Emerald of The Equator: An Indonesian TL

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What the heck is going on with Kedah and Perlis just now? Is it just the map mistakes or they just literally gone ITTL.

Given that Indonesia will probably end up becoming an economic/military great power further down the line, would the local development for main weapons (i.e jet fighters, attack heli, MBT) or even nuclear weapons are kick-started much earlier compared to our timeline. Considering that Indonesia is essentially going to be a scaled-up Singapura technology-wise, I think it wouldn't be too far of a stretch.

During the Australian Aggression, British Malaya's monarchs were forced to choose between siding with Britain or Indonesia. Unfortunately, only Johor, (EDIT: Brunei) ,and Perak supported Indonesia. Indonesian then tried to incorporate British Malaya as one state of Malaysia, while removing Perak as a single Kingdom of Perak. However, Perak's location compulse Kedah and Perlis to be a exclave of Malaysia. Indonesia, objectively judge exclave as a strong source of secessionist problems, instead to do the most unimaginable thing.

Now, Perak hold everything North besides Penang.

Main weapons' development is underway from the latest post about Pindad. Nuclear, however, would be quite a controversy. Hiroshima and Nagasaki inflicted most of anti-nuclear sentiment all across Asia. With the chaotic Cold war inderway, pro-ban would be stronger than pro-nuclear.

That is just a ongoing condition however, it could change later on.

On the topic of military plane do the americans still kept the xb 70 bomber project?

And also on the topic of plane do some of the otl plane crash still happened tenerife,chicago air disaster,jb cooper highjacking etc or do they still happen but occured on different place?

Right, Xb 70 bomber failed to survive because of ICBMs, probably in the future chapters I would discuss specifically about nuclear.

I can assure you that so far air hijacking is still not popular enough for terrorism. However, we should see that a different form of extremism would rise soon.
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During the Australian Aggression, British Malaya's monarchs were forced to choose between siding with Britain or Indonesia. Unfortunately, only Johor, (EDIT: Brunei) ,and Perak supported Indonesia. Indonesian then tried to incorporate British Malaya as one state of Malaysia, while removing Perak as a single Kingdom of Perak. However, Perak's location compulse Kedah and Perlis to be a exclave of Malaysia. Indonesia, objectively judge exclave as a strong source of secessionist problems, instead to do the most unimaginable thing.

Now, Perak hold everything North besides Penang.
Well, why not. Having exclave can make for a good variety on the map. I mean we can make the border a bit pretty by nabbing the Malay-majority Pattani-Satun-Songkla area. It's not like the Thai's wouldn't hate a bit backstabbing, considering their past shenanigans, and those Kra Canal does sound like a good border...

Now please excuse me while I laughed like a mad villain I am😈😈😈.

Main weapons' development is underway from the latest post about Pindad.
It might be a good time for Indonesia to start developing a good carrier fighters with maritime strike capability. Joint development just like the OTL KAI KF-X is economically feasible ITTL, but South Korea wasn't reaching it's high development yet. Fortunately F/A-18 is going to be developed at the start of the 90's, pretty sure the American wouldn't mind a backer from a trusted ally.

Furthermore, OTL Malaysia already have a solid shipbuilding capacity in the 80's enough for them to build frigates and corvette, as well a growing APC+truck assembly plant enough to build said weapons in a good quantity. While OTL 90's Singapura already invested in building their own artillery and warships. So now we have companies like Deftech, Boustead, MISC, ST Engineering and numerous other Indonesian companies serving for a economically prosperous Indonesia, it would be wise if TNI starts pumping out shiny weapons like crazy.
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During the Australian Aggression, British Malaya's monarchs were forced to choose between siding with Britain or Indonesia. Unfortunately, only Johor, (EDIT: Brunei) ,and Perak supported Indonesia. Indonesian then tried to incorporate British Malaya as one state of Malaysia, while removing Perak as a single Kingdom of Perak. However, Perak's location compulse Kedah and Perlis to be a exclave of Malaysia. Indonesia, objectively judge exclave as a strong source of secessionist problems, instead to do the most unimaginable thing.

Now, Perak hold everything North besides Penang.

Main weapons' development is underway from the latest post about Pindad. Nuclear, however, would be quite a controversy. Hiroshima and Nagasaki inflicted most of anti-nuclear sentiment all across Asia. With the chaotic Cold war inderway, pro-ban would be stronger than pro-nuclear.

That is just a ongoing condition however, it could change later on.

Right, Xb 70 bomber failed to survive because of ICBMs, probably in the future chapters I would discuss specifically about nuclear.

I can assure you that so far air hijacking is still not popular enough for terrorism. However, we should see that a different form of extremism would rise soon.
Interesting i thought those early day of flying was rampant with hijacking
Interesting i thought those early day of flying was rampant with hijacking

Air Hijacking, especially before the 80s, was still considered rare and ineffective. People then never thought about counting success with how many civilians inflicted. Also, those number of hijackings were the result of US foreign policies, like Cuba, Palestine and other hostile to the US that had their countries destabilized into ashes. ITTL, most US enemies either were strong, look at UASR, or gone, like Cuba and Palestine [which is now UASR].

I, meanwhile, can predict that terrorism would be more regular in the UK, with the increasing nationalist sentiment.
13.6. The Roaring 80s: Jalan Tol Laut
Sea Express Lane Policy: A Story of LKY's Change to Society

Effectively after the inauguration, LKY pushed for his preferable government campaign, ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika'. This campaign was throughout famous all across Indonesia and was received well in affected areas. He planned on busting the old system that corrupts the previous presidency. Javacentrism and Javanization of Outer-Java places were denied for existence. Nevertheless, Nasution's crucial error already caused an inevitable disintegration in some parts. So, LKY decided to do something about it.

