Part 40, Chapter 498
Chapter Four Ninety-Eight

29th October 1945

Tsingtao, China

Maria’s latest letter to Emil had come with the front section of the Berliner Tageblatt from the Sunday edition just a week prior. The feature article was about Jehane Thomas which was also the vivid front page of the Sunday editions of the newspaper was known for. The artist had faced the challenge of depicting a figure who no one had actually seen. He had opted for a waiflike female figure approaching a monstrous ogre locked in a cage. Apparently, Maria had convinced Kat Mischner to finally introduce her to the Jehane. Maria had explained in the letter that Kat had been the girl’s protector for years. That was hardly a surprise. Kat was close with Empress Kira, who better to see to the safety of a young woman who needed to be kept hidden away. Telling the world that Jehane had died so that no one would even be looking was perfectly in keeping with how Kat did things.

Maria had said in the rest of the letter that she missed Emil and really wished that he could be home. Baring that she stated rather bluntly that if he wanted to be there for the birth of their child then he would need to hurry up and end the damned war before early February. It seemed that even Field Marshals had hard deadlines.

Here in the Far East, things were going about as well as expected. There had been the set of three of the missile attacks launched by the Luftwaffe earlier that month. For some reason the OKW was holding off further attacks. It had something to do what Admiral von Schmidt was up to, strangely that had come with Abwehr suddenly entering the theater in a big way. They had told Emil that while he needed to be ready to move at the proper moment they could risk briefing him on the ongoing operation, not yet anyway. Emil should have been expecting this all along, Jacob von Schmidt had found a way around him.

The problem was that to Emil’s understanding von Schmidt’s plans tended to run like the American cartoonist Rube Goldberg’s machine diagrams. Hugely complex devices designed to perform simple tasks that required everything to go perfectly to work. Emil had been warned by Augustus Lang that there have been times when von Schmidt’s plans had gone horribly awry including the time his house burnt down, and his wife nearly killed, or the German Government being largely decapitated at a critical moment in world history. Emil had a bad feeling that if whatever clever plan von Schmidt had blew up then it would be up to him to clean up the mess.

On the Chinese mainland they had finally pushed the Japanese out of the cities, taking a large number of prisoners in the process. It was Emil’s understanding that was something that had not happened in this war until now. Emil had also learned the price to finally get the Chinese moving. Augustus Lang had agreed to hand control to Tsingtao over to the Chinese at the conclusion. Some of the Generals from the Marine Infantry had been unhappy with this development. The 3rd Division took pride in being based out Tsingtao and saw China as their Division’s home. The Strategic reality was that between Russia, Korea and Taiwan they didn’t need the concession on the Chinese Mainland. Tsingtao had proven too difficult to defend and was too small to serve the purpose that such a place would need to in the future.

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Martin was walking down the street trying his best to go unnoticed as a patrol car rolled down the street in the opposite direction. The Summer of madness had ended but that had given way to an Autumn of uncertainty. The mystery as to who had blown up the Governor’s car had deepened with the wave of bombings that had happened across the South. Of all the absurd things, the newspapers were attempting to say that it was all the work of one man. It was insane, that man would have needed to have been in several places at once. And something that was all too predictable was happening. The local law enforcement was turning a blind eye to the frequently disproportionate retaliation. It was different when it was the good ol’ boys doing the violence and law breaking so long as they kept it on the correct side of the tracks. The bible was clear about how that sort of thing will eventually find its way home, you reap what you sow was a common theme. But like hypocrisy these good Christians just never got to that in their selective readings on Sunday mornings.

