Mexico Ascendant: The Tale of a Failed Texan Revolution

What about a Franco Russian invasion of East Asia? I could see it turning into a massive version of the Western front with hideous casualties.
They're also absolutely fucked if they do that. No matter how strong in population Russia is, they'll need to bleed themselves dry to put out rebel sentiment in Germany and her puppets (Which likely have no love for Russian rule). On top of that, due to its population and industry (Given how the Qing modernized TTL), China will have a natural advantage in conventional warfare. I'm willing to bet that parts of Siberia, and what's left of Outer Manchuria, will go back/go to China.
But the French borders do seem a bit too Napoleonic.
Some of these borders are pretty nonsensical. What's that thing where Czechia and most of Austria is? If it is just Greater Austria, why doesn't it have Tyrol? And Italy seems to have gained territory in the east despite being a member of the blue alliance.
A lot of the borders are intentionally modeled after the Napoleonic ones, due to the French seeing themselves as the continuation of Napoleon's legacy.
Why it Chile shown as an american territory? that makes no sense given the complete lack of an american pacific coast, and i don't remember reading that. just a map error? Edit: This appears to be the case for world maps since page 21. All of them i think.
It isn't, its just a very similar color.
On a similar note, who holds the territories in West Africa not occupied by France yet? The blue-green ones, they don't seem to correspond with any European nation.
Wow, so much for Germany.

I'd say, I find it weird Yugoslavia seemingly got Croatia out of the whole thing despite not being stated to have joined the war. Same for Demark pushing its border south. Also, the last map places Finland back in Russian control, but there was nothing about that either and the other maps also placed it as neutral. Was it intended they did invaded Finland as well and was just not mentioned?

Also, an interesting African front. The French are making advances in the north and center, but the British and Germans are faring better in Angola and Mozambique. And what's up with the partitioned Italian Somaliland and Ethiopia taking over Eritrea?
I'd say, I find it weird Yugoslavia seemingly got Croatia out of the whole thing despite not being stated to have joined the war. Same for Demark pushing its border south. Also, the last map places Finland back in Russian control, but there was nothing about that either and the other maps also placed it as neutral. Was it intended they did invaded Finland as well and was just not mentioned?
Those areas were given to them in the peace treaties, despite their nonaligned status. As for Finland, they will be invaded in the next Chapter.
Also, an interesting African front. The French are making advances in the north and center, but the British and Germans are faring better in Angola and Mozambique. And what's up with the partitioned Italian Somaliland and Ethiopia taking over Eritrea?
Eritrea and Italian Somaliland were Italian colonies, and were taken over following the Italian surrender and the subsequent creation of an Italian puppet state aligned with the Axis. It was partitioned each of those countries invaded a separate area of it.
So how brutal are these French and Russian forces? Are they like Nazis, rampaging across a continent, obliterating entire peoples, or no?
The French are ideologically more similar to OTL Fascist Italy, whereas the Russians are more similar to OTL Nazi Germany. Both nations are anti-Semitic, but the Holocaust is avoided TTL because of the creation of a Jewish state in Africa, allowing most French and Russian Jews to escape persecution. I will get into the brutality of the Russians later, as they try to create a Pan-Russian state through pretty evil means, although nothing as bad as the Holocaust.
Nope, just checked in an image editor and it is the exact same color as the american territories in africa.
My bad, must have been a problem with the basemap I used. For a while GIMP was converting colors really weirdly, I think that may have played a part too.



Ah, don't worry, you're linguistic cousins with the Russians

Now about the Turkics and the caucasians, i expect they get btfo for all eternity

Also, how good are the Chinese?

Now, if the Russians want to regain their asian lands back, i recommend they spend some money on infrastructure. Godspeed, the far east in non-slav hands feel wrong
Ah, don't worry, you're linguistic cousins with the Russians

Now about the Turkics and the caucasians, i expect they get btfo for all eternity

Also, how good are the Chinese?

Now, if the Russians want to regain their asian lands back, i recommend they spend some money on infrastructure. Godspeed, the far east in non-slav hands feel wrong
China shall reclaim the Far East in the name of the Emperor! Go back to Nerchinsk!
Considering that, I do see Russia eventually coming to blows with Japan and China, over the land it lost in the previous war.

And looking at Russia's plans, I can't say I would mind seeing Russia losing against such an alliance, and suddenly find itself losing the east up to the Urals at most.
Please tell me that beautiful Germany gets restored at some point in the future. It's so rare to have a successful Große-Deustchland TL.
Please tell me that beautiful Germany gets restored at some point in the future. It's so rare to have a successful Große-Deustchland TL.
I'm hoping for a restoration of Switzerland myself - this time with Lichtenstein and Vorarlberg included, and maybe other - more optional - areas which could be interested, such as Savoy, the Aosta Valley, South Baden, and Swabia). Just because.