Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

Similarly, the in-game expys of both the early bolsheviks and the later Stalinist era are portrayed significantly more positively than either the HRE expy or the Reagan expy.
The normal stalingrad paths aren't early bolsheviks they are equestrian socialist(They actually try to achieve communism via authoritarianism because of the equestrians being already quait communal), the bolshevik analoge is in the communist path for peasant republic in the empire in its full populist terror and duplicity.
Some communists like Sickleclaw, Dark Wing, Lavender Berry are pretty good stalinist representations in game along all the equalists and other left ideological regimes(primitivist for example).
The HRE expi is not as bad as the real life one and closer to china in some respects with the archon,the dogs and the duchess being good intentioned and can lead to a united empire that liberalizes.
The new mereland pony( Gladmane ) is a trump expy not a Reagan one.
Thanks for the recommendations but if I may I would also want to know your opinion about the following mods:
  1. Millenium Dawn (I know that it was a memy/unrealistic mod but after they merged with MD4 I visited their discord a couple of times and seamingly they went in a better direction since then)
  2. Cold War: Iron Curtain
  3. Great War (I heard that it's very "railroady")
  4. Endsieg
  5. BlackICE
  6. Red Flood (I know that it's pure ASB but is it at least fun to play?)
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Thanks for the recommendations but if I may I would also want to know your opinion about the following mods:
  1. Millenium Dawn (I know that it was a memy/unrealistic mod but after they merged with MD4 I visited their discord a couple of times and seamingly they went in a better direction since then)
  2. Cold War: Iron Curtain
  3. Great War (I heard that it's very "railroady")
  4. Endsieg
  5. BlackICE
  6. Red Flood (I know that it's pure ASB but is it at least fun to play?)
If i may offer my opinions. Some modes from the list you wrote I have played personally.
1.didn't liked it. It was uninteresting to me. The most important thing to me is the worldbuilding that I create in my playthorughs in KR, and while I tried a world building of a future ww3 (pre, war, and post war), it was not enough interesting to me. I drop playing it after a few hours.
2. Has promise, to what I see in a few dev diaries. I didn't played it however.
6. Has really good potential for worldbuilding like KR in a few years or so, for now it's very buggy and not a lot of outcomes for most nations. It's ASB but that's the point of the mod. Perhaps in the future it will be really interesting mod, or dead if developing will be stopped and not continued.
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Deleted member 107125

Thanks for the recommendations but if I may I would also want to know your opinion about the following mods:
  1. Millenium Dawn (I know that it was a memy/unrealistic mod but after they merged with MD4 I visited their discord a couple of times and seamingly they went in a better direction since then)
  2. Cold War: Iron Curtain
  3. Great War (I heard that it's very "railroady")
  4. Endsieg
  5. BlackICE
  6. Red Flood (I know that it's pure ASB but is it at least fun to play?)
1) Not a lot of fun
2) Didn't play (requires a shit ton of DLC)
3) It's ok
4) Not played
5) Better than it gets credit for. Enjoyed it, it's something similar to R56
6) Well-done, portraits are pretty bad, not much content but what it has is pretty good
Thanks for the recommendations but if I may I would also want to know your opinion about the following mods:
  1. Millenium Dawn (I know that it was a memy/unrealistic mod but after they merged with MD4 I visited their discord a couple of times and seamingly they went in a better direction since then)
  2. Cold War: Iron Curtain
  3. Great War (I heard that it's very "railroady")
  4. Endsieg
  5. BlackICE
  6. Red Flood (I know that it's pure ASB but is it at least fun to play?)

1. Found to be an absolute pain in the ass at best and the meme shit put me off, haven't played in a long time
2. Too many mechanics added to make easy ability to play it, also pretty railroaded to following the history of the Cold War
3. Basically the Trans-Siberian Railroad of mods, no chance for any real AH scenarios and no-where near as fleshed out as it could be
4. Have not played
5. Complexity for complexity's sake is not enough to make me enjoy something
6. Haven't played


Gone Fishin'
Red Flood (I know that it's pure ASB but is it at least fun to play?)

Believe or not the most realistic plot on Red Flood is Brazil :v apart from the ancap path ofc.

