axis victory

  1. What is an "SS Ordenstaat"?

    Something that has confused me as of late is the existence of SS Ordenstaats in a few Axis victory scenarios I've seen. For example, "The New Order" mod for Hoi4 has the infamous "SS Ordenstaat Burgund", and "Thousand Week Reich" also has SS Ordenstaat Gotenland, SS Ordenstaat Banat, (sometimes)...
  2. A Tale of Two Eagles
    Threadmarks: 1946: The Ashes of Victory

    1946: The Ashes of Victory “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” - Charles Dickens The Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan At last, the shooting had finally stopped. The corridors and hallways of the emperor’s residence had been defiled with bullet holes, rubble, small fires, and...
  3. Axis victory:Nazi-Japan transcontinental rail,oil pipeline

    The POD that America remains completely neutral. So no Lend-Lease to the Allies and no Embargo on Japan. In the Europe Nazis capture Moscow seperating the Soviet transportation from Northern, Southern and Eastern Russia. This results in those seperated regions being conquered one by one and Nazi...
  4. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    AHC/WI: "De-Hitlerize" a victorious Nazi Germany

    Generally, when discussing the aftermath of an Axis victory, there are three ideas that are generally thrown around: Nazi Germany achieves total domination over all of Europe, executes Generalplan Ost, and becomes more and more indoctrinated, ideological, and generally bizzare and evil, and...
  5. On a Broken Globe
    Threadmarks: 1946 - 1947

    The following document is translated (was on 8/12/1946) by the Non-Aligned Club of New Zealand, 31 Crummer Road, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand. The Observer The Independent Voice of the German Swiss 3rd December 1946 Italy and Germany split By Heinrich Schaefer The seven-year pact between...
  6. Architectural Plans/Stylistic Evolution in a limited Axis Victory Scenario ?

    My Idea would be that either the OTL Axis have a limited victory WW2 (borderline ASB) or that under a different leadership there is a different war resulting in a limited victory (Example would be Webers Germany ). Or maybe even that simply Italy stays neutral during WW2 but with a POD no...
  7. BurkeanLibCon

    British forces in axis Cold War

    As we all know, British military thinking in OTL’s Cold War centred on the BAOR in Germany. In an alternate timeline where the Nazi’s managed to “win” the war in Europe (losing Africa, but beating Russia somehow and convincing a war-weary Britain into a ceasefire c.1945-46) what would British...
  8. WI : German Victory In The Eastern Front But It Still Gets Defeated By The Western Allies ?

    What if the Soviets are defeated but the Third Reich still looses to America, United Kingdom, Free France and others ? Consequences I can see : the Caucasus is thrown into chaos probably, regardless if the Germans have broke through the Mountains or not. Ukraine is free but the first to take...
  9. Ryker of Terra

    Axis Victory Kirchenkampf - religion in Nazi Germany if they win?

    Kirchenkampf is basically the situation that Christian churches found themselves in under Nazi rule. Hitler wanted to nazify the whole country in all aspects of society and the churches were one of the very few institutions that were capable of resisting, which naturally caused tension and...
  10. AHC: Axis Victory in the Second World War

    While World War II is discussed greatly here, the fact remains that an Axis victory is extremely, extremely difficult to achieve. The Allies had so much material advantage stacked in their favor that the odds of the Allies winning the war were likely around 90-95%. This stands in stark...
  11. After an Axis victory, what would the inevitable Axis collapse look like?

    Something I've wondered about, seeing a lot of TLs and discussions about an Axis victory in WW2, but few that take it all the way to its natural conclusion; Nazi Germany's eventual fall decades after the war (although far sooner than a thousand years). How it would come about, what it would look...
  12. Ryker of Terra

    Surviving Jews in Nazi Europe - how long can they last?

    I'm not sure why, but I've always been fascinated by remnants - both remnant populations of ethnic/linguistic/religious groups, as well as remnants of 'resistance' that continue for longer than they would be expected to, like the post-WWII Japanese holdouts for example. However, in this thread...
  13. Ryker of Terra

    Axis Victory Operation Tannenbaum - how long can Swiss resistance last?

    I've read a lot of threads about Operation Tannenbaum (the invasion of Switzerland by Nazi Germany) on this site, but so far I haven't found a satisfactory answer to my question: how long can Swiss resistance last? Let's assume a typical Axis Victory scenario - the Nazis manage a victory...
  14. Kalga

    How much of our modern consensus of the inevitability of Allied victory in WWII is due to information after the fact?

    Basically the question is: in the darkest days of the war (June 1940-mid 1943) do the various countries of the allied powers actually know the true data of both themselves and the axis powers? I'm asking this question due to one of the usual attacks on any axis victory timeline (the self styled...
  15. Role of Slavery in a victorious Nazi Germany

    The Holocaust as well as Generalplan Ost are well known aspects of Nazi Germans that any half decent Nazi victory TL talk about. Less attention, however, is put on the slavery system that Nazi Germany had. Before death camps became the staple for extermination of “Undesirables” towards the end...
  16. Axis victory:Imperial federation

    Axis win WW2 Nazis conquer or puppetize Mainland Europe, Middle east, Central Asia, Africa and Japan puppetize China, Mongolia, Russian Far east due to US absolute neutrality i.e., no lend lease, no embargo. India,Oceania,French IndoChina and Dutch East Indies develop a siege mentality and join...
  17. PC:Axis Victory-Nazi economic miracle

    If Axis win WW2 Nazis conquer or puppetize Mainland Europe, Middle east, Central Asia, Africa and IJA puppetize China, Mongolia, Russian Far east due to US absolute neutrality i.e., no lend lease, no embargo. Could Nazis pull a miracle on the rhine along with reviving soviet economy?
  18. What if Poland went fascist in the early 1930s?

    The cutoff point in this timeline is in 1934 where the ONR Falanga party, which was the Nationalist party in Poland, had a lot more supporters than in our timeline. The far-right ideas the party proposed such as anti-semetic laws and class solidarity would become popular among the youth which...
  19. the Imperium of Canada

    What would be the aftermath of a 1961 Axis Victory Nuclear War?

    Inspired by Cuban Missile Crisis escalates and Fatherland/Thousand Week Reich type Axis Victory TLs. So supposed that Germany gets incredibly lucky and pushes the Soviet Union passed the Urals by 1943, soon after somehow establishing a ceasefire with the Western Allies by 1944. The Allies have...
  20. AHC: Nazi Germany 1989

    Inspired by this thread: After beating the combined might of Britain, France, and the Soviet Union, Germany has gained an empire that stretches from the Atlantic to the Urals. 50 years later, what does the 3rd Reich...