List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

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Representative Vito Marcantonio (D-NY)/Governor Jerry Voorhis (D-CA) 1949-1957

1948 def. Governor Thomas Dewey (R-NY)/Senator Leverett Saltonstall (R-MA) Senator Strom Thurmond (SR-SC)/Governor Fielding Wright (SR-MS)
1952 def.
General Douglas MacArthur (R-AR)/Senator Robert Taft (R-OH)
Vice President Jerry Voorhis (D-CA)/Senator Claude Pepper (D-FL) 1957-1958

1956 def. Senator John Bricker (R-OH)/Senator James Duff (R-PA) Senator Estes Kaufever (I-TN)/Senator Harry Bryd (I-VA)
President Jerry Voorhis (I-CA)/Vice President Claude Pepper (I-FL) 1958
President Jerry Voorhis (L-CA)/Vice President Claude Pepper (L-FL) 1958-1961
Former Senator Henry C. Lodge (R-MA)/Governor Nelson Rockefeller (R-NY) 1961-1963
1960 def. President Jerry Voorhis (L-CA)/Vice President Claude Pepper (L-FL) Senator Strom Thurmond (D-SC)/Senator Albert Gore (D-TN)
President Henry C. Lodge (LB-MA)/Vice President Nelson Rockefeller (LB-NY) 1963-1965
Senator Barry Goldwater (C-AZ)/Senator Wallace Bennett (C-UT) 1965-1969
1964 def. Senator Hubert Humphrey (L-MN)/Governor Edmund Muskie (L-ME) President Henry C. Lodge (LB-MA)/Vice President Nelson Rockefeller (LB-NY) Senator George Smathers (D-FL)/Senator John Sparksman (D-AL)
Senator Micheal Harrington (L-MO)/Senator Mike Gravel (L-SD) 1969-1977
1968 def. President Barry Goldwater (C-AZ)/Vice President Wallace Bennett (C-UT) Former Governor George Wallace (D-AL)/Senator Herman Talmadge (D-GA) Senator Charles Mathias (LB-MD)/Governor George Romney (LB-MI)
1972 def. Senator Everett Dirksen (C-IL)/Senator Robert Taft Jr. (C-OH) Former Governor George Wallace (D-AL)/Representative Wilbur Mills (D-AR) Mayor John Lindsay (LB-NY)/Governor James Rhodes (R-OH)

Governor Ronald Reagan (C-CA)/Senator Lloyd Bentsen (D-TX) 1977-1979
1976 def. Senator George McGovern (L-SD)/Representative Shirley Chisholm (L-NY) Representative Gerald Ford (LB-MI)/Senator Edward Brooke (LB-MA) Governor George Wallace (I-AL)/Senator Harry Bryd jr. (I -VA)
President Ronald Reagan (DC-CA)/Vice President Lloyd Bentsen (DC-TX) 1979-1985
1980 def. Former Secretary of State Robert Kennedy (L-MA)/Senator Birch Bayh (L-IN) Senator Howard Baker (LB-TN)/Representative John Anderson (LB-IL)
Senator Gary Hart (L-CO)/Speaker Mo Udall (L-AZ) 1985-1989
1984 def. Senator Bob Dole (DC-KS)/Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld (DC-IL)
Senator Jesse Helms (DC-NC)/Representative Jack Kemp (DC-NY) 1989-1993
1988 def. President Gary Hart (NL-CO)/Vice President Mo Udall (NL-AZ)
Former Senator Paul Tsongas (NL-MA)/Senator Paul Wellstone (NL-MN) 1993-1997
1992 def. President Jesse Helms (DC-NC)/Vice President Jack Kemp (DC-NY)
1996 def. Senator Phil Gramm NC-TX)/Senator Arlen Specter NC-PA)

Vice President Paul Wellstone (NL-MN)/Senator Bill Bradley (NL-NJ) 1997-2005
2000 def. Senator John McCain (NC-AZ)/Senator John Ashcroft (NC-MO)
Former Governor Christine T. Whitman (NC-NJ)/Speaker Newt Gingrich (NC-GA) 2005-2013
2004 def. Vice President Bill Bradley (NL-NJ)/Governor Howard Dean (NL-VT)
2008 def.
Senator John Edwards (NL-NC)/Governor Hillary Rodham (NL-IL)
Governor Ed Markey (NL-MA)/Senator Barrack Obama (NL-IL) 2013-
2012 def. Senator Mitt Romney (NC-MA)/Senator Marco Rubio (NC-FL)
2016 def. Senator
Ted Cruz (NC-TX)/Governor Chris Christie (NC-NJ)
2020 Election Polls:
Vice President Barrack Obama (NL-IL)/Senator Elizabeth Warren (NL-MA) 47.6%
Senator Tom Cotton (NC-AR)/Governor Phil Scott (NC-VT) 47.9%
House Control:

