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A few Greek soldiers sat around their radio, scrolling through the frequencies. Albania across the border had just vanished in a flash of light a few hours earlier, and reports from higher ups said that all the other nations Greece bordered had vanished as well. Soldiers not sent to towns and cities to keep order as the rumours spread had been assigned to listen on radios for any signs of life. This particular group had pulled out a bottle of wine after a couple hours, figuring if the world had come to an end they could probably sneak a bit of alcohol on the job. By this point they were a little drunker than they'd intended to become.

Eventually one spoke out: "Well, at least there's a slight silver lining."

"Oh?" a younger soldier asked.

"The debt crisis is solved at least," the somewhat drunk man laughed.

"Thank God for small blessings," another laughed, "Let's drink to that. At least something good has come of this."

As the men drank their toasts the radio finally spluttered to life: "This is the Federal Republic of Germany. Is there anyone out there?"

Several men spat out their wine.

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@Beedok The reaction of the Greek soldiers is priceless. :D

EDIT: As for planet H, well, at least Hungary won't have so much of a problem with illegal immigrants anymore. Just with everyone wanting to leave instead. :biggrin:

EDIT 2: You haven't included the Grenada colour in the key.
A few Greek soldiers sat around their radio, scrolling through the frequencies. Albania across the border had just vanished in a flash of light a few hours earlier, and reports from higher ups said that all the other nations Greece bordered had vanished as well. Soldiers not sent to towns and cities to keep order as the rumours spread had been assigned to listen on radios for any signs of life. This particular group had pulled out a bottle of wine after a couple hours, figuring if the world had come to an end they could probably sneak a bit of alcohol on the job. By this point they were a little drunker than they'd intended to become.

Eventually one spoke out: "Well, at least there's a slight silver lining."

"Oh?" a younger soldier asked.

"The debt crisis is solved at least," the somewhat drunk man laughed.

"Thank God for small blessings," another laughed, "Let's drink to that. At least something good has come of this."

As the men drank their toasts the radio finally spluttered to life: "This is the Federal Republic of Germany. Is there anyone out there?"

Several men spat out their wine.

Love the Greek soldier scene. So I suppose Germany has the second largest population? Also how is its ethnic/cultural makeup like OTL United States or more diverse? How is the relation between Ghana and Germany?
Love the Greek soldier scene. So I suppose Germany has the second largest population? Also how is its ethnic/cultural makeup like OTL United States or more diverse? How is the relation between Ghana and Germany?
Germany is indeed second, though it's a big drop from Ghana to Germany.

Middle Eastern and North African descended folks have grown to roughly 15% of the population. Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, and other Slavic peoples are about another 11%. Africans have grown to also be about 15%. Italians and other Latin folks are about 8% (forming about half the population of the New France and New Italy Territories... both are pretty empty and mainly agricultural goods exporters).

Ghana and Germany are on decent enough terms, but the Germans were used to being the top power for long enough there's a bit of a condescending attitude to the 'nouveaux' power of Ghana, especially with it being per-capita much poorer and significantly more corrupt. (Think about OTL India vs. the USA I would guess, but with closer relative strength.)
Who are those "other states" that border Germany?
Serbian nationalists (didn't much like the 'New Belgrade' system), Anarchists (well originally anarchists, it's become more of a loose confederation of quasi-communist cities), Libertarians (originally, now it's just a really corrupt tax haven) and Africans who wanted to move into Germany's settlements, but were turned away at the border for various reasons (Germany didn't just kick them back into the desert though, prefab structures and some infrastructure was set up and then a nation sort of formed out of that).
Serbian nationalists (didn't much like the 'New Belgrade' system), Anarchists (well originally anarchists, it's become more of a loose confederation of quasi-communist cities), Libertarians (originally, now it's just a really corrupt tax haven) and Africans who wanted to move into Germany's settlements, but were turned away at the border for various reasons (Germany didn't just kick them back into the desert though, prefab structures and some infrastructure was set up and then a nation sort of formed out of that).

I forget: how many years since the transition?
200 years.

I'm a bit surprised nobody has gone after that sweet Persian Gulf oil. And I wonder if the descendants of Germany's 120,000 or so [1] 2016 Jews note the irony of almost all of the world's Jews being citizens of a Europe-spanning German *Reich?

