Ouch. i ALMOST feel pity for the IJA, as Horst it's going to give a magistral class of "Boot up your ass so hard that you can taste the polish in your mouth".....

He's going to seem ruthless, as once he read the field archives about the behavior of IJA soldiers in the field, he's going to adopt firm protocols in order to prevent Suicidal Soldiers, booby traps and other tricks used by the Japanese.

That said protocols will include plenty of shooting, generous use of the Artillery, and use of Flamethrowers and Fuel Air Bombs it will be likely.

Oddly enough, i suspect that the Germans will become VERY popular to many Chinese as they see the IJA getting ripped a new one, and for once the Outsiders ARE respectful of the people.


Emil at a podium before the assembled men

"Alright, everyone. I would like to introduce my old commanding unterofficer, Generaloberst Walter Horst. He is..."

Emil stops, looks at the men, then looks at a puzzled Horst, then back at the men.

"He is the wrath of G-d made flesh, and I suddenly realize that I have done a mighty and terrible thing bringing him out here against his will. I strongly and humbly apologize now, because once he is finished with you all, you'll probably see fighting the Japanese as good R&R..."

Emil puts his head down but not enough for the microphone to catch his mumbling.

"Oh dear G-d, what have I done?"
Part 38, Chapter 473
Chapter Four Hundred Seventy-Three

17th July 1945

Suifenhe, Manchuria

The end of the world came in a thunderous blast for the people in the border city. The Japanese garrison had been on high alert for all the good it did. When a dozen Aggregat 4 rockets hit the city with Thermobaric warheads that exploded at between one and two hundred meters above the city with no warning there was no time to react. By the time the first wave of the Panzer Corps arrived minutes later there was not a single building left standing. This had the knock-on effect of the Japanese Command in Mudanjiang being unaware that the invasion was underway for several critical hours. It was merely the first of several such attacks that night.

In the West the Russian Army stormed across the border and was making headway through the Greater Khingan Range which was mistakenly thought to be impassible. The Luftwaffe had suddenly shifted tactics from strategic bombing to hitting the airfields of the IJA which was caught flatfooted, mostly on the ground. The planes that did get into the air were hacked from the sky.

The biowarfare attacks which the IJA gambled would stall the offensive had delayed it by almost two weeks. It proved not to be enough. This was driven home when the ports of Eastern Coast of Japan came under heavy naval bombardment as the German Pacific Fleet began hit and fade raids.


Approaching Pingfang, Harbin

Tilo knew that there was something in the offing when new people started arriving in preparation for the assault, specialists who were going in with the second wave. His Regiment along with the others going in with the first wave had been issued with the sort of special suits and gasmasks that were normally worn by those who worked with chemical weapons and the rocket program. They had been briefed on what they might encounter but Tilo had realized that Intelligence knew about as much as he did. Then in the dead of night they had been woken up and told that they would be leaving in fifteen minutes.

Tilo was thankful that there was cold air blasting in through the open door, otherwise the rubberized suit he was wearing, that didn’t leave any skin exposed, under his flak vest would be stifling. He checked his rifle for the countless time. When they had done the air assault on Saipan it had only been ten or fifteen minutes from the Aircraft Carrier to the landing zone. This morning, it was much longer than that.

Somewhere ahead, a green flare lit up the predawn darkness.

“That was the marker, Kid” Reier yelled, “Time for some payback.”

Reier might not have understood much of what the MA actually did but he was always up for a good fight. Something that always had a place in a recon unit. Tilo put the gasmask on and pulled the hood over his head, his helmet went on over that. It was the same helmet that he had been issued just before they had landed in Vietnam. It and the bolo happened to be the only pieces of his kit that he still had from those early days. There had been grumbling that under the cloth cover it was from a batch left over from the First Great War. Now it was like an old friend.

The pitch of the engine changed and Tilo felt like he had left his stomach behind as the machine dropped out of the sky. The orders were fairly simple, secure the buildings and any documents or personnel encountered. Kill anyone who resisted.

The pitch changed again as the helicopter flared before it touched down. Tilo headed out the door behind Reier and the rest of the Squad followed. It was getting brighter by the minute as dawn approached. Just as well, Tilo already knew how hard it was to see through the lenses of the gasmask, it was worse at night. The Squad advanced towards the buildings that had only been seen in aerial photographs before. The Analysts had identified several buildings that were suspected barracks. They were to neutralize any Japanese soldiers there before an organized defense could be mounted.

