
  1. What if the Confederacy succeeded in taking Cuba

    What if the Confederacy's goal during the Civil War to take Cuba was accomplished. How would this affect our timeline.
  2. DBWI: What if Castro had allied himself with the USSR

    As you all know, during and after the Cuban Revolution, Castro sought the support of the United States or the USSR, in the end he allied himself with the USA but with some agreements. What if the US had refused to help Castro? What would relations between the two countries be like if Cuba was...
  3. House of Orange

    Capital of a united Hispanic Caribbean?

    I currently have a scenario in the works where, following the Spanish-American War, the United States aims to create a union of all Spanish-speaking Caribbean territories (those being Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico) under US protection. What would be the hypothetical capital of...
  4. GauchoBadger

    WI: Communist victory at Cuito Cuanavale (1987)

    The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale (fought with intervals between late 1987 and early 1988), was an interesting occurence in African post-colonial history, fought between the Angolan communist government forces of the MPLA with its army, the FAPLA, alongside Cuban auxiliaries, on one side, and the...
  5. Terranical

    What if the colonies of Spain in the 1880s were granted semi-independence?

    Spain's major colonies like Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines were granted semi-independence just like the Dominion of Canada? Cuba was already against Spain already rebelling twice in two big wars known as the ten years war and the little war, but make a POD during that time to make the...
  6. US acquires Cuba in 1850s by purchase or war - plausible or not?

    I've been doing some reading about the history of slavery in the United States and the debate that it generated, and one thing that gets mentioned a lot but is never gone into in depth is the desire of many white Americans from the slave states, and some from the free states as well, to acquire...
  7. Cuba Successfully Spreads Communism

    How could Cuba successfully spread communism to Africa and/or Latin America? Maybe with the help of Che Guevara? I play as Cuba in a alt-history community and i got Che Guevara to be trained by the East German Stasi after the revolution, so Che might be better at the whole revolution thing.
  8. PODs for a 1960s Cuba

    I just joined after lurking for a little bit, and i quite like this place. I am playing as Cuba in an alternate history group and i'd like some help involving PODs for 1960s Cuba with Castro in charge.
  9. What if Operation Northwoods went ahead?

    In 1962 Operation Northwoods was proposed in response to Cuba being under communist rule. The false flag operation was a plan to commit terrorist acts within the United States and blame in on Cuba in order to rally the people and have justified military action in Cuba. Link:Operation Northwoods...
  10. Alternate_History_Buff

    Alternate History: Operation Northwoods Gets the Go-Ahead

    For the sake of reference, Operation Northwoods was a false flag attack proposed by the US Department of Defense in 1962. It called for the CIA to commit commit various acts of terror in US cities, and blame them on Cuba, in order to generate a Casus Belli to remove the communist government that...
  11. Chapman

    Timeline for US Invasion of Cuba, 1963?

    For a tl i'm currently working on, I have a few questions for any military historians who can tell me what a US invasion of Cuba would look like, following an alternate assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The basic idea is this: On November 22nd, 1963, JFK is assassinated by Lee Harvey...
  12. Can There Be A Successful Pan-Latin American Movement Starting From The Cold War?

    It’s been over two years since I’ve left this site. Lots have changed. Anyways I was wondering if during the Cold War there could be a successful movement that creates a unified Latin American state or tries to reach that goal as realistically as possible. Where could be the first starting...
  13. WI: Churchill Orders Castro Killed

    As it says above. Winston Churchill had an affinity for Cuba and historical links with it, as detailed here. Churchill was also known for dreaming up 'inventive' (and often wacky) assassination/military plots on occasion. So, what would have happened if Churchill, on such a whim, decided to...
  14. Chapman

    WI US Invasion of Cuba, 1963?

    I've posted various questions relating to this subject before, but here i'm looking more for the military aspects of the question. For a TL i'm currently working on, I have the JFK assassination going differently. Rather than Lee Harvey Oswald being determined (officially) to be a lone wolf...
  15. Gentleman Biaggi

    Twists and Turns: An Alternate 1952 and Beyond
    Threadmarks: Update 1: 1952 Election

    “McCarthyism, Nukes, and integration, that’s what’s at stake.” *Audible sigh* “At least it’s better than 1932” “You say that every year” -Conversation between Earl Warren andMargaret Chase Smith November 3, 1952 General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s announcement that he wasn’t going to run for...
  16. A successful Bay of Pigs

    I have discovered this great forum recently. After reading a few of the great timelines created here I decided to start my own timeline at some point in the future (despite my insufficient english). My favorite period of history is the Cold War and I really like the idea of creating "my" Cold...
  17. Hawkeye

    Spain after losing Cuba to CSA

    In all these discussions of the Confederacy expanding into Cuba I haven't seen a thread which talks about the ramifications of Spain losing it's most valuable colony to the CSA. For now, let's sidestep any opinions regarding if it's plausible for the CSA to defeat Spain and focus solely on how...
  18. Bay of Pigs invasion called off

    After my extensive research into the matter*, I've pretty much decided that the Bay of Pigs invasion had pretty much nil chance of success, so let's go a different route: what if Kennedy decided not to go through with it? *(consisting of watching some YT videos and vaguely remembering what I...
  19. Plausibility Check: A Cuban-Soviet Split

    Would it have been possible for there to have been one between the two? If Cuba still went communist like they did in OTL, what circumstances would have to change for there to be a breakdown in relations between them? It did happen with China and Yugoslavia, though the circumstances between...
  20. Ogaden War WIs

    In July of 1977, Somalia invaded the weakened Ethiopian state in an attempt to gain the Somali-inhabited Ogaden region. Initially, the war went very well, and the Somalis threw the Ethiopians back. However, only months before the Somali invasion, Ethiopia had aligned itself to the Soviet...