Part 57, Chapter 787
Chapter Seven Hundred Eighty-Seven

2nd January 1950


Anton had been called into Headquarters unexpectedly. Normally he was able to work from his office in Central Berlin, taking cases as he was requested. Because he’d been called in he was wearing the uniform that he normally only wore at funerals.

“Thank you for joining us today Polizeihauptmeister Knoph” Franz Klimek, a Prosecutor who he had worked with in the past said. Anton knew this man to be an officious ass.

“If you could tell me why I am here?” Anton asked.

“We’ll get to that” Franz said, “But we first I must ask, how is your partner?”

“Still on medical leave, shaken up but she wasn’t seriously injured” Anton said, “There’s an ongoing investigation.”

“That investigation is why you are here.”

“I don’t see what I would have to do with it” Anton said, “I wasn’t present when the incident happened.”

“Yes, but you do know your partner” Franz said, “How would you describe her relationship with her father?”

“Icy” Anton said, “She doesn’t approve of him.”

“Would you say that he might make an attempt on her life?”

“That is unlikely” Anton replied, “They might not get along presently, but that is a personal squabble. Katherine has said that in the past her father was willing to do anything for her.”

“In the past, perhaps” Franz said, “Now, we’ve been hearing disturbing rumors.”

“Regarding?” Anton asked, he didn’t like the sound of that.

“Someone is making a play against Otto Mischner, who is a necessary evil if security on the railways is to be maintained. We have no idea who that is. Katherine von Mischner is known to be an ambitious woman.”

“I have no idea who might have told you that, but someone just tried to kill her.”

“About that. More than two hundred shots, her car destroyed, and she miraculously walks away. Eleven people in the surrounding buildings were injured.” Franz said, “There are a few things that seem somewhat suspicious.”

“If you are suggesting that she staged this then you have seriously lost the plot” Anton said, “I was there after she crawled out from under that car. She would have to be the greatest actress in the world to fake something like that.”

“I’m just doing my job” Franz said, “I would be remiss if I didn’t thoroughly examine this course of inquiry. There are procedures in place to handle matters like these.”

Anton had heard enough, “I know how you are with procedures, Franz, especially when there’s a chance to preen before the press” He said, “I was there for the Angel of Death matter, remember.”

It was the case that defined Franz Klimek’s career. Two years earlier a Physician in the Oncology Department at the University Hospital in Munich had been arrested on suspicion of poisoning a patient. A search of the Doctor’s home revealed something unthinkable. He had been conducting unauthorized experiments on his patients and had kept meticulous records. The Doctor had been totally unrepentant, he calmly explained to the investigating detectives that because they were dying anyway it didn’t matter. Only Anton, who had been called in to lead the investigation after the Munich Police realized they were in over their heads, knew the truth. In his hurry to pursue the case and make a splash before the cameras Franz had neglected to file the proper paperwork in the right order. If the defense had challenged the veracity of the search and subsequent confession, all of that would have been thrown out, Josef Mengele would have walked free. The Prosecution had gotten lucky in that the Defense was more interested in saving their client’s life, thinking they had been dealt a bad hand, than challenging the underlaying structure of the case. Still, the result was that Franz and Anton were irrevocably chained together professionally.

“Are you sure that this is the sort of matter you want to destroy yourself over” Franz said.

“You’ll go down with me” Anton said, “Now who told you this story.”

Franz sat there unsure how to proceed.


The first day back in classes and Ilse had two armed guards escorting her. She had thought that her status as a social pariah was now indelibly marked until she was approached by another classmate who asked if her sister was alright. Gunfire within the city was huge deal and everyone knew what had happened. There were rumors that were swirling about what was going on. Kat had warned them that this was a war, but to Ilse it was very odd. Life was going on for ordinary people while who knew what was happening in the shadows.

Ilse had a better idea of what was happening then those who were surrounding her. Life was far cheaper than most of the students in the University ever realized. She preferred the view of the veterans who had seen what life was like on the front, but there were far fewer of them in her classes then there had been when she had started at University. When Ilse had been a child She had seen first hand the attrition that had happened among the others in the orphanage and that had been a lesson about the real value of life she had never forgotten. The number had been between three and five percent, per year, every year. Accident, disease, neglect, sometimes even just tough luck and she would be attending another memorial service for a classmate. Ilse remembered how she had an impossible time adjusting to living in Werder and Gia being generous with her things had caused her trouble because in her would no one had done something without expecting something in return. Generosity was something Ilse knew to be warry of because they had all heard the stories…

Now, someone close to her had been hurt, people were concerned about her even though they didn’t need to be, and Ilse was unsure on how to handle it.
Well, the criminal mastermind must be British and have been a soldier during WWI. Specifically a Private S O Baldrick.