As Tilo watched at Reier and Petr approached the first door. Reier pulled out one of the new egg-shaped fragmentation grenades, they were rumored to have been an improved copy of the French F-1. Not that the OKW would ever admit to having done that. They opened the door a crack and threw the Grenade in. A few seconds later there was a concussive blast. Tilo put his rifle to his shoulder and followed Reier and Petr into the building. As they had practiced, Edmund was right behind him. There was movement to his right and Tilo turned and fired a burst into a surprised Japanese soldier who had been struggling to get his trousers on. He saw that in muzzle flash of his rifle. They worked their way through the buildings strangely not encountering many Japanese soldiers. Instead, they were encountering Chinese civilians who looked sickly and starved in what had turned out to be concrete cells. Tilo was having to talk to them through the gas mask which they had been ordered not to take off until they knew what they were dealing with. A difficult task at best, made even harder by the fact that these people spoke a different dialect than what he had learned in Southern China. They kept talking frantically at him about different things that Tilo was having trouble making sense of. This is what he was doing when the second wave arrived.
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Part 38, Chapter 474
Chapter Four Hundred Seventy-Four

19th July 1945

Pingfang, Harbin

It just kept getting worse. The first civilians that Tilo and his Squad encountered had been fairly recent arrivals who were still relatively healthy. In the other buildings there were what had turned out to be subjects in a monstrous research program who were far worse off. Then there were the documents and photographs, what Tilo saw was burnt forever into his mind. He had seen terrible things as a Marine but this was different. Many of the philosophers he had read had debated the existence of evil. After this for Tilo there was no debate, it was soaked into the very soil of this place. It was also apparent that the Japanese were planning on destroying as much as they could of anything that they couldn’t take with them when they evacuated to the home islands.

Ironically, the soldiers who had taken this place were having to prevent the Officers, Researchers and Administrators from killing themselves. The Brass wanted interrogations as part of investigations, eventually leading to trials. The last Tilo had seen of Shirō Ishii, the General in charge of this place he was strapped to a stretcher and being loaded onto a helicopter after being drugged into incoherence. He was the big prize in all of this. Two days after they had landed the Heer’s 5th Army Corps had relieved them. Not that it mattered. The Japanese Army had stayed away from this place, small wonder as to why.

Tilo had been one of those tasked with getting statements from the survivors of the experimentation. Some of the things that they described…

Tilo looked up and saw a few men walking through the buildings. The Press again, it was said that General Holz had put aside his usual dislike of them, going so far as to facilitate their travel. Something that was bound to further isolate Japan on the world stage. On the other hand, Tilo was hoping that orders would arrive sending his Regiment back to the 3rd Division wherever it was, at least life made sense in the Marine Infantry.

Near Seishin, Chōsen

The city of Seishin was home to a major foundry, that’s why the Japanese were fighting tooth and nail to hang onto it. The 4th Division was under no obligation to eject them from the city, so they had bypassed it and kept moving. It was not as if the Japanese were going anywhere. It was something that the Heer had discovered in Russia. Cities had a way of becoming self-administered POW camps if one side wasn’t interested in fighting over them if they didn’t have to. The goal was to take Seoul and eventually push the IJA off this portion of the mainland.

So far, this campaign had been odd. The Japanese were fighting as if this were the Great War, mostly infantry armed with bolt operated rifles and that was getting them chewed up. They would make a stand somewhere and get blasted by self-propelled artillery or an airstrike. Then there was the Japanese Armor, the vehicles looked like something from the previous decade with a few more modern units mixed in. It had turned out that they were not even a match for SPz-2 APCs. Hans remembered that Horst had often said that if the enemy is bitching about how it’s unfair then you are doing it right. Hans was watching that play out. The APC lurched on the road as it hit a hole deep enough to affect the twenty-ton vehicle. Now if only the roads were better, Hans thought to himself.

“How long until we stop for the night?” Doug asked. He had stuck with them since he had arrived near Vladivostok while they were waiting for the offensive to start.

“I doubt we’re stopping” Hans answered. That was the other great lesson of the Soviet War. Don’t stop moving.

