Chapter 821: Austrian Order Division Number Two John III Sobieski
  • Chapter 821: Austrian Order Division Number Two John III Sobieski

    The second Austrian Order Division was a cavalry division during the Second Great War, formed in 1942 from a cadre of the Austrian Cavalry Brigade that was around since 1940. It was involved in the Bandenbekämpfung ("bandit-fighting") operations behind the front line in the Balkan Peninsula and was responsible for the killing of tens of thousands of the civilian population. It continued "pacification" operations in the occupied Soviet Union, mainly the Ukraine and the Caucasian Regions, leading to further atrocities. It was named after the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania John III Sobieski, who had had saved Vienna from the Ottoman Invasion with his winged Hussars during the 1683 Battle of Vienna. Therefore it's sign wielded Ausrian, Habsburg and Polish-Lithuanian colors. It was recruited from Austrian Germans (40%), Sudeten Germans, Carpatian Germans, Galician Germans, Danube Germans, Banat Swabian Germans, Siebenbürgen Sachsen (Transylvanian Germans), Bessarabian Germans, Dobrudscha Germans as well as later Wolynian Germans and Black Sea Germans. The training and replacement battalion of the division was involved in suppressing the Serbian, Chetniks, Mohammedan Militia, Communist rebels and Albanian National Liberation Fighters, while getting assisted by Croats, Hungarians, Germans, Bulgarians and Italians.

    The newly created division was soon sent back to the Eastern Front during the Eastern Crusade and was stationed in the Ukrainian and Caucasian sectors in southern Russia until the spring of 1943, in the Army Group South and Army Group Caucasus Rear Area. As part of this forces, the division once again took part in large-scale Bandenbekämpfung ("bandit-fighting") actions in the weeks before the operation, alongside elements of four Austrian-Hunagraian army divisions and other Gothic Order, local militia and police units. An estimated 6,000 Russians were killed, the great majority of whom were unarmed: only 277 rifles, 41 pistols, 61 machine guns and 17 mortars were recovered. Many more Russians would be deported eastwards into the northenr Caucasus or towards the Crimean Peninsula, were the Gothic Order tried to use them instead of ethnic Ukrainians to prepare for a planned ethnic German Crimean province within the newly liberated Kingdom of Ukrainia.. They deported many ethnic Russians as part of this operations, officially to limit Soviet, Socialist and Communist partisan activity, even if the areas had not been involved in any partisan or other uprising, as the true goal was to eliminate all ethnic Russian claims to Ukrainian Kingdom declared lands. Therefore at least a two dozens villages were deported and resettled by Ukrainians from western Ukraine (former Eastern Poland), before the unit marched further east to the northern Caucasian Era, were they continued their anti-partisan operations.

    Under the Command of Alfred Ritter von Hubicki who had gained the Knight's Cross of the Iron Order for his role in the Balkans. By now his forces had increased to a division of 30,000 man, including a specialized mountain corp and had also opened up to Polish, Lithuanians, Ukrainians and other eastern Europeans as long as they were Catholic. During the operations they were send to the Southern Caucasus as well were they would fight alongside Chechen's, Georgians, Azerbaijani, Armenians, Dagestani and Kalmykia (the famous Co-Prosperity Sphere Buddhist Kalmyk Khanate forces) against Russians, Persians and other minor local ethnic, socialist, communist or bolshevik resistance between Don, Volga and the Caucasian Mountains. With growing local resistance they were send back and forth between the Ukrainian Kingdom and the Caucasus until the End of the Second Great War. After that they would retreat back into the Austrian-Hungarian sphere of influence, the Balkan Peninsula and the Ukrainian Kingdom were they would continue to fight local resistance against the United States of Austria by various groups and factions that sometimes only protested their rule and sometimes openly rose up in arms against the new hegemonic power in south-east Europe.
    Chapter 822: Haiti's Heritage
  • Chapter 822: Haiti's Heritage

    In the Caribbean, Haiti had officially remained neutral during the Second Great War, until the Japanese attacks on the Philippines and the American deceleration of war in 1941, when it declared war upon the German Empire led Axis Central Powers and the Japanese Empire led Co-Prosperity Sphere. This was not taken very serious by most of this nations, as only Romania declared war back on Haiti at the very same day and most of the others never did. While Haiti supplied food to the Allied forces and hosted a detachment of the United States Coast Guard, it did not contribute troops, however five Haitians from the Haitian Air Force would be integrated into the U.S. military (Tuskegee Airmen division) and fought in the war. The President of Haiti, Élie Lescot, introduced several unpopular emergency measures during the war, which critics claimed were designed to increase his power. Because of this the Axis Central Powers, especially the French who had long traditional ties to the islands It was Fascist French who would establish contacts to Haiti trying to discredit the more and more authoritarian rule of President Lesco with their propaganda and forge links to the Haitian resistance against his rule. Together with German submarines they would try to smuggle weapons onto the island to help start a rebellion against Lescot and establish a more pro-Axis Central Powers government. Their efforts would ultimately fail, as Haiti was of low priority for the Axis Central Powers and while a few weapons, as well as presses for propaganda purpose were smuggled they would ultimately be way to little to instigate a successful rebellion on the island. While there would be local protests and even some armed uprising until the End of the Second Great War, it would be to little to matter and American backing would keep Lescot in power. However with the Allies ending the conflict, backing and support for Lescot would suddenly vanish nearly over night as well, leaving a population behind that had partly started closer ties with the Axis Central Powers all the way back since 1941/42. This connections would help the Axis Central Powers and mostly the fascist royalists and national monarchists to play a vital part in despising President Lescot in 1944 after the Second Great War would be over.

    While connections between the Axis Central Power and the Haitian Resistance against Lescot remained rather limited during the Second Great War, they would dramatically increase after it. With the British Empire and the United States of America in financial crisis because of the Second great War and the German Empire led Axis Central Powers and the Japanese Empire led Co-Prosperity Sphere on the rise, many nation states around the world soon adjusted to the new reality. Haiti itself would between 1944 and 1948 slowly drift from American trade hegemony and influence to German and French one, as the United States were internally divided, financially bankrupt and would later break apart completely, a process that would be completed in 1950. By then Germany and France had completely taken over and would use Haiti, as one of the Caribbean Nation States culturally closest to Old Europe as a trade gateway to the rest of the Caribbean Islands and Central America. This made the new fascist royalist and national monarchist government of the Kingdom of Haiti rather popular as it soon became one of the most prosperous and riches in not only Central America, but all of Latin America. With growing French Influence Ètat de Haiti became a Protectorate Province of the French Empire and the King somewhat of a French Governor in a system that integrated Haiti as the capital and center of all Caribbean French Possessions into the new French Empire (the Third French Empire) like some of the Kingdoms in Europe had before served under Emperor Napoleon I as puppets and vassals in his French Empire. Seen as a revenge for the parsley massacre (Spanish: el corte "the cutting";[11] Creole: kout kouto-a "the stabbing", French: Massacre du Persil; Spanish: Masacre del Perejil; Haitian Creole: Masak nan Pèsil), a mass killing that took place in October 1937 against Haitians living in the Dominican Republic's northwestern frontier and in certain parts of the contiguous Cibao region, Haiti armed Dominican revolutionaries in 1949 to 1959. Dominican Army troops came from different areas of the country and carried out the massacre on the orders of Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo. When this rebel support did not work, Haitian and French forces attacked the Dominican Republic in the 1960 Dominican War, hailed by many locals, who were sic of the tyrannical total control and bankruptcy of Tujillo, unifying the islands once again.
    Chapter 823: Between Israel, Judea and Palestine
  • Chapter 823: Between Israel, Judea and Palestine

    The Allied Position in the Mandatory Palestine remained under British rule via the League of Nations mandate system was not a easy one. During the war, Palestine was a location of hostilities, a staging area for the Allies, a source of troops and a breeding ground for internal insurgencies and rebellions. From 1940 onward the Axis Central Powers had started bombing Tel Aviv, Haifa and other coastal cities. By 1941 to 1940 Turkish-Ottoman and German forces stood at the Syrian border eager to drive the British out of the region they had conquered during the First Great War. The Jewish Opinion was split, as the British had limited Jewish immigration to the Palestine Mandate, while the Ottomans, still angered about the Arab Betrayal during the last Great War, alongside their German Allies outright declared to install a Jewish Province with internal autonomy, maybe even a fully independent Jewish State in the region. Because of growing Jewish support for this idea, the British kept influential Irgun ("The National Military Organization in Israel") Zionist Leaders in their prisons and rather supported the Arabs, while still unwilling to promise them anything and choosing one group over the other, leading to even a few Arab groups to joining the Axis Central Powers as well in hopes of convincing the Germans and Ottomans to form a Arab autonomous province instead. The Lehi, or so called Stern Gang because of their founder Avraham Stern was formed as a separatist group as well having more fascist royalist and national monarchist tendencies and dreaming of a rebirth of the Jewish Kingdom. During the 1941 – 1942 Turkish-Ottoman and German Campaign along the Syria–Lebanon-Palestine Border, many volunteers from Palestine, especially Arab militias participated in the fighting, including units that had been directly attached to allied troops. On the other side many Jewish militias fought for the Axis Central Powers alongside Ottoman-Turkish and German forces, it was during this campaign that Moshe Dayan, attached to the Ottoman Mameluke Cavalry Division, lost an eye, requiring him to wear what would become his trademark eye-patch.

