"Io Mihailŭ, Împĕratul Românilor" - A Michael the Brave Romania Wank

Something like this... but:

1. Slovakia is supposed to be ruled by the Slovaks with Mihai as Voivode / figurehead. It is not going to be annexed to Romania or the Slovaks made into Romanians. There aren't enough Romanians in Slovakia (less than 2%) and the Slovaks are not Orthodox, so very difficult to assimilate.

2. The Balkans are a very different thing altogether. Excluding the Turks (Mihai is not going to have any Muslims in his Orthodox Realm), the Romanians are about a quarter of the population between the Danube and the Pindus Mountains. The area can be assimilated into Romania (the fact that the Slavic population is Orthodox as well can only help).

3. Yes, Romania will take the role of OTL Russia - the protector of all the Orthodox people and the heir of the Eastern Rome. Being way closer to Constantinople then OTL Russia can only help.

4. Constantinople is obviously not feasable now and will remain out of reach for a very long time. However this is a very good thing. You see, having Slavs in your lands is kind of ok. Greeks are not ok. They have an older and superior culture and tend to assimilate others, not being themselves assimilated. The Roman Empire conquered Greece and in a few centuries its Eastern part was mostly speaking Greek. A small and weak Greece may be better than absorbing 2 million Greeks into a multiethnic Empire.

5. A decisive victory over the Ottoman Empire has to wait. Anyway, the period of Ottoman decline will start sooner than OTL and the decline will be steeper.

6. Romania can have all the luck and get recognized in all its territory between the Tissa, Nistru and Danube. It will not be a great power however. Not sooner than one or two generations anyway. The population needs to grow (and without invasions and wars it most certainly will), a decent infrastructure has to be build, the economy has to grow etc. All these take time.

1. I'm not sure why the Slovaks would want Mihai as their voivode in the first place. Is he a better 'fit' for them than the Polish king?

2. I look forward to a Romania-led Balkan Empire!

3. Really? I can't see Romania filling the role Russia played OTL, maybe as a strong southern cousin, but without some serious wanking, they won't be the 'Third Rome'.

4. I'd love to see an independent Greece in the 17th century. That would be very cool.

5. THIS. I want kebab thoroughly removed. But seriously, I love TLs that kill off the Turks.

6. Completely agree. This is a wank, so wank away, but keep it within reason please. Birthing a united Romania out of some proto-nationalistic fever dream is already pushing it, so maybe take it easy for a while (none of this 'and then Mihai invented the steam engine!' Or whatever...)?

Loving this so far by the way, been lurking and reading. Can't wait to see how the Romani-Imperial War goes!


1. I'm not sure why the Slovaks would want Mihai as their voivode in the first place. Is he a better 'fit' for them than the Polish king?

2. I look forward to a Romania-led Balkan Empire!

3. Really? I can't see Romania filling the role Russia played OTL, maybe as a strong southern cousin, but without some serious wanking, they won't be the 'Third Rome'.

4. I'd love to see an independent Greece in the 17th century. That would be very cool.

5. THIS. I want kebab thoroughly removed. But seriously, I love TLs that kill off the Turks.

6. Completely agree. This is a wank, so wank away, but keep it within reason please. Birthing a united Romania out of some proto-nationalistic fever dream is already pushing it, so maybe take it easy for a while (none of this 'and then Mihai invented the steam engine!' Or whatever...)?

Loving this so far by the way, been lurking and reading. Can't wait to see how the Romani-Imperial War goes!

1. The Slovaks did not want Mihai as Voivode very much. However they had copious Romanian help to their uprising. They were somehow encouraged by the Romanian volunteers to choose this personal union. ;)

2. Fine. :)

3. Some rough demographic studies show that Muscovy had in 1600 only about 1.5 - 2.0 times the population of the Romanian Lands. So, the difference is not that great. In OTL we really had a Russia-Wank. :cool:

4. Your wish may be granted. However it might be a significantly smaller Greece. At least in the beginning. No Megali Idea here. :p

5. Most of the Muslim population in Europe will be dealt with. But just not killed. Not even Spain killed them. :eek:

6. No Space Travel during his reign either! :D
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I.13. The Romanian-Habsburg War


No one besides the Romanians themselves really believed that they could win.

