"Io Mihailŭ, Împĕratul Românilor" - A Michael the Brave Romania Wank


between vlad 's brutality against the Turks and mihai's role in destroying the ottoman empire, is Romania seen as something of a bogeyman to the Turks?

Of course. The Turks hate the Romanians with passion.

Look at what areas were conquered by the other Crusaders:
- Spain: some far-away African territories, most of them quasi-independent Berber States anyway, which were only nominally Ottoman.
- Sarmatia: the same, with Tatars and Circassians.
- Slovakia: a tiny bit of Ottoman Hungary.
- Greece: only Greek areas.
- Venice: Dalmatia.
- Croatia: Croatian lands.
- Rome: nothing.
- Sweden: nothing.
- Malta: nothing.

Romania instead took the bulk of Ottoman Europe, got near Constantinople, incorporated more than half a million ethnic Turks and killed at least twice the number of Ottoman soldiers killed by all the other Crusaders combined.
To make things worse, Romania is basicly the only one (besides tiny and yet unconsequencial Greece) to still have claims on remaining Ottoman territory (the rest of Ottoman Europe - basicly Thrace).

So yes, there is no doubt that the Ottomans hate Romania and Mihai.
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Map #16. Romania and Neighbouring Lands after the Alba Iulia Peace Conference



Romania and Neighbouring Lands after the Alba Iulia Peace Conference

Balkans 1625 Peace.png

Note: Some changes in Germany are shown as well because they happen to be in the area covered by the map. These changes will be discussed in depth in the following chapter (about the German War, Part 2).

Mostly Italian and Romansh Territory from the Three Leagues Swiss Canton ceded by Germany to Venice.
2. Mostly Italian territories from Austria (Trentino and NE Istria) ceded by Germany to Venice.
3. Ottoman territories occupied by Venice during the War (Southern Dalmatia and Valona) and ceded by the Ottoman Empire at the Peace Conference.
4. Ottoman territory freed by the Croatian Revolutionaries and ceded by the Ottoman Empire at the Peace Conference.
5. Mostly Croatian territory from Austria (Austrian Croatia, annexed by Austria at the 1602 Pressburg Peace Treaty) ceded by Germany to Croatia.
6. Ottoman territory ceded by Germany to Croatia after the conclusion of the 1625 Hungarian Crisis (in the following chapter).
7. Ottoman territory occupied by Slovakia during the War and ceded by the Ottoman Empire at the Peace Conference.
8. Mostly Slovak territory from Austria (a small part of Austrian Hungary, annexed by Austria at the 1602 Pressburg Peace Treaty) ceded by Germany to Slovakia. It did not include Pressburg (Bratislava) itself, retained by Germany.
9. Ottoman territory occupied by Sarmatia during the War (Crimea, Azov Fortress and the Littoral areas of the Nogays and the Circassians) and ceded by the Ottoman Empire at the Peace Conference.
10. Ottoman territory awarded by Sarmatia to the Cossacks (mostly Nogay).
11. Free rump Circassia (formerly de jure Ottoman).
12. Ottoman territory freed by the Greek Revolutionaries and ceded by the Ottoman Empire at the Peace Conference.
13. Ottoman territory occupied by Spain and Sweden during the War (Aegean Islands and Peninsulae) and returned to the Ottoman Empire at the Peace Conference.
14. Ottoman territory freed by Romania during the War and regained by the Ottoman Empire in the latter phase of the War (most of Eastern Thrace, part of Western Thrace, part of Aegean Macedonia).
15. Ottoman territory never occupied during the War (and remaining Ottoman).
16. Ottoman territory freed by Romania during the War (most of Ottoman Europe) and ceded by the Ottoman Empire at the Peace Conference.
17. Ottoman territories never occupied by Romania during the War (exclaves), but ceded by the Ottoman Empire at the Peace Conference.
18. Ottoman territory occupied by Germany after the War, during the 1625 Hungarian Crisis (Westernmost Hungary).

Where: Italic = Country which lost the territory and Bold = Country which gained the territory.
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Sorry the link is in my signature. Let me post it again :)


1. Thank you. I am glad to have a new reader.

2. What is your TL? Would you want to post a link?
Well, I did have the same idea about the HRE at first, but I got over it. The Protestants got too powerful ITTL and it became unrealistic to leave a rump Catholic HRE alone.

3. Yes, TTL is wild. Unlikely things happened and will continue to happen regularly. Unlikely, not outright impossible.

4. TTL will not end at Mihai's death. TTL and Romania's expansion will continue (with its ups and downs) over the following 4 centuries. So TTL has a very long future ahaed!

