Emerald of The Equator: An Indonesian TL

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You should have kill him

Actually why did malagasy choose Indonesia? Indonesia is just too far away

If you notice it again. Actually it was France that chooses Indonesia. France was in a state that they could manage their own rebellions without foreign intervention. And one thing that the Indonesians was famous of right now is their success in Vietnam (oops spoilers). Indonesia on that time was the best on volunteers, their army was capable of fighting against all odds, and won.

During this time we also know that inevitably the US will call in their allies for this African Problem. Of course, those allies are capable on fighting, but not as strong as Indonesia. Meanwhile, France also came into nasty resorts...

Malagasy, regularly just follows the French Commune and 'meh' for this handover. They were not powerful enough to establish their own nation.

We should also know that in that moment Asia-Africa Conference was super weak, therefore no meaningful sparks were created.

You'll see in the next chapter, that French demands were not only that. It is just that moment was very tense that France immediately calls Indonesia for attention.
how strong is the military in this timeline? I'm curious about the state of the air force and the navy

During Australian Aggression, there were a significant growth on military sectors other than the Army. However, after the war most of them got neglected.

The military was quite strong after the war. Although lack of technology, their morale was pretty strong. If Indonesia attacked Britain again, I believe UK would lose.

You'll see in the next chapter.
7.8. Blue Revolution: Madagascar Opening
Camarade, please hear me out!”, George Marchais upon the angry and aging Thorez.

Is red evil? Why does every move I wanted to contribute to République always ended up angrying one side or the other? Why does Malagasy want to leave us?”, Thorez reacted at George Marchais’ briefing. Thorez was briefed that in the start of the French Civil War, and also the African Implosion. Malagasy, the far-eastern protectorate, have given a plead for independence. He never reasoned why, as all he did during his reign as President was granting equality, something every non-French descendant have dreamt on.

Camarade, listen to me! I believe this independence of Malagasy may give us benefits!”, Marchais yelled accidentally in frustration. Thorez then stuttered, and finally sighed for Marchais to speak.

I know, Camarade. I know that you have tried your best at convincing the French people that communism is not only what can be presented by the Soviet Union and China. We, the French Communist Party, had enacted something spectacular that even a capitalist nation could not do, which was granting the perfect equality to all races! Even the Americans could not do it? Look at them, segregation and civil rights movement is still a thing while we already passed the Act for it! It seems we are losing in Africa, but the people’s enthusiasm of liberty and equality is still strong, and we still can win the war. I believe, Camerade, and I swear, that this small loss of the people can open to more victories.

For the first time, Thorez’s frustration seemed to left. All he replied was, “How?

We can use Malagasy for means of negotiation. It can be a tool for less enemies, and even to more allies. I believed one nation have that potential, and that is Indonesia,”Marchais said.

Thorez’s minds finally started to digest. Indeed, Indonesia have always had his eyes towards this African island. The nationalist coalition, the one that has ruled Indonesia since independence, approximately, have rallied his people into more expansions. Tsiranana had already cautioned Thorez, that Malagasy people had a strong indication magnet to Indonesia. He suspected that Indonesian spies were already inside Malagasy. Nevertheless, nothing mattered anymore, as a new crisis for France has brewed in the Western side.

And then, in just a flick, he finally got it.

France could have just use Malagasy as a table for talks. For every commissioner in France, they worried about one thing which was Indonesia’s expeditions. If the Australian Aggression were not convincing enough, although with US intervention, the ones in Indochina was one great example. During the Indochinese Civil War, French spies in the North had reported the outstanding moves a mere 3 divisions of Indonesia had caused. The Americans heavily bombed the nation, fixedly outside Kennedy’s attention, but those bombs were ineffective to the jungle terrain Vietnam has. As a counter-measure, the Communists built a Ho Chi Minh Trail, digging a tunnel just beyond the border of proper Vietnam, and even reached Saigon. Unsuspected, the Communists were able to raid a few American posts, until they left to continue their guerilla tactics. Just as the news of a successful raids reached Hanoi, the party left halted as the exact same tactics came to Hanoi, this time under the same 3 divisions of Indonesia. Stupidly enough, just three miles East of the original Ho Chi Minh Trail, a Suprapto Trail was dug on the same objectives as the former one, except different targets. That 3 divisions wreaked havoc in Hanoi, forcing the communist leadership to negotiate a peaceful deal satisfying the South. Of course, the Americans used this as one of their successful campaign, but every red knows that the Indonesian Army was one rat even machine gun could not kill.