    Hoping desperately to maintain the status quo ante bellum between the Jews and the Arabs, the British at first had instated a policy of equal recruitment from both groups to the Palestine Regiment. However, due to the events of the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine and the alliance of exiled former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Mohammad Amin al-Husayni with the German Empire, as well as the Jewish alliance with the Ottomans, the British had a difficult time as they started to distrust either group, even if there were more Arab volunteers for their cause then Jewish ones by now, as the Arabs feared to be completely expelled by the Ottomans and the Allies at least promised them half of the region for themselves, maybe even all of it if the Jews continued to rally so heavily behind the Axis Central Powers promises. In the End the Allies would form two Arab and two Jewish battalions that hated each other so much that fighting between them broke out, leaving the Allies little choice but to send them to Egypt in North Africa and the Persian Caucasus region and Iraq, instead of using this enthusiastic volunteers to defend their own homeland region. It would take till 1944 that the Allies, mainly the British had become so desperate that they would change this policy, allowing the Arabs and Jewish volunteers to fight the Axis Central Powers directly as the Arab Brigade and the Jewish Brigade. By then however the Mufti's Mohammedan forces, increased by Bosnian Mohammedans in the Balkans, Azerbaijani Mohammedans in the Caucasus would fight Orthodox Serbians Christians in the Balkans alongside Catholic Croatians and Armenian (and partly also Georgian) Orthodox Christians under the Ottoman-Turks in the Caucasus. At the same time Axis Central Power agents and spies had formed the Templers out of German and other Axis Central Power ethnic minorities (mainly Germans) in the conquered Palestine region that would help build up Yehudah (Judea, Judah, or Yehud, better known as the Neo-Ottoman autonomous province of the Kingdom of Israel) and form based on the Axis Central Powers European orders their own local Templer Order made up by Germans, Jews and Ottomans and ensure that in the new State, Jews, Mohammedans and Christians would have free trade, traveling, pilgrimage and preaching rights to all their major Holy Sites without any restrictions or fear from any of the other groups.
    Chapter 824: The Wa State Armies
  • Chapter 824: The Wa State Armies

    The rebellious group known as the Wa Army and the Wa State in the Wa Province proclaimed autonomy and independence from the Burmese Nation State, as well as the Siamese/ Thai Empire and had at first been a part of the Communist Party of Burma (CPB), the Communist Party of Siam/ Thailandand allied socialist and communist forces. While the Kingdom of Burma and Siam/ Thai did not recognize their Independence, but partly allied with them against other local ethnic insurgency groups as well as against the Communist, utilizing the 20,000 to 25,000 Wa soldiers or supporters of their military. This meant that they opposed and fought some Shan State groups and militia, as well as Wa groups who openly fought against the Burmese and Siamese/ Thai State constantly, leading to various Shan and Wa groups, whose military fought one another for influence, power and different goals. It would take until 1969 till some of this Shan and Wa groups would establish a ceasefire, long after the Communist and Socialist insurgencies were already eliminated and local ethnic groups still fought for national independence. At first supported by the Allies later the Wa in Burma, Siam/ Thailand and Yikoku tried to support one another across the Co-Prosperity Sphere borders in hopes this would strengthen their combined goals. However the fact that some of them had been part of the socialist-communist independence factions and parties, while others had been part of national or monarchist ones had been a guarantee for infighting and rivalry, especially when internal politics, family ties and close friendship cliques seeking power were added to this already explosive mixture. Because of this switching alliances and factions, Burma, Siam/ Thailand and Yikoku all allied and supplied or fought the Shan and Wa groups on various times. Because of this the Wa Groups tried to unify to form a more stronger and unified fronts. Wa, Shan and Tai forces fought among one another in the area. Over time the Wa groups would ally with various groups inside Burma, Siam/ Thailand and Yikoku, including the local governments, or even other rebellious groups from Assam to Laos.

    All Wa groups as local governments, their political parties and militia wings used some form of drug trafficking, mainly opium from respective farms, leading them to oppose local police, armies and militias alike or sometimes working alongside them. This rebel groups worked alongside and against various national, socialists and communists depending on what bigger rebel groups were nearby this Wa dominated districts would support their own division, leading to six in total. In total there would be 30,000 active soldiers and around 10,000 supporters and auxiliary forces, supplied by robbed, stolen or otherwise acquired former Allied (British, Burmese, Indian) and Japanese (Japanese, Siamese/ Thai, Burmese, Yikoku) weapons, sometimes even supplied by these states in direct wars (like the Second Great War) or later more indirect border clashes and conflicts among then, when the local governments tried to use them for their own goal by supplying, arming, or even helping the Wa with infrastructural projects in return for their services. Thanks to this support, ambushes, robberies or outright local army and police forces defecting to the rebels cause armored vehicles, light tanks and in some chases even fighters and bombers managed to get their way to the local ethnic rebel groups in South-East Asia, including the Wa. Such claims by Bangladesh (Land or Country of Bengal, formerly provisional Assam-Benghal), the Burmese, Cambodia, Laos, Siam/ Thailand and Yikoku all denied such allegations against them that they would supply local rebels and armed insurgency groups and blamed the British Empire or even the Americans to still support their old allies from the Second Great War, a claim that became more and more irrational during the 1960ies and 1970ies when none of the states involved, even less so their hegemonic Japanese Empire still believed these claims. Therefore the Japanese tried to negotiate between the local ethnic and political rebel groups, the provincial governors and the national monarchist coprospist states governments.
    Chapter 825: Honduras Honor
  • Chapter 825: Honduras Honor

    The State of Honduras was ruled by Carias Andino with an iron fist, after the first and second Honduran civil war. After handpicking the Constituent Assembly he ruled nearly unquestioned, denying citizenship and voting rights to women. Honduras itself remained mainly neutral until the Japanese attack on the Philippines and the United States declaration of War on the Empire Japan and the Co-Prosperity Sphere, as well as on the German Empire and the Axis Central Powers five days later. Honduras would supply food and raw materials to the Allied war effort and even even send forces of which 320 would die during the course of the Second Great War. The Navy of Honduras participated in the Caribbean Sea to protect Allied convoys against German submarines, loosing 8 Honduran transports and tree Honduran warships while doing so because of German Submarines. The Honduran air force guarded it's own coastal waters against the German submarines and accompanied the Honduran Navy in it's escort missions nearby the coast and into the Caribbean Ocean. At the same time there were local rebel remnants in the jungles and German tried to establish contacts with the authoritarian government, to get it to switch sides to the Axis Central Powers. Such attempts would ultimately fail and Honduras would join the United Nations as the Western Alliance in 1942, doing it's best against the Axis Central Powers for the duration of the Second Great War. In the End a whole Honduran Division would fight in Africa and later parts of Europe, while the majority of Honduran forces remained in Honduras itself were they would operate against local rebels that opposed the in their eyes illegitimate government of Honduras. For quit some time German traders and spies tried to contact and supply this rebels in hopes of distracting Honduran forces and overall Allied forces in the Caribbean Sea, but their attempt failed as they weren't fully trusted by the middlemen of the rebels themselves and suspected to be government spies.

    This overall situation would only change after the Second Great War when the State o Honduras peace with the Axis Central Powers and the Co-Prosperity Sphere again. With America in economic decline, the German growing economic power gained influence over Central America, while also officially allying with the Government of Andino and joining it against the rebels and it's own population in exchange for growing German economic trade. To better fight the rebels and build up the Hondurian economy, the Germans aided them in building railroads, railways and airports all over Honduras that they used economically, but the Honduran government also used militarily against the own populations and local rebels. The rise of fascism and nationalism in Central America however did also lead to more competing nation states, as quit a few of the new regimes would claim the succession of the United States of Central America, while the Catholic, Nationalist and Synarchist Third Mexican Empire claimed these territories up to the Panama Canal as well, just as it did claim North American lands once belonging to the First Mexican Empire as well. This meant that various fascist, national and monarchist groups were supported by the German Empire or other Axis Central Powers like France, Spain and Austria-Hungary in Central America, while the Japanese Empire supported Corpospist groups, turning places like Honduras into proxy-war regions between them and destabilizing the already confusing situation of various rebel and guerrilla forces fighting the local governments and one another in this regions. The situation was made further when the Democratic American Confederate States (ACS), also known as the Second Confederate States or the Gulf States of America supported their own factions to increase their own influence or direct takeover of Central American and Caribbean States in the region.
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    Chapter 826: East Asian Sects and Philosophies
  • Chapter 826: East Asian Sects and Philosophies

    The Chinese Civil War had brought new escalations int the warring Warlord Area of China, lead to the rise of various religious end-times groups and sects that rivaled the old religious or mixed ideas and ideologies of them, including those that were supported by the Coprospist governments for supporting them and actively promoted by them. Sometimes this happened because they were oppressed and outlawed by the Chinese Communist Party, or the Kuomintang under Chiang, siding with their enemies, sometimes this happened because their leaders hoped for power and sometimes because doing so made things easier for the local governments of the Co-Prosperity Sphere and the Japanese Empire. This included the Nidao, or Yadao, a national religious sect of Buddhist and Shintoist elements that believed that the Japanese were god's truly chosen people, much like Judaism and that Japanese should lead and rule all other Asians and the world because of that as it was their destiny. A radical, small sect spreading in parts of the Japanese High Command and among it's Admirals and Generals, but never gained widespread following, not even among Japanese forces. More Buddhist influenced groups included the so called Akaiana, Rōtasu, Sakurana and Horimonku who mixed Buddhist ideas with some local shamanism and religions, nationalism and coprospism. In Manchruia, Yankoku, Han China, Taikoku and Yikoku; the Jiàndao, Rìchūdao, Qízhìdao, Xīnzhìdao, Báitàiyángdao, Tàiyángdao and Qīngtīan dao. These groups mainly mixed Chinese shamanism, naturalism and traditional religions with Buddhism and Coprospism to support the new political and religious ideology. There were even some Taoist groups, especially in Nationalist Han China, like the Taodao that gained a growing following. Other groups included Mặttrời a Vietnamese influenced sect, the Siamese Dwngxāthity̒k̄hụ̂n, the Buddhist Nayhtwatlar, or the Indian Buddhist and Hindi influenced Ugatahuasooraj. More completely Hindu/ Hindi influenced national coprospist sects were Vaiśravaṇaji while the Mengjiang and Tibetan Jambhalana were Buddhist-Shinto influenced.