Because that was a 'cunning' plan if ever I've seen one.
No need for rumours, a shootout like this would be front page news on all German newspapers for weeks. There's bound to be a parliamentary inquiry into how this could happen, too, and the government will be in hot water.

The state and federal police are going to be under heavy political pressure to provide scapegoats post haste. Lots of jobs are on the line and lots of people without any humor whatsoever are going to ask lots of uncomfortable questions. The usual suspects will be leaned on like never before. Whoever 'lost' the ammunition is not going to enjoy the process. There's no way the small fish criminals won't rat sooner or later.
Well, the criminal mastermind must be British and have been a soldier during WWI. Specifically a Private S O Baldrick.

Because that was a 'cunning' plan if ever I've seen one.

Elmore Leonard's comment about criminals comes to mind. No matter how brilliant they seem, if they were truly smart they would figure out a way to make money without the risk of going to prison.
The weapons and ammunition might have been lost back during the wars. It might be impossible to find out where they actually came from. Since the guns escaped, no serial numbers to match up. How traceable in ammunition at the time?
The weapons and ammunition might have been lost back during the wars. It might be impossible to find out where they actually came from. Since the guns escaped, no serial numbers to match up. How traceable in ammunition at the time?

Year, Manufacturer and Lot Number were on the headstamps.
Year, Manufacturer and Lot Number were on the headstamps.

How much ammunition was in a given lot? Are we talking about tons--hard to trace--or a few hundred kilos. Would the destination of a particular lot be recorded? (And there's alos the possibility that the records concerning a particular lot were in a facility that took a Russian bomb in the war.)

If it all came from one or two lots, that means one thing--if it came from a bunch, much harder to track down. How sophisticated were he murderers when it came to sourcing the ammo?
Given the sophistication of the plans as revealed so far I wouldn't be surprised if they engraved their names on the casings.
Well, true--but if they got the ammo from an underworld supplier, the supplier might have been careful. The assailants did get away, and apparently planned well enough not to be caught when the cops showed up.
Like i said, Otto Mischner would be legendary for the mix of keeping what amounts to a criminal empire, and at the same time, being untouched by the Government for decades, as he silently and efficiently kept the lid tightly shut as hell in multiple ilegal stuff, like smuggling and traffic of numerous substances, Human Traffic, and being an unseen warning source prewar and during it to the hour of potential spies.

If not ask to the likely unaccounted numbers of NKVD that ended up taking a dip in the waters of lakes and the coast regions of Germany since his daughter saved the Kaiserine, or possibly the Abwehr getting an "anonymous" message from varied sources warning about the incoming entry point of Soviet thugs.

For all that many in the Berlin Police wanted to nail down for numerous reasons, the higher ups in the police and government , if not possibly even Lang himself must have shut down any serious investigation because to the hour of the Cold calculus, Otto Mischner was the lesser and more efficient evil to have in the Underworld.

The problem is that the idiots challenging the rule of Otto, definitively do not grasp the scale of the hornet's nest that they just kicked off.

Besides Otto, there must be OTHER factions that coexisted with Otto's silent rule of the Underworld and benefited from the status quo widely.

And now that the status quo is in risk, because unlike the idiot they HAVE A CLUE what sooner and later the Government its going to take off the gloves, specially as the attack against what to this point is considered one of the living symbols of Germany during the War (even if she denies it) its an attack on the Government and the Institutions of Germany, and as such the retaliation its going to be like a BIG Bertha being fired against a bloody egg.

Namely overwhelmingly hard, wide and INDISCRIMINATE against any element in the Underworld what sticks out.