After this so-called Operation Joan of Arc by the Americans, France would immediately find Indonesian volunteers pouring into the jungles of Africa. Even with equivalent tech as the US in terms of military, Indonesia is still a fright annoyance to every French General. Giving the Malagasy to them could prevent them from entering the war in Africa, and thus maybe help France’s position. Moreover, he could get more demands to Nusantara. Surely enough, Indonesia was a hardly camped American ally. But Thorez imagine, that even a most solid ally will be topple by any government objectives, which is why he is optimistic that Indonesia will negotiate.

I get it, camerade. I know what you finally mean. Now tell me, after this Tsiranana’s will come to me. What are your strategies?
Marchais then whispered few straight points towards Thorez. Much of then seems to delight Thorez a grin.

Very well, camerade. And also, I want the Indonesians to sat down for talks by two days."


Nasution sits on the chair on the left side of the Premier’s. The newly elected Premier, however, stand on the podium to express one of the most pre-planned speech in all of Suharto’s history.
Assalamualaikum waramahutullahi wabarukatuh

Since the last decade, Indonesia has been given a fascinating growth that a nation can pace. Our wonderful Pax Nusantara has built the cores of Indonesia up until a stage that we can drive on both ends without touching gravel. Considering the number of mobility, we could have in the near future, those rails and roads have estimated to control that near possibilities.

The Armed Forces, also has significant growth. When the war finished, the previous administration greatly expanded the inadequate Army. Although situations in warfare had completely crossed this statement, our Army was expanded because comparing to the Navy and Coast Guard, both of them dwarfed the Army.
I surely expect backlash in expanding the Army again. My fellow Indonesians believed that we have given too much off influence. But hear this:

The last few days, we were given a negotiable table from France. They had negotiated to release Malagasy into our reach, while demands several compensations. While the matters of foreign negotiations are in the hands of Foreign Minister and the President, they believed that we will acquire that.

Several shocks and awes are seen across the whole Assembly. The PGI, especially, claps in enthusiasm about this miracle. Nasution remarks of Suharto’s careful selection of words. First praising the gifts of the old government, and also the troubles of it. They, Nasution and Suharto, talked about this before the Address, and the former now seemed pleased.

However, brethren, that this acquisition leads the current leadership to notice, how fragile our current state of the military. All of them are capable of defending Indonesia onto the optimal stage, but not when Malagasy will be on our republic. Malagasy is the fourth largest islands, greater than Java and Sulawesi.

But, fortunately, the necessity of a larger army does not mean that we should have an expansion stage. The miracles of Suprapto Trail have practiced the extreme lengths every Indonesian could achieve. We still can do enough with the numbers, but what we can’t do is with the qualities.

In this year, I have proposed an upgrade for the military, a modernization. With our major military gears are mainly 50s tech, we will improve it. Once, a nation fight against all odds with their technological marvels. I believe, that today, we should practice it.

In addition to the technology, I think it is also time to reform ourselves.
"That’s new", says Nasution in heart. The current last bit has maybe disoriented Nasution a bit. He has always been the one-man-show, everything what he says will be spoken.
In the last decade, Indonesia is declining from the old traditions of Gotong Royong. Since the Americans introduced market-liberalism to us, I believe the effects are mixed. In one way, the free-market introduced us to more prosperity that even the socialist regime could ever imagine. In the other, that same thing also leached our own socialist values in us.

I believe that we should pick the best in every side. Both ends, capitalism and socialism, to merge as a perfect combination. But, to realize this, I believe we should start from ourselves a thorough change, or should we say, a Revolution?

We started ourselves with Pax Nusantara, and we will complete it with a Revolution, a Blue Revolution. A revolution to change the Indonesian characteristics as a whole, still old but enhanced, traditional and modern, all for the glory of Nusantara.

We will not perish, we will prevail. Instead, we will rise from Nusantara as a beacon, a beacon for a healthy democracy for the world to heed, and a compromise for the both ends to concede.
The Assembly is filled with standing applauses from its legislators. Even the President himself, is proud. This time, he thinks that choosing Suharto is a good idea.

Suharto continues to talk about several other things, until he is finished. After that, Assembly Leader Sultan Hamengkubuwono XI determine a voting for the Blue Act, which was already explained by Suharto. Nasution is just leaving the Assembly building, satisfied, when his Secretary Adam Malik, showed up.