“That will probably make for a long night” Doug said.

“We’ll survive” Hans replied.

With that Doug went back to trying to write something in his notes. Without much success evidently. He eventually gave up and put his notebook into his oilskin satchel bag. When he lifted up the rain flap Hans noticed that there was a photograph of Kat pinned to the inside of it. It was a good photograph, Kat was sitting on a chair wearing a white blouse and dark blue skirt with a white background. She had worn her hair loose as well. In Hans opinion, it was a good look for her, the sort of thing that Hans wished that she did more often. Hans frequently wondered what the deal was between the photojournalist and his sister. It looked as if their relationship was going alright in spite of the obvious difficulties that she presented.

“When was that taken?” Hans asked, as he pointed to the picture.

“A week or so before I left Berlin when Kat visited a studio space I rent” Doug replied, “She said that she wanted to see herself as others see her.”

“It’s about time she did that” Hans said.

Doug smiled at the memory. That first photograph, the one that Doug had with him was how he always saw Kat anyway and that kiss on the rooftop was he wanted to remember about that day. The rest had been special but he had realized that it hadn’t been done for him, she had done it for herself for reasons that she didn’t need to explain. It was all about a demonstration of trust. Kat was willing to try to get over her fears with him and that was what had made it special.
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I'm more concerned about the fact that the secret German weapon has been revealed to be thermobaric missiles!

Do the Japanese even have any idea what hit them?!
We don't know for certain if Germany has functional nuclear weapons. However, a strike on Mount Fuji won't leave much visible damage; the mountain is huge and the bomb is small. If a demonstration is called for, it should be on something much more breakable. I doubt that, if nuclear weapons are available, that they'll be used on a demonstration...
Highly visible target for a demonstration nuclear strike: summit of Mr. Fujitsu. Can't be overlooked from Tokyo.

Nah, needs to be something.... useful.

Fuji-san is venerated as a cultural icon by the Japanese people. Targeting it would outrage the whole country against you. It would be better to plaster something like the shipyard that built Yamato and Mushasi with thermobaric missiles.
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We don't know for certain if Germany has functional nuclear weapons. However, a strike on Mount Fuji won't leave much visible damage; the mountain is huge and the bomb is small. If a demonstration is called for, it should be on something much more breakable. I doubt that, if nuclear weapons are available, that they'll be used on a demonstration...

Given the way this story has gone, I wouldn't be surprised if they skipped straight to fusion warheads with cobalt jacketing.
Given the way this story has gone, I wouldn't be surprised if they skipped straight to fusion warheads with cobalt jacketing.
Nuclear weapons were seriously delayed, as the top scientists refused to work on them. Fusion--hard. Cobalt Jacketing is not so hard, but I'd rate using it as unlikely.


Nuclear weapons were seriously delayed, as the top scientists refused to work on them. Fusion--hard. Cobalt Jacketing is not so hard, but I'd rate using it as unlikely.

Our glorious P-M will find a way to give Germany the ultimate weapon.
Given the way this story has gone, I wouldn't be surprised if they skipped straight to fusion warheads with cobalt jacketing.
Technologically, Germany is only slightly ahead of OTL and all technologies used that have been mentioned so far were at at least trial stage by 1945 OTL. It is very far from implausible that a Germany under less resource pressure as it is allied to France and Britain as well as Italy and not having to garrison the West or Norway but still fighting a global war and without the OTL emigration of Jewish and Social Democrat scientists and technicians (and indeed no antiscience policies 1933-45) wouldn't be actually utilising a lot of the stuff that only got to prototype or trials OTL. And people like Hans Kammler and Walther Rauff and Bernhard Krueger who had good skills for logistics and nurturing small teams of experts will have been used a lot more productively (to put it mildly) than they were OTL.
To be honest, the only serious advance on OTL mentioned so far is the contraceptive pill six or seven years early. And that doesn't need a Newton or an Einstein, all that needs is some competent scientist taking a slightly earlier look at the herbal contraceptive products used by Mexican women. Probably any time after 1930 (maybe earlier if any chemistry expert wants to weigh in?) laboratory practice would have been sophisticated enough to detect and isolate and synthesise the pertinent active ingredients after someone did the initial fieldwork.