arab nationalism

  1. (Poll) What if the Syrian coup of 1961 fails and it remains in the United Arab Republic? What next?

    What if the 1961 Syrian coup of 1961 fails and it remains in the United Arab Republic? (This happens in this timeline called Socialism with a human face: How will Nasser and Egypt respond to this? Will Egypt...
  2. Victory in Aden TL

    Victory in Aden TL 11 February 1959 – Federation of the territories of the Aden Protectorate named the “Federation of the Emirates of the South.” 4 April 1962 – Addition of 9 more protectorates and renaming to the “Federation of South Arabia” 18 January 1963 – Addition of Aden Colony into the...
  3. Can the Lebanese Civil War be prevented?

    Alert: awfully generic information incoming. Before the outbreak of its civil war in 1975, Lebanon was a relatively prosperous country, whose capital, Beirut, was known as the "Paris of the Middle East". All that prosperity went down the drain after 15 years of infighting between more armed...
  4. Is a Greater Syria possible after WWI?

    During the immediate aftermath of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI, the Syrian National Congress proclaimed Faisal (a member of the Hashemite dynasty) king of a Syria whose territory was supposed to encompass what is now Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Israel. This...
  5. PolishMagnet

    Was it possible for Arab nationalism to "win" and Israel to survive?

    I was reading about political Islam, and it was said in a few places that it grew out of the defeat of secular Arab nationalism against Israel. Was it ever possible for secular Arab nationalism to "win" (or at least, not lose too much credibility) without completely destroying Israel? This is...
  6. KMT_Enjoyer

    Two mountains, one bridge. A KMT Victory and No Indian partition
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Europe had been left in rubble by the Second World War, and the European empires could only remain empire for a short time. Now global politics would not be decided by the demands of London, Paris, or Berlin, but instead commanded by Moscow and Washington. Meanwhile in the orient, a new world...
  7. Taunay

    Decolonization in the Arab world = Inevitable by 1920?

    So I'm reading a book on Arab history, and I found a few interesting passages on colonialism: It also says that the rise of Arabs who went to European-style schools meant a rise in nationalist and separatist feelings amongst the native elite With all of that, is it fair to say that the...
  8. The 1969 Saudi coup attempt succeeds? A group of Saudi Air Force officers, inspired by the wave of republican coups that toppled several Arab monarchies from the 1950s onward, attempted to do the same in their own country. Their plan was to hijack some...
  9. AHC/WI: Six Day War Ends in a Stalemate/Ceasefire

    If the Six Day war between Israel and the Arab states ends in a stalemate/ceasefire where basically the whole conflict ends in a status quo ante bellum, what happens next? Is this even possible? Is this considered a victory for either Israel or the Arab states or both? How is Arab nationalism...
  10. Abd ar-Rahman II

    Discussion / WI : a Third Palestinian territory / Safed strip

    Let’s say that Syria manage to do far better during the 48 war because of PoDs before the wars ( or even Palestinian militia in mandatory Palestine civil war doing better in the region) and manage to take keep something around these land ( the red line) . What would be the consequence ? in the...
  11. Abd ar-Rahman II

    Palestinian accept 1947 Partition Plan as a step towards claiming the whole of Palestine

    Ok i just find this quote about Ben Gurion on the idea of accepting a partition of mandatory Palestine and it got me thinking what if the Palestinian leaders in 1947 had the same line of thinking ? Possibly realising more Israel military superiority over them and the weakness of the...
  12. ChadMachine999

    Sucessful Iraq-Syrian Union

    What pod post-WW2 would allow for a sucssful Iraq-Syria Union lead by the Ba'ath Party or a group with a similar ideology?
  13. Abd ar-Rahman II

    WI : Limited Arab victory in 1973

    Let’s say the Syrian manage take the Golan by focusing more on taking strategic position than killing isolated group of soldiers and manage to hold it against Israeli counter attack with Syria not crumbling Egypt remain in the defensive and hold western Sinai the conflict end with a pretty clear...
  14. Abd ar-Rahman II

    WI : Syrian Victory At The Battle of Maysalun 1920

    Let’s say the battle of Maysalun turn on a total disaster for the French with most of the army killed or captured something like the battle of Annual the Pod isn’t really important but would be something like Faisal more determined to fight...
  15. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: A Hashemite Kingdom of Israel?

    Say, for the sake of argument, the Faisal-Weizmann Agreement ( went a bit differently, and the Knesset voted to elect Faisal of Iraq and Syria to be King of Israel. How would this work? Could an Austro-Hungarian-style dual monarchy...
  16. AHC/WI: Stronger Pan-Arabist nation

    Arab World In the OTL, the idea of Pan-Arabism is essentially the unity of the Arab World as one nation. Some tried to formed into greater entities like the Federation of Arab Republic but didn't ended up as success. But in this scenario, most of Arab countries decided to voluntarily form into...
  17. haider najib

    ACH: Egypt wins the suez crisis militarily/ why do arab armies suck.

    The suez crisis was major political victory for the Egyptians but military wise they got destroyed, instead of a political victory of the french and british pulling out and sinai being occupied by isreal could egypt military defeated these actions. How could Egypt defeat the isreali invasion...
  18. [Retired...For Now] Of Swords and Sand: A Hashemite Arabia Scenario
    Threadmarks: Part 1

    Hello, everyone. I’m new to the AH community and this is my first post. The scenario will reach from 1908 to present, a large project for me. The end result will be a Hashemite-led Arab state, an independent Kurdistan, and a Megali Greece. The Second World War and Cold War section of this...
  19. GameBawesome

    Could the Sauds takeover a United Arab Kingdom in 1925

    Could the House of Sauds take over if the British kept their promise to Kingdom of Hejaz and allowed them to rule over a United Arabia Kingdom like this:
  20. AHC: multiple non-Arab Levantine nation-states for MAXIMUM BALKANIZATION

    OTL there is only one self-identified non-Arab nation-state, Israel, in Levant today (defined here as the lands between Anatolia in Turkey, the Suez Canal in Egypt, the Iranian Plateau, and the Arabian Peninsula). The challenge is to figure out how to maximize the number of non-Arab...