Table of Contents
Resources : Discussions on Writing
This is a growing collection of discussions on the topic of writing - not just alternate history, but also other related genres of literature or other media.
NOTE: Please do not resurrect long-dead discussions (i.e. dead for several years). It is against good conduct on the board. If the thread you found interesting is really, really old, you should rather start a new thread with the same topic or a similar topic, if you really want to discuss it. (Though you can link to the older, dead thread in the opening post of the new thread, if you want to. Just for completeness' sake.)
General musings and discussions
Tips on writing for the web, prepared by Kit
Problems You Have As A Writer (And Solutions To Them)
How to write more, quicker and how much ?
Any tips on finishing stories faster ?
Making stories with characterization
Writing Craft: How do you handle physical descriptions?
The Official Timeline, History and Story Help Thread
The Conlanging Thread and Constructed Languages
The Speculative Biology Thread
How does everyone feel about multiethnic character names ?
Names of foreign characters created as corruptions of names ?
Fictional characters with names hilariously inappropriate to their ethnicity
What's something you'd revise in your favorite work of fiction ?
What makes a good children's book ?
Worst portrayal of military tactics in a work of fiction
Things fiction always gets wrong
The Original Fiction Mary Sue Test
Examples of Mary Sues in fiction
Fictional characters with names hilariously inappropriate to their ethnicity
What types of characters do you find underrated in fiction ?
Your pick: Most touching non-mushy lovestory ?
The "Logan's Run Problem" in fiction
"Iceberg Chart" of things to consider when depicting a fictional (or fictionalised) culture
Worldbuilding & Story Writing Software
Fiction: Should it reflect the times or be an escape from them ?
Alternate History
Useful Essays on Writing Alternate History
What are the Golden Rules of timeline writing ?
Indicating the alternate bits in your prose
Ekranoplans: The 'New Dirigible' of AH Fiction ?
The Official Timeline, History and Story Help Thread
A Thought on the Multiverse and Alternate History
Why do things always go wrong in alternate timelines ?
Are we too obsessive about plausibility ?
What to do about butterflies ?
Favorite alternate history premise ?
What's an alternate history cliche that you're never tired of ?
Which is worse? An implausible alternate history or a boring alternate history?
Quirks you put in your timelines
Why do ATLs often "end" before the present
How do you plan a timeline without getting lost in the detail?
Concept discussion: Cross-timeline travel possible, but with weird side effects
Would modern Jet Fighters work if ISOTed in the past ?
Alternate History Cruelty Potential
What nation/peoples/ethnicities deserve a timelime
How to implement ASBs into a story?
Science Fiction
Exo-planets, and how to simply model them
Official Alien, Alternate and Future Species and Cultures Repository
Current religions in space and on alien worlds
What should humanity's first colonized world be named ?
Names for space settlements (mostly in the Solar System)
Question: Skies of other worlds
Speculating about Alien Civilizations
What is the answer to the Fermi Paradox ?
Why are aliens in fiction so humanlike ?
Of Alien Races and Originality
How "alien" can an alien animal really be with the law of convergent evolution
Tips on designing alien species and civilisations
Aliens and humans interbreeding ?
What is your favourite alien species ?
Stuff to contemplate when designing aliens
General question on writing up a fictional transplanted human culture
Works with subverted "United Earth" trope
What would the UK name a space colony ?
Need appropriate name suggestions for planets colonised by a specific nation(ality)
Best name for Chinese space empire of the far future ?
Question about Mars colonisation and the Sabbath
Plausibility of Earth-Mars cold war
What is civilian life like in popular sci-fi ?
Can someone recommend some "demilitarized" names for fictional police ranks ?
Why Science Fiction Detective Stories Aren't Impossible (article by Mark Cole at Clarke's World Magazine)
How could Earth withstand an attack ?
Use of nuclear weapons in space
How to invade an O'Neill Cylinder space colony
A dumb question on growing crops in space
What is the weakest sci-fi universe you know of ?
What sci-fi universe would you like to live in ?
The pitfalls of writing comedic sci-fi ?
Is modern military sci-fi too prudish ?
Cyberpunk-esque themes/settings that haven't been used ?
Trojan planets and their implications
Building a Hard Sci-Fi Universe
Works with "United Earth" trope subverted
Sci-fi Worldbuilding Thread (defunct, start a new one)
Fantasy Fiction
The General Fantasy Discussion Thread
Preferred Tone of Fantasy Genre
What common medieval fantasy tropes have no basis in actual history ?
What's Right and Wrong with Fantasy ?
How to make a not so generic fantasy setting ?
How did knights, princesses and dragons become a fairytale cliché ?
Understanding High Fantasy and the inherent difficulty of writing it ?
Does a fantasy story need to have a central antagonist ? (Story help)
Underused cultures, time periods, and settings in fantasy
Medieval European fantasy world ideas not based on the British Isles
Ideal fantasy story setting (not stereotypical)
Fantasy with technological development ?
Most plausible way for gunpowder and magic to coexist ?
Reconciling gunpowder use with fantasy settings
Gunpowder dominant fantasy setting?
Industrial Age in Middle Earth
What are some possible ethnic slurs for Dwarves ?
Writing humorous speech on the threats of monsters (or lack thereof), need help
A post-apocalyptic Lord of the Rings
A post-apocalyptic Oliver Twist
Types of RPG character classes in modern day settings ?
The Grand List of Urban Fantasy Clichés
What would Tolkien have thought of Star Wars
Comparing the styles of J. R. R. Tolkien and G. R. R. Martin
What is a good name for a metal that is anti-magical ?
Question about alcohol in fantasy
Mixed Genre / Multiple Genres
Religious and cultural clichés in SF and fantasy worldbuilding
Evolution of Fictional Creatures
What kind of 'Punk' do you like ?
Genres specific to a historical setting ?
A few points for Victorian and Edwardian period writers
Why isn't Cyberpunk sci-fi as popular anymore ?
Best examples of steampunk fiction ?
Magical Steampunk: Yay or nay ?
The Official Dieselpunk Thread
Dieselpunk works recommendations
Magical races in a fascist and communist environment ?
The Official Jetpunk and Rocketpunk Thread
See Also
Fantasy and Alien Blank Basemaps Thread
Alternate Planets, Suns, Stars, and Solar Systems Thread
Fictional nation development template
A series of in-depth articles on fantasy cities from existing fiction
Writing - A long-running blog about writing.
Writer's Ark - Discussion forum for writers and readers of speculative fiction.