He had laid low all Summer, expecting his door to be kicked in any second. Something that had fortunately never happened. He had been trying to sort his thoughts into coherent form during that time. Did he regret his actions? Of course not, what happened was justice. The truth was that his guilt or innocence didn’t matter. He was guilty of whatever passed for law in America cared to hang on him from the day that he was born. He had composed his thoughts on the matter and written a carefully worded essay that had gone on for several thousand words. It didn’t mention his involvement in the bombing or the massacre that had preceded it beyond being a witness. It was in an envelope that was going to New York, the world needed to understand what was happening here.
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It didn’t mention his involvement in the bombing or the massacre that had preceded it beyond being a witness. It was in an envelope that was going to New York, the world needed to understand what was happening here.
Why i think that what Martin sent, it's going to be used as the new cry for Revolution now that Communism is all but dead?
Here in the Far East, things were going about as well as expected. There had been the set of three of the missile attacks launched by the Luftwaffe earlier that month. For some reason the OKW was holding off further attacks. It had something to do what Admiral von Schmidt was up to, strangely that had come with Abwehr suddenly entering the theater in a big way. They had told Emil that while he needed to be ready to move at the proper moment they could risk briefing him on the ongoing operation, not yet anyway. Emil should have been expecting this all along, Jacob von Schmidt had found a way around him.
That's quite... well, very, very close to insubordination from Jacob and sabotage from Abwher (which is Military Intelligence). If they like it or not, Emil is in charge of the Pacific Theatre of War. He's pretty much just under the OKW (and even them can't butt in too much in his business), and has the complete support of the Chancellor. And worse, Emil knows. This could have worked on a strategic level, but on this level, it's pretty damn bad. There may be reasons not to give the info to Emil's staff, but not to circumvent the big boss. And also, the Abwehr cells operating in the region are under his (indirect) command. Bypassing him is grounds for a Court Martial.
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He had been trying to sort his thoughts into coherent form during that time. Did he regret his actions? Of course not, what happened was justice. The truth was that his guilt or innocence didn’t matter. He was guilty of whatever passed for law in America cared to hang on him from the day that he was born. He had composed his thoughts on the matter and written a carefully worded essay that had gone on for several thousand words. It didn’t mention his involvement in the bombing or the massacre that had preceded it beyond being a witness. It was in an envelope that was going to New York, the world needed to understand what was happening here.

Who does Abwehr have in New York?
I just came across this timeline recently and have read the entire thing in the last few days and I must say that I really, really liked it. Unlike most AH stories this one is rather character driver and even though some of the 'luck and happenstance' of some of the charters can be a bit hard on the good old suspension of disbelief at times it is nonetheless very engaging. The limited focus despite the revolving cast also helps a lot. Too many timelines get bogged down in mechanical details or spread themselves too thin. Her it works.

I like where a lot of things are going timeline wise, with a non-nazi great Germany (even if it is a bit of wank). And I like the way some alternate version of real people make appearances.

Reading the story I wish I had discovered it earlier because I have the ideal person which the furies might have encountered a few years earlier as a contrast to their own career and ambitions:

Beate Uhse

Some may recognize that as the name of the large sex-shop chain (and related pornography and marital-aid based business empire) in Germany, but it was named after and founded by a woman who would have been right at home in that part of the story.

She was a rare female pilot before WWII and ended up helping ferrying planes around as part of a womens' auxiliary of the Germany air force which she ended up with a rank of Hauptmann. When she wasn't flying planes like the ME 262 jetplane for the Luftwaffe, she was working as a stuntwoman in the Nazi-German movie industry where she worked with people like René Deltgen and Hans Albers.

When the war came to an end she decided that surrendering to the Red Army would not be in her best interest and put her child nanny and a couple of other people into a plane and transported them to the west where she expected better treatment. (She apparently had never flown this type of plane before and it might have been technically theft, but they nontheless escaped).

The British troops did not hold onto her for long and released her into civilian life where she not only would never be allowed to fly again but also had no husband, income or useful education. She soon figured out that the Nazi version of sex-education had not left the average young German girl with a good understanding of where babies came from and more importantly how one would go about preventing those babies from coming. She started sending out pamphlets explaining the rhythm method as mail order business which eventually expanded into more reliable ways of preventing pregnancy and other sorts of knowledge and marital aids one might need.

Eventually that snowballed into a chain of sex-shops selling all manner of stuff related to the subject and a business empire. Obviously she made a lot of enemies with that sort of thing a frequently butted heads with the authorities, the establishment and anyone else who had an opinion on that sort of thing.

She was a lifelong naturist/nudist and a pioneer of women's liberation and sexual liberation, who was later in life honoured by the same establishment that had hounded her in earlier years. She apparently never slowed down taking up diving in her 70s for example.