    The Zandakashikata in Japan, the Pínghéngmaarg or Jūnhéngdao in Chinese Coprospist States, the Cânbằngđường in Vietnam, the S̄mdulthāng in Siam, the Myahatasawlam in Burma and the Tentsvertei Argazam in Mengjiang were all local groups of the so called Balanced Way, or Balanced Path, aslo knwon as the Cult of Ying and Yang that took parts of the Coprospist Ideology and Religious aspects, beliving in a balanced approach to life and the universe. According to them the time of American-European Dominance in the world was ending and the Asian Century of Millenia beginnang as the pendle had retruend to Asia with the industrialisation of Japan and then the rest of East Asia in the Co-Prosperity Sphere. It's Philippine braunch, the Balanseng Paraan would remain less influential untill the 1980ies, because the Coprospist Independent Church (officially Spanish: Iglesia Filipina Independiente, IFI; colloquially known as the Aglipayan Church of Gregorio Aglipay) and the Anito/ Anitu (also known as Philipine Shamanism, or Philippine Shinto) dominate the Philippines. The Tumataas Araw, it's Philippino braunch, promoted the spread of Shintoism and Buddhims in the Philippines in it's own sect mix, but also supported other Shinto and Buddhist groups, as did the Matahari Terbit, the Sumatran, Borneo, Java, Sulawesi, Moluccan, Timorese, Javan and Papuan braunch meanwhile encouraged the spread of Shintoism and Buddhism in Southeast Asia. Some minor Christian Sects included the the Hongxiuquandao, Yēsūdao, Tiānguódao as well as Jīdūdao, who promoted christian influenced politics, ideals and coprospism mainly in the Chinese Mainland and member states, but partly also in Southeast Asia. A few local branches of Mohamemdanism, like in Benghal, Borneo, Sumatra and Java, tried to incorporate the Mohammedan religion with Buddhist or Shinto elements, or even just use a Mohammedan form of Corpospism, as promoted by the Airtifae Shams, who claimed Japan would liberate all Mohammedan Nationalities in independent states, just like it had done with a few in Asia already. Later some of this sects and cults would spread to Europe, Africa and even the Americas.
    Coprospist Axis Central Powers Cold War World Map
  • little look into this TL future:​

    Coprospist Axis Central Powers Cold War World Map​


    The so called Union of American States (American Republic State, United States, Union States of America) with the by now once again capital Philadelphia, had not managed to defeat the German Empire led Axis Central Powers in Europe and the Japanese Empire led Co-Prosperity Sphere in Asia, leading to their dominance over Europe, Asia and later Africa and Oceania as well as a cold war between Germany, Japan, Anglia (England and the American-British Imperial Anglo Block) and even a few minor powers and factions. With massive financial debt and losses during the Second Great War (this realities version of World War Two) the Fall of the Soviet Union to the Axis Central Powers and partly Co-Prosperity Sphere backed reborn Russian Empire and racial as well as political tensions rising after the failed D-Day and the American decision to leave the war under 1944 President Elect Thomas E. Dewey, this United States had the Dixiecrats split from the Southern Democrats leave the Union under Strom Thurmond who declared his own, new independent state the American Confederate States (ACS) after the 1948 elections during the Second Great Depression. This new southern state run by State Right Democrats (Dixicrats) and plagued by Racism, the KKK and the Silver Legion was also known as the Gulf States of America, because of the Gulf of Mexico. Racist lynchings of blacks later lead to the Protection Zone Act, police guarded black neighborhoods and counties were blacks worked and lived, but were for their own “protection” not allowed to leave this areas and basically designated ghettos as long as they had no special licenses. This was used later on by the Dixicrats to block black people out of voting, by designating their vote registries and voting places outside of the areas they were allowed to move freely without getting arrested, leading to the famous chase Johnson vs State Government of Georgia. As the ACS had the majority of Second Great War veterans as citizens and the United States of America were tired of war and broken financially, this Second Secession remained uncontested, soon inspiring others to follow the example of the ACS.

    The Pacific States of America (Pacific Federation of America - PFA, also known as the Pacific States of America -PSA-, United States of the Pacific, Pacific Union and Federate Pacific States) soon became independent themselves, heavily supported by the Japanese Empire and the Co-Prosperity Sphere that had used their economic boom in the 1950ies and 1960ies to heavily invest in the area, with many Japanese Americans and new Japanese settlers forming a sort of upper ruling class and cast. The ruling Party were the Orientals or Oriental Party, named after the Rising Sun in favor of Japanese influence and the sundown towards Japan itself. The so called Pacific States included Alaska (Arasuka) also known as Higashi Hanto / Higashi Hakuyama, the Eastern Peninsulas/ Eastern White Mountains) formed from Alaska and the coastal region of the Dominion of Canadas Procinve of British Columbia that was by now mostly ethnic Japanese and Asian, Cascadia (Kasukadia), created out of Oregon State, Washington State, the whitest of the Co-Prosperity Sphere States in the Eastern Pacific, while California (Kariforunia) had a Japanese upper class and a Asian Middle Class ruling over the White Majorities. The Japanese Coprospist and Orientalist Propaganda actually used Thomas Jefferson's Idea to promote their Pacific State Republics and many living there with the Rocky Moutnaisn as a natural barrier to the east half of the Continent, felt they were the true remnants of American Federalism and Democracy. Further south the Mexican Empire included most of Central America again had joined the Co-Prosperity Sphere as well, while the Japanese controlled the Nicaragua Canal and the Panama Canal directly. The last to become independent were the Mormons, who served kind of as a buffer state between the Union of American States and the Co-Prosperity Sphere. In this reality Fascist Royalism and National Monarchism had risen in Europe following the Second World War, not Communism and with the rise of Great Britain (Angland) into the Anglo Empire as a German heritage proud but still independent nation state with it's Dominions, New England fell under their direct influence, while the rest of the Union of American States joined their alliance after the Axis Central Powers backed the American Confederate States to keep the American States separated and weak.
    Chapter 827: Iceland in the War
  • Chapter 827: Iceland in the War​

    The free state of Iceland was part of a personal union with the King of Denmark acting as head of state, when fighting broke out in Europe. They lost contact to Denmark after the German invasion and soon after the British invaded the island to secure operation bases, while denying the Germans to do the very same. While a small Iceland force was on the island, they obeyed British orders and did not resist this invasion. A number of German citizens was arrested afterwards, including the German consul, Werner Gerlach, while Britisch forces also seized all radio and telephone to prevent information from getting out. While Iceland officially protested the invasion and occupation in notes, they secretly provided the British with all cooperation they might need. When the British number reached it's peek they had 25,000 soldiers on the island, while Reykjavik as the largest urban settlement and capital had a overall population of 40,000 people. The British soon transferred control over to the United States of America, even when it was still not at war with the Germans, simply to deny them access and to deter any further German operations and plans for the island. Still the Germans would try sending a few elite, special operation forces there to keep up a few weather stations intended to help them keep track of the climate and it's changes in hopes this could aid and support them in their weather reports for Scandinavia and especially in Russia. This German bases consisted out of a small German force, weather measuring devices and radio, brought to Iceland via civil ships under false flags or even submarines in a attempt to keep their presence and plans on the island hidden. Most of these forces were badly armed and stood no chance against even the local forces should they be uncovered, let alone the Americans of British. Because of that they remained by themselves and supplied their small bases with the food and medicine they had brought with them, or were supplied with. This allowed them partly to hide and stay uncovered from the Allies for some time, but thanks to Allied airplanes scouting for German ships and submarines alike, they were ultimately found our in the End. This lead to Allied attacks on these German Outposts, that were soon destroyed and their personal ending as Allied Prisoners of War.

    During the Allied occupation most Icelanders worked for the Allied occupation force of the American and British foreigners and this so called bretavinnan (roughly, the British Jobs) helped build up the ground work for some of the success the Icelandic economy would have after the Second Great War. American encouragement also helped to convince the Icelanders to become a independent Republic in their own rights and cut all ties to Denmakr in 1944, a move that the German Empire, the Danish Kingdom and most of the Axis Central Powers marked as unlawful with the exception of National Socialist Norway and National Socialist Sweden, that claimed the island for it's own expansionist ambitions of their two visions of a new Kalmar Union or a Nordic Empire. Despite their occupation the Icelanders remained officially neutral during the Second Great War and afterwards quickly reestablished relations with the German Empire and the rest of the Axis Central Powers for economic reasons, making them beside Britain, Spain and Portugal, yes even more then them for Canada and the Scandinavian Nations, one of the main neutral trade hubs between North America and Europe. Air bases on Iceland were important for the Allies to keep track of German ships and U-boat submarines alike leaving the North Sea for the Atlantic Ocean. Because Iceland itself had a rather small population, they were unable to raise any armed forces of efficient numbers themselves, making them depend massively on foreign aid and protection like the Americans and British. This resulted in a close cooperation that would ultimately result in Iceland giving up it's neutrality in exchange for rather close relations with the United Nations and the North Atlantic Trade Organization (NATO) between 1944 and 1950. Despite this Iceland would support it's allies with vital air and naval bases for the North Atlantic and it's shipping routes, like those at Keflavík.
    Chapter 828: Mauritius Mission
  • Chapter 828: Mauritius Mission​

    During the Second great War, French Mauritius expanded it's territorial force to two battalions, renaming them the Mauritius Regiment with it's 1st Battalion send to Diego Suarez in Madagascar as part of the French and allied forces to capture the island from the Fascist French Kingdom/ Empire. Because of the poor conditions after landing, the Battalion mutinied as they had originally been told not to leave Mauritius as well. Around 200 Mauritian soldiers were afterwards disarmed and arrested by the King's African Rifles, but only 6 would remain imprisoned until the End of the Second great War. Around 100 Mauritians meanwhile fled to the jungle, joining Fascist French soldiers in a guerrilla fight in Madagascar, later even joined by a few Japanese Navy ship and submarine survivors that had headed to Tanganyika or Madagascar to start local uprisings among the Indian Work force or the African natives there against the British and French colonial empire in hopes to spark national uprisings and liberation guerrilla wars. At the same time the 2ndBattalion was send to Tanganyika to fight the Germans, Italians and Japanese insurgency forces and guerrilla rebels aided by Italians and Africans there, while on Mauritius itself a local home guard was formed, the so called Mauritius Defence Force made up by 2,000 men, and a naval Coastal Defence Force. The local Royal Air Force and Royal Navy also keep a look out for Japanese merchant raider ships, submarines and naval ships raiding the Indian Ocean from Southeast Asia, or trying to smuggle weapons and supplies to the rebellious forces there in hopes of redirecting Allied forces from South Asia in India or the Middle East away from their own frontlines. Especially Mauritian air search for German, Italian and Japanese transport ships exchanging military plans, blueprints or even rare resources, as well as redirecting troops, weapon prototypes and even military personal to learn from one another was a important task that helped secure the Indian Ocean for the Allies. A small Japanese Cruiser even lead a Japanese Commando to Mauritius itself were they planned to rally the locals to rise up against the French, similar to how they attempted to do with the British in East African Kenia, Tanganyika, or even further north in Yemen and Oman alongside German and Italian forces who attempted the same.