It’s about Malagasy. Thorez calls you to talk about it.

Nasution sighed, this will be a long day.
I always found it strange that Kalimantan is not more develop considering its resources, especially those oil.
8.1. All Eyes Towards Africa: The Beginning

African Implosion and Drama

The African Implosion was one giant intertwined wars that happened completely inside the Continent. In the 1990s, the historians were unable to distinguish one conflict after another that they decided to just compile them into one great even called African Implosion. The first signs of the implosion dated back towards the creation of Egyptian Socialist Republic in 4th October 1966. But the common start date for the African implosion sited much after, when French Civil War erupted in 5th February 1970.
The continent was already a mess. Since the beginning of the African colonization, much of the natives had already encountered the fierce policies of the European nations. Even with major changes in WW1, and WW2, much of the Continent suffered subjection. Nevertheless, the start of the 60s gave way into two types of colonialism, mainly the French and the British type.

Victory in the Korean War meant a few things for the United Kingdom. One, that oil is important. The landings in Incheon, and the counter-attack in Korea fully imaged the dire necessity of oil in battle field. For the Americans, gaining oil was easy, as most of their core territories own oil rigs. United Kingdom, however, was not so lucky. Mostly, oil that the kingdom received was from the jewels in Africa, such as Egypt, Kuwait and a few others. Therefore, they intended to halt the decolonization process even longer. 50s turned to 60s, and gradually the decolonization plans were scrap by the Conservative Government and instead stubbornly resist any pro-independence movements. The intended policy was maintaining most of the Middle East, which was the problem.

Egypt was the problem. The nation which ever became the cradle of civilization was so enough of the British rule that it was common to kill an Egyptian for accused ploy. The repeated invasion from Britain ended up to be the most tumultuous era of Egyptian history, until of course the savior arrived. General Abdul Nasser swept the nation as the first leader of the proclaimed Egyptian Socialist Republic. Since then, most of the British war effort was situated for only that certain region. From 1958, dispatches from British Army has been given to always tried to prevent Egyptian expansion. Many short wars against Egypt had been commenced. The first one, the Independence wars, ended up badly as the Egyptian could finally declare independence. The second one, ended badly for the Israelis. The third one, 1962, luckily British, returned the Egyptian stage to protectorate. The current last one, 1966, created the abominable Egyptian Socialist Republic, which proved to be a British threat when with Syrian republic formed the infamous United Arab Socialist Republics. This UASR proved to be lethal in Middle East stability, as many nations were appealed by the spirit of Arabian unity. In 1968, an Iraqi Socialist Ba’ath Party assumed the Iraqi leadership, and they announce to join the Union. In addition to it, in 1969, the launched the 10-Days War against Israel. Much of the resulted ended up with outstanding Egyptian-Jordanian victory, and ended up craving Israel into non-existence. However, the Union betrayed the Jordanian Kingdom a few months later, forcing them to be acquired as Jordanian Socialist Republic, part of the United Arab Socialist Republic. Since the Jordan annexation, most of the states grew terrified on this newly regional power, although inside the stability wasn’t so good.


(1970 border of United Arab Socialist Republic)

That region also indirectly destabilized another region; this time was the Southern parts of Africa. The temporary leave of British garrisons for arming against the Egyptian threat caused several oppressed Africans to finally revolted. In the Southern Areas, segregation was extremely high and common, as the number of Europeans heavily influenced the region. However, several parts, like Bechuanaland, did not own a lot of whites. However, the region still had a black majority inside the region. Therefore, when the Bechuanaland Revolt happened in 1968, everywhere around the region, South Africa, Rhodesia and Nyasaland, followed suit. This part was called the Great South African Revolt.

Unfortunately, the apartheid governments of South Africa and Rhodesia and Nyasaland Federation had already prepared for this. The troops from dominion the former, and protectorate the latter, were already ready for wiping out insurgents, and thus giving the most lethal suppression of them all – mass killings. Eerily similar to the plans Hitler had made during the World War 2, the South African governments issued a discreet extermination policy. The policy was so carefully planned, that even the most intelligent of espionage only found these horrible atrocities too late. Every assault the army made, they must involve pillage and burn. Although the former weren’t intensively done due to the less resources the natives had. As a result, the Revolt ended much shortly, and Bechuanaland was still a British colony, albeit the high influence Dominion of South Africa had towards the region.