The Romanian-Habsburg War

The first war fought by the new Romanian State was indeed a very strange one. The Austrian historians, trying to minimize the magnitude of the defeat called it The Fake War.
The Romanian Voivode, called Viteazul (the Brave) was even branded a coward thanks to his unusual approach to hostilities. Or, better said, lack of hostilities. Because the four month long war witnessed no battles. Not even one direct battle. Only minor skirmishes and a few sieges.
The German historiography have insisted to this day that the Austrian army was actually undefeated. It just... vanished.

Late September, Slovakia (Upper Hungary)

The only way to get to Romania was through Upper Hungary.
Its Eastern part was controlled by the newly proclaimed Principality of Slovakia in personal union and military alliance with Mihai's Romania.

The Slovak rebels were obviously no match for the large and powerful Habsburg army. They retreated towards the Carpathians without engaging the Habsburgs. Besides some small night attacks, the Habsburgs marched through southern Slovakia almost unmolested.

Now the Emperor had three choices:
1. Temporarily stop the advance towards Romania and push northwards into the Slovak Carpathian strongholds in order to completely crush the Slovak Uprising.
2. Ignore the almost harmless Slovaks and invade Romania as planned. The Slovaks would be dealt with after the victorious conclusion of the war against the Romanians.
3. Leave some soldiers behind to fight the Slovaks and continue advancing towards Romania with the bulk of the army.

Rudolf chose the third option and left almost ten thousand soldiers scattered throughout Slovakia. Most historians consider this a fatal mistake.

October 1601, Satmar & Transylvania, Romania

Rudolf was now almost completely recovered from his battle with the life-threatening smallpox. His soldiers were however hit hard by a typhus epidemic. Despite this, the morale was still rather good, typhus being considered a normal occurence in war times. Besides, the army was well fed because of foraging in the rich agricultural lands of southern Upper Hungary and widespread looting and raping made many men happy.

They arrived on the right bank of the Tissa river at dusk and prepared to cross it in the morning.
Heavy cannon fire from across the river during the night only made the soldiers eager to fight in anticipation of a first battle with a real enemy in the morning.
They would be proven wrong. The following morning, there was no one on the Romanian side of the Tissa. No army, nothing. Just a deserted camp, 12 cannons, wagons and flags.

After the environs were properly scouted and no Romanians were found, the bulk of the army crossed the river and began to advance deeper and deeper into the massive Romanian Lands.

A surreal monotonous pattern would slowly emerge.
During the day, they advanced through barren lands devoid of any life. All villages were deserted, the fields burned, the wells poisoned or dried out, holes dug in the already decrepit roads.
At night they were attaked by light formations of ten to a hundred warriors or peasants which wrecked some havoc and then quickly retreated unless sometimes killed or captured.
From time to time they were met by some cannon fire while they least expected. The cannons were usually left behind by the fleeing Romanians.

The Habsburgs were pleased at first. They were able to advance quite fast and to capture large ammounts of cannons and other military equipment.
They began to realize later that all the captured equipment had to be carried, which meant an extra burden. The number of Romanian flags collected was simply mind-blowing. It soon became obvious that they were left behind on purpose. After the Habsburgs stopped collecting them as trophies as was usually done, no more flags were found.

By the end of the month the situation had become dire: no real battle fought but more than 15,000 men already dead or missing.
Famine was so widespread and horrendous that some acts of cannibalizing of dead bodies were reported.
Disease was also rampant. Besides the expected typhus, dysentery, smallpox and all sorts of other ailments were ravaging the once great army.
The morale plummeted. The soldiers would have probably tried to desert but they had simply nowhere to run. As much as could be seen in all directions there was nothing, nowhere to find food or shelter, nowhere to go.

The Emperor's state of mind was increasingly precarious. He could be frequently heard mumbling to himself, seldom talking to anyone.

29 October 1601, Sălaj county (Szilágy)

The Croats rebelled and tried to break en masse from the Imperial army and return home. Heavy fighting ensued, leaving almost 2000 dead and many more wounded. Another 1400 were executed. Although discontent was still brewing there would be no further organized treachery...

1 November 1601, Cluj (Kolozsvár)

The Rape of Cluj was probably one of the most disgraceful acts commited by the Habsburgs in the Transylvanian campaign. And it was also a gigantic political blunder.
At the time, Cluj was mainly a Hungarian City. The Hungarians were obviously extremely dissatisfied with Mihai's rule and welcomed the Habsburgs as liberators.
The so called liberators however have just found the first inhabited place after almost a month of marching through unforgiving, deserted territory, facing disease and starvation.
They behaved like beasts. The city was looted, then burned to the ground. Almost all the females, irrespective of age, were raped. Most men were killed, some even tortured.
After three days on unrestricted pillaging, the gap between the invaders and the previously sympathetic Hungarian minority became impossible to bridge. Horrified by the accounts of fleeing eye-witnesses, the other Transylvanian Hungarians came to see Mihai as the lesser evil.

