Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

Afaik, paradox has never made alternate versions for different markets and their approach unfortunately is very one size fits all if recent drama related to CK3 is to be believed. Regardless, a national focus showing "hey, your genocide of an entire group of people is fucking up your country" is hardly a genocide simulator. You're creating a false dilemma. This isn't a black and white issue where showing the reality of an atrocity means someone gets to deliberately revel in joy as they watch a slider showing the number of people in a country slowly tick down. This is clicking the button for a national focus, waiting 70 days of in game time and receiving a national spirit with a myriad of negative effects. It's almost like PDX already did that for a country... oh wait it's literally the exact same thing as the Soviet Union's Great Purge focus. Not exactly attracting hordes of Stalinists. You're justifying your argument with both a false dilemma fallacy and a false equivalency fallacy.

Do we have source the totalist mod is making those dumb focuses a bad thing to do?

The vanilla USSR is awful because it even goes as far as justifying the purge by making a trotskyist coup or white uprising automatic if you fuck it up. It's basically spouting Stalinist points about the necessity of the purge. It's quite the worst example of tastefully implementing leaders taking problematic actions.
Do we have source the totalist mod is making those dumb focuses a bad thing to do?

The vanilla USSR is awful because it even goes as far as justifying the purge by making a trotskyist coup or white uprising automatic if you fuck it up. It's basically spouting Stalinist points about the necessity of the purge. It's quite the worst example of tastefully implementing leaders taking problematic actions.
Go play American Totalists.

More for player choice than anything else. Some people wanted a way to play the white army. Some players wanted to play Trotsky. Not a bad way to give players options.
Go play American Totalists.

More for player choice than anything else. Some people wanted a way to play the white army. Some players wanted to play Trotsky. Not a bad way to give players options.

Meh, if you don't see the problem with the game solidly implying Stalin was right about the need for a purge, this is a lost cause.
Meh, if you don't see the problem with the game solidly implying Stalin was right about the need for a purge, this is a lost cause.
Surely, though, there has to be a way to implement the purge in-game without this. If that's so, why not the Holocaust as well?
Surely, though, there has to be a way to implement the purge in-game without this. If that's so, why not the Holocaust as well?

Oh, maybe there could be, yeah. Stuff like doomed paths in TNO is as close as the modding community has gotten. Sometimes picking the evil choices just has the predictable bad consequences rather than the balanced gameplay outcome.

The purge could easily have done nothing except kill valuable characters and be a prerequisite for other focuses.

I don't trust the edgy KR submod community implementing a bunch of totalist paths with an uncritical depiction to do the right thing though. TNO had to go against a lot of modding trends and fight off multiple rounds of fascists trying to infiltrate the mod to get there.
Surely, though, there has to be a way to implement the purge in-game without this. If that's so, why not the Holocaust as well?
Personally, I'd probably have made the Great Purge automatic and starting it obligatory, with your choice being between having it complete, or having an ahistorical choice of Yagoda realising Stalin was about to turn against him, launch a preemptive coup and have Trotskyites or Whites get a chance to come out on top in the chaos of Stalin's death and the NKVD's rushed powergrab. Compromise between the gameplay push to have an alternative and the need to make clear the Great Purge was not justified by having the alternative be the forces unleashed to do the purge consuming the Soviet leadership, and not a failure to root out supposed traitors, that had the purge never happened the coup never would have.
@Worffan101 both paths seems to be the commienazi kind... Also this is the same tree present on Dankest hour, there isn't a purely communist tree for us to take?

Also for anyone interested, here the Cachin mod.
Presumably the reworked Jacobin tree will be the purely communist tree.


Gone Fishin'
Presumably the reworked Jacobin tree will be the purely communist tree.

imagine a french version of that!

Thundering with fire, glinting with steel,
The tanks will begin a harsh campaign!
When we're called to battle by Comrade Thorez,
The First Marshal will lead us in this battle!