Democratic 1948-1958
Republican 1958-1962
Labour 1962-1964
Conservative-Democrat 1964-1972
Labour 1972-1982
Liberal-Democrat-Conservative 1982-1984

Democrat-Conservative 1984-1994
New Labour 1994-1996
Democrat-Conservative 1996-1998
New Labour 1998-2004
Democrat-Conservative 2004-2018
New Labour 2018-
Senate Control:
Republican 1948-1952
Democrat 1952-1958
Republican 1958-1964
Conservative-Democrat 1964-1978
Labour 1978-1990

Democrat-Conservative 1990-1998
New Labour 1998-2008
Democrat-Conservative 2008-2014
New Labour 2014-2016
Democrat-Conservative 2016-

Ethan P

I'm Starting To See A Trend Here:
45: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York/Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota (2017-2021)
2016: def. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida/Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan

46: House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin/Governor Phil Scott of Vermont (2021-2029)
2020: def. President Kirsten Gillibrand/VP Mark Dayton
2024: def. Senator Kamala Harris of California/Senator Jason Kander of Missouri (won popular vote),
Representative Dan Lipinski of Illinois/Former Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland

47: Governor Chokwe Antar Lumumba of Mississippi/Senator Cal Cunningham of North Carolina (2029-2037)
2028: def. Senator Todd Young of Indiana/Former Governor Katrina Pierson of Texas
2032: def. Former Governor Chris Sununu of New Hampshire/Representative Justin Amash of Michigan
48: Senator Danica Roem of Virginia/Former Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky (2037-2041)
2036: def. Senator Adam Laxalt of Nevada/Governor Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin

49: House Speaker Erin Stewart of Connecticut/Governor Jeff Flake of Arizona (2041-2049)
2040: def. President Danica Roem/VP Andy Beshear
2044: def. Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona/Senator Jason Carter of Georgia (won popular vote),
Representative Will Hurd of Texas/Former Governor Scott Brown of New Hampshire
50: Senator Justin Fairfax of Virginia/Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York (2049-)
2048: def. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas/Former Governor Amanda Chase of Virginia


List of New York City mayors
1974-1977:Abraham Beame
1977-1981: Roy Cohn
1981-1989:Gerry Ferraro
1989-1989:Andrew Stein
1989-1997:Rudy Giuliani
1997-2005:Ruth Messinger
2005-2009:Steve Forbes
2009-2017:Anthony Weiner
2017-????:Michael Faulkner
So I'm not much of a Canadian politics aficionado, but here goes nothing:

By The Skin Of Their Teeth

1979-1983: Joe Clark (Progressive Conservative)
1983-1991: Donald MacDonald (Liberal)
1991-1999: Perrin Beatty (Progressive Conservative)
1999-2003: Jean Chrétien (Liberal)
2003-2011: Brian Tobin (Liberal)

2011-present: Jim Prentice (Progressive Conservative)

So the way I see it, Clark wins a razor-thin majority that allows him to pass the budget that brought his government down IOTL by a single vote. Otherwise, his government isn't particularly noteworthy, but it does vindicate Red Toryism into the 1980s and beyond. Since Trudeau retires as expected ITTL, he is replaced with Donald MacDonald, who leads the Liberals to a renewed majority in 1983. Following the results of this TL's equivalent to the MacDonald Commission, MacDonald enacts neoliberal economic policies, transforming the Canadian economy much like Mulroney did IOTL. However, MacDonald's government is broadly socially progressive, not only patriating the constitution (albeit three years later than IOTL) but enacting widespread anti-discrimination laws and greater gun control legislation - basically Chrétien IOTL, but about a decade earlier. (Also, there's no NEP, so that helps.) Due to the weak economy and the fallout from TTL's equivalent to Meech Lake, the PCs win a majority in 1991, but they're reduced to a minority in 1995 due to infighting from socially conservative MPs in the west, and they lose to Chrétien's Liberals in 1999. Chrétien doesn't want to stay long in the job though, and after leading the Liberals to a smaller majority in 2003, he resigns and Tobin wins the subsequent leadership election. The sponsorship scandal hits the Liberals hard, and Tobin is reduced to a minority with NDP support in 2007. After over a decade of Liberal government, the PCs finally win again in 2011, and while Jim Prentice is losing favour with the social conservatives in his party, particularly for his support of LGBT+ rights, the PCs are still popular to this day.