5. This is interesting. You are making me feeling proud. Thank you.
Again, a link to your TL please.


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Map #17. Alba Iulia Peace Conference Aftermath



Alba Iulia Peace Conference Aftermath

(the same map as the previous one, only with final 1625 borders)

Balkans 1626.png

Note: Some changes in Germany are shown as well because they happen to be in the area covered by the map. These changes will be discussed in depth in the following chapter (about the German War, Part 2).

Cossack State (unrecognized by any country but Sarmatia)
2. Circassia (unrecognized by any country)
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Map #18. Europe in 1626



Europe in 1626

Europe 1626.png

Note: Some changes in Germany are shown as well because they happen to be in the area covered by the map. These changes will be discussed in depth in the following chapter (about the German War, Part 2).

1. Muslim
Green Background / Spain Brown Stripes - Muslim North Africa claimed by Spain / Iberia (Spanish Empire / Iberian Empire) and given up by the Ottoman Empire in the 1625 Alba Iulia Peace Treaty.
2. Spain Brown Coastal Strips in North Africa (Ceuta, Mellila - too small to be shown, Oran, Algiers, Constantine, Tunisia, Tripolitania) are actually controlled by Spain / Iberia.
3. Azerbaidjan, Eastern Armenia and Eastern Mesopotamia have been ceded by the Ottoman Empire to Persia.
4. Georgia and Finland are autonomous vassals of Sarmatia.
5. The Cossacks are de facto independent, de jure part of war-torn Russia.
6. Circassia is claimed by Sarmatia and the Cossacks.
7. Italy is not a country (yet), but a loose confederation similar to the former Holy Roman Empire.
8. The borders of Germany and Croatia are still de facto.
9. Scandinavia, Britannia, Iberia, Italia are the latest changes mimicking the earlier ones in Sarmatia, Germany and Romania.
10. More changes will happen in the following few chapters. Stay tuned!
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Now that I saw Britannia, I wanted to ask, so the English Civil War won't happen? Is Britannia a parliamentary monarchy, or an absolute one? Who rules it(family wise) anyway? The Stuarts? The Tudors?


Now that I saw Britannia, I wanted to ask, so the English Civil War won't happen? Is Britannia a parliamentary monarchy, or an absolute one? Who rules it(family wise) anyway? The Stuarts? The Tudors?

OTL King James VI & I of Scotland, England and Ireland died in March 1625.
TTL he is still alive 9 month later (not a very big deal).

Absolute Monarchy had been gone since Magns Charta I presume.

About the Civil War, I am not sure. I may keep it or skip it. Anyway, OTL it started in 1642 (16 years later) so there is still time (and lots of chapters) for me to decide that.
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What do you think about the Spanish control of the Western Mediterranean Sea? It is almost a Spanish Lake!
This can have some consequences further on.


Is there a single country called Italy or did you just lump various minor Italian States together?

"Italy" is a country as much as the former HRE was.

The Italian States had been States of the former HRE before its dissolution. They have simply maintained a confederal like structure.
There are calls for more unity, but France and Iberia dislike the idea for obvious reasons. Time will tell.
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France took Piedmont,Nice and Savoy?

So what is the government of Greece like?Is it a monarchy or republic in the sense of Venice?Did they install one of their own as king/emperor or did they invite some random European royal over as monarch?


France took Piedmont,Nice and Savoy?
So what is the government of Greece like?Is it a monarchy or republic in the sense of Venice?Did they install one of their own as king/emperor or did they invite some random European royal over as monarch?

Correct. Although they and the other Italians are not happy about it. Neither are the Germans who would like to have "Italy" as an ally. The German Empire even ceded the Italian-majority areas of conquered Austria and Three Leagues Canton to Venice and Milan.
Italy will be a powder keg ITTL for some time.

I did not yet write the part about the post-war European situation. You will get some details in chapter 31 or 32.
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Correct. Although they and the other Italians are not happy about it. Neither are the Germans who would like to have "Italy" as an ally. The German Empire even ceded the Italian-majority areas of conquered Austria and Three Leagues Canton to Venice and Milan.
Italy will be a powder keg ITTL for some time.
What are the attitude of the Venetians?I think their attitude would be crucial.If they insist on a separate identity,then Risorgimento can go f#$k itself.


What are the attitude of the Venetians?I think their attitude would be crucial.If they insist on a separate identity,then Risorgimento can go f#$k itself.

