
  1. Gukpard

    Would it be better if the UK had enforced dirigism?

    Many years ago I read a short article about the decline of the british economy from the Edwardian era onwards, and it seems that it has been 120 years of never ending decline, the end of industrialization and now the UK finds itself in a services industry. OTL the UK adopted dirigismè during...
  2. Reconstruction of France in the Postwar of a Victory of the Central Powers

    Hello everyone, perhaps I am a bit pedantic with the topic since most of my publications have revolved around that topic, but today I would like to see something deeper instead of the classic discussions about a victory of the central powers, about their possible peace or how the PCs could...
  3. tonycat77

    British find the massive gold deposits in Uganda in the 1920s Assuming this extraordinary claim is true, Britain will have access to 12 trillion dollars in today's prices worth of gold. I expect the logistical technology, extraction, refinement, etc will...
  4. durante

    Argentina with improved economics since 1930

    Kudos goes to Dr Sinclair way back when by demonstrating how 50 countries with randomly assigned GDP growth rates could end up with vastly different sized economies over the course of 50 years...(his intention was to show that the relative poverty of some African nations relative to others is...
  5. GameBawesome

    History Discussion: Was the Scramble for Africa economically beneficially?

    In the 19th Century, the European Powers held the Berlin Conference, which divided the continent of Africa, between themselves. When people think about Imperialism and Colonialism, they think of economic exploitation of the land and it's native people. While that statement is true and there's no...
  6. AHC: With a POD after the Mexican-American War, have Mexico develop to the same level as Canada and the US

    Here are some rules to add clarification to the challenge: The POD may occur at any point following the end of the Mexican-American War. By the modern-day Mexican territory must be more or less identical to that of OTL -- so no retaking of Central America or the Northern territories lost to the...
  7. Odinson

    Germany divided into multiple states post WWII: Effect on Europe's economy?

    Germany is one of the biggest economies in western Europe, a bedrock of the EU. If Germany stumbles a bit, at least a few countries trip and fall down. How would the European economy look during the 20th century and beyond if at the end of world war two Germany was broken up into a series of...
  8. Basileus_Komnenos

    AHC: Post 1815 French Demographics Expansion

    Devise a scenario after the Napoleonic Wars where the French birth rate and overall population growth increases allowing it to maintain parity with other contemporary European nations, or to regain its mantle as the "demographic beast" it was the 13th Century. Would something like more...
  9. Sarthak

    1950s British Economic Sanity Options and its Butterflies

    Now many threads regarding sanity options have been done, mainly (read: all) revolving around WW2 and WW1. However how about a Sanity option thread regarding British economics from exactly 1st Jan, 1950. Also discuss potential economic policies that would have been good and beneficial for...
  10. GameBawesome

    World without Large influx of New World Wealth?

    What if, for some reason, Spain never conquers the Aztecs or Inca? (Most likely POD, Cortez dying, and no conquistadors come for some ASB reason), and the Spanish never gains the Large amount of New World wealth of Gold and Silver? There can be those countries who can still get rich off of...
  11. AHC/WI: Have Classical Gold Standard Survive into 21st Century

    This is a rarely (if ever) discussed alternate history scenario or challenge, but one which for a variety of reasons has been of interest to me since long before I joined this site. The challenge is to have the classical gold standard of pre-World War One maintained up to the present day, and...
  12. What would the effects be on a nation implementing a land value tax?

    If, say the USA implemented a nationwide land value tax, what would the effects be of it? A land value tax is generally considered a progressive tax since, to quote John Stuart Mill "A tax on rent falls wholly on the landlord. There are no means by which he can shift the burden upon anyone...
  13. What Caused the Early 1990's Recession?

    From 1990-1991, the US experienced a recession. The poor economy caused George H.W. Bush to lose his 1992 re-election bid and gave rise to the term "jobless recovery." Compared to 1982 or 2008 the early 1990s recession was mild, but it was nonetheless politically and historically important. What...
  14. Effects of More Soviet Influence in the Middle East?

    One of the great victories of the US in the Cold War was their out-manoeuvring of both the British and Soviets for position of pre-eminent power in the Middle East. Combined with American economic and banking power, good diplomacy helped ensure that the US had (and still has) a privileged...
  15. Roman Suez Canal - Was it Possible?

    There was no need for locks since the Mediterranean and the Red Sea are level, so if an Emperor like Augustus or Trajan ordered one built and had 20,000 men put to work on it, it would be finished eventually wouldn't it, even if it fell to one of their successors to finish it? This analysis I...
  16. WI: Earlier end to the UK post-war economic consensus?

    Between 1945 and 1979 the two main UK political parties, Labour and Conservative, both tacitly agreed on a Keynesian economic approach whenever either was in power - a mixed economy of state-owned industries (such as coal/steel) and private enterprise, with high levels of public investment. Come...
  17. WhiteDragon25

    AHC: Give the Nazis a Coherent Economic Policy

    Let's be clear: we all know that the Nazis sucked at economics. The most charitable thing you could say about their 'economic' policy was that it was a masterfully-crafted Ponzi scheme designed to patch up the German economy just enough to fool everybody that they had something going, while...
  18. Gukpard

    Was Brazil's industrialization program under JK really effective?

    Juscelino Kubitschek was the brazilian president from 1955 until 1960, and while Vargas set up the base for the industrialization of Brazil, it was during JK government that the industrial boom took place, with the % of industry in the total GDP growing from 13,75% under Vargas to 18,34% during...
  19. World systems: low equilibria traps for capital or capitalism pre-1900

    Speculation at the other board on monstrous 20th centuries led me to answer: capitalism goes low equilibria as a weak radical workers movement causes Ford-Taylorism to be unnecessary to buy off / discipline / sweat labour. But as a world-system capitalism a socialist we know it, and its...
  20. Lord_Vespasian

    Development of the Internet and Intermodal Containers By A Stronger and Longer Lasting British Empir

    In a world where the Empire remained strong and stable, (Why? I don't know, perhaps no intervention in WWI to start) would it have funded people and projects that could lead to an earlier form of the Internet (primary incentive being faster and safer communication across the Empire in a way the...