Of course there is no guarantee that in a different time-line her life would have been anything like that, but If you are running around an alternate Berlin during the late 30s and early 40s looking for a young women who might be into breaking social norms, flying airplanes and appearing in movies, she might cross your path.
Part 40, Chapter 499
Chapter Four Hundred Ninety-Nine

1st November 1945


It was a tossup as to who Lang was more annoyed with at the moment. Jacob von Schmidt had come dangerously close to gross insubordination with his antics. Emil Holz, who was no one’s idea of a martinet, chose to yank back von Schmidt’s leash by back channels. It was understandable why Emil had done it that way, he didn’t want to create a public spectacle at a time when they needed to show a united front. The problem was that Emil had seen the potential in what Schmidt was doing, namely subverting the Japanese Navy, and had let von Schmidt run with it on the understanding that if it didn’t work then he would personally bury von Schmidt himself.

The problem was that Emil’s attack dog, Walter Horst was demanding to know why the Japanese Home Islands were not presently engulfed in a cloud of sarin gas which had been his understanding of the plan. It seemed that von Schmidt had been contacted by the Japanese Navy, it seemed that the Japanese Army had blamed the Navy for the reverses during this war. When the Japanese Naval installations had been hit first the reaction of the Army was a muted better you than me sort of reaction. For many in the IJN that had been the last straw. Jacob von Schmidt had seen the chance to exploit that division.

Now Lang was having to explain his understanding of what was going on. His hope was that the massive egos involved would find some sort of resolution before either the Emperor or the Reichstag found out. He had hoped that Emil’s practicality would temper von Schmidt’s impulsive genius. But what if it was the other way around? Rather than acting as a check on von Schmidt, Emil facilitated him. If that happened, then all Hell was about to break loose in Japan.


“They are coming along but teaching them to use discretion takes time” Kat said.

This wasn’t a complete meeting of the Abwehr Principals, only Karl Schmied from the AA and Generalmajor Martin Baumbach from the Heer. They were the people who Kat answered directly to within Abwehr. They were expecting her to be a team leader now that she had a team that she was training.

“That was not the sort of training that you received” Schmied replied, “Is it?”

“No, it’s not” Kat answered, “I was trained to approach everything as if it were a military operation. The discretion I’m talking about took me years to learn and it was a somewhat painful process.”

“You’ve said that you regretted that you were trained as an assassin first” Baumbach said, “Do you still feel that way?”

“It was going about things backwards” Kat said, “I needed to understand survival first.”

“That’s why you’ve been teaching them information gathering?” Schmied asked.

“Yes” Kat said.

“It was noticed that one of the girls you’ve been training is Gianna Strobel” Baumbach stated, “Is there a reason why you’ve involved your cousin?”

“Gianna had already undergone some of the training in question” Kat said, “I felt that she would benefit continuing it. I received approval before I proceeded.” That wasn’t exactly the whole truth, but the real story was above even these men’s clearance. If questions started to be asked about why Gianna seemed to have fallen from the sky five years earlier, then things would get complicated. Kira had agreed with Kat that the day would come when Gianna would need to survive on her own and she needed to be prepared.

“There are rumors that you’ve been receiving medical treatment” Schmied said, “Do you think that has any bearing on your ability to do your job?”

Kat thought for a long moment on how to answer that question. “It has no absolutely bearing on my abilities” She said. Not exactly answering the question.

The two men stared at Kat, she knew that she had at least say something regarding the traumatic stress she was being treated for. At the same time, she understood that they probably wouldn’t understand her situation.

“Have you given any thought to what will happen to your team while you are out of the country next month?” Schmied asked.

That was probably the entire reason for her getting called in like this. They were concerned as to what would happen to the girls while she was going to be in Canada for three weeks next month.

“They are never without supervision of some kind” Kat replied, “And the deal I have with them is that they continue their education until they know exactly what else they are going to be doing. They know what will be expected of them while I’m away.”

