What a series of updates!

The ballistics of the Truman bullet will be as debated ITTL as the JFK magic bullet is OTL. I bet Truman already suspects it's an inside (US) job, given the sloppiness and what he knows of the competence of German intelligence.

I think Jehane's revelation just got sidetracked in a way that will probably give her some temporary and even longer lasting peace simply by being off the front page.

George Bush is doing a fine job auditioning to become a Bond Villain in Fleming's works TTL.
What a series of updates!

The ballistics of the Truman bullet will be as debated ITTL as the JFK magic bullet is OTL. I bet Truman already suspects it's an inside (US) job, given the sloppiness and what he knows of the competence of German intelligence.

The shooter's lack of imagination saved Truman. Military rifle = military ammunition = full metal jacket due to The Hague Convention of 1899 that prohibits expanding bullets. If he'd used commercial hunting ammunition then Truman would have died.

I think Jehane's revelation just got sidetracked in a way that will probably give her some temporary and even longer lasting peace simply by being off the front page.

"Jehane Thomas-Romanova died in the Canadian wilderness with the rest of my birth family. Gianna Strobel was adopted by the Mischner family and that's who I am now."

George Bush is doing a fine job auditioning to become a Bond Villain in Fleming's works TTL.

Yeah, but I wouldn't bet against Something Bad happening to him.
I hope Bush runs into relatives of that South American that worked in Schulz's team, I think Marzel was his name.
“Fortunately, it’s all insured” Doug said, his voice sounding lame to his ears. It wasn’t just this house. There several other structures on the island that Kat owned that would either need to be repaired or demolished and rebuilt.

“I don’t care” Kat said flatly as a tear rolled down her cheek.

For her this was merely the latest of several blows she’d endured over the last few months. Having Gia get exposed was a total failure on her part. She couldn’t be enough of a help to Helene to make a difference for her friend. Her and Douglas had been fighting. Now this…

It felt like the universe was caving in on her.

Doug had heard about what had happened a few years earlier when Kat had some of her darkest secrets revealed before the entire world. This house on Langeoog had been where she’d come to hide from that. The reaction was the same though as she hugged Doug and was bawling into his shoulder. She had this public image of this hard, enduring figure, yet even she had breaking points.

Doug needs to comfort Kat and tell her, "I know you loved it. We can rebuild it better than ever with plumbing and electrical wiring. I know it won't be the same but we'll come as close as we can." To himself he thinks, "Yeah, rebuild, even if it'd be cheaper to demolish it and start over."
The rifle is going to wind up in a display case in the FBI headquarters and the place from which the assassin fired is going to wind up as part of the National Parks System (like the Texas Textbook Depository in Dallas) with exhibits and telescopes focused on where Truman was standing.

Both sites will probably wind up as minor pilgrimage destinations for many current and former SKA members.

The investigation might turn up information about where Thorwald was killed.
The rifle is going to wind up in a display case in the FBI headquarters and the place from which the assassin fired is going to wind up as part of the National Parks System (like the Texas Textbook Depository in Dallas) with exhibits and telescopes focused on where Truman was standing.

Both sites will probably wind up as minor pilgrimage destinations for many current and former SKA members.

The investigation might turn up information about where Thorwald was killed.
I don't thinkthat rifle will stay there very long if at all. The SKA will free it ...
Germany wants that rifle back as an object of veneration for the founder of the SKA, but there is no way that request is going to be made.
The BND and the BII are going to offer their top experts to test the weapon as they see the use of the weapon as an act of desecration.

Fleming and the Irish government are going to lean hard on Jack to talk to his father about what he knows about this, Papa Joe is most likely not a part of this but he still has contacts in place and he knows th main players.

The BND is going to reactivate their moles in the FBI in order to feed them information as Germany really wants to catch the conspirators who by their actions could have led to a war between the United States and Germany.
I also think that the rifle will vanish somehow--possibly with a shiny brand new one put into the case as a taunt. Alternatively, be replaced by one that looks similar, but isn't the original.
I don't think that rifle will stay there very long if at all. The SKA will free it ...