So yeah, idk if this is plausible or unrealistic or whatever, but fuck it, here you go.
Continuing on from my previous post here with the future presidents and vice-presidents of the United States in my timeline, Pro Patria Mori. As noted previously, this is all subject to change. Anyway, enjoy this peek into my plans for a multi-party democracy, that may be equal parts blessed and cursed!

1940-1944 [1]
President: Huey Pierce Long (National Progressive)
Vice-President: Henry Wallace (National Progressive)

1944-1948 [2]
President: Huey Pierce Long (National Progressive)
Vice-President: James F. Byrnes (National Progressive)

1948-1952 [3]
President: Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican)
Vice-President: Joseph Patrick Kennedy, Jr. (Republican)

1952-1956 [4]
President: Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican)
Vice-President: Joseph Patrick Kennedy, Jr. (Republican)

1956-1960 [5]
President: Jennings Ford (National Progressive)
George Wallace (National Progressive)

1960-1964 [6]
President: Billy Graham (National Progressive)
Vice-President: Eugene McCarthy(National Progressive)

1964-1968 [7]
President: Albert Francis Coughlin (National Progressive)
Jennings Ford (National Progressive)

1968-1972 [8]
President: Edwin Walker (Christian Commonwealth)
Vice-President: Strom Thurmond (Christian Commonwealth)

[1-2] I'll be honest, the two VPs for these years are a bit of a guess on my part, since I'm not too sure who'd work well with Huey. Lemke in 1936 was an easy pick because he was friendly with Huey in OTL, while the others are somewhat unknown. I picked them mostly because I envision Wallace being courted in order to swing left-leaning liberals within the National Progressives, while Byrnes is picked as a supporter of the continued/expanded Share Our Wealth program, similarly to how he was an ardent New Deal proponent in OTL.
[3-4] Much like in OTL, Ike gets in with the support of Dewey and others, bolstered by his popularity as an American general. However, instead of Nixon, you've got an older Joseph Kennedy Jr, one that didn't die in 44 and who shifts to the Republicans (for a reason I'll figure out later tbh) and is a war hero.
[5] Wallace's shift to the NPs is due to his altered wartime service, during which he gets a different view of African-Americans compared to OTL. As for Ford, he's another war hero and if you can guess who he'd be in OTL, you get a cookie.
[6] They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and this is true of this entry, the idea of which is taken from @MasterSanders' excellent TL, A Perfect Democracy. It's a great read and I've gotten inspired for my own writing as a result of reading through it. Go read it. It's got Nazi Namibia, it's blursed as fuck and I love it.
[7] This one is something I've proud of imagining, mostly because it's peak Tricky Dick, Used-Car Salesman while also serving as a fun allohistorical allusion. Won't reveal anything other than that, but if you guess which figure Coughlin is in OTL, you have a galaxy brain and get several cookies.
[8] Without revealing too much, the CCs are formed as a combination of one of the more...obscure parties of the 1930s, in addition to the remnants of the defunct Democratic and Prohibition parties, as well as anti-civil rights, KKK-backed Republicans, extreme anti-communists, segregationists, and just not super tolerant people. Things get a little troubled for a bit here, not sure how bad I want things to go just yet.
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American Jesus
I don't need to be a global citizen, because I'm blessed by nationality/I'm part of a growing populace, we enforce our popularity.
Richard Nixon/Spiro Agnew 1969-1972
1968: Def. Hubert Humphrey/Edmund Muskie, George Wallace/Curtis LeMay
There are things that seem to pull us under and there are things that drag us down
Spiro Agnew/vacant 1972-1973
But there's a power and vital presence that's lurking all around.
Henry 'Scoop' Jackson/John McKeithen 1973-1981
1972: Def. Spiro Agnew/Gerald Ford, George McGovern/Benjamin Spock
1976: Def. Howard Baker/John Tower
I feel sorry for the earth's population because so few live in the USA/At least the foreigners can copy our morality, they can visit but they cannot stay.
Pete Wilson/Paul Laxalt 1981-1989
1980: Def. John McKeithen/Birch Bayh
1984: Def. Joe Biden/Fritz Hollings
Only precious few can garner the prosperity, it makes us walk with renewed confidence/We've got a place to go when we die and the architect resides right here.
Jim Jones/Geraldine Ferraro 1989-1993
1988: Def. Paul Laxalt/Trent Lott, Lee Iacocca/Jim Jeffords
He's the farmer's barren fields, the force the army wields, the expression on the faces of the starving millions.
Dick Cheney/Chuck Grassley 1993-1997
1992: Def. Jim Jones/Geraldine Ferraro
The power of the man, the fuel that drives the Klan, He's the motive and the conscience of the murderer.
David Duke/Ted Bundy 1997-2001
1996: Def. Dick Cheney/Chuck Grassley, Jerry Brown/Jesse Jackson
He's the preacher on TV, the false sincerity....
Pat Robertson/John McCain 2001-2005
2000: Def. Ted Kennedy/Doug Wilder, David Duke/Ted Bundy
The form letter that's written by the big computers.
Steve Jobs/John Edwards 2005-2013
2004: Def. Pat Robertson/John McCain, David Duke/Jim Traficant
2008: Def. Jon Huntsman/Todd Aiken
The nuclear bombs and the kids with no moms...
John Bolton/Joe Arpaio 2013-2021
2012: Def. John Edwards/Deval Patrick
2016: Def. Martin O'Malley/Kirstin Gillibrand
And I'm fearful that he's inside me.
Jesse Ventura/Lawrence Lessig 2021-
2020: Def. Barack Obama/Chris Dodd, Joe Arpaio/Cory Gardner
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POD: Jim Florio defeats Tom Kean in the 1981 New Jersey gubernatorial election