If you think the madness ended here, it didn’t. The stories of mass killings had reached many of the surrounding regions. Two of them was the troublesome Angola and Mozambique.

After the Portuguese Communist coup in 1950s, every overseas territories Portugal had had been neglected. Timor was easily conquered at ease by Indonesia. So does Goa and Macao by India and China respectively. But not quite peaceful for Angola and Mozambique. The void of power in those regions had urged Britain to intervene. The region was quickly seized by the British government and stated them to be as another part of the British Empire. The Portuguese Former Realm, weren’t British concerns, as they were authoritarian nation. But then, the House of Braganza, home to the old Portuguese Kingdom, requested the territories to be theirs. The British, knowingly the region had less benefits than problems, agreed to the offer. Duarte Nuno, current house of Braganza, rejoiced of the return of the jewel crowns, and decided to announce them the Kingdom of New Portugal. Later on, the Guinea-Bissau, refused to return to the New Portuguese Crown, and instead form an independent republic of Guinea Bissau.

Flag of the New Portuguese Kingdom

This new kingdom, majority of black Africans, disputed the Portuguese friendly relations to Britain, although the former crown had no intention of wiping the native population. The end of the war started skirmishes of the Angolan Salvation Paramilitary Army, an unofficial armed forces consist of Angolan natives, to relieve their African friends. This angered the Dominion and the neighboring Protectorate, and demanded the kingdom to disband the terrorists. Inside the kingdom, Angolan and Mozambique-an citizens loathed the increasing brutality of the white rule. New Portugal, then wedged between the interest of his people and his royal, had now entered a crossroad. The Kingdom had to choose between undermining their own people against the apartheid South, or chose to survive against the neighbor for the sake of the kingdom’s own sovereignty. In the end, Duarte Nuno chooses the latter.

Just a few months after the end of Bechuanaland Revolt, New Portugal announced that the voice of the people is one, which is to remind Africa who is their people. Although white himself, the royals strove against their neighboring whites. Conveniently, the Braganza may finally fulfill their old African ambition of the Pink Map, linking Mozambique with Angola at last. This war, unfortunately, was longer than the previous, and much giving all Commonwealth's power to decline. Not long, Eritrea, Sudan, and even Tanganyika revolted.

The West Africa, meanwhile, were relatively peaceful. The Nixon administration blatantly supported the British government, stating that the ’old administration was stupid enough to leave our ally’. Initial Nixon’s part of reconciliation program, decided to help Britain secure their West African holdings. A smart move, Nixon ignored assisting South Africa, as the apartheid-phobia was still high in America. But, one controversial move Nixon made was allying himself with the British Unionist Party. Although the American blessing for Britain erased BUP thoughts of emigrating Jews into Israel, which was already non-existent anyway. The BUP had increasing thought of black-phobia, one that was mainly influenced by the South African branch of a nationalist party. Nevertheless, this increasing influence of America in parts of British West Africa resulted the US to construct a plot to weaken France.

On the other side, France was a difficult nation to weaken, especially in Africa. His pushing stance towards equality in Franco-sphere had boosted sympathy in Africa. The Thorezian regime began to implement equal verdicts to all races, which amused Kennedy for a bit. Although started a decade ago, 10 years was enough for France to consolidate many of their protectorates. Algeria,Tunis, Benin and Senegal were already in the French camp, while Morocco had several problems. Ivory Coast, Mauritania, French Guinea, Comoros and Djibouti still loved the French, even if the last demanded more autonomy in 1967. The rest of this, was following a slower, but similar trend. But, the rest of Africa could be persuaded into independence by the Americans, and so underground activities had started from 1968, and was fruited into action in Operation Joan of Arc. This whole mastermind was led by none other than Kissinger himself.


(Henry Alfred Kissinger, will show more in the future)

Henry Alfred Kissinger was a realpolitik person, even better than Kennedy. His foreign policy was so pragmatic that several controversial actions had been done during his ministerial years in history. One of them was the Dirty War, a war he provoked to topple left governments in Central and South America, with the first one to fall was Chile. The other was Panama re-admittance to the Union in 1969, which sparked many anti-US dissents in third world countries.