Always been a bigger fan of the country's RadSoc path as a dirty syndie myself, but like I mentioned a while back the Integralist Path for Brazil is literally one of two NatPop paths in Kaiserreich that I can play and not feel like an utter bastard at the end of it. (The 0.10 Legation Cities dominated by Japan is the second one.) Maybe it's the anti-racism and actual efforts to let the indigenous peoples live their lives without outside interference. Maybe it's because I'm helping to bring Brazil to the rightful status of "great power" that it deserves. Either way, it's a fun run and I ought to try it again sometime.

So, I tried a new natpop path that it is different too, it is NatPop Mongolia. Depending of your choices you can not persecute other religions and get 100% of Stability AND War support due the massive welfare system they build.


Gone Fishin'
The best HOI versions are, IMO:
  1. Kaiserreich: Overall best.
  2. Equestria at War: Hooo-lee shit, it's amazing. One of my favorites is actually Red Longsword, because you're literally fighting the Red resistance good fight against an actual genocidal fascist regime.
  3. Furherreich: I played this back when they released their Soviet revamp, and it was a lot of fun!
  4. The Great War: Only because when the new version was released the French and British didn't build any ships or troops so I was able to casually Sealion as Germany effectively unopposed. That was fun just because of the sheer comedy of it.
  5. vanilla: Railroady, AH options are boring and stereotypical, and de facto Nazi apologism by presenting the Nazis as a kind of bland, toothless evil that just wants to conquer the world, while simultaneously modeling Japanese atrocities. The "no genocides" rule is blatant bullshit, they just want to avoid some oversensitive bureaucrat in Germany saying "you can't have a game that presents the Nazis as mass-murdering monsters, that would be against our anti-Nazi laws!".
  6. Red World: If only for Secret Nazbol Bernie Sanders. The rest of it is pretty memey and handwaves nukes.
  7. Red Flood: Even though it breaks too easily, some entertaining if memey ideas.
  8. AEIOU: A fascinating AH idea with tech restricted to roughly 18th century levels. I really want to see this one return! Sadly it was pretty barebones and broken at release.
Believe or not the most realistic plot on Red Flood is Brazil :v apart from the ancap path ofc.

So, I tried a new natpop path that it is different too, it is NatPop Mongolia. Depending of your choices you can not persecute other religions and get 100% of Stability AND War support due the massive welfare system they build.

I'll have to try this one soon!

The best HOI versions are, IMO:
  1. Kaiserreich: Overall best.
  2. Equestria at War: Hooo-lee shit, it's amazing. One of my favorites is actually Red Longsword, because you're literally fighting the Red resistance good fight against an actual genocidal fascist regime.
  3. Furherreich: I played this back when they released their Soviet revamp, and it was a lot of fun!
  4. The Great War: Only because when the new version was released the French and British didn't build any ships or troops so I was able to casually Sealion as Germany effectively unopposed. That was fun just because of the sheer comedy of it.
  5. vanilla: Railroady, AH options are boring and stereotypical, and de facto Nazi apologism by presenting the Nazis as a kind of bland, toothless evil that just wants to conquer the world, while simultaneously modeling Japanese atrocities. The "no genocides" rule is blatant bullshit, they just want to avoid some oversensitive bureaucrat in Germany saying "you can't have a game that presents the Nazis as mass-murdering monsters, that would be against our anti-Nazi laws!".
  6. Red World: If only for Secret Nazbol Bernie Sanders. The rest of it is pretty memey and handwaves nukes.
  7. Red Flood: Even though it breaks too easily, some entertaining if memey ideas.
  8. AEIOU: A fascinating AH idea with tech restricted to roughly 18th century levels. I really want to see this one return! Sadly it was pretty barebones and broken at release.

