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Revolutions of 1848


If Napoleon won, would 1848 still happen ?

German immigration to the US without the 1848 revolution

Plausibility check: Successful Rhineland Revolution in 1848

Successful German Revolution in 1848 (1)

Successful German Revolution in 1848 (2)

Successful German Revolution in 1848 (3)

German-Polish relations in a successful 1848 revolution

Challenge: Make 1848 revolution in Germany the prelude to a proletarian revolution

Plausbility check: The Hungarian Revolution of 1848 successful ?

A successful Hungarian Revolution of 1848

WI the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 succeeds ?

WI Hungarian war of 1848-49 ?

WI crushing Croatian defeat at Pákozd ?

Challenge: 1848 Dutch Revolution

Plausibility check: British 1848 Revolution ?

WI: Irish Revolution of 1848

An American Revolution in 1848

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