November 1601, Transylvania, Romania

The resources found in Cluj were utterly insignificant as compared to the actual needs of the army. Although reduced to less than 40,000 men, the daily food quantities required were still enormous. And the way to Alba was even more lacking in any usable resources.

Turda was almost completely deserted. The few people still there probably regreted their decision to stay behind. There was some wealth to be looted but almost no food.

The ability of the Emperor to rule began to be openly questioned by his generals.
The morale was abbysmal. The sensation of impending doom was overwhelming. Some soldiers were actually hallucinating because of starvation and became violent towards their fellow soldiers.
Almost everybody thought that the war was an extremely bad idea. But there was simply no way out. To return home was absolutely out of the question. No one could survive the whole way back without food. The only solutions was to capture Alba and put an end to the war or to go and find food in the not so far away Saxon Seats. Since Alba was closer they continued on their way.

In late November, heavy rain drew the advance of the Habsburg army to a near halt.

23 November 1601, Transylvania, not far from Alba Iulia

In a pitch black night, during a ferocious thunderstorm, an unknown number of Romanians invaded their camp. Contradictory orders were shouted in many languages increasing the chaos.
Not realizing who were the actual attackers, the different nationalities composing the Habsburg army, extremely tired and with their judgement impeded by lack of nutrition, started to fight among themselves in the darkness.
By sunrise, 3000 lay dead. No Romanian was captured alive.
The realization that they were probably lost began to slowly sink in.

7 December 1601, around Alba Iulia

Around 31,000 Habsburg soldiers lay siege to Mihai's Capital.

22 December 1601, around Alba Iulia

Less than 25,000 soldiers were still alive.
Everything was covered in snow. The temperature was below freezing. So, besides starvation and disease, some soldiers were actually freezing to death.
Showing that they have food to spare, the besieged started to throw poisoned food over the walls. Though knowing that it is poisoned, maddened by hunger, some soldiers actually ate it.
The situation became completely untenable.

The generals declared the Emperor incapacitated and decided to leave for Melnbach (Sebeș).

30 December 1601, near Melnbach

The Mayor of Melnbach refused to open the gates of the city in view of the horrors perpetrated in Cluj as well as his supposed loyalty to the Voivode. Some food was traded for ridiculously high amounts of gold however.

14 January 1602, near Broos (Orăștie)

Denied entry into Broos as well and with the dying soldiers completely incapable of mounting any kind of attack, the Austrian Generals realize that surrender is the only way out. Negotiations begin with the Mayor of Broos while some food is traded.
The weather was absolutely atrocious. During the night, the temperature dropped to more than 30 below zero.

15 January 1602, Broos

The Habsburg army surrenders to the Mayor of Broos. The war is over.
The 19,000 barely living soldiers surrender all their weapons and trade almost all of their money and belongings for food and shelter.
Sadly, they were in such a bad shape that 5000 more would die during the following weeks.
The Emperor was almost catatonic. He used to shake his head from time to time and utter meaningless words, mostly "pestilence, pestilence".
61,000 exemplarily trained soldiers entered Romania four month previously.
Without fighting any major battle, 47,000 died and the other 14,000 were taken prisoners of war in a small German city.
The humiliation was hard to comprehend.

21 January 1602, Broos

Mihai arrives in Broos with his army intact.
The Mayor welcomes his Voivode and surrenders all the captured armament and prisoners of war, the Emperor included.

Romania is a small regional power. Nevertheless a power!
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Crazy, huh?

Did you expect some actual battles? ;)

There will be battles when Mihai would attack someone.
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Map #2. Romanian-Habsburg War of 1601



Romanian-Habsburg War of 1601

September 1601 - January 1602

Romania 1601 War.png

1. The situation shown on the map is before the Peace Treaty.
2. Romanian Satmar and Slovakia are de jure Habsburg territories.
3. The Romanian armies' movements are not shown since they were:
--- mostly unknown;
--- mostly inconsequential;
--- extremely dispersed groups acting all over the war theatre.
4. The surrender of the remnants of the Habsburg army is shown with an X.
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Thank you.
Your oppinion will be considered.
Expect an update tonight.