For the glory of @Hindustani Person, who leads pure commie France is Maurice Thorez!
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Meh, if you don't see the problem with the game solidly implying Stalin was right about the need for a purge, this is a lost cause.
If you know anything about me or my stances on this thread, you would know I am the last one to justify any of Stalin's actions about anything. Frankly, you need to get a grip. Because to me this seems more like you placing meaning on something where it simply doesn't exist. A gameplay mechanic is a gameplay mechanic. Big fucking deal.

I don't trust the edgy KR submod community implementing a bunch of totalist paths with an uncritical depiction to do the right thing though. TNO had to go against a lot of modding trends and fight off multiple rounds of fascists trying to infiltrate the mod to get there.
At the end of the day, if you have a problem with how people have made their mod, that's your problem. But you don't get to paint players like myself or @Worffan101 as stalinist apologists because we disagree with you.
It seems it has been confirmed that while the Federalists and KMT can't achieve rapprochement during the wars of unification at release, the KMT is one of the parties that participates in the democracy of the UPC's united China, along with the PIP/CZGP (Chen Jiongming's party), the Democratic-Constitutional Party (SocCon party of northern interests and conservatives) and the China Democratic League (Chinese liberals, so usually SocLib/MarLib with SocDem elements). To what degree these parties are electable remains to be seen.


So something I am wondering about is for narrative purposes is how to show case the corruption that Qing China has at the start. While this is something that everyone has to handle, it will be of particular note to Ren Jiyu(the Minister) and his storyline since he refuses to engage in it. Just saying that things are corrupt I find to be a bland and since this is a narrative AAR, this is to be seen from their eyes.

so any advice. :)
So something I am wondering about is for narrative purposes is how to show case the corruption that Qing China has at the start. While this is something that everyone has to handle, it will be of particular note to Ren Jiyu(the Minister) and his storyline since he refuses to engage in it. Just saying that things are corrupt I find to be a bland and since this is a narrative AAR, this is to be seen from their eyes.

so any advice. :)
Actually show what the corruption actually is. Corruption is often portrayed as this faceless entity. "The regime is incredibly corrupt". Okay, well what does that actually mean? It means politicians, bureaucrats, and other government or military officials do favors for their friends, family, or allies. Generals giving commands to their children or siblings, bureaucrats taking bribes to protect certain individuals or businesses, police looking the other way. Keep in mind almost none of this is done out of malice. Think about it, if you were in a position of power and were able to help say your brother or a close friend out, wouldn't you?


Actually show what the corruption actually is. Corruption is often portrayed as this faceless entity. "The regime is incredibly corrupt". Okay, well what does that actually mean? It means politicians, bureaucrats, and other government or military officials do favors for their friends, family, or allies. Generals giving commands to their children or siblings, bureaucrats taking bribes to protect certain individuals or businesses, police looking the other way. Keep in mind almost none of this is done out of malice. Think about it, if you were in a position of power and were able to help say your brother or a close friend out, wouldn't you?

Thanks any other advice, particularly in how the warlord guys(and their lieutenants) will be doing this beyond what you said above. :)
Led by Carsun Chang, I presume?
Not mentioned, and perhaps will not be revealed until the update releases.
Events after unification will lead to other democratic parties that have a significant presence outside Guangdong taking their place in the new Chinese democracy (along with party congresses for the PIP/CZGP and the KMT). These are the Democratic-Constitutional Party as SocCon (only has marginal relation with the OTL successors of the Progressive Party of 1912) representing northern interests and conservatives and the China Democratic League (usually taking the MarLib and SocLib spots, even if they are partly SocDem themselves) representing Chinese liberals.
Thanks any other advice, particularly in how the warlord guys(and their lieutenants) will be doing this beyond what you said above. :)
Warlords will place their political allies that will help them (money, power, guns, etc.) as high in the government as possible. This means that those politicians allied warlords will receive support from those warlords (money and influence) that enable them to reach higher posts than those who don't.

Deleted member 107125

So since we've been discussing this kind of stuff, I think the devs should address the fact that so many unironic Nazis and Stalinists seem to be attracted to the game. While this game is not a political one, I don't think addressing such an issue is political.

Deleted member 107125