And to prevent that, many Underworld elements would be QUITE wiling to kick off a German Pocket Version of World War III to excise the breakers of the status quo, and let the Government blame the mess in the dead bodies.
Considering the level of mess, blaming the carnage that ensues on whoever ends up dead won't do, IMVHO. Rather, the people that really did it need to be caught, tried and guillotined, or there has to be real proof that the dead ones were the ones that did it.
Lansky was right but Justyn is no where near as "smart" as he thinks. The spoiler is right in that he's very much the same person with substituting 'power/aggression' for subtly and tactics. His ONLY advantage at this point is that "officials" can't ID him but at this point he can't do anything but carry through and he has no real hope of a positive outcome no matter what he does. But he can't see that.

His first 'shot' made sense but he backed it up with exactly the wrong call and no change is going to stop the momentum. And "laughingly" the Mischner clan is probably not going to be directly (or indirectly really) involved because of who they are. Yet Justyn has set himself up as HAVING to go after them, (Kat at least) because he's put so much stock in her 'danger' that he can't swing to go after Otto. This 'rumor' is I suppose one of his 'calls' to try and spin the situation and it MIGHT have worked if Kat hadn't been in training, (and all that implies) for the police force. It literally, (as Anton showed) has no chance of deflecting official or un-official intention and it WILL be a crack through, (including not using German speakers in the ambush) which will lead right back to him.

A telling point also is Otto is 'accepted' (not liked as you can tell from Franz's attitude but accepted) "evil" to keep the railroads running and that is also going to feedback on Justyn since at this point it will be rather obvious that the 'attack' is coming from a non-German source and even Otto's German enemies are not going to stand for this kind of a power play.

Justyn had ONE shot but he didn't do enough homework and made too many assumptions about the situation. His are only bad options from here on as he really has no ability counter the amount of 'stuff' coming his way and, again, almost none of it will come from all the 'dangers' he was actively expecting to come. It may be likely his 'associates' in the area may just deliver his head and an apology to Kat via the police and hope she is in a forgiving mood. (Of course how that plays out in Otto's head will be interesting when he realizes that "people" fear her more than him... :) )

Part 57, Chapter 788
Chapter Seven Hundred Eighty-Eight

3rd January 1950


“Why should we let you in?” The voice on the other side of the door asked before the panel on the door slammed shut.

Kat was seriously not in the mood for this. She had escaped the Palace through the tunnels that she probably knew better than anyone and had reached one of her safe houses where she had hidden weapons, equipment and money that she would need tonight. She had a long overdue meeting to take care of and she was hoping to be back at the palace before anyone noticed that she was gone. She pounded on the door again.

The panel reopened, “You deaf, get lost.”

“I’m not going anywhere” Kat hissed drawing her pistol, cocking the hammer and jabbing the man in the face with the muzzle through the opening. “You close that on me again and my father is going to need to find some other flunky to mind the door.”

“Enough” Kat heard a voice say on the other side. The steel door swung open, the rusty hinges squealing.

Kat threw a look of pure loathing at the doorman as she walked past into the small room. Kat had looked first at Gert’s Tavern but found it closed and empty. Otto and Gert were standing there with Henning Kraus and Urban Dreschner looking at photographs and a map on the table. Kat knew Henning to be one of her father’s lieutenants, a loyal though unimaginative man who went on the long rail journeys with her father. Urban on the other hand she had paid to leave the city, Kat was furious to see him here…

“I told you to leave Berlin, I can’t keep myself alive if I have to worry about you as well” Kat said, the stress of the last couple weeks reflected in the anger. She’d had enough, the next person that angered or even disappointed her was going to learn a very painful lesson.

“And I ordered him back” Otto said in the face of Kat’s anger.

The focus of her anger at that second became Otto, the cause of all her troubles. Before she was aware of what she was doing she flew at him wanting to break every bone in his body. Urban intercepted her and grabbed her arm. She broke his grip and spun into him aiming a blow at the bridge of his nose with the palm of her hand only to have him sidestep it. She shifted the attack to aim a knee to his groin instead only to have Urban twist his body away from the blow. She might not have connected with the part if him that she wanted but that still had to hurt. Then she saw his right hand move towards his side… Urban was escalating this and she was prepared for that. Kat was then knocked sideways off her feet by an open-handed blow to the side of her head, Otto then decked Urban.

“As much as many would want to see who would win between a Hellcat and Sealion” Otto growled as he pulled Kat's pistol from its holster, “Our energies are best used elsewhere.”