I choose option #2 because after reading the criticism you faced in your previous Romania TL, the territorial annexations were judged to be ASB. A long protracted war with a harshly penalizing peace treaty for the loser is a plausible way for Romania to gain the large territories I predict this TL will add to Romania. Just my observation and keep up the good work!
I am sorry. I do not understand what you mean.

Its slang in the USA, especially among young people. He is complimenting Mihai by calling him a pimp. Some people equate a man of great accomplishments/deeds to a pimp supposedly because a pimp can control many whores, protect them and collect their money. I always thought it was a stupid expression and an insult at best.


I choose option #2 because after reading the criticism you faced in your previous Romania TL, the territorial annexations were judged to be ASB. A long protracted war with a harshly penalizing peace treaty for the loser is a plausible way for Romania to gain the large territories I predict this TL will add to Romania. Just my observation and keep up the good work!

Thank you. I already posted about the War. Just read the previous posts. The peace treaty will come soon enough.

By the way, most people considered ASB not the territorial expansion itself, but rather the fact that the premise (about twice as many ethnic Romanian than IOTL from the antiquity) did not change anything ITTL until cca. 1908.

Anyway, TTL really starts in 1601, all butterflies will be taken into consideration and I hope that the overall plausability will get higher.

Its slang in the USA, especially among young people. He is complimenting Mihai by calling him a pimp. Some people equate a man of great accomplishments/deeds to a pimp supposedly because a pimp can control many whores, protect them and collect their money. I always thought it was a stupid expression and an insult at best.

Thank you again. Slang is really difficult for me.
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I.14. The End of the War


I don't know another example of a country which achieved the status of
a minor regional power in less than half a year since its establishment.

The End of the War

October 1601 - February 1602, Buda, Ottoman Empire

Sultan Mehmed III liked neither the Habsburgs nor the Romanians and would have liked to conquer both of them. It was however already quite apparent that the deed was not within the realm of the possible.
He decided that the Romanians were the lesser threat and decided to start negotiating with Mihai. He sent a lavish embassy led by the Pasha of Temișoara to the Romanian Capital.

Mehmed's offer was straightforward. He vowed to recognize the Union of the three Principalities under Mihai's rule in exchange of the recognition of Ottoman suzerainty with its incumbent consequences.
The details that followed were not so simple. Mihai wanted too much: the whole territory East of the Tissa, Bessarabia and Edisan, recognition of hereditary rule, personal union with Slovakia, a smaller tribute etc.

The Pasha could not understand Mihai's intransigence at first. After all, the Romanian Voivode seemed to lose the war against the invading Austrians.
Mihai allowed him to oversee some of the military actions and soon the Pasha started to grasp the wider picture and to send worrying informative notes to the Sultan.

By January the mortified Sultan read the vivid and grousome description of the total annihilation of the Habsburg army.
While the Romanian Voivode managed to obliterate the whole invading Habsburg army, his own offensive in Royal Hungary bogged down in fruitless sieges against a clearly weaker opponent. Granted, winter was the worst time for the Ottoman armies, but not being able to conquer at least one fortress was rather demeaning and symptomatic for the future course of events.

By the time of the Romanian offensive in Upper Hungary, Mehmed had already made up his mind. The damn Romanians were better as allies than foes. A compromise had to be worked out somehow. While it was not too late.
What if the Romanians and Austrians got over their differences and attacked him together during the winter, while his armies were in a bad shape... It could end up very badly indeed. Better not think about such a dreadful possibility. After all, he was the almighty Sultan of a huge Empire!

28 January 1602, Warsaw, Poland-Lithuania

King Sigismund III: "Yes, you heard me. Order that garrison out of Chocim as quick as possible. And pay the Moldavian... err, Romanian mayor of Chocim a reasonable rent for the time we used his castle."
Minister: "Shall we send a letter to the Wallachian Voivode?"
S: "Oh, yes. And make it quite a flattering one. Do not commit to anything but tell him that we are ready to negotiate. I will like to see it when ready."
M: "Yes, Sire, I will prepare it right now. Shall we send a full embassy?"
S: "Err, maybe it is a little too early for this. Let's wait and see what answer we'll get first."

To Mihai I, King of Romania...

October 1601 - February 1602, Upper Hungary (Slovakia)

The 10,000 strong Austrian army left behind by Emperor Rudolf in Slovakia quickly captured the Slovakian capital city of Kassa; the result was not the expected capitulation of the Slovak rebels.
The war dragged on with heavy casualties on both sides and widespread destruction all over Slovakia. The Austrians would have finished off the rebels eventually, but the early onset of a very harsh winter saved them.
December and January would see only sporadic and localized fighting.