Venice is for now the strongest State there. However, that may change in the (near) future.
Right now they oscilate between separate identity and the idea of somehow becoming masters of all Italy!
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What do you think about the Spanish control of the Western Mediterranean Sea? It is almost a Spanish Lake!
This can have some consequences further on.
I think it's time for a civil war inside Iberia. If the Western Mediterranean is controlled by Iberia, probably most of the ships are built in Catalonia/Aragon, South Italy and the various Islands. However most of the money probably goes to Madrid. This can cause some anger in the ranks of the local nobility and the local populations in Catalonia, Isles, South Italy. Lead by a charismatic leader, they can unite under one flag and create a federation, maybe called the Three Sicilies (South Italy, Sicily and the other islands, and Catalonia). Obviously Three Sicilies will hardly survive without foreign help. Since France is also very much still into the Mediterranean Hegemony game, and since one of the dreams of France was to spawn a Catalonian vassal in the Iberian Peninsula anyways, France may aswell jump at the chance. The portugese in turn, who have always been proud of their country and their independence and their capacity to resist Spain, will most likely jump the train, and start an independence war on their own. (Also, idk how Portugal was annexed since they were allied with Britannia for 500 years now.) Britannia, if still allied with the portugese, will help their allies. If not, they will still wish to criple the giant colonial spanish empire, so they will use Portugal as a means to join the war anyway.

Now, if in the Italian Federation a state under the guide of a Count Cavour of the 17th century, say Milan, decides to take the reins and unite the Italian Peninsula, they can very much profit from the Spanish Civil War and attack south italy while they are fighting their war (and are also very weak probably, since Naples wasn't a military power, anytime in history really.)
As such, Italy will be more or less on Spains side, since by attacking the Three Sicilies they will be at war with France.
IRL Germany always had a special relationship with Italy, helping each other in their wars of Unification, so Germany, a National State, may try to cripple France by aiding Italy.
I'd say that given that Germany and Venice doesn't have any outstanding territoral issues with each other, that they might well be natural allies with each other as long as they don't let religion rule their relationship.

In fact, with Protestant Germany being a fait accompli, and the support that Swedish Protestants gave in the anti-Ottoman league, how is the relationship between the papacy and Protestants? best descriped as icy or is it starting to become more lurkwarm depending on who they are instead of painting them with a single large brush?


I think it's time for a civil war inside Iberia. If the Western Mediterranean is controlled by Iberia, probably most of the ships are built in Catalonia/Aragon, South Italy and the various Islands. However most of the money probably goes to Madrid. This can cause some anger in the ranks of the local nobility and the local populations in Catalonia, Isles, South Italy. Lead by a charismatic leader, they can unite under one flag and create a federation, maybe called the Three Sicilies (South Italy, Sicily and the other islands, and Catalonia). Obviously Three Sicilies will hardly survive without foreign help. Since France is also very much still into the Mediterranean Hegemony game, and since one of the dreams of France was to spawn a Catalonian vassal in the Iberian Peninsula anyways, France may aswell jump at the chance. The portugese in turn, who have always been proud of their country and their independence and their capacity to resist Spain, will most likely jump the train, and start an independence war on their own. (Also, idk how Portugal was annexed since they were allied with Britannia for 500 years now.) Britannia, if still allied with the portugese, will help their allies. If not, they will still wish to criple the giant colonial spanish empire, so they will use Portugal as a means to join the war anyway.

Now, if in the Italian Federation a state under the guide of a Count Cavour of the 17th century, say Milan, decides to take the reins and unite the Italian Peninsula, they can very much profit from the Spanish Civil War and attack south italy while they are fighting their war (and are also very weak probably, since Naples wasn't a military power, anytime in history really.)
As such, Italy will be more or less on Spains side, since by attacking the Three Sicilies they will be at war with France.
IRL Germany always had a special relationship with Italy, helping each other in their wars of Unification, so Germany, a National State, may try to cripple France by aiding Italy.

Well... some things will happen in the Iberian Empire. ;)

Portugal was never annexed per se.
This is the period of the OTL Iberian Union. The Crowns were united in a Personal Union.
TTL, following the examples of Romania, Sarmatia (Poland-Lithuania), Scandinavia (Denmark-Norway) etc, Philip IV of Habsburg pulled a similar trick, unifying his realms administratively and wisely moving his capital to Lisbon.

Italy is in a very difficult position right now, divided between Iberia, a French Sphere of Influence, Rome and Venice.
It is true that Germany is willing to help, but before something bad happens to either Iberia or France (preferably to both), the Italians can not do anything.
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