Or sneak in at night and swap Thorwald's rifle with another one. Why invite trouble? Just don't leave a black cat in the case. :cool: (need a black cat smiley)
I doubt that the weapon will ever be displayed as it is evidence in an ongoing criminal investigation, and Germany knows that any attempt to "return the object to their rightful owners" is just inviting a major diplomatic incident that nobody needs right now.
The best that Germany can do right now is ask that special care is taking when examining the weapon and hopes the United States will understand that when it is done with it that it will be returned to them.
Part 52, Chapter 705
Chapter Seven Hundred Five

26th January 1949


Gianna was listening to the Professor talk about how nitrates had affected world history. Who knew that fossilized bird droppings had made the world go around and that that the British had enjoyed what was close to a world monopoly until innovative technology from right here in Germany had changed that? The Professor, obviously. Gia also knew from a previous course that she’d taken that it had granted the British a powerful position over the European Continent, it enabled them to dictate when wars would end through a good portion of the Nineteenth Century. It had been theorized that this might have played a role in the decision of the British to declare on the German Empire in 1914.

That course had been in History which was far more interesting, and the Professor then had been interested in presenting how it all fit together. This was introduction to chemistry, a course that Gia was required to take to get the right number of Science Credits. And this Professor seemed like the sort who could make the preparation and eating of ice-cream sound like a boring, distasteful task by describing it. He then started describing how nitrogen was taken from the very air around them. Something that sounded like it could be interesting if the Professor had a delivery other than a monotone drone.

Mercifully, the class ended. Gia packed up her notebook, textbook and headed for the door. Before she could reach it, she found herself confronted with a certain type that she had come to know entirely too well in recent days. Older, mostly mid to late twenties, having the look of former military conscripts, not particularly bright. Always with the same questions. “Are you really Nicholas the Stupid’s Grand Daughter?” He asked, with no real heat behind it. They had to find that clever on some level, but Gia couldn’t see it. Sure, she remembered her Grandfather before he died. A brokenhearted old man with the weight world resting on his shoulders as guilt slowly ate away at him. These men would never understand that. All they understood was that the failure Nicholas to be an effective Czar and the October Revolution had resulted in their lives being irrevocably disrupted years later. It could have been worse, it could have been one of the wannabe Bolsheviks who stylized themselves to be student radicals who had accosted her a couple times in the last month. The recent events in America might have pushed speculation about her out of the papers but these groups of students on the fringes of the left and right hadn’t missed a beat.

“Leave her alone” Asia said sharply, which caused this man to back down. Men like him were only brave in groups. Which was why they were best avoided in the first place. Gia was glad that Asia was with her in this class, which she was taking for the same reason that Gia was. The difference was that Asia was majoring in Literature. Gia had been working towards a degree in Journalism, but now she had no idea what she was doing. Her job and future at the BT seemed to be gone forever. These days she was either in class, brooding in her bedroom or listening to Freddy talk excited about how he was going to starting his Secondary Education at a real school in the upcoming Summer Term.

Gia had realized this week that she would have to call Doctor Holz and make an appointment. It was the first time she’d felt the need to do that in months. Her own feelings of remorse about the mistakes she’d made and how she’d taken everything for granted. The sudden lack of direction in her life, the radical changes in the way that people saw and treated her. Those were things that she needed help with before she exploded.

Walking out of the lecture hall into the corridor, Gia and Asia were met by Leni, Anne and Kristine. No matter what happened the Sisterhood took care of their own, the changes in Gia’s situation were included in that.

Near Strydenburg, South Africa

The hiss of the rocket before it hit had become a familiar sound. This one struck the road, burying itself before it exploded, showering them with clods of dirt and gravel. This time Jost caught sight of the flash of the launch and fired a stream of green tracers. The rest of the men took his lead and if Hans had to guess the two men who had just fired that rocket were having a hot time in their efforts to flee. The 13mm machine guns mounted on the lories opened up adding to the din.

