Mexico Ascendant: The Tale of a Failed Texan Revolution

I don't agree with the South winning the Civil War, but the Confederate States are going to hell, and will collapsed once they refuse to let go of slavery once it becomes unless to them.
IMO losing the civil war is a blessing in disguise for the North, without the south they would be politically and socially unified, no reconstruction would mean more money to invest in northern projects etc.
IMO losing the civil war is a blessing in disguise for the North, without the south they would be politically and socially unified, no reconstruction would mean more money to invest in northern projects etc.

And watch as the South's economy and political structure collapse in on itself.
I think it would be realistic to have a NK/SK sort of ceasefire. The USA is a politically mature nation by this point, two defeats may destroy their reputation abroad but would only stiffen resolve. Remember that that these wars were for failed attempts to gain land and didn't per se lose land except the little bit in Maine.
If anything, the US enjoys several benefits in that they have a public that is both tired of defeat and is by now clamoring for victory. The defeat with Mexico would do nothing to deflate their morale as they didn't lose land ( I imagine US textbooks would treat it like the war of 1812). They still have massive industrial, economic and manpower advantage. OTL they lacked a war ready public and an experienced army, things they have this time. The Civil war is guaranteed to end with the Confederates crushed, they are overstretched with holding the Caribbean. There were OTL 5.5 million whites in the South. Here at least they would have 500k in the islands and with Union Naval primacy they aren't going to the mainland to fight any time soon. They had a recruitable population of 900k OTL and imagine most Caribbean settlers (say 60%) would be 20 something adventurers. So I imagine the South has some 600k total recruitable population on the mainland as compared to ~3 million for the Union TTL. I don't imagine the CSA could field more than 60-80k in the mainland at any given time and they also don't enjoy more experienced troops and command like they did OTL. I.E all factors combined they are royally screwed, even more so than OTL
Look I really like your timeline and I enjoy a good Mexican wank as the next man, I have to agree with all the other comments, the last update just isn't realistic.
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one factor might be that the north is likely to be flat broke... in OTL, they financed the war with gold and silver from the former Mexican territory.. CA, NV, etc. Here, they don't have that, plus the expenses from fighting a lost war with Mexico not that long before...
one factor might be that the north is likely to be flat broke... in OTL, they financed the war with gold and silver from the former Mexican territory.. CA, NV, etc. Here, they don't have that, plus the expenses from fighting a lost war with Mexico not that long before...
Yea, I suppose I should have explained this better. The US economy was in ruins, and the North didn't have the political will to continue fighting the South, which was much more devoted to the conflict. The lack of gold from CA combined with the massive economic downturn following the end of the Mexican-American war caused the North to be unable to win, by the time DC was captured the South's armies could have marched all the way to NY because the US armed forces had been largely shattered.
I updated the post to better reflect this.
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Yea, I suppose I should have explained this better. The US economy was in ruins, and the North didn't have the political will to continue fighting the South, which was much more devoted to the conflict. The lack of gold from CA combined with the massive economic downturn following the end of the Mexican-American war caused the North to be unable to win, by the time DC was captured the South's armies could have marched all the way to NY because the US armed forces had been largely shattered.

The south would've pushed more and gotten west Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri and Maryland then if that was the case IMHO. Also Mexican central America and Caribbean when?
The south would've pushed more and gotten west Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri and Maryland then if that was the case IMHO. Also Mexican central America and Caribbean when?
I mean, those areas stayed with the Union for a reason at the start of the conflict, the Confederate politicians didn't want to annex hostile territory. Also, the Confederates suffered from many of the same issues the US had, it couldn't easily occupy those lands. As for Mexican Caribbean etc, the next updates will not focus on the USA, it will mostly be Mexico and other places not previously mentioned.
I'd agree the way the Civil War unfolded here is... well, I can kinda give it a pass since they would've still been recovering from the Mexican war, and the overdued Panic of 1857 would've already been impossible to delay further or something, but still...

Also, I'm starting to question what's up with the islands. It's been passing up ripe opportunities to revolt. Did the US beforehand managed to crush any futures chances before being tied up with the M-A War and ACW?

Well, in OTL there were many tribes siding with the Union or with the Confederacy. Some tribes even had people joining both sides. The Indian Territory was kinda de-facto Confederate in OTL. I would guess that aspect of the war didn't change in TTL. Which makes the Confederacy's betrayal here that much more jarring, to be honest.
I don't see the confederacy turning on the tribes here as plausible. Sorry it just does not make sense
Agree. Mexico might not love the US, but the CSA is far worst, and needs to be taking down.

Or since both parts are weaker than the whole Mexico could go with Britain and try and exert influence over the CSA to get its way. No sense driving them back to the American fold if it can be helped.
The south is politically and economically going to end up like most Latin American nations. The South will have a siege mentality because this Mexico is not too thrilled with slavery. Plus the threat of another war with the North. Plus the prospect of a massive slave revolt across the south and Caribbean. Maybe the confederacy will seek an alliance with Brazil? Also their style of government of a confederacy is pretty weak. States could secede from the Confederacy. So the Confederacy could end up like:
1) A weak confederacy that dissolves into different nations.
2) A repressive and racist military dictatorship since the nation will have a siege mentality of enemies within and without. They will need to maintain a large military,which means the military may step in to provide order in the event of a political crisis
3) Or like IOTL Brazil.
Can't Mexico and the United States work together for just once?

If the country that invaded my country less than a decade prior I might want rub their nose in their failure at having lost a civil war for a few years. And keeping them separated ensures that neither side will be strong enough to make a second attempt.
If the country that invaded my country less than a decade prior I might want rub their nose in their failure at having lost a civil war for a few years. And keeping them separated ensures that neither side will be strong enough to make a second attempt.

And if things go bad between England and Mexico? What then?

And if Mexico and the United States form a alliance?