Kaiserreich is awesome and there are some I'm looking forward to (TNO and TWR, though I know you're more enthusiastic about the latter and I know your opinions on the former).
I really ought to try Equestria at War, the My Little Pony fandom has never been my thing but it's even more fleshed out than KR from what I've heard.
The Soviet revamp was awesome and I still love the Bukharin path in Fuhrerreich but it's been a while since their update
The Great War is interesting, could use a serious rework in some areas but I played a minor (Korea) and was able to resist Japanese invasions through 1912 when I tried something else.
Vanilla? The Anarchist path in the Spanish Civil War is my favorite path added in the new DLC with the Independent Communist path a close second in terms of how blessed the paths are, the omission of war crimes is kind of troubling (and probably attracts more than its fair share of right-wing apologists) and many of the paths are definitely railroads in and of themselves
Red World has some fun paths, but it's like the real world where Jeremy Corbyn can't catch a break in that regard. Red Flood is absolutely crazy and entertaining but could use more content, and I never tried AEIOU.

My personal favorites are:

  1. Kaiserreich (Need I explain?)
  2. Apres Moi, Le Deluge (Not a lot of content but the lore is absolutely fascinating and I almost made an unofficial music mod for it. The focus trees, while not overly unique, are balanced and how things could change adds to the replayability. Love being able to choose a new flag depending on ideology. Lots of easter eggs too, such as the leader of the Moscow Soviet being from the C&C: Red Alert series, a young Polish girl being able to guide an anarchist Pomerania, a time-travelling leftist Gaddafi, and plenty of obscure leaders and surprising events here and there.)
  3. Red World (Chomsky's Anarcho-Syndicalist USA is cool, NazBol Bernie Sanders (and fascist Theresa May and monarchist Prime Minister Obama) is hilarious in a meta sense, and even though its creator claims it's not a meme mod I am almost inclined to define it otherwise.)
  4. The New Order: Old World Blues (Okay, this one is debatable among some of us but I was impressed nonetheless at how anarchism could be implemented imperfectly and breaking the idea that an ideology will always work as intended. (Hence the concept of a REALLY GOOD IDEA among the fanbase.) Magnitogorsk is like Aperture Science in a way but with considerably more black comedy. The demo is entertaining and pairing a runthrough with Russian post-punk music (Well, Molchat Doma is from Belarus but they sing in Russian) kind of adds to the atmosphere of how things are pretty depressing out in Russia.)
  5. Vanilla (Not a huge fan of some of the railroaded paths in this game, and not enough escapism to the point where I prefer Europa Universalis IV in changing history. But the new DLC, for all of its bugs, has me absolutely giddy.)
  6. Red Flood (Breaks easily but is bat-guano insane that I love some parts of it.)
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Gone Fishin'
The best HOI versions are, IMO:
  1. Kaiserreich: Overall best.
  2. Equestria at War: Hooo-lee shit, it's amazing. One of my favorites is actually Red Longsword, because you're literally fighting the Red resistance good fight against an actual genocidal fascist regime.
  3. Furherreich: I played this back when they released their Soviet revamp, and it was a lot of fun!
  4. The Great War: Only because when the new version was released the French and British didn't build any ships or troops so I was able to casually Sealion as Germany effectively unopposed. That was fun just because of the sheer comedy of it.
  5. vanilla: Railroady, AH options are boring and stereotypical, and de facto Nazi apologism by presenting the Nazis as a kind of bland, toothless evil that just wants to conquer the world, while simultaneously modeling Japanese atrocities. The "no genocides" rule is blatant bullshit, they just want to avoid some oversensitive bureaucrat in Germany saying "you can't have a game that presents the Nazis as mass-murdering monsters, that would be against our anti-Nazi laws!".
  6. Red World: If only for Secret Nazbol Bernie Sanders. The rest of it is pretty memey and handwaves nukes.
  7. Red Flood: Even though it breaks too easily, some entertaining if memey ideas.
  8. AEIOU: A fascinating AH idea with tech restricted to roughly 18th century levels. I really want to see this one return! Sadly it was pretty barebones and broken at release.

Some of us, sir, LIKE the alt history options on vanilla ~ they are my principal reasons for buying DLC ~ but I agree with you regarding the portrayal of the Nazis in-game.

I wasn't able to access the new version; all I got was the Hearts of Iron II menu screen [oh the nostalgia...] but no Kaiserreich. Anyone have any theories as why this might be?

A thought has just occurred to me: what would happen to the Trans-Siberian Railway in Kaiserreich universe, given the existence of Transamur?
I tried the Modern Day Scenario mod. It... glitched. Like crazy.

