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General Index of Stories

This section of the wiki is dedicated to documenting one-shot or serialised stories and narratives of all sorts, but ones that are not done in the same style as the usual timelines that form the bulk of the works created on

Length-wise, this section can contain anything from a brief short story to a long-running novel-length story series. Genre-wise, this section offers an even more diverse palette of stories than the mostly alternate history focused Timelines and Scenarios section.

By Genre

By Author

See Also

Discussion Hub: Story Ideas Thread - Well, exactly what the title of the thread implies.

Story Idea Thread - Older, predecessor thread, now discontinued.

What are your works on the board ? - members do brief presentations of their writing projects and also make recommendations for the works of other fellow members.

What are you working on ? - members talk about their current works and progress on them.

Discussions on Writing - A resource page featuring a collection of discussion threads and other wiki pages on the art of writing. Look for potential writing tips and advice here.

Alternate History Timelines and Scenarios - Fully fledged alternate history scenarios, with both narrative and non-fiction-style approaches (depending on the work).

stories/stories.1514345626.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:19 (external edit)

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