    With so many theaters of war and conflict zones all around the Mauritians were rather lucky to not fall victim to any larger Japanese operation or invasion like the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, or the Chagos Archipelago and Diego Garcia Island would be in their attempt to tighten their grip on the Indian Ocean trade and sea routes during their 1944 South Indian Invasion against Ceylon. Mauritians would fight in that battle too, but most were glad that they stayed behind and formed the local self defense force of their own little island, so that in chase the Japanese would come, they at least stood a chance of defending it. This proved to be the strongest internal problem of the British Empire, as with forces all around the world, the various Dominions and regions favored defending their own homes and families the closer the war came to them, instead of that of others, or the overall British Empire. It would be one of the main reasons why Prime Minister Oswald Msoley would later implement a Anglo Imperial view on history throughout the classes of the British Empire and Commonwealth in hopes of strengthening the ties the independent Nation States and Dominions had with Angland (the former England) in hopes this would help them stay closer together and ensure that the Empire would never fall. While this did manage to get closer ties to the European settled Dominions, later including the northern remnants of the United States of America that became the Union of American States, also known as the Dominion of America by then. It would become one of the stables of the then so called Anglo Empire, the former British Empire and Angland itself relied on heavily, both in terms of industrial power and population alike. Small Mauritius meanwhile would start to strive for it's own independence from France and later get it during the sixties thanks in parts to Japanese Empire and Co-Prosperity Sphere diplomatic and economic aid.
    Chapter 829: Burgundian Order Division Number One: Hohenstaufern
  • Chapter 829: Burgundian Order Division Number One: Hohenstaufern

    The Burgundian Order Division Number One: Hohenstaufern was named after the German Dynasty that once held the Burgundian lands inside the Holy Roman Empire. Formed out of conscripts of the Reich Labor Service, as well as Dutch, Flanders, Walloon and French volunteers it was created as a Panzergrenadier division, but later in 1943 upgraded into a Panzer (tank) division with a estimated manpower of 19,000. Commanded by Léon Gaultier a Aryan Northern French and a later founder of the Francs-German Front as a Burgundian, Dutch and French Political Party. The Division would see action during the Eastern Front, were they would help encircled German divisions in 1942 and 1943 near Tarnopol, destroying 74 Soviet tanks, 84 self propelled assault guns, 21 anti tank guns, and 12 mortars after heavy fighting in muddy terrain. Later near Buchach they prevented the encirclement of a German Panzer Army and lost overall 1,011 causalities during this fighting in Northern Ukraine and Northern Caucasus. With the D-Day invasion a few months later the Hohenstaufern were send back to France, were they would help defend Caen and drive the Allied Invasion of Western Europe back into the Atlantic. During their transport back to the new Western Front, the Hohenstaufern lost nearly one fourth, or 24% of their tanks because od allied bombing of trains, roads, railways of bridges. But they would soon be reinforced by the 102nd Burgundian Heavy Panzer Battallion who would grew their numbers once more by 27 additional combat vehicles including 79 Panther tanks. Holding off the British attempts to capture Caen, suffering 1,891 causalities, but allowing the front to hold until reinforcements from the Belgian Burgundian areas and central France had arrived. This would allow the Axis Central Powers, mainly the Germans and French to reinforce besieged Cherbourg, deny the Allies a major harbor and ultimately defeat the Normandy Invasion by doing so. During the Battle itself, Hohenstaufern would destroy 58 british tanks, most of them Churchill tanks. Further heavy fighting soon depleted Hohenstaufern from original 15,900 men arriving in Normandy to 7,000 combed ready soldiers.

    Having prevented a Allies push into France from Avranches, over Mortain, Falaise to Caen and using their own infantry, tank and motorized divisions now arriving to reinforce the surrounded troops in Cherbourg, the Hohenstaifern lost 12 of their 22 assaulting vehicles, as well as 70 men while the American and British forces besieging the city would suffer 7,167 casualties out of 10,095 men, many of them Airborn forces from the original paratrooper landings during the night of D-Day. With the Allies contained and Cherbourg reinforced and resupplied, Hohenstaufern partook in the so called Normandy Offensive (Codename: William) were their reconnaissance and artillery units and later their whole division fought, loosing much of their equipment to Allied bombings and ground attack aircraft operating from nearby England, but at the same time Allied losses in soldiers, planes and pilot personal were severe as well. When the Attack near Bayeux stalled the German Emperor Wilhelm III ordered the Hohenstaufern Division to attack from the western Normandy towards Carentan. Wiht the Allies pushed back into the Atlantic, the Burgundian Hohenstaufern Division was send east in 1934/ 1044 once more, refitted, reinforced and reformed to become part of the Austrian-Hungarian and German joined Germania Panzer Army in the North Caucasus, Central Russian Plains and Southern Ural region were they would stop a Soviet Counter-attack, destroying 80 Soviet T-34 and IS tanks, alongside Royal Ukrainian and Russian Imperial forces. Snow and mud swallowing the roads (if there were any) however would prevent any further push towards the Southern Ural New Soviet Industrial Center in Orsk, Ufa, Magnitogorsk, Sverdlovsk, Omsk and Samara, so that the Imperial German Air force instead increased their heavy bombardment of the area.
    Chapter 830: Nisen
  • Chapter 830: Nisen​

    The so called Nisen, or Nippon-Chosen/ Japanese-Koreans or Korea Japanese, not to be confused with Choni, Chosen Nippon, japanized Koreans were a mix betrween Japanese Colonials in Chosen (Korea) and the Imperial Japanese Yamato people, as a mixed race. They would often serve the after-war government of the then Nisen Yamato-Chosen (Japanese-Koreans) mixed royal Chosen Empire family. The Nisen were further divided into distinct groups, based upon the fact if they were first Generation migrants or mixed people (Issei), Second Generation (Nisei), Third Generation (Sansei), fourth Generation (Yonsei) or fifths Generation (Gosei). As they also made up the next generation of the Chosen (Korean) royal family and most of the nobility, many Nisen became part of the upper class of the state and managed to gather themselves some influence by merit of their mixed heritage and birth. This made them very much hated and opposed by many ethnic Chosen (Koreans) as well as pure-blooded Yamato settlers from Japan alike who dreamed about assimilating all of Korea as Chosen into the Japanese Empire directly, especially among the military troops and advising governors stationed in the Korean Peninsula. Because of this Nisen soon found themselves as a target of both opposing groups, who despite their opposition or outright hate for one another could agree that they both disliked the Nisen and saw them as traitors to their plans, goals, ideas and dreams. The Nisen themselves meanwhile saw themselves as the new Koreans and the New Asians, the fulfillment of the Coprospists Co-Prosperity Sphere idea and ideal of a Asian of Brothers and Cousins, were Asians would intermarry and mix, influencing and growing from each others cultures, traditions, religions, language, art, cuisine, architecture and all other aspects of their groups life to exchange, interact and combine them all into a true pan-Asian Coprospist version. Like in Europe were pan-Germanic people dreamed of a Greater Germanic Empire and were pan-Latins hoped to reunify the Latin Speaking Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian dreamed of their own Empire and Union, even within the Axis Central Powers to oppose the Germanic dominion in the heart of Europe as a southern, Mediterranean counterpart of the Alliance, the people of East Asia and the Co-Prosperity Sphere were divided as well.

    In East Asia some Japanese dreamed about Japanizing the Koreans, or unify all Altai or Mongol and Turkic people. Likewise some Han Chinese hoped to reclaim the former lands of the Chinese Empire under their own rule within the Co-Prosperity Sphere, while some Koreans similar dreamed about a Greater Korean Empire that would unify all Korean people, both in their own peninsula, as well as in southern and eastern Manchuria. Because of this many Coprospist and pan-Asian movements had a hard time and therefore some Copropsists in the Co-Prosperity Sphere instead chose to ignore such differences for now to fight for their independence against American and European colonial and imperial powers. Much like the Axis Central Powers the various ethnic, national, cultural, religious and political movements of the Co-Prosperity Sphere did only work together as long as the Second Great War forced them to do so against a common enemy. Once this united enemy however was gone their own cultural, ethnic national, religious, economic, political came trough once more and lead to a growing opposition among one another, mainly political and economical, as the Japanese Empire tried to hold the Co-Prosperity Sphere together to exploit it economically and keep their own dominance and hegemony within it. That was also the reason why they split up as many states as they could within the Co-Prosperity Sphere, following ethnic, religious, cultural and sometimes even lingual influences to split them up into as small of nations states as possible to keep them depending, but also big enough so they would be able to support and supply the Japanese Empire and their own governments and statehood enough that they would not collapse by internal bandits and rebels, or from outside forces alike during the Second Great Power.
    Chapter 831: Burgundian Order Division Number Two: Charles V
  • Chapter 831: Burgundian Order Division Number Two: Charles V

    The Second Burgundian order Division was named after Charles V, who named himself after Charlemagne, a clear statement for German ambitions to rule over France and the World itself. Made up by Germans, French, Flamish, Wallonian and Dutch people in Burgundy, the United Netherlands and Alsace-Lorraine (German: Reichsland Elsaß-Lothringen), the division would see it's first actions in the Ukraine in 1943, before being send back to the West to aid in defeating the Allied invasion in Normandy. Commanded by Theodor Wisch they were send to the Eastern Front to help the Russian Empire in the Crusade against Bolshevism and Communism, were they would fight in the Ukraine and Caucasus region. After this engagements they were send westwards to France to fight off the Allied invasion in the Normandy. Send to reinforce German forces in the Caen battle Commander Theodor Wisch was seriously injured during the Normandy Battle from a enemy naval artillery barrage and had to give up his command. Originally formed from conscripts and volunteers alike their fight against Allied forces in Normandy heavily depleted the Second Burgundian Division and continuous British attacks on Caen lead to the nearly complete encirclement and annihilation of the Division itself. Defeating the outskirts of the city from their hills, they held of the Allied assault for two weeks of constant fighting and where nearly encircled. Striking at Saint-Lo and from there towards Bayeux the Burgundian Order Division Number Two Charles V managed to split the Allied forces in half alongside other German and French forces, bit their attack was abandoned, as the Allies threatened to encircle them, forcing the Burgundian Division to retread from British and Canadian forces. During this operation they suffered heavy causalities and would reorganize and reinforce in Caen having allowed other Axis Central Powers to stabilize the Front and prevent the Allies from breaking out of Normandy. After being rebuild the Division fought in the last push to drive the Allies out of Normandy, alongside the Burgundian Panzer (Tank) Division Hohenstaufern. After this the Division would be send back to the Eastern Front, were it would help fight the Soviet counter-offensive of 1943 and 1944.