Urban climbed to his feet, nose and mouth bleeding looking angry. Kat saw that he was holding a short truncheon in his hand, drilled out hardwood and filled with lead. She regained her feet, but her vision was swimming and her legs felt rubbery.

“You might have connected with that” Otto said, “But to get that close, she would have already gutted you, see her left hand.”

Kat was aware that her karambit was in her left hand, the ring her index finger went through had prevented her from dropping it.

“Your sister is ambidextrous, Urban, Katy always has been” Otto said, “Hardly anyone knows that, but I remember she drove her teachers to distraction when she started school because she was comfortable writing with either hand. No one ever looks at her left hand and it’s a fatal mistake.”

Urban made a noncommittal noise.

Kat was trying to gather her wits when Otto stepped close, “I’ve never raised a hand against you before today, but I’ll do worse if you don’t stop acting like a spoiled child.”

“What is Urban doing here?” Kat demanded.

“You never did know how to quit” Otto replied, “I called him back because he needed to be here. Now have a seat.”

Kat found herself, seated across the table from Urban who was still angry with her. Gert and Henning were totally unfazed by what had just happened. In this world fights between family members were common ways of settling disputes. The fact that despite her being a woman it had been a relatively even fight that had ended with Otto putting the two of them in their respective places was the best outcome they could have hoped for.

“Just as well that both of you are here” Otto said, “Both branches of the family tree, the one that pretends to be respectable and the one that is carrying on the family business. Both are useful in times like these but only so long as you understand that the bastard who overturned the applecart is the least of our worries and that we need to present a united front against the rest of the damned world.”

“That bastard, as you call him, tried to kill me and I’ve been called to give testimony over the incident before the Reichstag” Kat said, “This is an opportunity that the opposition, particularly the far-right Nationalists, have been waiting for. There are dozens of embarrassing questions that they’d love to ask.”

“Any thing else?” Otto asked.

“I liked that car” Kat said as she rested her hear on the table, she was bewildered about what was happening here.

Otto chuckled over that one. “I’m sure that if you call Wolfsburg they will happily sell you a new one” He said, “Go tell those frauds in the Government what they want to hear but use that brain that I know you have so that you can avoid getting us a date with Madam Guillotine.”

“What about me?” Urban asked.

“You have some Poles to dispose of without making a scene of it” Otto replied.
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The weapons and ammunition might have been lost back during the wars. It might be impossible to find out where they actually came from. Since the guns escaped, no serial numbers to match up. How traceable in ammunition at the time?

Year, Manufacturer and Lot Number were on the headstamps.

How much ammunition was in a given lot? Are we talking about tons--hard to trace--or a few hundred kilos. Would the destination of a particular lot be recorded? (And there's alos the possibility that the records concerning a particular lot were in a facility that took a Russian bomb in the war.)

If it all came from one or two lots, that means one thing--if it came from a bunch, much harder to track down. How sophisticated were he murderers when it came to sourcing the ammo?

The US produced 47 billion-with-a-B rounds of ammunition for WW II. Assume Germany only produced a quarter as much. Tracing 200 rounds in 10 billion is like trying to trace a molecule in an ocean.
Kat might just snap and burn him hard for this. What a terrible plight she's in.
Naahhh. If anything Otto MANAGED to snap her rage safely and return her mindset to a more rational state. Moreover Otto seems to be planning something VERY nefarious...for said faction of Idiots in the Government that Kat Dislikes.

Urban apparently is his Heir to the position, and it seems that we'll have an earlier ascension of Urban into the leadership of the Berliner Underworld.

Moreover I'm just thinking in one fact. Namely HOW MUCH "Dirty Laundry" has Otto stored for this Day specifically, the day in that he will likely finally he will take a step to the side and retire somewhere. Given his networks and links to the Railways everywhere in Central Europe and such, i can assure you that unknowingly, he has enough dirt to destroy the Ultra Right Wing in the Reichstag several times over.

I can bet on that the next day that Kat has to declare in the Reichstag, it would be QUITE interesting if several newspapers were publishing an scandal of the same Ultra Right Wing leaders, being implied with the training and smuggling of Weapons to the BOER Faction in the South African Conflict, same Boers that got KILLED German Soldiers in a Peace Restoring mission.

After that, what News are likely to grip the attention more?