
  1. GameBawesome

    Texas secedes...from the CSA? (2024 ed)

    Years ago, in one of my first posts on this site, I asked the question "Would Texas be able to secede from the CSA?" Now, I wanted to revive that topic, with some elaboration. It's a common idea in Modern times of the State of Texas trying seceded from USA. But what if they tried seceding from...
  2. MountainPuncher

    What if LBJ won the 1941 Texas Senate Election?

    In 1941, Lyndon Baines Johnson ran against Pappy O'Daniel for the Democratic seat in Texas after the passing of Morris Shepherd, only to lose to him by narrow margin. But what if LBJ managed to win the election instead of O'Daniel?, How could this change his political career? Discuss.
  3. GameBawesome

    WI: America purchases Mexican lands in 1845 = No Mexican - American War

    Before the outbreak of hostilities, America under President James K. Polk offer Mexico a deal. Sending John Slidell (Funnily a future Confederate) as an envoy to Mexico, he had instructions to offer Mexico around $5 Million for the territory of Nuevo Mexico and around $25 million dollars for...
  4. Bomster

    WI/AHC: No Mexican-American War?

    The Mexican-American War was obviously quite influential because it expanded the United States at Mexico's expense, and in this land large states such as California and Texas (which had already declared independence but did not fully control it's present-day territory). What if somehow the...
  5. American politics without the Mexican-American War?

    Suppose that Mexico has an easier time in the first few years after its independence (several PODs can be used for that, the best one probably being Vicente Guerrero accepting his defeat in the 1828 presidential election instead of launching a coup) to the point it is strong enough to avoid the...
  6. The Mess Napoleon & The Austrians Made - A Short
    Threadmarks: Part 1

    Initially I wanted to do a Brazilian TL, but I don't have enough material yet. So I will try to do something with the bits of knowledge I have. 1792 : TREATY OF ADRIANOPLE The Treaty of Adrianople was the the concordat which concluded the last of the Turco-Hasburgian Conflicts and ensured...
  7. Thought experiement: What if LBJ went into the news business instead of politics?

    This is my first post here but the idea has been burning a hole in my pocket and I’d like to discuss it with anyone who has thoughts. Now you can interpret the above question however you want. I think that's what makes it a thought provoking one because there are so many avenues to explore. My...
  8. Martin Van Buren reelected in 1840?

    Despite his unpopularity at the time of the election, and Harrison's comfortable victory in the electoral college and popular vote, Martin Van Buren came very close to winning Maine, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. Had he won those five states, he would've gotten 153 votes in...
  9. What if the Comanche were more successful in the 19th century?

    I'm working on a timeline where Texas remains Mexican until 1850, ends up with half the population it did in OTL (until possible after the 19th century) and has a lower gun ownership rate until 1840
  10. GameBawesome

    Gutiérrez–Magee Expedition succeeds

    Gutierrez-Magee expedition was a filibuster attempt into Spanish Texas (at the time of the Mexican War for Independence), with a Republican Army of the North, comprised of American filibusters, Tejanos, and some Indian tribesmen into conquering Texas. The attempt failed, as it became even...
  11. Sevarics

    WI: Spanish Camels in Spanish North America

    IOTL, Spain had had camel populations since the 11th century, brought over by the Arabs. After they began colonizing the New World, there were limited introductions of camels in the 17th and 18th centuries but nothing large scale. So, what if the Spanish had gone through with earlier large...
  12. Steve Brinson

    [TLIAW] False Start: Texas Politics in the Rear-View Mirror, 1969-
    Threadmarks: Briscoe, 69-73

    DOLPH BRISCOE, Jr. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR 1969-73 In another life, Dolph Briscoe could have been a great Governor of Texas. Perhaps he could have risen faster during his first act in politics. In the 1940s, he served in the Texas House of Representatives, representing his hometown of Uvalde in...
  13. GameBawesome

    WI: Centralist Mexico completely collapses in 1830s-1840s

    In OTL, the Centralist Republic of Mexico once formed, faced various revolts and secessionists, like in the Zacatecas Rebellion of 1835, the Texan Revolution, the Republic of Rio Grande, a Alta-California Independence Movement in 1836, the New Mexico Revolt in 1837, a rebellion by Federalists in...
  14. GameBawesome

    The American Crisis of the 19th Century

    (Based off two things, 1) This thread I made, 2) A post I made in this thread. This is an idea where America collapse during the civil war, and the PODS) What if, through 1861 to 1865, there were multiply uprisings in both the Union and the Confederacy? The Uprisings in the North are sponsored...
  15. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI Idea of Reconquista becomes deeply entrenched in Mexico fuelling a Major Long-lasting Conflict with the United States a la Ireland, Palestine etc ?

    OTL Mexico obtained independence in 1821, the government characterized by instability leaving it ill-prepared for a major international conflict when war broke out with the U.S. in 1846 [Wikipedia]. The Mexican-American War of 1846 lead to the loss of Texas, California and New Mexico, thus...
  16. GameBawesome

    WI: Battle of the Alamo never happens?

    The Battle of the Alamo is one of the most famous battles in Texan History, to the point it's part of Texan Identity. Many famous leaders of the Texan Revolution were there, like William Travis, James Bowie, and Davy Crockett, died there, and were mythologized afterwards. So what if this...
  17. Adelsverein somewhere other than Texas?

    Could the Adelsverein and the efforts around it have taken place elsewhere if for some reason Texas was uninterested or unavailable? What might the repercussions be?
  18. WI: Texas Rebellion against Mexico soundly defeated, alternate path for Texas- and more

    This is a WI but it is also about an idea for a TL that I had, that I wanted to work out some of the more obvious butterflies as a result of it. The basic idea is this: in OTL, Texas was the destination for considerable amounts of immigrants from Central Europe, as early as 1840. In any TL...
  19. UcronistaAlt

    Texas independence is postponed, is it possible?

    Hello, according to what I read. The Seven Laws (Siete Leyes) were the "cause" of Texas' independence from Mexico in 1836 and also had an effect on the U.S.-Mexican War between 1846 and 1848. If the enactment of the Seven Laws is avoided and with a more stable Mexico, the independence of Texas...
  20. AHC: California a "Red State", Texas a "Blue State"

    Your challenge is to come up with a POD that would reverse the political orientations of California and Texas, and have the former be solidly Republican and the latter strongly Democratic.