    Nearly encircled once more the Division Charles V helped to fight of the Red Army and broke out of their pockets and retreated back to the Northern Caucasus front-line. Later on they were tasked with building a German Order Bunker-Castle (Burgunderbrug) along the Volga River (officially named Wärgar, after the Waräger or Varangians, Nordic Rus Vikings according to German Propaganda). The massive artillery of the new fortress secured the local section of the Volga from Soviet Union Red Army crossing and later aided the Imperial Russian Axis Central Power crossing deeper into Soviet Remnant territory. It would be a prime example of Germanic Order castles and fortified positions all across Europe who controlled major trade routes and civilization centers, ensuring they would stay in life to serve the German Empire. The Burgundian Order Division Number Two, while helping build the fortification would however soon give it over to the German Gotische Orden (Gothic Order in Ukraine and Southern Russia), that administrated the Crimea as a German province inside the Kingdom of Ukrainia. Administrating the Burgundian Lands there conquered by the French during their rivalries with Germany, the Burgundian Order helped rebuild the Maginot Line, the Siegfried Line and the Westwall (West Wall) into the so called Burgundian Castle chain, a line of bunker-castles from Italy to the Netherlands that was officially securing the German Western Border, even including some fortifications, bunkers and other defenses in in once again German annexed, but also still French lands that the Burgundian Order would administrate and man. Secretly these region fortifications were meant to secure future German settlement and Germanization of this region after the Second Great War, with different plans to push the border back to the original first German-French one, or outright integrate all northern French Germanic Franks (Franken) into a greater German Reich as the Frankish Kingdom (Frankenreich) that would then be a part of the Greater German Reich, like the Kingdoms of Bavaria, Hannover, or Saxony.
    Chapter 832: Uyghuristan Khanate
  • Chapter 832: Uyghuristan Khanate​


    Disputed between the Chinese Mohammedan Kuomintang 36th Division and the First Turkestan Republic since 1934, the Soviet Union had aided Han Warlord Shen Shicai after the 1937 Xinjiang War, who would rule the province for nearly a decade. Ethnic and religious tensions however remained and with the Soviet Union Red Army tied down in Europe and East Asia, Shen's position was weakened as only a small Soviet military base and a few advisers remained. Under Elihan Tore this remnant Soviet forces would call out the Second East Turkestan Republic in hopes of forming a new buffer state for the Soviet Union in China, similar to Mongolia in northern Xinjiang. Opposed by the Kuomintang and the Ma Clique who continued to support Shen Shicai to stabilize the region and hopefully gain Soviet supplies for the Chinese Civil War from Central Asia, Afghan Mujahedin under command of Mohammas Zahir Shah the Afghan King crossed the border in hopes of aiding a independent, local Mohammedan Nation State. Similarly the Japanese Empire had send a expedition of Hui Chinese Mohammedans, mainly Salar and Yugurs drafted and volunteered from former Huikoku to aid their Turkish Kazakh and Uyghur brothers in Uyghuristan, or Uyghurkoku and establish a new puppet state in Western China to completely cut of the Chinese Untied Front under Chiang and Mao. While the Soviets also used local Tajik and Kyrgyz to aid in the fighting, the Afghans and Japanese heavily emphasized the Mohammedan and Turkish Character of their local supported governments. Quickly the Japanese opened up to the Afghan Mujahedin volunteers and offered them a combined war afford in the region against common Kuomintang and Communist Soviet enemies. The Japanese Empire did so not only for the future of Uyghuristan and Xinjiang as the most Western part of the former Chinese Empire, but even more so in the hopes that the Afghan Kingdom might be willing to join the Co-Prosperity Sphere directly and aid their push and fight in northern and eastern British Raj (India) with a surprise attack coming from it's western border. To show the Afghans that their intentions were honest and in their best interests, the Japanese not only offered to ensure a Uyghur nation state against Tibetan and Mengjiang (Mongol) Co-Prosperity Sphere member state ambitions, limiting their claims to Tibetan and Kazakh inhabited lands of Xinjiang/ Uyghuristan, but were open to ensure them Pakistan (the Mohammedan lands of Baluchistan, Sind, Punjab Kaschmir and the Northwest Frontier Province of the British Raj/ India the second they signed to become a member state of the Co-Prosperity Sphere and attack the British in India from the West. Despite all this King Zahir Shah remained hesitant for now, mostly because he had to fight of local tribal rebellions against his own rule in Afghanistan, but welcomed Japanese advisers and even equipment and weapons, promising it would help him prepare his forces for the conquest of Paksitan.

    The Japanese meanwhile hoped to get the Shah of Persia to join in the Co-Prosperity Sphere as well, not only against the British in India, but because they hoped their new Mohamemdan allies might aid them against the Soviet Union in Central Asia as well, cutting of their last remaining supply lines from the Allies and joining with the Axis Central Power forces in the Caucasus and Middle East. The whole region thereby was a mess as Nazi Imperial German Agents, pan-Mohammedanists, Christian Missionaries, pan-Turkish groups against the Soviet Union, like the Basmachi Movement and others. The Japanese and Co-Prosperity Sphere was aided by the Black Dragon Society (or Amur River Society/ Kokuryūkai) who dreamed about uniting the whole non-white world against the white American and European colonialist, imperialist powers. Pan-Turanist (Finns, Japanese, Koreans, Sami, Samoyeds, Hungarians, Turks, Mongols and Manchus) groups and supporters, like Halide Edib Adivar and the Idil Ural Society. Originally the Japanese had planned to install Ottoman Şehzade (Prince) Mehmed Abdülkerim or Abdul Kerim as their puppet ruler of the region in 1933 as a Ottoman pretender against the Soviet Union, but his death in 1935 meant they now tried to install his son, Dündar Ali Osman Osmanoğlu. By now the German Empire and the Axis Central Powers had already installed Abdulmejid II once again as the Ottoman Caliph, so the Japanese asked for Dündar Ali Osman to install a Turkish pro-Ottoman, pro-Japanese Truan, pan-Turkic Khanate in Xinjiang/ Uyghuristan. Secretly the Japanese also hoped that like the last independent Dzungar/ Zunghar Khanate that would once again become Buddhist to be better incorporated into the majorly Buddhist Central Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. To archive this Dündar Ali Osman would be educated in Japan to speak Japanese, Turkic and local Uyghur, but be also educated in Turcic, Uyghur and Japanese culture, as well as be thought mainly Buddhist religious values and ideas.
    Chapter 833: Teutonic Order Division Number Seven
  • Chapter 833: Teutonic Order Division Number Seven​


    Established in 1943 and named after the Kalmar Union, the Teutonic Order Panzergrenadier Division Kalmar was made up by Imperial Germans, ethnic Germans, Danish, Norwegeans and Swedes, most of them recruited from foreign volunteers and conscripts. Being part of the Axis Central Powers some of this volunteers even had come from the regular armies of these countries and they were deployed to the norther, Karelian Front of Army Group North in the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front during the War. Ordered to be created in 1943 after the Siege of Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) out of foreign volunteers in the Teutonic Order originally as a reserve regiment, enough volunteers showed up to form a completely new division. It’s three Panzergrenadier regiments were also given titles that referenced the location where the majority of the regiment's recruits were from, Teutonic Order Panzergrenadier-Regiment Danmark (Denmark), Teutonic Order Panzergrenadier-Regiment Norge (Norway) and Teutonic Order Panzergrenadier Regiment Swariki (Sweden). All three regiments had additional men made up of conscripts from Germany, Finland, the Baltic and even some from Poland and Hungary. After its formation in Germany, the division was attached to the III Teutonic Order Panzer Corps under the command of Obergruppenführer Felix Steiner and was moved to Karelina, where the Baltic Volunteer Legion Baltica was attached to it. The division began combat operations against the Red Army and Communist partisans in September 1943. Over a couple of battles, skirmishes, ambushes and punitive actions they would fight all across Karelia, before they would arrive at the front near Saint Pertersburg and aid in the defense of the city against the Soviet Army’s push to relieve remnant Communist resistance pockets and later retake it. They then would join the new Axis Central Powers effort to stabilize the norther front until the objectives in the Center and South were meet. With the capture of the Caucasus however they needed to take part in a new offensive towards Arkhangelsk and Vologda that aimed not only to further secure the once again Russian Imperial capital of Saint Petersburg, but also to redirect pressure from the planned push in the center towards the Soviet Union capital of Moscow.