If Kat were being cynical she would mention that she still had no idea what she ultimately wanted to do. The odds were extremely high that she would eventually complete her Doctorate before she figured that out, if she ever did. With the exception of Leni who oddly dreamed of being a librarian, the rest of them seemed to have the same uncertainty about the future that Kat did. One more thing that might have drawn her to them. Then there was the other aspect of her upcoming travel. She would be going with Douglas to meet his parents, a thought that filled her with a large amount of trepidation. Doctor Holz had told her that she would be fine so long as she didn’t kill anyone while in Canada. Kat had a sinking suspicion that would be easier said than done.
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On the whole IJA vs. IJN fued, this where information from the Americans about the different personalities and players is probably most appreciated.

This also highlights the different ways that the Heer and the KLM view their Japanese counterparts.
The Heer sees the IJA as an undisciplined force that commits atrocities, waste lives, and do not conduct themselves in a honorable manner.
On the other hand, the KLM views the IJN as a professional navy that could have if the breaks went their way the Japanese could have control over most of the Western Pacific.
Then there was the other aspect of her upcoming travel. She would be going with Douglas to meet his parents, a thought that filled her with a large amount of trepidation. Doctor Holz had told her that she would be fine so long as she didn’t kill anyone while in Canada. Kat had a sinking suspicion that would be easier said than done.

That is a good point! Granted, Kat getting stabby doesn't mean people get dead, but...
She does have a reputation :)
He had hoped that Emil’s practicality would temper von Schmidt’s impulsive genius. But what if it was the other way around? Rather than acting as a check on von Schmidt Emil facilitated him. If that happened, then all Hell was about to break loose in Japan.
WHY do i feel that it will be less of "Hell" and more of "What the HELL they were smoking to manage to pull this one with no one dying or massacres around"!?
Then there was the other aspect of her upcoming travel. She would be going with Douglas to meet his parents, a thought that filled her with a large amount of trepidation. Doctor Holz had told her that she would be fine so long as she didn’t kill anyone while in Canada. Kat had a sinking suspicion that would be easier said than done.

Especially if Doug's parents get aggressive demanding to know when they're getting married and giving them grandchildren.
I'm really curious about what Doug has told his parents about her. They have to be curious about how he and a German baronness got together, as well as who this woman is.

What'd be priceless is if they're upper crust Canadians, and they think dating a baronness shows he's finally living up to his social standing. Then, they meet Kat.
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I'm really curious about what Doug has told his parents about her. They have to be curious about how he and a German baronness got together, as well as who this woman is.

What'd be priceless is if they're upper crust Canadians, and they think dating a baronness shows he's finally living up to his social standing. Then, they meet Kat.

If I remember correctly it was mentioned earlier that Doug's father was military. If he's senior enough and still serving then he may not be that surprised by Kat.
I'm really curious about what Doug has told his parents about her. They have to be curious about how he and a German baronness got together, as well as who this woman is.

What'd be priceless is if they're upper crust Canadians, and they think dating a baronness shows he's finally living up to his social standing. Then, they meet Kat.
Given the career choices of Doug, and that they are OK it with it, if they are upper Crust Canadians, they are of the more liberal inclination. Also i suspect that Doug would have certainly WARNED his parents to take it slow with Kat.

If I remember correctly it was mentioned earlier that Doug's father was military. If he's senior enough and still serving then he may not be that surprised by Kat.
More than likely Doug's father got briefed already either for someone belonging to the Intelligence branch of the RCMP or directly by one of Fleming's MI6 spooks once it was confirmed that Doug and Kat were in a more or less solid relationship. Certainly the people in London wants to keep the Kat happy and liable to give aid when the opportunity for something that both benefits Germany and Britain pops up.

Hoo boy. . . . Did anyone remember that the British couldn't award Kat for her more secret acts to protect Gianna and blow up the UK NKVD Circle for secrecy needs? The Soviet Union its no more, the spy Circle members are either in the Glasshouse or counting Penguins in the South Hemisphere. What it means that the (Least) Favorite activity of Katherine Von Mischner, namely Medal Awarding its SOON to come. In addition, the Royal Household ALSO owns quite a lot of Canadian Lands. How it would sound to be given the title of Baroness in the BRITISH Peerage system in addition to her German possessions?

At least it would certainly give the chance for Kat if she decides to stay with Doug to keep the British title, and pass her German title to her Brother, as a "Wedding Gift". . .should make Manfred Twitch something fierce.
Part 40, Chapter 500
Chapter Five Hundred

4th November 1945


“I feel I need to warn you what you are walking into” Kat said, “Have you ever seen the piranha tank at the natural history museum at feeding time?”