Ronald Reagan/George H.W.Bush 1981-1989
1980: Def. Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale
1984: Def. Walter Mondale/Geraldine Ferraro
Jim Florio/John Glenn 1989-1997

1988: Def. George H.W. Bush/Dan Quayle
1992: Def. Bob Dole/Jack Kemp
Al Gore/John Kerry 1997-2001
1996: Def. Phil Gramm/Arlen Specter
Frank Keating/Elizabeth Dole 2001-2009

2000: Def. Al Gore/John Kerry
2004: Def. Joe Biden/Jeanne Shaheen
Janet Napolitano/Evan Bayh 2009-2017

2008: Def. Elizabeth Dole/Tim Pawlenty
2012: Def. Jeb Bush/John Thune
Marco Rubio/Nikki Haley 2017-2021

2016: Def. Evan Bayh/Cory Booker
Barack Obama/Tammy Baldwin 2021-

2020: Def. Marco Rubio/Nikki Haley
List of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom

1945 - 1951: Herbert Morrison (Labour)
1945: Winston Churchill (Conservative), Archibald Sinclair (Liberal)
1951 - 1955: Winston Churchill (Conservative)
1951: Herbert Morrison (Labour), Clement Davies (Liberal)
1955 - 1959: Anthony Eden (Conservative)
1955: Nye Bevan (Labour), Clement Davies (Liberal)
1959 - 1963: Oliver Stanley (Conservative)
1959: Nye Bevan (Labour), Jo Grimond (Liberal)
1963 - 1969: Alec Douglas-Home (Conservative)
1964: George Brown (Labour), Jo Grimond (Liberal)
1969 - 1977: Jim Callaghan (Labour, Labour with Liberal support)
1969: Alec-Douglas Home (Conservative), Jeremy Thorpe (Liberal)
1973: Duncan Sandys (Conservative), Jeremy Thorpe (Liberal)

1977 - 1985: Julian Amery (Conservative)
1977: Jim Callaghan (Labour), Ludovic Kennedy (Liberal)
1981: Michael Foot (Labour), Ludovic Kennedy (Liberal)

1985 - 1994: Ann Winterton (Conservative)
1985: Stan Orme (Labour), Ludovic Kennedy (Liberal)
1989: Ludovic Kennedy (Liberal), Roy Hattersley (Labour)

1994 - 2003: Menzies Campbell (Liberal with Labour support)
1994: Anne Winterton (Conservative), John Prescott (Labour)
1998: Michael Howard (Conservative), John Prescott (Labour)

