The Empire Parnell Built

If I had a nickel for every Ratigan TL where Imperial Germany, as opposed to Nazi Germany, was the main enemy into the 1940s I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
If I had a nickel for every Ratigan TL where Imperial Germany, as opposed to Nazi Germany, was the main enemy into the 1940s I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
I have a vague idea that I'll quit this website in a couple of decades, having written maybe a dozen TLs, in all of which Ireland gets Home Rule and Imperial Germany is the villain of the 1940s...

It's nice to have a 'bit' I suppose.

More seriously, this arose out of me wanting to do a TL that focused more on Latin America and so as a result some of the European stuff is a bit more underdeveloped. I am trying to put a different spin on it, though.
China: Civil War (1911-1917)
Screenshot 2021-06-02 at 11.24.35.png
Screenshot 2021-06-02 at 11.24.57.png
..... Well damn wasn't expecting TR in 1912 here. That 18th amendment with PR though means the US is going to have viable 3rd parties. That's really gonna shake up US history from now on. Also given TR's very anti-German stance i'm surprised there's nothing mention about him trying to get the US involved in the the 1st war.
What kind of PR are they using?
State-based party lists. A number of reps is allocated to the states according to their population and the seats are dolled out to parties based on party list PR. So in 1916 Alabama will be allocated 10 seats because of their population: if the 1916 OTL vote breakdown happened they would then send 7 Democrats, 2 Republicans and a Socialist.
State-based party lists. A number of reps is allocated to the states according to their population and the seats are dolled out to parties based on party list PR. So in 1916 Alabama will be allocated 10 seats because of their population: if the 1916 OTL vote breakdown happened they would then send 7 Democrats, 2 Republicans and a Socialist.
What happens to states that only have 1 representative?
What happens to states that only have 1 representative?
Then the seat goes to the party with the most votes (i.e. FPTP remains for all intents and purposes). My vision for TTL's America is very much "Progressive Era 4 Lyf" so the constitution will be changed down the line fo accommodate that.
Then the seat goes to the party with the most votes (i.e. FPTP remains for all intents and purposes). My vision for TTL's America is very much "Progressive Era 4 Lyf" so the constitution will be changed down the line fo accommodate that.

How are Senators elected ITTL? Is it FPTP, or under IRV?
No news about Spain. I wonder f that's a good thing or an indication that bussines are as usual there...
Turnismo is continuing to limp along as in OTL. Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines were lost to the US in 1898 as well (I didn't feel like posting a Wikibox for the Spanish-American War as it's exactly as OTL). Spanish updates are to come...
Turnismo is continuing to limp along as in OTL. Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines were lost to the US in 1898 as well (I didn't feel like posting a Wikibox for the Spanish-American War as it's exactly as OTL). Spanish updates are to come...
So, the usual SNAFU. And the darned turnismo still in place. No big surprise. I hope that somebody goes mad in Madrid and they attack Gibraltar, forcing the British Empire to give them first a good trashing and then civilize the country and the Spanish uses...
So, the usual SNAFU. And the darned turnismo still in place. No big surprise. I hope that somebody goes mad in Madrid and they attack Gibraltar, forcing the British Empire to give them first a good trashing and then civilize the country and the Spanish uses...
Oh man, I wish I'd planned that...