They were standing on the front drive of the Wolvogle house. Doug had just gotten out of his car, Kat had figured that he needed to be warned.

“Don't be so dramatic Kat, they’re a handful of girls” Doug replied, “How bad could they be?”

Kat looked at him for a long moment, the look on her face was one of pity, he had no idea. “I just don’t want you to think that I’m getting revenge for something” She said.

“Why would I think that?” Doug said with a smile, “I’ll show them the photographs I took in the Far East, it will be fun.

When Doug had returned to Berlin this week Kat had met him for dinner and they had been talking about what they had been up to over the Summer. Kat was actually envious of his relatively carefree travels through Russia, China and Korea. He had only needed to worry about himself. Kat had mentioned the Romanov funeral and how she had been responsible for the security of the Empress and Jehane Thomas-Romanova. Doug had mentioned that it seemed like every newspaper and magazine in the World was clamoring for a photograph of the reclusive Russian Grand Duchess. Kat didn’t have the heart to tell him that he already had several. Then Kat had mentioned that she had felt responsible for the girls who had been recruited to act as body doubles for the Grand Duchess. Doug had heard about that last part. The various newspapers had been roiled with speculation as to which of the young women might be Jehane, if any of them were. Then he had asked Kat if he could meet them. “They seem like they are important to you” is what he had said. Sunday dinner followed by a slide presentation was the plan.

Naturally, three of the girls were bickering over something when they walked in. The rest were working on various projects and the atmosphere was one of barely restrained chaos. Kat had been worried that Gerta would dislike having her home invaded like this. The truth is that she had disliked the lack of life the house had taken on after her father had died. The girls had brought that back and then some. When Doug walked in all activity stopped and they were staring at him. Gianna had mentioned that Kat had a boyfriend in the past, they had also been told that there was going to be a guest for dinner that night and he was not to be the main course. The warning that Kat had given Doug sprang immediately to his mind.


Doug had survived dinner but had been peppered with questions. What did he do for a living? What his plans were? Did he love Kat? And the like, for the entire meal.

“This is Oberfeld Jost Schultz with Reisser, the Regiment’s mascot minutes after Reisser was awarded the Medal of Frederick before the Division in Korea” Doug said. He had been showing each photograph and telling the story behind it. This particular photograph had been published all over the world.

There were photographs of rural China and Korea, the Dragoon Regiment that Doug had been embedded in. That had included photographs of Oberst Claus von Stauffenberg looking suitably heroic, Doug knew how to remain on the good side of such people. There were also photographs of Hans, who Kat hoped would return home soon, Jost, Soren the dope and the others in Hans’ Company. The next photographs caused the girls to go silent, they had been getting bored and had been whispering to each other. The photographs were of the city of Pusan as what was left of the Japanese garrison surrendered. Whole blocks of the city blown apart by falling artillery shells and bombs.

Without any thought Kat went to Judita, she had been the one of the girls who had been most deeply affected by the Russian bombing of Berlin. The block that Judita had lived on looked like that and she had been the only member of her family who had survived that bombardment. It had been almost three years, but the feelings were still raw.

“I’m sorry” Doug said, “I didn’t realize that…”

“Don’t worry about it” Kat said as she was hugging Judita close as the girl wept quietly. “Just keep going.”

Doug nodded and went to the next set of photographs. These ones were of the Great Wall of China.

South Hamgyong Province, Northern Korea

Tilo’s platoon had been camped out on the shore of a lake in the mountains when the helicopters arrived. Colonel Gang had mentioned that this was an artificial lake, there was a dam somewhere south of here. It had been built by the Japanese to provide hydroelectric power to the region. Apparently the 3rd Marine Division’s MA Regiment had new orders and chasing bandits through the mountains of Northern Korea was no longer a priority. It was fortunate because none of them had been looking forward to spending the winter there. That was until they learned the details of the new mission. It was the sort of thing that made Tilo doubt the sanity and judgement of the Brass. Tilo had been notified at the same time that he had been promoted to Lieutenant, which also raised the same questions.
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