His plot of weaken France involving weaken Britain as well, according to Operation Joan of Arc, he knew that those paramilitaries rebels would inevitably supported all West African natives into revolting against their colonizers. However, this risk wasn’t addressed to Nixon, which Nixon also noticed that. In a small fight in the Oval Office, Kissinger was fired from Secretary of State. Nevertheless, the die is cast, and Operation Joan of Arc had continued without the United States. The new Secretary of State, Robert Stephen Ingersoll, would turn around completely, and now determined to banish the Operation Joan of Arc, their old creation.

Operation Joan of Arc completely burn West Africa into warfare, except Senegal, which was particularly stable throughout the conflict, and independent African nations like Guinea Bissau and Liberia. Everything else, was pulled into devastating conflict of insurgents.

In May 1970, just months after the powder had popped. Africa was in fire, and a global crisis was brewing.
8.2. All Eyes Towards Africa: Madagascar Republic
Nasution quickly evaluated French demands for giving the Malagasy. After Suharto's Blue Speech, Nasution was acquainted of Thorez requesting trades for this transfer. He returned to the Presidential Palace shortly for coming discussions. With his fresh Private Secretary Soe Hok Gie, he conversed the demands for gaining Malagasy Island.


Soe Hok Gie
  • The French Fifth Republic acknowledges Malagasy Island and the Scattered Islands to be sovereign states of Federal Republic of Indonesia, and that the French Republic and all heirs and successors relinquish claims to the Government, property, and territorial rights of the same, and every part thereof,
  • Indonesia will prevent future exoduses of the French diaspora in Malagasy Island and the Scattered Islands

"Well, this is manageable," remarked Nasution, "so far so good."

  • Indonesia will grant oil benefits for the French company, Total S.A, in extracting oil reserves in Tarakan Block.
  • Indonesia will pursue a beneficial relation towards the French Fifth Republic, and will immediately begin diplomatic relations.
  • Indonesia will not, in any form or approach, involve in French domestic issues, such as the current conflict in Africa.
  • Indonesia's Armed Forces will not, in any form or approach, involve in undermining French foreign interests, especially in Africa.
  • Indonesia will accede to upcoming French investors in Papuan Special Administrative Region.

Nasution then crumpled the paper and sighed. This particular five points of demands will inevitably exacerbate Indonesia's relations with the United States. The Nixon Administration was keen on improving relations with Western European nations, especially the United Kingdom. In the other hand, the United States was attempting to undermine France as another communist power in Europe. With Operation Joan of Arc as a double-edged blade for America's international aims, the United States then planned for a new operation.

Operation Eagle Assist is a joint US-UK operation where the Army would skirmish British West Africa colonies to counter against militias who have crossed the border. The United Nations is also concerned in this, although their presence is weak. The United States has high interests in this region. A hidden objective of Operation Eagle Assist is to keep the militias rebelling against the French, possibly granting them independence. However, Nixon will not permit those same militias into entering British colonies.

Nevertheless, Indonesia is in a rock and a hard place. Indonesia will be very thrilled by acquiring Malagasy. On the other hand, accepting this offer will mean that Indonesia will not meddle in Africa. Thus, this will provoke the United States to an extent. Indonesia is reliant on its good relations with the United States. Companies like Chevron, General Electric, and even DuPont, has started to invest in Indonesia.

“Do we have an alternative approach so far?” Nasution asked Soe Hok Gie for opinion.

“I believe we should take it. In my opinion, this is still the best deal we could ever create.” Soe Hok Gie said.

“Well, at first we would experience a backlash in the international community. But, we can deal with this by a referendum for Malagasy, which they will vote for us anyway. Regarding the Americans, though, I believe we just let it slide for a moment.”

“Really?”, Nasution questioned Gie.

“Sure. The Nixon administration is playing with fire. They still have strong anti-British supporters thanks to Kennedy, and Nixon is pushing too hard. Kissinger, I believe, was the better player in this political field. Nixon is just too oblivious to even notice the danger. The British unilateral declaration of war against the Kingdom of New Portugal is sufficient to instigate a national resentment in the United States. Even if Indonesia’s relations with the United States turn sour, we will reconcile again with a new administration.”

Nasution recognizes the ominous prediction of the last sentence. “How can you be so sure Nixon will not be elected again?”

“Cut off one's nose to spite one's face. The thing he was desperate to throw away would return with a blast.”

Nasution swallowed the sentence initially, then finally realized the meaning behind it. After the revelation, he ordered Soe Hok Gie.

“Call Thorez. I believe we have a deal.”