2003 - 2012: Michael Portillo (Conservative)
2003: Menzies Campbell (Liberal), John Prescott (Labour)
2007: Michael Taylor (Liberal), Ken Livingstone (Labour)

2012 - 2017: Nick Clegg (Liberal)
2012: Michael Portillo (Conservative), Ken Livingstone (Labour)
2017 -: Anne-Marie Trevelyan (Conservative)
2017: Angela Rayner (Labour), Nick Clegg (Liberal)

Ethan P

Bucking the Trend: Clinton-2016-and-2020-But-This-Time-Less-Dystopic
2017-2025: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of New York (Democratic)
2016 (with Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia): def. Businessman Donald Trump of Florida/Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York
2020 (with Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio): def. Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado/Former Governor Rick Scott of Florida
2025-2033: Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona
2024 (with Governor Marco Rubio of Florida): def.
VP Sherrod Brown of Ohio/Governor Gavin Newsom of California
2028 (with VP Marco Rubio): def. Senator Mahlon Mitchell of Wisconsin/Governor Jon Ossoff of Georgia
2033-2041: Senator Chokwe Antar Lumumba of Mississippi

2032 (with Governor Julián Castro of Texas): def. Defense Secretary Dan Crenshaw of Texas/Senator Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, Former Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas/various
William Jennings Bryan 1896-1905 (Party Democrat then Populist)
Charles W Fairbanks 1905-1913 Republican)
Thomas E.Watson 1913-1921 (Populist)
Charles Curtis 21-29 (Republican)
Andrew Mellon 29-30 - (Republican) ^_* (this means impeached and removed)
Charles G. Dawes 30-33 - (Republican)
Floyd Olson 33-36 (Leftist Coalition)
Huey Long 36-55 (Populist)
Henry Wallace 55-61 (Populist)
George Aiken 61-65 (Republican)
Norman Thomas 65-68 (Socialist)
Frank Zeilder 68-73 (Socialist)
Presidents of Ely, 1985-2015

Francis Pym, 1985-1991
Maurice Leek, 1991-1996
James Paice, 1996-2008
Andrew Nash, 2008-2011
Steve Barclay, 2011-2014
Lucy Frazer, 2014-Present

Currently, the Conservative Party hold 58 of 100 seats.
Bucking the Trend: Clinton-2016-and-2020-But-This-Time-Less-Dystopic
2017-2025: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of New York (Democratic)
2016 (with Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia): def. Businessman Donald Trump of Florida/Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York
2020 (with Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio): def. Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado/Former Governor Rick Scott of Florida
2025-2033: Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona
2024 (with Governor Marco Rubio of Florida): def.
VP Sherrod Brown of Ohio/Governor Gavin Newsom of California
2028 (with VP Marco Rubio): def. Senator Mahlon Mitchell of Wisconsin/Governor Jon Ossoff of Georgia
2033-2041: Senator Chokwe Antar Lumumba of Mississippi

2032 (with Governor Julián Castro of Texas): def. Defense Secretary Dan Crenshaw of Texas/Senator Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, Former Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas/various
Why did Tim Kaine not stay a VP candidate in 2020?
Romney in '12
Former Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA)/Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) 2013-2021

2012 def. President Barack Obama (D-IL)/Vice President Joe Biden (D-DL)
2016 def. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D-NY)/Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro (D-TX) Businessman Donald Trump (I-NY)/Governor Chris Christie (I-NJ)

Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT)/Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) 2021-2029
2020 def. Vice President Marco Rubio (R-FL)/Senator Nikki Haley (R-SC)
2024 def.
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)/Governor Mia Love (R-UT)
Speaker Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY)/Senator Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) 2029-2037
2028 def. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO)/Governor Andreas Borgeas (R-CA) Senator Kamala Harris (I-CA)/Former Secretary of Interior Gretchen Whitmer (I-MI)
2032 def. Governor Nathan Robertson (R-NV)/Representative Mike Mychial (R-MS)

Ambassador Lee Weissman (R-NY)/Senator William Baxt (R-IL) 2037-2041
2036 def. Senator Lance Hartfield (D-WY)/Governor Steven Mansfield (D-NH)
Senator Padric1938 (I-CA)/Governor Qaz_plm (I-?) 2041-
2040 def. President Lee Weissman (R-NY)/Vice President William Baxt (R-IL) Governor Henry Gossman (D-OH)/Senator George Maxton (D-GA)
Romney in '12
Speaker Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY)/Senator Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) 2029-2037
2028 def. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO)/Governor Andreas Borgeas (R-CA) Senator Kamala Harris (I-CA)/Former Secretary of Interior Gretchen Whitmer (I-MI)
2032 def. Governor Nathan Robertson (R-NV)/Representative Mike Mychial (R-MS)