[1] If you count anyone eligible for the Law of Return and non-Jewish members of Jewish households, the numbers go over 200,000.
On this note, I'm sorry to announce the cancellation of my I.S.O.T. series, at least for now. I have the Russia map finished, but I don't feel like doing the write-up, and I'm managing a quest on sufficient velocity, so I likely won't finish the map series anytime soon.

Again, sorry to cancel this series on you.
Yes, your heart wasn't quite in this one, perhaps. Still, it had a good run. Perhaps when you do return to this in a few months you remake this one and it will help you regain momentum. It has been a fantastic series and I don't doubt it will deserve it's place in an ISOT hall of fame. Frankly, I had thought it would be a bit of a ripoff or substandard just because of the random number stuff, but it is certainly my favorite series on this version of the map thread. Maybe timing with two or three others.
So some of you may remember along while back I posted a 'Schools of the Harry Potter Universe' map (long, long before Rowling even thought of introducing more), which incidentally is my single most popular work on DA; anyways after looking at it, and taking into account some of the new stuff Rowling has said I decided to do a new version of the map. I initially planned to include some small blurbs about each school in the map, but those themselves have become quite detailed and I'm going to basically do them as part of an ASB TL I'm gonna do for a more realistic (yes, yes, I know, magic, but still, magical realism exists) instead.
It was certainly a bit odd how Rowling apparently said Brazil had the one magical universities for the Americas. Anyways, did you used to have Salem for Plymouth? If so, changed it because she said the Salem Witches Institute was a woman's group and not a school?

Absolutely golden work, really love this. I've gotta say I'm curious as to what the refounded states in France and so are like these days. Must be an interesting cultural mix - Germany does look like a pretty swell place here.

You aren't wrong with that little comment about Germans being reluctant to settle the 'New Warsaw Territories'. Little bit awkward, that.

Fantastic intro to that one, really nicely written and gives a really nice insight into the ISOT'ees. Funny as all hell too.

Always glad to see work from you beedok, keep up the great stuff!
It was certainly a bit odd how Rowling apparently said Brazil had the one magical universities for the Americas. Anyways, did you used to have Salem for Plymouth? If so, changed it because she said the Salem Witches Institute was a woman's group and not a school?

No, it was always Plymouth in both versions; the real issue right now is going to be the Ilvermorny issue, what with it being recently stated to be canonically in Mass., while I have New England predominantly at Plymouth, though I suppose I could have it striped.
I'm a bit surprised nobody has gone after that sweet Persian Gulf oil. And I wonder if the descendants of Germany's 120,000 or so [1] 2016 Jews note the irony of almost all of the world's Jews being citizens of a Europe-spanning German *Reich?

[1] If you count anyone eligible for the Law of Return and non-Jewish members of Jewish households, the numbers go over 200,000.
North African and West African oil was close enough to everyone's home base and the West Africans didn't want to risk their economies being upended by a drop in oil prices, so a few small ports exist, but drilling is limited to local use by scattered homesteaders.

Yes, the Jewish population does note the irony, especially parts of the population that moved east.

Absolutely golden work, really love this. I've gotta say I'm curious as to what the refounded states in France and so are like these days. Must be an interesting cultural mix - Germany does look like a pretty swell place here.
Thanks. The French and Italian districts are both about 50% their respective ethnicity, ~25% African and ~25% German. The Germans have a number who were quite fond of those cultures though and there's strong efforts to keep them alive to some degree. All the refounded states are fairly low density and rural, with New Paris, New Venice, and New London being the main big cities (New Rome is an alright size). New Warsaw saw a bit more industrialisation in the Silesia/Czechia region,
You aren't wrong with that little comment about Germans being reluctant to settle the 'New Warsaw Territories'. Little bit awkward, that.
Definitely. Settlers until fairly recently were limited to 'returners' who's ancestors had been kicked out of Germany's Eastern Regions post-WWII. Today there's starting to be others moving as it's far enough removed, but New Warsaw is allowed to control immigration.
Fantastic intro to that one, really nicely written and gives a really nice insight into the ISOT'ees. Funny as all hell too.
Always glad to see work from you beedok, keep up the great stuff!
Well, I have most of the alphabet left...
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