In 10th of February 1970, Malagasy was officially granted independence. The Republic of Malagasy, later on, that week, would hold a referendum, stating their wish to join Indonesia. By 20th of February, Malagasy has become one of Indonesia’s Special Administrative Regions, renamed as Madagascar. Nasution would later visit the island in March, and conduct some talks with Tsiranana. The Fourth Amendment for Madagascar was immediately drafted. The Social Democratic Party of Madagascar immediately became the sole party for Madagascar, until in 1975 Indonesia’s national parties would be allowed to join the election. So far there were no native parties that were enlisted after the Social Democratic Party, at least until the 1980s.


The United Nations expressed Malagasy’s admittance to Indonesia as ‘democratically unionized’, although several member states still questioned Indonesia’s haste expansionism. One of those critiques was the United States. Angered by Indonesia’s sudden decision, Nixon immediately seized all military operatives with Indonesia, and also encourage US companies to not invest more in Indonesia.

In April 1970, the Indonesian government fully incorporated Madagascar into the Federal Republic. Pro-Indonesia partisans were still high at that time, and luckily no significant insurgents occurred during the decade. The Armed Forces of Indonesia arrived in May 1970 to protect the region against the chaos of the Continent. Until 1975, there were few incidents happened on the Madagascar strait, most of them instigated by Rhodesia and South Africa.


" A Federation of Islands, a federation of the Indies, a federation for the Caribbean."
Kenneth Blackburne

"I have not prone to certainty, but you have drawn that measure."
Queen Elizabeth II

"We shall declare our independence from Belgium."
Patrice Lumumba

"White rule for South African Empire"
Ian Smith

"Rejoice! Rejoice! The Monarchy finally achieves our long time goal."
King Duarte Nuno
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Didn't realize Indonesia got time travel by then.

Other than that, with Madagascar in Nusantara, that would leave the Philippines, Taiwan, and the Polynesian states left for full Austronesia.
Taiwan and Pilippines is off the table i think, but Indonesia could make ASEAN like organization with them
Didn't realize Indonesia got time travel by then.

Other than that, with Madagascar in Nusantara, that would leave the Philippines, Taiwan, and the Polynesian states left for full Austronesia.

Thanks for the notice.

Next up will explain spoilers of the current post. While after the next post will explain spoilers of the previous post.
8.3. All Eyes Towards Africa: British Demise
The Sun Finally Sets on the British Empire
John Cradford, 2010

If the Australian-Indonesian War was the moment that time fast forwards to sunset at the British Empire, the African Implosion was the final straw for the unity of it. This change was inevitable, as the United Kingdom shifted to right-wing politics, this time about Afro-phobia.

After the 1966 snap-election, the Labour-held government began. Robert Michael Maitland Stewart, Baron Stewart of Fulham, was appointed as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Some liberalising social reforms were passed through parliament during Steward’s first period in government. These included the near abolition of capital punishment, decriminalisation of sex between men in private, liberalisation of abortion law and the abolition of theatre censorship. Steward’s 1966–70 term witnessed growing public concern over the level of immigration to the United Kingdom. The issue was dramatised at the political level by the famous "Rivers of Blood speech" by the BUP politician Enoch Powell, warning against the dangers of immigration.


Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Baron Stewart of Fulham

For the first time also, this Labour Prime Minister was the first to promote education instead of defence, although insurgencies were rising in Africa. Steward continued the rapid creation of new universities, in line with the recommendations of the Robbins Report, a bipartisan policy already in train when Labour took power. The economic difficulties of the period deprived the tertiary system of the resources it needed. Nevertheless, university expansion remained a core policy. One notable effect was the first entry of women into university education in significant numbers. More broadly, higher education overall was significantly expanded, with a distinct bias towards the non-university sector.

One of Steward’s modest policy was the ‘Retreat from Africa’. For Steward and his Secretary of State James Callaghan, leaving Africa was entirely the only option left. However, he intended this withdrawal to be as convenient as possible, not giving the hostile insurgents a chance for independence. Stewards instead prefer them to stay at the Commonwealth. He also would not mind for natives ruling their lands, and that troubled the governments in Rhodesia and South Africa.

South Africa was ruled by the National Party for decades, their stance against the Black rule was obvious. Rhodesia Front, the ruling party for Rhodesia had ruled from the 1960s. Both of them had similar attitudes towards Africans, and they thought Apartheid was the option. When the Labour government applied their African policies, both nations turned upset to the Albion, and they thought the decolonization efforts would ruin the white rule in those lands. Therefore, unilaterally in 1971, exactly 11 November, both nations declared their independence from the United Kingdom.