    During these battles the Red Army counter-attacks forced the Germans to retreat back a couple of times, but Kalmar managed to hold the line and steady their defenses long enough so that the next German and Axis Central Powers push aided by Finnish and Russian troops would manage stabilize the front and push the Communists back once more. Aiming to break the encirclement of Soviet forces by the Axis Central Powers, the Red Army attempted a couple of actions to stop this cut of and destruction of further Soviet forces, but actually only managed to rescue a few encircled groups in their own counter-offensives. While they partly pushed the Axis Central Powers back in the northwest of Russia once more were the Teutonic Order Division Grossdeutschland would aid Kalmar in the defenses alongside other Axis Central Power forces near the Karelina Defensive Line. In these three battles, the commanders of two regiments were killed. While visiting the front line, the division's commander, Gruppenführer Fritz von Scholz was caught in an artillery barrage and received a head wound. Scholz would die on 28 July 1944. Thereafter, Brigadeführer Joachim Ziegler took over command of the division. The Klamar Division of the Teutonic Order retreated into what would be known as the Northern Battles and rage back and forth towards the frozen North of European Russia, but did little to change the overall front-lines south of it. They did however reduce the division’s strength to a little over 9,000 men by December 1944 and force it to get out of the fight to replenish itself with fresh recruits and volunteers from Scandinavia. By now however the Soviet Union and Red Army were far enough from the homelands and borders of these Axis Central Power nations, so that the flow of volunteers decreased steadily and instead regular recruits from their army had to be used. Upon returning to the front parts of the division were soon send to Central Russia, Southern Russia and the Balkans to deal with insurgencies, rebels and partisans alike.
    Chapter 834: Shindo Renmei
  • Chapter 834: Shindo Renmei​

    The Shindo Renmei (Japanese: 臣道連盟meaning League of the Way of Emperors' Subjects) was a Japanese immigrant terrorist organization active in the state of São Paulo, Brazil during the 1940s. Made up by fanatic Japanese who believed only in their only newspaper and not what their isolated communities viewed as allied propaganda. Overall they would kill 143 people ¼ of them were Japanese-Brazilians, as well as wound around 447 others, nearly 1/3 of them Japanese-Brazilians as well. With the first Japanese having emigrated to Brazil in 1908 with the goal of getting wealthy and then returning to Japan, they had found themselves in a completely different country, with different languages, religions, climate, food, and customs. Therefore they lived in relative isolation from the culture around them and only a few of them ever learned Portuguese, living in complete parallel societies. Generally viewed with suspicion by the Brazilian populacion as a result. Still, by the 1930s, Brazil had the largest community of Japanese immigrants in the world. The Estado Novo regime established by Getúlio Vargas, aiming to promote Brazilian nationalism, so it therefore repressed the Japanese Brazilians, Italian Brazilians and German Brazilians, as well as other ethnic minorities and foreigners, even Indian ones. The decree 383 of April 18, 1938 mandated that foreigners were not allowed to take part in political activities or speak foreign languages in public. Additionally, the first language taught to children had to be Portuguese. Radio broadcast in foreign languages was also forbidden. Publishing in foreign languages was only allowed in bilingual editions. At the time, almost 90% of the Japanese immigrants were subscribers of Japanese language newspapers, which indicates a much higher literacy rate than the general populace at the time. Decree 383, which made bilingual editions obligatory, in effect required such newspapers to stop printing due to the resulting high costs. As a significant number of Japanese immigrants could not understand Portuguese, it became exceedingly difficult for them to obtain any extra-communal information.

    When Brazil sided with the Allies in 1942, all communication with Japan and the rest of the Co-Prosperity Sphere was cut off and the entry of new Japanese and other Co-Prosperity Sphere immigrants was forbidden. Letters from nations of the Co-Prosperity Sphere would no longer arrive to their recipients. Japanese-Brazilians were unable to travel freely or live in certain regions, such as coastal areas, without safe conduct from the authorities. Radio receivers were also confiscated, making it almost impossible for Japanese-Brazilians to listen to shortwave transmissions from Japan. Even bilingual newspapers were prohibited during this period. While Shindo Renmei was not the only, nor the first, political organization founded by Japanese-Brazilians. Most of these organizations provided mutual support for the community. None of them, except for Shindo Renmei, were ever involved in terrorism. The Japanese Catholics, Keizo Ishihara, Margarida Watanabe, and Massaru Takahashi founded the Pia ("pious"), a charity created with the approval of the church and the Brazilian government to help the poorer members of the diaspora. A former Japanese army colonel, Junji Kikawa, was active in the Pia. All of them were viewed as traitors to the Tenno and the Japanese Empire by Shindo Renmei. In 1942, after a violent altercation between Japanese and Brazilians in Marília, Kikawa founded Shindo Renmei, and campaigned for the Japanese community to commit acts of sabotage. He distributed pamphlets urging Japanese-Brazilian farmers to cease producing silk, used at time to make parachutes, as well as peppermint menthol was used in the production of explosives. As Pia's directors opposed this campaign, Kikawa left Pia in 1944. Shindo Renmei had its headquarters in São Paulo, with 64 local offices in the states of São Paulo and Paraná. It was sponsored by donations from its affiliates. Shindo Renmei goals was declare that Japan had won or was winning the war, and defend the emperor's honor.

    In Shindo Renmei's eyes, the Japanese-Brazilian community was divided in two groups, firt the Kachigumi, or "the victorious", who believed the Japanese Co-Prospherity Sphere and the Axis Central Powers were winning the war. They were the majority mostly from the poorer members of the community, those who still intended to return to Japan and those who dreamed about establishing Japanese puppet states along the East Coast of the Pacific and in Latin or South America in general. Then there were the Makegumi, the defeated pejoratively called dirty hearts, who believed the Japanese Empire would be defeated. They were usually the wealthier members of the community who were more informed about the Allies industrial and logistic capabilities and better adapted to Brazilian society. Compounding the confusion, a number of deceivers produced fake Japanese newspapers and magazines with news stories about the "great victories of the Japanese Empire and the Co-Prosperity Sphere" in a scam to started selling land in the "conquered territories". Others sold yen, the Japanese currency nearly worthless at the time, to those who intended to return to Japan. This drove many Kachigumis into bankruptcy and even to suicide in some cases. Shindo Renmei's members believed that the news regarding Japan's defeats was false, and they created a communication system to spread to declare that Japan had actually won most battles and would win the overall war. Underground Japanese-language newspapers and magazines were published and secret radio stations were established to push this view further. The group also wrote lists with the names of makegumis who should die for betraying the emperor. Many Japanese-owned boarding houses served as hideouts for the terrorist killers after their actions. Shindo Renmei's killers, or tokkotai, were always fanatical indoctrinated young people. They sent letters to their intended targets before a murder, urging them to commit seppuku, ritual suicide by sword, so that they could "regain their lost honor". The letters started by saying: "You have a dirty heart, so you must have the throat washed", this essentially means to be cut by a katana. Not one of those who received such a letter complied with the request. Thus, they were killed with firearms or katanas. Some of these killers often surrendered to the police soon after their crimes, explaining that they had nothing against Brazil or its people, and that they were not common criminals, for they killed only as part of their duty. Others whoever targeted Brazilians they accused of aiding the Brazilian military and therefore the Allies, or the voeral Allied war effort in some way or another.

    Tales of murder, especially by katana sword, spread fear among Japanese-Brazilians and Brazilians alike. With the general Brazilian population increasingly directly affected, they were left with the impression that all Japanese were nationalist fanatics. As a result of this bursts of violence against Japanese immigrants, belonging to Shindo Renmei or not, occurred mostly in towns on the countryside where they had large communities, such as in the region of Tupã, São Paulo. After two attacks by Shindo Renmei and the murder of a Brazilian truck driver by a Japanese truck driver, a massive crowd in Osvaldo Cruz rioted and was willing to lynch any Japanese they found. The riot was contained only with the arrival of army troops, who had to separate Japanese-Brazilian and other Co-Prospherity Sphere minorities from Brazilian civilians. The army and the Departamento Estadual de Ordem Política e Social (DEOPS - State Department of Political and Social Order) investigated the case in the states of São Paulo and Paraná. According to the police of São Paulo, 31,765 Japanese-Brazilians were suspected of having connections to the organization and ultimately, the leaders of Shindo Renmei and most of the tokkotai were arrested. But while some Japanese were planned to be banished from Brazil for their activities and the remnants of the Shindo Renmei formed a local militia that would aid other nearby Italian, Spanish and German pro Axis Central Power groups in their fight against the Brazilian Government and Military. These groups would play a vital role and gain major Axis Central Powers support during the Brazilian Civil War after the Second Great War and support Brazilean Integralists and Monarchists. Their overall aid and previous knowledge in guerrilla warfare and terrorism alongside Italian Fascist and Spanish and German nationalist methods, would be one of the factors why the socialists and communists quickly lost the southern part of Brazil to new pro-Axis Central Powers Brazilian Imperial Government forming that fought the liberals and communists in the northeast, center and north of Brazil.
    Chapter 835: Teutonic Order Division Number Eight
  • Chapter 835: Teutonic Order Division Number Eight

    Created from eager volunteers out of the Wilhelm’s Youth or Imperial Youth, itself created from the former Hitler Youth, the Teutonic Orders Division Number Eight Emperor’s Youth was created as an armored Tank Division (Panzer Division) and quickly nicknamed Emperor’s Outh because of this. But while the majority of it’s members were young, often only teenager former Wilhelm’s Youth members, or outright children faking their age or being enlisted anyway. Their officers meanwhile were made up of seniors of the Landswehr and the Imperial Army alike, some even veterans coming from the front-lines. As a German armored division during the Second Great War they were involved in some war crimes in the Eastern Crusade against the Soviet Union, were they fought against communist and other rebels, incursion movements and terror groups behind the front-lines to harden them up for the actual battles there against Red Army forces. As a result of this many of the eager and easily indoctrinated, fanatic German young soldiers committed multiple war crimes even against local civilians, including the Kharkov and Rostov massacres. During 1944 they partook in the German defensive operation in the Northern Caucasus were they would suffer heavy causalities. As a result they were then brought to France so they could relax in the coastal towns of Breton and Normandy, were they then would accidentally participate as German elite forces in the fighting off of the Allied Invasion in Normandy in 1944, when they would help fight off the Allied Landings alongside regular Axis Central Powers forces (mainly German, French, Bretonic and some Dutch) forces to fend off the Northern French Coasta against the largest invasion force in human history under most terrible losses. Because of this even after receiving fresh volunteers and recruits the Emperor’s Youth was undermanned for a few months until finally fresh German recruits arrived, most of them even younger teenage, or old man both normally unfit for military service. Because of their recently suffered losses and shortages, the Imperial Youth Division was therefore not send back to the Eastern Front, or remained alongside the Atlantic wall, but was redirected to the southern war theatre in West Africa. There they would fight the Allies (mainly the Americans and British) in the High Atlas Mountains, Middle Atlas Moutnain and Rif to stop their advance into central Morocco, were the local Spanish, German and Italian forces, alongside their Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian auxiliary and militia had awaited them desperately as much needed reinforcements.

