united states

  1. Bojinka: The Attacks That Reshaped The World
    Threadmarks: Foreword

    Bojinka: The Attacks That Reshaped The World By: Joseph Morris Foreword: On December 25th, 1991, the Soviet Union would cease to exist. Across the world, this change signaled a trend that many had predicted for the last few years. The global tumult commonly known as the ‘Cold War’ was finally...
  2. India-USA switch

    Make India become a first world superpower while the USA a third-world nation with ethnic and religious tensions
  3. Hooverville: A 1920 Hoover Presidency
    Threadmarks: Hooverville

    In the aftermath of the World War, the continent of Europe lies battered and bloody. Above the ruined fields and cities towers a new colossus, more demigod than man, the Great Humanitarian. He is referred to as some as “the nearest approach to a dictator Europe has had since Napoleon”; he...
  4. 19th century immigration to the Americas

    I've been doing a Google search and reading old threads on methods for a more stable or more prosperous Mexico. Many posters (after presuming or building the stable aspect) like to try to get more (particularly Catholic) immigration (much of which originally went to the US) to the northern...
  5. What are Some Points of Departure that Would have Likely led to a More Powerful United States?

    Title says it all. I think it's pretty common to see America wanks in the alternate history community or just timelines in general where America has better standing. These might be timelines where standard of living/quality of life is better, America has better relations with other nations, or...
  6. Oba Cahokia

    WI: The Church of America?

    Even though America is very religious countries with Protestant and Christianity (Even though it wasn't founded official under it officially) it is pretty interesting that a "Church of America" has never come to existence. The closest we probably have gotten to our timeline was the United Church...
  7. Could the US have a strong Communist Party as the opposition?

    This question was inspired by the PCI in Italy where it was constantly the second-largest party in the country and all the other parties would sometimes enter grand coalitions solely to prevent the PCI from taking power. What I was wondering was, with a POD that still results in a Cold War of...
  8. Onedotman

    Best case scenario for native Americans in the US

    The US treatment of native Americans has been less than satisfactory, if not straight up genocidal. To this day, most of the remaining native Americans have to live in reservations with subpar living standards. Atrocities against natives will certainly happen due to colonization and white...
  9. Aluma

    How strong is "Hollywood America"

    Following a similar line to "Alt-History Aftermath Scenarios Implied by Media" I dont think powerscaling is really very popular in this fandom beyond discussions on stuff like "why Nazi Germany lost" but I've got a bit interested on this topic lately As most of you are aware, Hollywood movies...
  10. AHC: The Confederacy allied with the USA by 1939

    The Challenge: with a POD no later than 1867, have the CSA win the American Civil War (through any means you want) and no later than 1939, have the CSA and USA be allies. I'm not talking about a superficial alliance; the challenge is to create a legitimate, strong alliance between the two...
  11. AHC: Have the USA go to war with the most countries possible throughout its existence

    As the title states, your challenge is to have the US of A go to war with as many countries throughout its history as possible (win or lose doesn't matter so long as it is at least somewhat realistic) Here is my go at at it; (Any countries that would have been at war multiple times will only be...
  12. Krasno

    How bad can the ACW get?

    as far as I know, there was a chance for California to secede during the war and Oregon apparently had an independence movement too- how much can the US unravel during the ACW?
  13. Sharper neoliberal turn?

    (This question is more focused on the Anglosphere generally, but insight on other places would be welcome too.) Basically, I've seen some TLs where neoliberalism remains a fringe ideology, or is blunted significantly. What I was interested was in the opposite: Could it have been possible to...
  14. Oba Cahokia

    WI: Larger Black Population in South by 1920?

    IOTL the current Black Population in the US is about 13% and still for more or less is contained in the South. What would have to change for the Black population for it to not only grow but for it to almost completely stay in the South? How would this affect American History culture and Black...
  15. Smaller Mexico, fragmented New Spain (Gran Colombia but in Mexico) - Better outcome?

    Most Alt-history narratives explore the scenario of Mexico remaining a vast "empire", potentially rivaling the United States in power. This speculation is cool indeed, but here I would like to think about a smaller Mexican State. At the time of its independence, Mexico was indeed enormous, and...
  16. US tries to win the Cold War with kindness?

    Okay fine, clickbait title, I know. (This is more about the developing world than taking down the Soviets.) But more specifically, what I'm asking about is the plausibility of a strategy where the US cuts back on the military interventions and coups in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, and...
  17. GameBawesome

    AH Concept: East Asian West Coast in the 19th Century

    (So, I'm trying to come up with an idea for a concept for a private project of mine, inspired by @Ambassador Huntsman's timeline amazing Nobunaga's Ambition Timeline (Go read it if you haven't), but not using the Gavin Menzies' 1421 idea; I want late East Asian colonization, where Japan...
  18. Second American Civil War 1930s Discussion Original Title: Foreign Involvement in a Second American Civil War(1930s)

    I have found that my question didn’t have enough context to work with so until me and the boys(the community) figure this out, we are discussing different TLs and possible new TLs. Original text: After all my research I’ve done it seems a bit of a stretch that a war could break out. But let’s...
  19. JaguarCD

    Interesting Southwestern US cultural PoDs

    I'm curious on what this site can offer in regards to this region of the United States of America. For instance, I heard on a Cine Capri documentary that the Star Wars fandom in Arizona alone was so enthusiastic, the prequels were made because of them, starting a huge action science...
  20. Oba Cahokia

    WI: Mass immigration of Africans into the Reconstruction-era South?

    Let's say a hypothetical scenario where for whatever reason Liberia tries to a military conquest for Sierra Leone during the American Civil War (like 1963) but it wraps up two years after the Civil War ending with British annexing Liberia. With Liberians not wanting to live under the British a...