By the time Mihai's army arrived in Slovakia, both the Austrian and the Slovak forces had already been almost completely destroyed. Less than a fifth of their initial effectives were still alive and fighting. And most of Slovakia lay in ruins.

January 1602, Romania

The Romanian army has lost around 3000 men during the war with the Habsburgs, around half of them lost in action while the rest succumbed to disease. More than 2000 civilians in Cluj, most of them Hungarians have been murdered and the city has been completely burned. The devastation was beyond comprehension.

On the positive side, the cache of weapons captured at Orăștie was absolutely amazing. To give just one example, in an instance Romania has increased its number of cannons and muskets almost tenfold. Now every Romanian soldier had a modern weapon and they were busy to learn how to use them.

The Romanian army was truly enormous. Mihai had managed to assemble into his army almost 120,000 men! To put things in perspective, Mihai had twice as many soldiers as the Ottoman and Habsburg forces in Hungary combined!

22 January 1602, Orăștie (Broos), Romania

Mihai entered Emperor Rudolf's room.
Rudolf was sitting on a small bed in a corner of the room. With his face badly scarred by smallpox and an empty gaze, he was scratching the plaster from the wall with his fingernails apparently trying to eat it, completely oblivious of Mihai's presence.
Mihai: "Rudolf, do you recognize me?"
Rudolf raised his head and looked at Mihai for a couple of seconds after which he resumed his activity. When Mihai was preparing to leave, Rudolf started to laugh and yelled with a gutural unnatural voice:
Rudolf: "Pestilence! Apocalypse of Doom! Everything belongs to Satan! Bwahahaha!"
Mihai crossed himself and left the room in silence.

Later that day, he met with the three Austrian generals who had assumed controll over the Habsburg army prior to its surrender.
Mihai: "Good afternoon, Generals! I hope you have been treated well and enjoy your stay in my country. Oh, and thank you very much for carrying my cannons all this way. My oxen must have enjoyed their well deserved rest."
The Generals (bowing): "Sire..."
... ... ...
G1: "What is going to happen to us and our men?"
Mihai (smiling): "Well, of course I can have you all killed. I can even employ the good method used by my illustrous ancestor, Vlad Țepeș Dracul... Or, I can march you out of the city and set you free in the countryside. How many days do you think you could stay alive out there?"
G2: "When we surrendered, we expected mercy..."
M: "Yes, yes, of course. After all, you are more useful to me alive than dead. I will spare your lives and the lives of your soldiers."
Gs: "Oh, thank you, Sire. You are so kind."
... ... ...
G1: "Are you going to execute the Emperor?"
M: "Oh, that poor troubled soul... Do you realize that he is completely mad? His place should be in an asylum. Anyway, I have decided that, given the circumstances, leaving him alive is a worse punishment than having him executed. Yes, he will live. I and my army will escort the three of you and your Emperor all the way to Pressburg. From there you will be free to cross into Austria unharmed."
G3: "And which would your conditions be...?"
M: "My conditions, which you will communicate to your next Emperor or Regency and which are completely non-negotiable are written on this paper."

I. Recognition of the Complete and Perpetual Union of Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia into a new country, the Principality of Romania.
II. Recognition of my hereditary rule over all Romania.
III. Cession to Romania of all the lands East of the River Tissa as well as the lands up to a new boundary between the Northern bend of the Tissa and the Northernmost point of Maramuresch.
IV. Recognition of the independence of the Principality of Slovakia in Upper Hungary with myself as its hereditary Voivode. Its territory shall extend Westwards at least up to the River Nitra.
V. Renouncement of any and all rights upon the former Kingdom of Hungary and cession of its territory to me personally to dispose of as I see fit. Austria can retain its westernmost part with its four castles, provided that the land is directly annexed to Austria and any use of the name Hungary is forever forbidden.
VI. Immediate cessation of all hostilities against Slovakia and the Ottoman Empire.
VII. Austria shall pay a war indemnity as well as adequate reparations for all destruction in Romania and Slovakia. The housing and feeding of the prisoners of war until their safe release in their lands shall be payed for as well.
VIII. Sufficient ammounts of food shall be send to Romania in order to compensate for all the fields left unworked or destroyed because of the invasion of my lands.

Io Michael, Great Voivode and Lord of Romania, Voivode of Slovakia, Regent of Western Hungary.

Silence prevailed and one of the Austrian Generals fainted.