    Since most supplies, ammunition, equipment and reinforcements of overall manpower did however went to the Eastern Front/ Eastern Crusade, such additional forces for Africa were rare, at least from Germany, not so much from Spain, France and Italy. In the Battles of Fes, Mount Tidirhine, Ceuta, Imini, Tiouine, the Bani Mountains and even Hammada du Draa at the Moroccan Algerian border the Emperor’s Youth would face Allied forces again in battles for mountain passes, urban sieges and river crossings alike. They would also face the Moroccon volunteers and auxiliaries that had sided with the Allies in Western Moroccan Coastal cities and set up counter-government to the German-allied one. The main problem was that the Allies by now had managed to set up airfields along the coats who slowly aided their forces with bombers and fighters, pushing the airfields and harbors out of German artillery and rocket range and fighting heated air duels against Axis Central Powers fighters and bombers. After the operational failure that was the attempted push on Agadir to split the Allied coastal groups into two, the Emperor’s Youth was sent to the Tademait Plateu to set up a base there, in a former Foreign Legion fort from the French Conquest of Algeria to operate against pro-Allied Algerian and Bedouin rebel, independence and partisan groups that crippled Axis Central Powers supply lines in West Africa from Mauritania, across French Sudan and Nigeria to aid the few remaining Axis Central Powers forces there in the south of West Africa. What held most Allied troops there in place was often not the few remaining Axis Central Powers forces, but mostly the wide Sahara Desert and Savanna with few oasis, supply bases and even roads or railroads in between them, so that crossing this region with larger groups of forces was impossible. Not to mention that doing so would put the Allies in the same disadvantage in southern Algeria and Southern Libya that the Axis Central Powers faced along the Senegal and Niger rivers in southern West Africa at the moment.
    Chapter 836: Coprospism/ Buddhism: Siamese Buddhadasa
  • Chapter 836: Coprospism/ Buddhism: Siamese Buddhadasa

    Buddhism first arrived in Siam/ Thailand in thesixths century and from the eight to thirteenth century was the prime time of Mahayana in Siam/ Thailand. Since the thirteenths century however Theravada tradition increased after the king made Buddhism the official state religion. Ever since Buddhism managed to unify different political parties with his authority and uses Sangha to help them with development of society as well as community projects. One of the preachers of such a form of Buddhism was Phra Dharmakosācārya (Nguam Indapañño), also known as Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu (born May 27, 1906, death May 25, 1993), a famous and influential Thai ascetic-philosopher and political influencer of the 20th century. Buddhadasa would become known as an innovative reinterpreted of Buddhist doctrine and Thai folk beliefs alike, as he fostered a reformation in conventional religious perceptions in his home country, Thailand as well as abroad in other states of the Co-Propserity Sphere. Buddhadasa developed a personal view that those who have penetrated the essential nature of religions consider "all religions to be inwardly the same", while those who have the highest understanding of dhamma feel "there is no religion". Born as Nguam Phanit (Thai: เงื่อม พานิช; RTGS: Ngueam Phanit) in 1906 in Ban Phumriang, Chaiya District, southern Thailand, his father, Sieng Phānit, was a shopkeeper of second generation Thai Chinese (Hokkien) ancestry and his mother, Klaun, was Thai. Buddhadasa renounced civilian life in 1926. Typical of young monks during the time, he traveled to the capital, Bangkok, for doctrinal training but found the wats there dirty, crowded and most troubling to him, the sangha corrupt, "preoccupied with prestige, position, and comfort with little interest in the highest ideals of Buddhism." As a result, he returned to his native rural district and occupied a forest tract near to his village, founding Suan Mokkh in 1932. In the following years, Buddhadasa's teachings attracted many international seekers to his hermitage. He held talks with leading scholars and clergy of various faiths. His aim in these discussions was to probe the similarities at the heart of each of the major world religions.

    During the Second Great War, he established an International Dhamma Hermitage Center across the highway from his own retreat to aid in the teaching of Buddhism and other yogic practices to international students from all across the Co-Prosperity Sphere and ultimately the world. The area of Suan Mokkh was expanded to approximately 120 acres of forest. However, Buddhadasa was skeptical of his fame; when reflecting on the busloads of visitors to Suan Mokkh he would say, "sometimes I think many of these people just stop here because they have to visit the bathroom." Buddhadasa strove for a simple, pristine practice in attempt to emulate Gautama Buddha's core teaching, "Do good, avoid bad, and purify the mind." He therefore avoided the customary ritualism and internal politics that dominated Siamese clerical life. Therefore he also opposed Coprospism and the Japanese and Siamese/ Thai government attempts to include and indoctrinate Buddhism to their goals. His ability to explain complex philosophical and religious ideas in his native Southern Thai attracted many people to his wooded retreat. His primary teaching mainly focused on the quiet awareness of one's breathing pattern called anapanasati. However, his personal practice was very much grounded in advanced research and interpretation of early Pali texts on the one hand and on his radical private experimentation on the other. Buddhadasa also rejected the traditional rebirth and karma doctrine, since he thought it to be incompatible with sunyata, and not conducive to the extinction of dukkha. Another idea that led him oppose Coprospism as Buddhist Coprospists argued they not only set up their better state, society and future for their children, but also themselves upon rebirth. Buddhadasa offered a rationalist interpretation and thought the whole question of rebirth to be foolish. According to Buddhadasa, the Buddha taught 'no-self' (Skt anatman, Pali anatta), which denies any substantial, ongoing entity or soul.Buddhadasa said; ecause there is no one born, there is no one who dies and is reborn. Therefore, so Buddhadasa, the whole question of rebirth has nothing to do with Buddhism... in the sphere of the Buddhist teachings there is no question of rebirth or reincarnation. The goal is nibbana, which Buddhadasa describes as a state beyond all suffering that also transcends ordinary conceptions of happiness.

    Buddhadasa explains paticcasamupadda as the birth of I and mine through sense-contact with objects, and the resulting vedana ("feeling"), tanha ("thirst," craving) and upadana (clinging). It is by relinquishing the notion of I and mine, that selfish clinging is abandoned and Nirvana or true emptiness will be reached. This can be done by not allowing the dependent arising to take place; to cut it off right at the moment of sense-contact. The Siamese/ Thai and some Japanese Coprospists would later interpret this as selfless embracing of the state and society above the individual self. Buddhadasa's views themselves have been strongly criticized and rejected by many of his fellow Theravada Buddhist monks with a more orthodox view of the Buddhist Dhamma. Bhikkhu Bodhi stated that Buddhadasa's approach of jettisoning the rebirth doctrine would virtually reduce the Dhamma to tatters, that. the conception of rebirth is an essential plank to its ethical theory, providing an incentive for avoiding all evil and doing good, summarizes Powers. From the earliest period of his religious studies, Buddhadasa utilized a comparative approach and sought to be able to explain "Buddhist's teachings through other thought systems such as Taoism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Jainism, Shinto and Natural Science. Through such a methodology he came to adopt a religious world-view wherein he stated, "those who have penetrated to the essential nature of religion will regard all religions as being the same. Although they may say there is Buddhism, Judaism, Taoism, Shinto, Christianity, Islam, or whatever, they will also say that all religions are inwardly the same. Buddhadasa later famously remarked that those who have penetrated to the highest understanding of Dhamma will feel that the thing called "religion" doesn't exist after all. There is no Buddhism; there is no Christianity; there is no Islam. How can they be the same or in conflict when they don't even exist? Thus, the phrase "No religion!" is actually Dhamma language of the highest level he stated, something that many fellow Buddhists and Coprospists did not like very much. Buddhadasa's interpretations of the Buddhist tradition inspired such persons as the French-schooled Pridi Banomyong, leader of the Siamese revolution of 1932, and a group of Thai social activists and artists of the 20th century later on.

    The Siamese/ Thai teacher Buddhadasa stands in polar opposition to such normative figures as Buddhaghosa in several respects, as his writings, for example, decidedly contrast with the scholastic and highly influential Visuddhimagga of Buddhaghosa. As Buddhadasa has been influential in the arannavasi (forest tradition) of Thai/ Siamese Buddhism and his ideas have influenced the radical sectarian movement founder Santi Asoke and other individuals. Buddhadasa was heavily influenced by the ideas found in Zen Buddhism, as Buddhadasa considered the Zen ideas as a way to reconcile Theravada Buddhism with modern humanism, and thought them to be the reason for Japan's economic strength. This thoughts were the original basis of Japanese aid and support for his ideas and the plan to incorporate them into the Siamese/ Thai Coprospist ideals of government, society and ideology as well until they realized Buddhadasa was heavily opposing such attempts and actually spoke out against them and Coprospism because of this. Still parts of his Coprospist Buddhist/ Socialist Buddhist teachings would still influence and be implemented into overall Siamese/ Thai Coprospist ideology and ideals along the way, even more so after Buddhadasa’s death later on, when Coprospit scholars and history teachers would rewrite his own figure as a more active, more direct supporter of Coprospism, the Co-Prosperity Sphere, or Siam/ Thailand itself. Either way various sides, including his own school of followers, other Buddhists groups, Siamese/ Thai politicians and political parties and even some Coprospist groups claimed his heir and to follow in his footsteps and ideas, no matter how accurate such statements were or not.
    Chapter 837: Austrian Order Division Number Three
  • Chapter 837: Austrian Order Division Number Three​


    The Austrian Order Division Number Three, Josip Filipović was named after the Commander of the Austro-Hungarian campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878, which ultimately left these land with the capital of Sarajevo under Austrian rule and hegemony, even if they would not be fully annexed for a few decades after that. The Division itself was made up in 1943 as a Mountain Infantry Division and comprised mainly by Bosniaks, Croats and Slovenes, as well as Austrian Germans to oppose Serbian claims on Yugoslavia. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Husseini a Mohammedan and Arab National Monarchist actually encouraged the creation of the division and helped it form,a s well as spread propaganda for them and the Axis Central Powers course. Their main operational field was therefore counter-insurgency operations in former Yugoslavia, especially against Serbian and Communist partisans. During this operations the division was involved in a series of war crimes and crimes against humanity. In Croatia and Bosnia they would fight partisans and it was the first non-Austrian German and non-Hungarian Division formed by the Austrian Hungarian Empire/ the united States of Austria-Hungary/ Danube. The Division itself was made up mainly by Bosnian Mohammedans and Catholic Croats to strictly oppose and despise the Orthodox Serbian ideas of Yugoslavia, so they would not side with the local guerrilla, rebels and partisans. Most officers however were ethnic German-Austrians, or Hungarians. This force would take an oat of allegiance to both the Austrian Emperor, as well as their local national Bosnia Croatian leader Ante Pavelić. This Way Austria Hungary hoped to keep the local ethnic groups at each others throat, so that together with a favorable division of provinces and elected seats depending on province and population the ethnic Hungarians and even more so the ethnic German-Austrians would be able to continue running the state despite opposing views of the other minorities, who combined would have an easy majority in Austrian-Hungarian/ Danubian politics. The Division itself would establish a Bosnian Security Zone to fight local partisans out of major cities, railroad and road lines to supply them and Austrian-Hungarian forces alike.