Ambassador Lee Weissman (R-NY)/Senator William Baxt (R-IL) 2037-2041
2036 def. Senator Lance Hartfield (D-WY)/Governor Steven Mansfield (D-NH)
Wait a minute? A Republican is elected Governor of California in the 2020s and a Democrat is elected to the US Senate from WYOMING?????
16 Former Illinois Rappresentative Abraham Lincoln/ Maine Senator Hannibal Hamlin 1861-1865
17 Connecticut Governor Thomas Hart Seymour/ Ohio Rapresentative George Hunt Pendleton 1865-1868
18 Vicepresident George Hunt Pendleton from Ohio/ Vacant 1868-1869/ New York Rapresentative Fernando Wood 1869-1873
19 New York Mayor John Thompson Hoffman/ General Postmaster Clement Laird Vallandigham from Ohio 1873-1877

20 Massachusetts Governor Benjamin Franklin Butler/ Indiana Governor Oliver Perry Morton 1877/ Vacant 1877-1881
21 Former New York Governor Samuel Jones Tilden/ Indiana Businessman William Hayden English 1881-1886
22 Vicepresident William Hayden English from Indiana/ Vacant 1886-1889

23 New York Mayor Henry George/ Iowa Rapresentative James Baird Weaver 1889-1893
24 Vicepresident James Baird Weaver from Iowa/ Vacant 1893-1897

25 General George Armstrong Custer from Ohio/ Oregon Governor Sylvester Pennyoer 1897-1899
26 Vicepresident Sylvester Pennyoer from Oregon/ Vacant 1899-1901

27 House Minority Leader Thomas Brackett Reed from Maine/ Former Iowa Governor Horace Boies 1901-1902
28 Vicepresident Horace Boies from Iowa/ Vacant 1902-1905/ New York Rapresentative William Randolph Hearst Sr 1905-1909

29 Indiana Senator Eugene Victor Debs/ New York Rapresentative Charles Armette Town 1909-1913
30 New York Senator Theodore Roosevelt/ Indiana Senator Albert Jeremiah Beveridge 1913-1919
31 Vicepresident Albert Jeremiah Beveridge from Indiana 1919-1921

32 Former Indiana Governor James Franklin Hanly/ Massachusetts Governor John Calvin Coolidge Sr 1921-1929
33 New York Governor Alfred Emmanuel Smith/ Senate Majority Leader Charles Curtis from Kansas 1929-1933

34 New York Governor Theodore Roosevelt Jr/ Former Secretary of Commerce Herbert Clark Hoover from California 1933-1944
35 Vicepresident Herbert Clark Hoover from California/ Vacant 1944-1945/ House Speaker Fiorello Henry LaGuardia from New York 1945-1947/ Vacant 1947-1949

36 California Governor Earl Warren/ Michigan Senator Arthur Vandenberg 1949-1953
37 Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy/ New York Senator Robert Fernando Wagner Jr 1953-1957
38 Vicepresident Robert Fernando Wagner Jr/ Vacant 1957-1961

39 New York Governor Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller/ South Dakota Senator Joseph Foss 1961-1965
40 Oregon Senator Wayne Morse/ Former Massachusetts Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Jr 1965-1969
42 Iowa Senator Nile Clark Kinnick Jr/ Massachusetts Governor John Volpe 1969-1977
43 Vicepresident John Volpe from Massachusetts/ California Senator Richard Milhous Nixon 1977-1981

44 Washington Senator Henry Martin Jackson/ California Senator Gregory Peck 1981-1983
45 Vicepresident Gregory Peck from California/ Vacant 1983/ Pennsylvania Governor Peter Flaherty 1983-1989
46 Vicepresident Peter Flaherty from Pennsylvania/ California Senator George Moscone 1989-1993
Why does California become a swing state?
Progressive Democrats kick out Harris in 2022 and Newsom in 2026. These two turn back and run for independents, Harris running for Senate and Newsom running for Governor again. This splits the vote and Andreas Borgeas takes the Governor's office, while Kamala barely holds onto her seat. Harris furious at the Democratic Party runs for President in 2028. This causes Democrats to split in California and becomes a three-way election for any seat.
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