February 1602, Slovakia

The Romanian army sweeps through Slovakia almost unopposed.
The remnants of the Austrian army surrender without a fight, being ordered to do so by their generals now travelling alongside Mihai and mad Rudolf.

28 February 1602, Pressburg, Habsburg Crown Lands

The city and fortress of Pressburg (Pozsony) is surrendered on the last day of the month. Mihai and his army take control of Pressburg and wait for the resolution of the dynastic issues of the Habsburgs and for the opening of the Peace conference.

March 1602, Pressburg

On 11 March, the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed III arrives in Pressburg with a symbolic force of 1600 soldiers.
On 14 March, King Sigismund III of Poland-Lithuania arrives at the peace conference although nobody has invited him as he has not been part of the war.
They are given the best accomodation available as Mihai's esteemed guests.
On 16 March, Rudolf is proclaimed medically incapacitated and his brother Matthias assumes the Crowns of the Habsburg Realms.
On 19 March, King Matthias is the last monarch to join the venue in Pressburg.
The Pressburg Peace Conference is scheduled to start the following day.
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I.15. Pressburg Peace Conference


Emperor Mihai won at the negotiating table more than he could have ever won in battle.

Pressburg Peace Conference

The Peace conference in Pressburg was the brainchild of Mihai. It was at first supposed to be a two-way negotiation between himself and the Habsburg Emperor in order to end the war between them and secure the international recognition of Romania.
The historians are still debating if it was pure chance or Mihai's clever manipulation that brought into the conference first the Ottomans, then the Poles and finally even the Venetians.
What happened then was a matchless display of political and diplomatical prowess.

The Situation on the Ground

Romania had around 40,000 men in and around Pressburg, more than 30,000 scattered in Slovakia and possibly about 70,000 in Romania, most of them in Transylvania, some in Moldavia.
The Habsburg Monarchy had at least 13,000 men protecting nearby Vienna and another few thousands elsewhere in their realms.
The Ottoman Empire had between 30,000 and 50,000 men in nearby Ottoman Hungary and Western Habsburg Hungary.
Poland-Lithuania and Venetia were not mobilized because they were not in a state of war.
Pressburg and its environs were trying hard to accomodate the needs of tens of thousands of soldiers camped there.


Mihai had managed to impress everyone with his victory against a large and professional army, but his audacity and boldness made the greatest difference.
While Mihai seemed to be in total control of the situation, his position was in fact quite delicate. Fortunately, no one seemed to realize that, except possibly the Poles which did not comment on it.
Fact was that the Romanian armies were overextended. Taking Vienna with its extensive fortifications would not be an easy task, even if helped by the Ottomans. Even adequately feeding the army was a complicated task.
Back in Romania the situation was potentially even worse. Such an enormous army could not be maintained without compromising the agricultural production, not to mention the fact that large streches of the best Transylvanian fields have been destroyed before the Austrian invasion.
If peace could not be achieved quickly, Romania would have to endure famine with the real possibility of eroding the now overwhelming support Mihai enjoyed in his country.
The military aspects of the problem could not be overlooked either. If the Ottomans were to change their plans and attack Romania, they could be probably repulsed albeit with massive destruction and loss of life. If the Poles were to attack at the same time, the situation could get extremely unpleasant, dramatic if not altogether tragic.

Voivode Mihai's goals:
1. Recognition of Romanian Unity and State. (paramount)
2. Recognition of his hereditary rule. (well...)
3. Western border on the River Tissa. (important due to military, economic and demographic considerations)
4. Recognition of the incorporation of Bessarabia. (access to the Sea)
5. Annexation of Edisan. (to fend off Tatar raids into Moldavia as well as to bring some more Romanians and their lands under his rule)
6. Recognition of Slovak statehood. (to get a buffer against any further invasions from the west)
7. Reparations. (Romania was dangerously low on cash)

Points 1 to 5 could not be obtained without at least formally acknowledging Ottoman suzerainty. If he insisted on absolute independence, the only thing he could be sure of was that, sooner or later, large Ottoman armies would come and try to reassert control over his lands.
The state of almost perpetual war with the Ottomans like in the previous centuries had to be avoided... at least until Romania would get stronger. War meant destruction, depopulation, chaos, potentially rebellious boyars and his own failure to fulfill God's will as made known to his in his dream. Peace on the other hand would result in population growth, prosperity and time to build a strong, unified, modern country with a powerful army.