It'll do that.

There is a reason why I don't come back to that one.

Unrelated to the above, but a fun "Meme Hilarity" thing to do is "Make your own "Guns of..." series" game in the Great War mod. Just use the command console to give whatever country you want 1945 level equipment in 1912, especially fun as Belgium/Serbia/Romania.
The best HOI versions are, IMO:
  1. Kaiserreich: Overall best.
  2. Equestria at War: Hooo-lee shit, it's amazing. One of my favorites is actually Red Longsword, because you're literally fighting the Red resistance good fight against an actual genocidal fascist regime.
  3. Furherreich: I played this back when they released their Soviet revamp, and it was a lot of fun!
  4. The Great War: Only because when the new version was released the French and British didn't build any ships or troops so I was able to casually Sealion as Germany effectively unopposed. That was fun just because of the sheer comedy of it.
  5. vanilla: Railroady, AH options are boring and stereotypical, and de facto Nazi apologism by presenting the Nazis as a kind of bland, toothless evil that just wants to conquer the world, while simultaneously modeling Japanese atrocities. The "no genocides" rule is blatant bullshit, they just want to avoid some oversensitive bureaucrat in Germany saying "you can't have a game that presents the Nazis as mass-murdering monsters, that would be against our anti-Nazi laws!".
  6. Red World: If only for Secret Nazbol Bernie Sanders. The rest of it is pretty memey and handwaves nukes.
  7. Red Flood: Even though it breaks too easily, some entertaining if memey ideas.
  8. AEIOU: A fascinating AH idea with tech restricted to roughly 18th century levels. I really want to see this one return! Sadly it was pretty barebones and broken at release.

God I have several thousand hours of HOI4 and DH and aside from a few playthroughs of Furherreich it's all been KR. I didn't even know most of these mods existed.
It'll do that.

There is a reason why I don't come back to [Millennium Dawn].

Unrelated to the above, but a fun "Meme Hilarity" thing to do is "Make your own "Guns of..." series" game in the Great War mod. Just use the command console to give whatever country you want 1945 level equipment in 1912, especially fun as Belgium/Serbia/Romania.

Coming soon to AH.com's ASB After-Action Reports:
"Guns of Korea: The Meiji-Taisho Downfall"
"Guns of Bosnia: The New Balkan Juggernaut"
"Guns of Ireland: A Wildly Successful Easter Rising"
"Guns of Ireland: A Wildly Successful Easter Rising"

"Ok lads, explain this to me one more time."

"Well Major Connolly sir, it's like this. We were walking up Talbot Street, and then, well, we met this man. Thought he was foreign from his clothes cause, well, they just weren't right and he carried himself awful queer, but the second he opened his tongue we could tell he was a Dub."

"Right, you two do know that isn't the part of this I'm having trouble with?"

"Well, yes sir. See, this man looked us both up and down, recognized our ICA uniforms and asked us the date. "Sure" we tell him sir "tis the day before Easter Sunday." Then he asked us the year, and when we told him he had a big smile on his face sir."

"The point Private Furlong, can you hurry along to it?"

"Well sir, the man looked at us and asked us straight away if we'd be interested in some guns sir."

"And you and Larkin said yes?"

"We did."

"You didn't think this was the worlds most obvious RIC plant in history?"

"Well, we did, but he seemed so trustwothy sir."

"Fine. Carry on."

"Well sir, he takes us aside and shows us that rifle sir."

"This one here?"

"Yes sir. He called it an "EM-2" or some such, said the name didn't matter. But sir, the thing can fire like a machine gun or a repeating rifle, holds twenty rounds, has a little sight and fires these short snubby rounds like it's God's own hammer sir."

"How many did he offer again?"

"30,000 or so sir."

"And how much did he ask for?"

"Well, as we've told you, not a shilling sir. Called himself a fellow comrade in the revolution."

"Uhuh. Well enough of that, what about this yoke here?"

"He called it a Carl Gustav launcher, says it can fire a bunch of different ammo, including stuff that could take out a gunboat. Don't know why he added that bit sir, but he gave a really big wink when he did...."