Table of Contents
Honduran Timelines and Scenarios
Honduras-centered TLs
- Know of any other timelines set here ? Feel free to add them !
TLs in which the country makes appearances
- Look to the West by Thande - OTL Honduras is part of the Kingdom of Guatemala, a constituent state of the Empire of New Spain. From Chiapas down to Costa Rica, this small kingdom was compensated by also being given authority over overseas possessions such as Puerto Rico and, until their loss to the Portuguese-Castilians, the Philippines. Ruled by King Ferdinand I. The capital is San Salvador.
- Pax Napoleonica by Zach - Part of the United States of Central America.
- Children of the Sun by othyrsyde - Cristobal de Olid's revolt against Cortes ends in victory for Olid.
- Know of any other timelines set here ? Feel free to add them !
See Also
timelines/honduras.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:13 by