The Habsburg Monarchy

The Habsburgs had lost 75,000 men, Upper Hungary and all hope of ever again controlling Transylvania. Massive Romanian and Ottoman armies were only miles form Vienna. The Poles and Venetians could decide to enter Silezia and Trieste respectively at any time. The situation was indeed critical.

King Matthias' goals:
1. Immediate peace.
2. To save Croatia and some parts of Hungary.
3. To get a friendly Prince in Slovakia in Mihai's place.
4. Lesser reparations.

The Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman winter offensive had managed to occupy some land, advancing between 10 and 30 miles on some fronts, but failed to capture any fortresses. The sudden emergence of the Romanian power confounded them.

Sultan Mehmed's goals:
1. To get as much Habsburg land as possible without having to actually fight for it.
2. Reparations.
3. To get Mihai to acknowledge his suzerainty without having to recource to war.
4. To demand a tribute as large as possible from Romania.
5. To keep possession of the Black Sea coast between the Danube Delta and the Tatars.


King Sigismund's goals:
1. To secure his southern border by having the Ottomans stop the Tatar raids which pillaged his southern provinces and enslaved lots of his subjects.
2. To get Mihai to forget about Pokuttya.


No one really understood what were Venice's goals or purpose at belatedly attending the Peace Conference. Perhaps they only wanted to feel important, to get in the middle of the action... In fact, they did neither ask nor receive anything.

The Negotiations

Mihai, Mehmed and Sigismund had plenty of time to confer before Matthias arrived in Pressburg.
The peace treaty, at least the parts concerning Austria were already almost decided upon. This led to the later Austrian historians labelling the Pressburg Peace Treaty as a Diktat.
In less than a month the treaty was ready and duly signed by all participants. Like the short Romanian-Habsburg War, the Ottoman-Habsburg War was also over. Eastern Europe was again at peace.

16 April 1602, Pressburg, Austria

Pressburg Peace Treaty (abridged)

I. The wars commenced by the Habsburg Monarchy against its neighbours, the Ottoman Empire and Romania are over with the defeat of the aggressor.

II. The signatories vow to mentain peace between their realms and refrain from any bellicose standings.

III. The signatories recognize the full and perpetual union of the former Principalities of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania, including its western lands, into the new Principality of Romania, which includes all their former territories.

IV. The signatories recognize Voivode Mihai as hereditary ruler of Romania with the title of Great Voivode and Lord, as per the laws of his country.

V. The Kingdom of Hungary is abolished.
Its north-eastern corner is annexed to Romania.
Its northern part is made into the Principality of Slovakia with the Capital in the city of Kassa.
A narrow strip of land including the cities of Pressburg, Wieselburg, Ödenburg and Eisenburg is annexed to Austria.
The rest of its territory is annexed to the Ottoman Empire.
The annexed map shows the exact borders between the Ottoman Empire, Romania, Slovakia and Austria in the former Kingdom of Hungary.

VI. All laws, grants, privileges and nobility titles pertaining to the defunct Kingdom of Hungary are null and void.

VII. The Kingdom of Croatia is split between Austria and the Ottoman Empire.
Austria annexes its western part with the city of Agram and the littoral with the port city of Fiume.
The Ottoman Empire annexes the rest of its territory.
The annexed map shows the exact borders between the Ottoman Empire and Austria in the former Kingdom of Croatia.

VIII. The Habsburg Monarchy will pay a war indemnity to the Ottoman Empire and Romania as detailed in the annex.

IX. The Habsburg Monarchy will pay adequate war reparations for the destruction and loss of life caused in the Ottoman Empire, Romania and Slovakia.

X. The Habsburg Monarchy will pay for the accomodation of the prisoners of war taken by Romania, whose lives had been most gratiously spared. All prisoners of war should be returned to their countries of origin as soon as possible.

XI. The signatories recognize the Principality of Slovakia.

XII. The Voivode of Slovakia shall be a Polish Prince, proposed by the Polish King and accepted by the Slovak government. Voivode Mihai relinquishes all claims on the Slovak throne. In a sign of gratitude, Poland-Lithuania cedes to Slovakia all its enclaves as a personal fief of the future Voivode.

XIII. The Principality of Slovakia will be under Ottoman suzerainty. An annual tribute will be payed as per the annex.

XIV. Voivode Mihai and the Principality of Romania acknowledge Ottoman suzerainty. An annual tribute will be payed as per the annex. The tribute which the former Romanian Principalities failed to pay in the previous years will be payed by Romania.