Jost, being Jost led a Half Squad into the bush after the rocketeers. He came back a short time later with a wicked grin on his face and the pipe-like 60mm rocket launcher noticeably full of 6.5mm holes. “This is nothing compared to what happened to the operator of this thing” Jost said proudly.

The Half Squad had also engaged with an unknown number of riflemen, but they had closed with their opponents and the 6.5mm automatic rifles were pure murder in a close in fight like that. Later Hans had typed up the report, using the best numbers available and as close a description of the tactics that they had used as he could remember. A day later the Brass sent their compliments to Hans for a job well done and stated their intention to decorate Jost for bravery and leadership. Hans figured he’d wait a bit before he told Jost about that last part. The Spear was having a hard-enough time fitting his head through doors as it was.
This was introduction to chemistry, a course that Gia was required to take to get the right number of Science Credits. And this Professor seemed like the sort who could make the preparation and eating of ice-cream sound like a boring, distasteful task by describing it.

Uhh, the second worst type of lecturer, the only thing worse is the type that tries to be funny and "hip", and is about four decades out of date and awkwardly fumbles it all.

Gia had realized this week that she would have to call Doctor Holz and make an appointment. It was the first time she’d felt the need to do that in months. Her own feelings of remorse about the mistakes she’d made and how she’d taken everything for granted.

Good, good, at least somebody has the sense to seek help early instead of late.

No matter what happened the Sisterhood took care of their own, the changes in Gia’s situation were included in that.

I think we can count on that, yes. And probably we shall soon see some more forceful idiots taken down, hard.

Jost, being Jost led a Half Squad into the bush after the rocketeers. He came back a short time later with a wicked grin on his face and the pipe-like 60mm rocket launcher noticeably full of 6.5mm holes. “This is nothing compared to what happened to the operator of this thing” Jost said proudly.

Curiously enough, there is no description at all of any of the attackers...
I am a little surprised that anyone outside a very small circle in the SKA would have access to the serial number of Thorwald's rifle. It is highly unlikely that any civilian authority would have any records of it so who and how was it identified, there's a question!
I doubt that the weapon will ever be displayed as it is evidence in an ongoing criminal investigation, and Germany knows that any attempt to "return the object to their rightful owners" is just inviting a major diplomatic incident that nobody needs right now.
The best that Germany can do right now is ask that special care is taking when examining the weapon and hopes the United States will understand that when it is done with it that it will be returned to them.

I was talking about 3-5 years in the future after the investigation's done and TTL equivalent of the Warren Report is written.
I was talking about 3-5 years in the future after the investigation's done and TTL equivalent of the Warren Report is written.
OMG NO, NO, NO, Think, after host of conspiracy theories, nut cases, etc.... There is history programm that gets permission to do some test, etc, and they find that de bullet grooves don't match. Can you imagine the exploding heads on both sides of the Atlantic, (SKA never asked for permission).
OMG NO, NO, NO, Think, after host of conspiracy theories, nut cases, etc.... There is history programm that gets permission to do some test, etc, and they find that de bullet grooves don't match. Can you imagine the exploding heads on both sides of the Atlantic, (SKA never asked for permission).

Chapter Seven Hundred Three
20th January 1949
Washington D.C.
In what many were deeming a miracle, he’d had a bullet pass through his chest, entering next to his sternum, passing just to the left of his right lung and exiting his back on that side, and not hit anything in the process. Richard Russel and Hugo Black were not so lucky. After the bullet had over penetrated Truman, Black had been straight in its path. Then it had ricocheted off something and lodged in Russel’s head, killing him instantly, like turning off a light switch.

Considering how damadged the bullet has to be after penetrating two persons, ricocheting of something (probably metal or concrete) and killing a 3rd person it will be quite hard to match to an rifle. At least at the time... 50 years later... oh well who cares.