would be the superpower of the 20th century. We all know about the political effects of World War 1 and how it led the rise of the United States as a superpower. There are already many...
  6. AHC/WI: Elective Monarchy in German Empire

    What circumstances would lead to an elective monarchy German Empire, where the royal houses of Bavaria (Wittelsbachs), Saxony (Wettins), Wurttemberg (Wurttembergs) and Prussia (Hohenzollerns) all vied for the succession of the German crown. Additionally, what impacts would this have on Germany...
  7. General Kenobi

    What if the German Empire was exiled to one of their African colonies?

    I know this is unlikely since the German Colonial forces were small compared to the Triple-Entente, but what if the German Empire managed to escape to their colonies?
  8. GameBawesome

    Could Hitler become Chancellor if there was a Kaiser?

    Two scenarios for who the German Kaiser: Kaiser Wilhelm II (somehow) remains in power after WWI, much to the distaste of everyone Kaiser Wilhelm III becomes the German Kaiser after WWI, after his Father's abdication and exile Back to the question, could Hitler become the Chancellor if there...
  9. GameBawesome

    AHC: The Holy Roman Empire united under a Teutonic Prussia

    (Talked about this plenty of times before about the HRE and Bismarck, but I want to hear other people ideas. This also may be ASB, but I wanted to talk in the Before 1900) AHC:Have the Holy Roman Empire be revived after the Congress of Vienna, and then have the Prussian Hohenzollerns replace...
  10. ETGalaxy

    German Involvement in the Americas in a CP Victory Scenario

    As of recently I've gained a bit of an interest in Imperial German influence in Mexico prior to and during World War One. While I understand that Germany was most interested in attempting to get Mexican aggression to distract the US from the war in Europe I find it plausible that positive...
  11. In a CP victory scenario, will there be a WWII?

    Most CP victories involve a German victory in Europe and an Entente victory in the colonies, so let's start with that as our set-up. The war is over by 1919, the Septemberprogramm has been enforced in Europe, establishing German dominance on the continent, yet, in Africa and the Middle East...
  12. WI: No Brussilov Offensive To break with one of the classic alternate history cliches lets not assume that Brussilov gets killed ITTL. He just ends up on the wrong side of Russian army politics early in his career...
  13. The Militant Doberman

    WI: “It’s just a prank, Bro!” snowballs into a World War?

    Some of you may be familiar with Horace Cole, an early 20th century Cambridge student who was friends with Virginia Wolf and her brother Adrian Stephen; history remembers Horace as the man behind the “Zanzibar Hoax” and the “Dreadnought Hoax” when he fooled government officials and the British...
  14. Best case scenario for the German Empire

    Like the title says, what would be the best cast scenario for the German Empire to survive into the modern world? The German monarchy lost prominence and abdicated after World War 1 and then the revolution. However, this event is one of the main precedents to Nazism and World War 2.
  15. WW1 ends in 1917

    So just another WW1 topic. If WW1 ends in 1917 because the german spring offensive works and the German Empire prposed acceptable terms fora peace treaty (i know both a close to ASB). There is a return to the 1914 western european borders, Belgium stays independed and the are no reparation...
  16. DBWI: Entente Victory

    So, I was reading about the First Weltkrieg awhile back, and I got to thinking... what if the Entente won? Of course, you probably think this is an unrealistic scenario, but it's actually more likely than you'd think. The Germans had this military plan (called the Schlieffen Plan, after the guy...
  17. T-Mag 3004

    the (Grand) Duchy of Alsace-Lorraine

    Now let's discuss a region that's been discussed so, so, so many times prior, but not (from what I've seen) in this way. Alsace-Lorraine as a full state of the German Empire. so in my most successful Thread. NoMommsen said the following: "So, all of what I've written IMO shows a clear...
  18. The Liberal Kaiser

    The Kaiser is Dead. Long Live the Kaiser June 2nd, 1914 Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin, Germany. The newly crowned Kaiser Heinrich of Germany stands solemnly alone above his father's tomb. His father had ruled Germany for over twenty-six years. His reign had seen reform, family betrayal, and...
  19. Bomster

    What if the United States never joined WW1?

    Lets say that for some reason America is content with staying on its own continent and leaving the affairs of Europe to the Entente and the Germans. What would be the repercussions of this on both America and the rest of the world? Would France fall to mass mutiny? Would Germany emerge more...
  20. Bomster

    What if America entered WW1 earlier?

    As the title says, what if the United States entered WW1 earlier, say in 1915 or 1916. What would it take to have an isolationist America enter the European War? Would it mean a quicker end to the war? Would it mean a much larger amount of American causalities and anti-war agitation? Is there...