XV. The Ottoman Empire transfers some lands to its vassal, Romania.
These lands include the Banat of Temisoara and Western Partium all the way to the Tissa River, Bessarabia and Edisan all the way to the Bug River the Snake Island included, as well as the Danube ports of Turnu, Giurgiu and Braila and their environs.
Romania will pay for these territories a sum which will be decided upon by further negotiations after the value of those lands will be determined by a joint Romanian-Ottoman comission.
The border between the Ottoman Empire and Romania shall follow the thalweg of the Rivers Tissa and Danube as per the included map.

XVI. The Muslim population who will choose to stay in Edisan after the Romanian takeover will enjoy the right to their own religion and customs.

XVII. The Tatars in Taurida shall stop their raids into Poland-Lithuania and Romania. If they choose not to live in peace with their neighbours, the Ottoman Empire will not help them when their neighbours will rightfully retaliate against them.

XVIII. The signatories recognize the right of Romania to apply any reforms it deems appropriate to its own National Orthodox Church, independent of the Orthodox Church in Constantinople.

XIX. The Ottoman vassals of Slovakia and Romania have full internal independence. They may organize their internal lives in any way they see fit and may enforce any laws they desire. They may trade and have commercial and diplomatic relations with anyone they want and may sign any treaties which do not harm the suzerain power in any way.

Signed with truthful intentions today 16 April 1602 in the city of Pressburg by:
Sultan Mehmed (titles), representing the Ottoman Empire and the Tatars;
King Sigismund (titles), representing the Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania;
King Matthias (titles), representing Austria, Bohemia and the other Habsburg Lands;
Voivode Mihai (titles), representing Romania and Slovakia;
Pietro Marinelli in the name of Doge Marino Grimani, representing Venice.

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Map #3. Pressburg Peace Treaty



Pressburg Peace Treaty

Transferred Territories

Balkans 1602 Peace.png

Hungarian and Croatian territories ceded by the Habsburg Monarchy to the Ottoman Empire.
2. Ottoman territories transferred to Romania.
3. Hungarian territory ceded by the Habsburg Monarchy to Romania.
4. Ottoman vassals (Slovakia, Romania, Tatars).
5. Hungarian and Croatian territories annexed directly to Austria.
6. Ottoman Caffa.
7. Ottoman Azov.

Political Map Resulted from the Peace Treaty

Balkans 1603.png
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Well, the first step is done. Romania is united, the Turks apparently are at their apex, Austria is in the worse historical conditions ever (and I sense the Imperial crown slipping away), and Poland is stronk.

Personally I don't see a ERE Romanian resurgence because I think a unified Balkan Romanian ruled peninsula would be more appealing. Maybe even logical, but this TL seems quite nicely crazy...:p


Brutally detailed, and lovely maps :D

<3 <3 <3

Well, the first step is done. Romania is united, the Turks apparently are at their apex, Austria is in the worse historical conditions ever (and I sense the Imperial crown slipping away), and Poland is stronk.

Personally I don't see a ERE Romanian resurgence because I think a unified Balkan Romanian ruled peninsula would be more appealing. Maybe even logical, but this TL seems quite nicely crazy...:p

Thank you.
Yes, true, there will be no Byzantium part 2.
In a generation or so, Romania will be strong enough to clash with the Turks.
Since then, there will be problems in another direction... Any guesses?
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Well, one thing I could say is that Austria is so weak, I'm starting to wonder if the Bohemians would probably revolt afterwards (creating another Protestant kingdom)



Mihai accepted the humiliation of Ottoman limited suzerainty (including to pay a tribute) and renounced the crown of Slovakia in order to:
- Get recognition of the Union and his hereditary rule;
- Acquire the rest of the Romanian Lands north of the Danube still under Ottoman yoke (Ottoman Banat and Partium, Edisan) and recognition of those already freed but still de jure Ottoman (Turnu, Giurgiu, Braila, Bessarabia);
- Most important, get a long period of peace in which Romania would have time to strenghten itself demographically, politically, economically and militarily.

Was it worth it?
Or was it better to fight the Ottomans now?

And another question...

Who will be elected Holy Roman Emperor? Matthias or some other Prince?
See this thread.

Thank you.

Well, one thing I could say is that Austria is so weak, I'm starting to wonder if the Bohemians would probably revolt afterwards (creating another Protestant kingdom)

Good catch!
The Bohemians revolted IOTL only 17 years later in 1618, starting the Thirty Years War.
ITTL this revolt may start sooner.
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