    During the battles in the region they would earn their reputation for their brutality and savagery, during combat as well as against local ethnic Serb civilian areas alike, leading to them being also nicknamed the Ottomans by many Serbs. Briefly transferred to Serbia itself and then to Greece, it would ultimately end up at the Eastern Front during the Eastern Crusade in 1944, fighting trough the Southern Russia, especially the Caucasus region against Red Army forces and partisans or saboteurs alike. During a series of Red Army counter offensives, it was forced to fall back to more defensive lines, until it was all the way in the Caucasus region once more and nearly in Ukraine. In the Caucasus the Bosnian Mohammedans managed to recruit a few Azerbaijani, Turks and other Mohammedan practicing ethnic groups to join them in the Jihad against the Atheist Soviet Union, so they could to grow their numbers once more and make up for at least some of their heavy losses during the last years of fighting. They would continue serving at the eastern Front until the End of the Second Great War. Afterwards many member of the Division would End up in the Second Ottoman Empire Province of Palestine were many Jews would be settled between 1946 to 1952 by the Turks to push out the Arabs and with them pan-Arabism, leading to members of the Division ending up on both sides, fighting for the Ottoman Turks and their Caliph, as well as for Arab Nationalists and their self-proclaimed Sultan of Arabia, that tried to rally pan-Arabian forces and even Persians against growing Turkish Ottoman hegemony over the Mohammedan World. Only a few members of the Division would survive these conflicts and fewer would truly resettle in Bosnia as an internally autonomous province, as most would choose to remain in some of the Arab and Turkish Mohammedan ruled lands they had fought for latest, in opposition of serving under a Christian European Nationalist Monarchy, like they would have to do in Bosnia. Thos who did return to Bosnia in few numbers would therefore ultimately End up becoming what they had fought in the region so years ago, local partisans fighting for a Bosnian Mohammedan State independent from the Bosnian-Croatian United States of Austria Province.
    Chapter 838: Austrian Order Division Number Four
  • Chapter 838: Austrian Order Division Number Four​


    The Austrian Order Division Number Four: Galicia (Galizien) was named after the former Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, named after Galicia a Latinized form of Halych, a principality of the medieval Ruthenia and Lodomeria, a Latinized form of Volodymyr-Volynskyi. It was created as a Grenadier Division of the Austrian Order and made up mainly from Ukrainians in Galicia. These Volunteers of ethnic Ukrainian background had hoped to become part of the Ukrainian Kingdom as a vassal and puppet state of Austria Hungary, but were mainly used by the Austrians first to cleans the once major southern Polish Industrial region of remaining Polish settlers, to crush all remaining ambitions and claims of the Polish Kingdom to the area. At the same time the Ukrainian majority itself was seen as a problem by the Austrians as well, especially if the Axis Central Powers were to create a depending Ukrainian puppet Kingdom liberated from the Soviet Union Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic (SSR). Ukrainian democrats and nationalists alike however supported the Axis Central Powers backed Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN, or Ukrainian: Організація Українських Націоналістів; ОУН, Orhanizatsiya Ukrayins'kykh Natsionalistiv) and used anti-Polish propaganda from the Polish–Ukrainian War. This was in parts also because the Polish Kingdom had become a more German Imperial depending puppet and vassal, instead of an Austrian one, as the Austrian Emprie had hoped in the Beginning. Because of that the Galician Division was soon expanded with Czechs and Slovaks alike, ethnic groups opposing Polish as well as Imperial German ambitions and claims to their land, making the Galizien Division a bulwark of the northern Austrian Imperial Border Region and the Border itself. It participated in the Eastern Crusade against the Soviet Union and it’s Red Army, fighting alongside the Baltic Teutonic Order and the Ukrainian Gothic Order alike, were they would support elements of the Ruthenian Kingdom (White Ruthenian) and Independence Movement, as well as the Ukrainian Kingdom and Independence Movement, supported massively by Andriy Melnyk and Stepan Bandera alike.

    The Galician territory itself served as another major field of operation beside partisan fighting at the Eastern Front against the Soviet Union and local nationalist, socialist or communist partisans. In Galicia the majorly Czech and Slovak elements of the Austrian order Division Galizien were used to suppress national Ukrainian ambitions to integrate the region into a Greater Ukraine and spread pan-Ukrainian ideals of irredentism. Some of the ethnic Ukrainian members of the division would aid the newly liberated and independent Axis Central Powers member of the Ukrainian Kingdom and it’s new political government supported and pursued the idea of a own Ukrainian police and armed force, many of which would come from ethnic Ukrainian as well as Crimean Tartars (Krimtartaren) in opposition of the Soviet Union, it’s Red Army as well as Russian settlers in Ukrainia. While assisting the Austrian Empire and the United States of Austria to resettle Galician Ukrainians to the Ukraine, the Division would also help free land and homes for them, by resettling (often not so volunterly) Russians from the Northern and Eastern Ukrainian Kingdom lands further east into the newly liberated regions of the Russian Empire. Because of this the Austrians themselves, especially Germans and Hungarians made a clear distinction between western Slavs civilized by the Austrian Empire and the Holy Roman Empire, that had become Catholic, like Czechs, Slovaks and Poles, towards eastern Slavs that had remained Orthodox, or recently Atheist under Communism, thereby proving they were less civilized then the Western Counterparts, at least in the eyes of the Central European Axis Central Powers, as well as their Western European allies, who viewed Southern Europe, Southeastern Europe and Eastern Europe as not only less industrialized and advanced, but less civilized overall, which was partly why the Axis Central Powers of the German Empire and the Austrian Empire saw themselves on a mission to bring Catholic and Protestant Cristian Values back to these regions to free them from Atheist Soviet and Orthodox Russian and Pan-Slavic influence alike.
    Chapter 839: Teutonic Order Division Number Seven
  • Chapter 839: Teutonic Order Division Number Seven​


    The Teutonic Order Division Number Seven: Latvian Number One was an Infantry Grenadier Division formed during the Second Great War. Formed in 1943 together with it’s sister unit, the Teutonic Order 2nd Latvian, or Latvian Number Two, they were also known as the Latvian Legion. Originating from the Latvian Police Battalions of the newly formed United Baltic Duchy and the Teutonic Order alike, many former Nazi’s were among their early members with the intention of Germanizing the Baltic areas and integrate them into the German Empire. Because of that this majorly ethnic Latvian Division was commanded by ethnic German Officers. Formed by Latvian volunteers eager to join the Teutonic Order to defend their Baltic State from the Soviet Union and it’s Red Army, therefore they were also known as the Latvian Volunteer Division. Later Latvians would also be recruited and pressed into service by martial law and draft alike, conscripting Latvians for the military, allowing for compensating the losses thanks to the Latvian Province Administration and Government, which started using Latvian citizens born between 1919 and 1924. Under these laws many Latvians and other civilians of the United Baltic Duchy were also pressed into forced labor programs. During their operation in the Eastern Front, the so called Eastern Crusade, the Division would fight alongside Axis Central Powers forces in the Battle of Leningrad, as well as against partisans in the surrounding areas. During this operations they would loose a significant portion of their manpower, especially in the Ostrov, Novosokolniki and Novgorod Oblast, which meant they were in need of reinforcements and fresh soldiers. While slowly reinforcing they were send to the outer defense walls of Leningrad, by now renamed to Saint Petersburg once more to aid against the Red Army counter attack. After heaviest fighting they were down to 8,247 soldiers, th majority of which no longer capable of active serving in front-line operations. Therefore they were send back to the Baltic Nation Coast, so they could regroup, be healed and use their leave of absence to regain their lost strength. By 1944 they were send back to the Eastern Front fully replenished by fresh recruits and combat ready once more. Once more encountering heavy fighting during the Battle of Moscow, their strength would fall to 5,351 soldiers, once more making them incapable of continuing front-line combat operations.

    Because of that they were instead relocated behind the front-lines and tasked with anti-partisan duty against local national independent, socialist, communist or other types of rebels and insurgencies. The Lettische Nummer Eins, as the Austrians and Germans would call it would however still play a major role in Axis Central Powers propaganda, not only as one of the few units present in two major battles of the Eastern Crusade, Leningrad and Moscow alike, but also as a symbol of hope that liberated the People of Eastern Europe from Soviet Tyranny, as well as a role model for duty and sacrifice of all Axis Central Powers armed forces. The Latvian Division Number One would later be merged by the Teutonic Order with the Latvian Division Number Two, to the Latvian Division, or Latvian Legion to get back to full fighting strength after both had sustained severe losses during the Eastern Crusade. At the same time a new Latvian Divisions Number Two would be raised by the Teutonic Order from the regular Latvian recruits of the United Baltic Duchy Army to keep the Teutonic Order in acceptable strength and at the same time weaken the United Baltic Duchy Army and with it possible opposition by the Baltic people for their plans of Germanization and annexation of the area into the German Empire later on. Because of that tensions between the Teutonic Order and the United Baltic Duchy, especially the local ethnic Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian majorities, but partly also the Russian, Polish, White Russian and Ukrainian ethnic minorities, that were deportee into their own nation states out of the Untied Baltic Duchy, opposed growing German influence and settlement. This was also the reason why German colonists, settlers and German Baltic Duchy government members were supporting the Teutonic Order, the German Empire and German politics before that of the other Baltic people and the independence of the United Baltic Duchy. This tensions nearly lead to a Baltic Duchy Civil War, but with the German Empire and it’s political, economic and military power backing the Teutonic Order, the United Baltic Duchy feared to restrict the Teutonic Order by laws, police or even their own military.