At first, Steward’s tried to undermine Rhodesia first. Coincided with the Armistice Day, Ian Smith attempted to garner support in the UK by reminding people of the contribution of the colony to the war effort. Unfortunately, Smith was personally appraised in the British media, and the BUP was strengthened. Wilson's immediate recourse was to the United Nations, and in 1971, the Security Council imposed sanctions, which were designed to last until official independence from the United Kingdom. This involved British warships blockading the port of Beira to try to cause economic collapse in Rhodesia. However, the efforts of economic collapse failed, as the South Africans were too involved. Several nations did not join in with sanctions, also undermining their efficiency. With South African might and Ian Smith’s speech, the Duo Apartheids of Africa was standing so well, that they had forgotten the enemies of the Northern neighbour.


Prime Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Ian Smith

Just after the unilateral decision of independence, the Kingdom of New Portugal quickly had a new ally, the ally which fought them before, the United Kingdom. At first, the United Kingdom truly did not want the Rhodesians and South Africans to free themselves, so they requested their old enemy to join the cause. The deal was simple, New Portugal would acclaim their Pink Map territories, except Rhodesia, while the United Kingdom would seize their independence from them.

This time, New Portugal succeeded in achieving its objectives. They immediately march to Salisbury, the capital, and even reached them before the United Kingdom even reached South Rhodesia. Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland capitulated on 23 May 1972 and sought for a peace deal. The New Portuguese were reluctant to peace deal separately with the United Kingdom. But, the situations changed, and the new Kingdom must face a new threat up North.

"We shall declare our independence from Belgium."
Patrice Lumumba


Prime Minister of the DRC, Patrice Lumumba

In 1971, the Belgian rule in Congo was ended. Patrice Lumumba was elected as the First Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Belgians, not a single effort of just leave that away, stirred a secession crisis in Katanga. Lumumba appealed to the United States and the United Nations for help to suppress the Belgian-supported Katangan secessionists led by Moise Tshombe. Both refused, so Lumumba turned to France for support. Lumumba also noticed that Katangan secessionists were party assisted by the New Portugal Kingdom, particularly because of friendly ties among royals. So, ignoring the consequences, Lumumba declared war to New Portugal, opening the Kingdom a front in the North.

New Portugal immediately aware of the dire state of affairs, and immediately requested a separate peace to South Africa. As a compromise, North Rhodesia and Nyasaland shall be given to the Kingdom, while South Rhodesia was annexed by South Africa. Formalised in the treaty of Salisbury, they also formed a co-belligerence, destined to contain the Congolese threat.

The United Kingdom, before had the upper hand in the independence crisis, then had returned to square one. Steward was so furious of the Kingdom’s betrayal of peace that he announced an immediate act of war to them. The Cabinet, now worry with Steward’s state of mind, immediately requested the military’s urgent victory to ease him down. However, none of them returned the favour. New Portugal separate peace isolated Britain’s holdings in Kenya to move more into South Africa. In addition to it, Kenya and Tanganyika were all also rebelling against the British. More chaos ensued in the Parliament, and none is willing to make a move, except the Queen itself.

In 14th of October 1972, years after the significant stalemate across the events, Britain was situated in even more chaos. Almost none of their holdings in Africa were peaceful. Nigeria was involved in the Civil War with Biafra, and of course, the Islamic majorities in the North, trying to form their own Nigeria. Sudan was under attack by the Egypt-backing of insurgents. Fundamentalist Somalia was also forming. Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika were all involved in several clashes with separatists backed also by the Soviet Union and Congo. The entire region, especially central Africa, was in utter chaos. However, every cloud has a silver lining, Sierra Leone, The Gambia and Ghana were relatively peaceful compared to the others, although the last region was also subjugated in Burkina Faso militants. All of these was due to consider the “Retreat from Africa” policy by the Labour government, then under Wilson.

On that day also, no government ideas were pushed, as the Parliament was a deadlock in a stalemate. An economic recession was brewing, and the United Kingdom was pushed barely into the abyss. No one seemed able to resolve this issue, except Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen stormed the House of Commons, and deliberately end the Parliament with one quote to remember.


"I am not prone to certainty, but you have drawn that measure."

I thought that I can wedge in everything in one post, but I think this was too much. For that, I will divide this supposedly one thread into two.