
  1. Alternate Historiography Game: Make up your own cause for the Fall of Rome

    I had been thinking about the 210 Reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire: an historian had, as a joke, collected into one list everything which had been claimed to be a reason for the fall of the Roman Empire. It ended up quite a list containing the likes of Lead Poisoning, Tristesse, Villa...
  2. GameBawesome

    WI: More claimants to being the successor of the Roman Empire?

    So, as most of us known, the legacy of the Roman Empire, is quite great. There have been many Empires, Kingdom or nations that claimed to be the successor to the Roman Empire (Before, you ask. No, not counting Eastern Roman Empire among them, as they were not a successor to the Roman Empire...
  3. GameBawesome

    AH Wars & Conflicts Game

    A thread in the same style as the Explain the AH Quote, the AH Title and Description Game and AH Cultural Descriptions threads In the long timeline of conflicts, there's has been various names for wars, civil wars, rebellions, revolutions, coups, etc, all of which vary from name to name. We...
  4. GameBawesome

    AHC Game: Create your own ATL Cuisine

    A thread based off the List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage, AH Royal/Imperial/Noble Titles Game and AHC: Form alternate/new ethnic groups of the world, and piggybacking on the AH Cuisine and Culinary Practices and slightly based off the Cuisine of the Confederate States of...
  5. Taco Shark's HOI4 (and other Paradox games if I play them) inspired Maps
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Inspired by @FasterThanRaito 's thread, I decided to play more HOI4 to make stories from them and post them here. However by playing I mean most of the time observing, since I am not too good at the game itself. I use my own mod for my own gameplay enhancements as well as Toolpack to strengthen...
  6. GameBawesome

    AH Holidays and Celebrations Game

    A thread in the same style as the Explain the AH Quote, the AH Title and Description Game and AH Cultural Descriptions, and my own AH Royal/Imperial/Noble Titles Game threads In the spirit of the Holidays, I've created this thread to as a game. Like other Alternate history game threads, in...
  7. Looper

    Two Conferences: a Create-A-Team College Football Collaborative Timeline

    I feel like this is rather self explanatory. The rules are simple: There are two conferences, the Coastal Plains Conference, on the Midwest/East Coast, and the Frontier Conference, on the West Coast region. Create your program. Required Details: University name, Team nickname, Location (city and...
  8. GameBawesome

    AHC: Create an illegitimate/cadet branch of a Dynasty/Royal Family/Nobility
    Threadmarks: Game Begins

    A thread spiritual successor to my previous thread, AHC: Form an alternate Dynasty/Royal Family/Nobility, which was based off the List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage, AH Royal/Imperial/Noble Titles Game and AHC: Form alternate/new ethnic groups of the world. In the long history...
  9. GameBawesome

    AHC: Form an alternate Dynasty/Royal Family/Nobility

    A thread based off the List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage, AH Royal/Imperial/Noble Titles Game and AHC: Form alternate/new ethnic groups of the world. There have been various royal or imperial dynasties and royal houses. Here, the challenge is to make your own dynasty/house...
  10. ElEzequias

    Runeterra : When Things Goes South (ISOT IDEA)

    So a while ago i entered into an group of facebook (latam) about League of legends, to see if they really are that horrible as the internet says and some of them are (or at least on the group i entered) and while i was scrolling down on the group i found an strange meme: An isot (o...
  11. Emperor Max

    A Collaborative Alternate World

    So, the point of the thread is to make an ‘alternate world’ by just writing short write ups of a person/event, no rules other than don’t contradict previous posts. I’ll start with a few Nigel Farage, British conservative front-bencher who served briefly as Minister for Education (2010-2011)...
  12. GameBawesome

    AH Royal/Imperial/Noble Titles Game

    A thread in the same style as the Explain the AH Quote, the AH Title and Description Game and AH Cultural Descriptions threads Here’s the game. First poster will create an alternate Royal title/imperial/noble and give it a backstory and history of that title, and then create another one for a...
  13. Goats-&-Bolts

    AH Countries and Nations Game

    A thread in the same style as the Explain the AH Quote, the AH Title and Description Game and AH Cultural Descriptions threads (with a dash of the Form alternate/new ethnic groups of the world for added flavour). The 1st poster provides the name of a counterfactual nation and the second poster...
  14. AHC: Create a new Sub- or Microgenre

    I'm a bit interested in small obscure genres or subgenres, whether films, games, music, or literature. The goal of is to make up one of these, kind of like my Whateverpunk thread. Gathering Metal: A genre combining metal with indigenous american instruments, typically drums, and highly...
  15. Library of Alexandria

    Telephone Map Game: An Archive
    Threadmarks: List of Threads

    Right, so @Entrerriano's telephone map games are wonderful, but there doesn't appear to be a nexus for links to all of the different games (now that we're doing it as a seasonal affair). So for once I took the initiative and made it myself. This post will have a link to every thread for each...
  16. Entrerriano

    Telephone Map Game: 2nd Edition

    Welcome to the second edition of’s Telephone Map Game! (This time on the Maps and Graphics forums!) Link to the First Edition What’s a Telephone Map Game? A Telephone Map Game is a turn-based Map Game, inspired by the children’s “Broken Telephone” games. The game starts...
  17. CountofDooku

    Amra worldbuilding project

    I will try to use this as a beginning to finally finish up my own worldbuilding of Amra, sadly I lack skills in mapmaking or drawing pictures for characters, so I'll try my best, but I might need help with such if anyone is willing to do so. Amra after the first millennium after the Burning...
  18. GauchoBadger

    WI: Earlier spread of Rock, Paper, Scissors?

    According to the World Rock Paper Scissors Association, the dispute-settling game we all know and love had certain precedents in ancient China, described in various forms (with varying component moves, sometimes adding an animal to the movelist, for example) by ancient sages in that area. It...
  19. Laws of Civilization | Political simulation game

    Greetings to the comunity of !! Was wondering if you would be interested to try the political simulation game I've worked on for the past 2 years called "Laws of Civilization". Basically, the player controls a party, takes part to interviews and runs for election. Once...
  20. Pstar77

    Photos of Command And Conquer: Red Alert Universe

    Inspired by the photos-from-featherstons-confederacy-tl-191 and photos-of-the-kaiserreich thread. Only this thread will deal with the red alert series. Any photos are fine as long it DOESENT get us in trouble 1.