Price-inequality was a huge problem for Indonesia at that time. Scarce logistics route towards any other places than Java, Malaya and Sumatra produced a massive gap in society. Papua can have plentiful money can gain from mines and boomtowns, but food prices and personal care soared quite high. The more serious case can be found in Madagascar, that even everything was costly. A gallon of milk in the island was five times a gallon of milk in Malaya. It was exceedingly crazy. LKY thankfully resolved this problem with quite a simple solution: An Expressway on the Sea.


Jalan Tol Laut, by Pelni Logistics (2004)

In Indonesia, the term Jalan Tol Laut was more common. It was a program to boost national logistics all across Indonesia to decrease price-disparity between islands. It was done with funding extra money to designate ports that would be involved as part of Jalan Tol Laut. He proposed main lanes as follows.

  • Banda Aceh-Belawan-Dumai-Sungsang-Jakarta-Surabaya-Lombok-Kupang-Merauke-Port Moresby as the Southern Inner Route
  • Penang-Malacca-Pontianak-Banjarmasin-Makassar-Ambon-Biak-Jayapura-Honiara as the Northern Inner Route
  • Pahang-Kuching-Brunei-Manado-Ternate-Ambon as the Northern Alternative
  • Padang-Bengkulu-Lampung-Pelabuhan Ratu-Cilacap-Bali as the Southern Alternative
  • Andevoranto-Jakarta as a direct route for Madagascar

Other bustling ports, like Singapore and Merak, would be used as international transit ports in those strategic straits. Foreign vessels would be majorly directed towards a single or some ports, therefore reduce the tangled mess of foreign and domestic cargos. These ports would be prioritized for domestic shipment, and dissuade foreign entrance.

Jalan Tol Laut’s Plan was simple. The domestic shipping company, and later official government ones, would be reinforced in having a shipping line in those routes. Those enterprises, already realized how profitable it would be, just immediately clustered and compete in those routes to transport goods, effectively reducing the price gap.

These were a nation-changer for Indonesia as not only the plan was successful, the effects were extensive. Price in underdeveloped regions plummeted into the original value, and there was little to none price difference nearly in every place of Indonesia. Moreover, Nasution's Infrastructure Program in Papua also caused a wonderful effect, giving Papua the first-ever uncrowded region outside of Indonesia's popularize centres that have an amazing development. Madagascar, the runner-up, would be underway until 1982.

Yet, as all things had consequences, the program may provoke old wounds. Jalan Tol Laut, once again, indirectly promote Transmigration, because the system had done it so. Instead of relying on native receivers in ports to distribute, most organizations would just send a delegate from Java to live there. One went there, then came the another. In the end, those cities were occupied by temporary Javanese settlements, mostly worked as regional distributors. Despite the issue it could muster, most locals didn't bat an eye and embrace this new order. Well, except for two regions.

The first serious engagement between bellicose tribes was Aceh. Almost been subdues by the Nasution government for decades, Aceh was noted by the government as a highly potential secessionist. As former military, any separatism movements were treated with an iron fist and gave absolutely no political rights for them. Furthermore, Acehnese people still dwelled on lose territories, which was gained by Batak State. Regencies, like Aceh Singkil, was transferred now as Bataknese sovereignty.

As the Indonesian president was Bataknese, Batak people during Nasution’s era was highly superior and conceited. Especially with Aceh as their neighbour, they would treat them as inferior beings. Meanwhile, Aceh would not want any trouble with Batak because of Nasution as president, even though how humiliating one’s insult may seem. In addition to it, several Bataknese sailors felt antipathetic towards shipping towards Aceh, which was part of the Jalan Tol Laut policy. As a result, many destined Aceh goods were stopped at Medan, and that caused more Acehnese to swarm at the city for taking the goods by trucks, or even bikes. As Subandrio rose, this trend stayed while Acehnese started to fight back. In no time, the discrimination grew into an open riot.


Medan Riot, 1979

On 13 May 1979, few Bataknese burnt Acehnese house in Singkil. Nearly 52 houses were burnt, while 21 injured. The background for this is that a few days ago, 5 Acehnese were alleged or arson on the streets of Medan. Acehnese, completely bewildered by this, retaliate by mobbing towards Medan, and started burning places. Three days later, this so-called Singkil Massacre has become a Medan Riot. The Riot opened almost as a state of regional-warfare, as Aceh State was willing to battle with Batak State. The federal government immediately intervened with calling both governors into Jakarta. Both of them initially rejected backing down in this clash, claiming each other as the culprit. For 12 days, LKY could not make two states come to an understanding. With the crisis kept growing, LKY finally inflamed with fury.

1st of June was the final ultimatum for LKY given to the two states. He declared that both civilians must come to terms before the 4th, or the federal government will establish a military occupation on both states. Additionally, LKY fired the governors, as for now they were still appointed by the central government. The Air General Marah Halim Harahap was appointed as the new Batak governor while Abdul Madjid Ibrahim as Aceh’s. LKY forced reconciliation with both parties with police enforcement and civilian oversight in those regions.

Outside of the island, a new but same crisis was brewing, this time between Batak and Banjar. Jalan Tol Laut policy was a welcoming opportunity for each state to improve its income from a backwater society. While in Java the policy could become peripheral, other regions considered this as gold. Dayak and Banjar State was one of them. Their feud from Sultan Abdul Hamid II’s plea for Sultanate of Pontianak had ingrained in the conflicting tribes, and that climax on 21 January 1982.

Just a few months before 21st of January, Sultan Yusuf I, the son of Sultan Hamid II, petitioned the government once again for an individual Sultanate of Pontianak to be administered as a new state outside of Dayak State’s Jurisdiction. Dayak State was commanded by ardent republicans, therefore rejecting any Sultan’s plea for making Dayak a part-monarchy, part-republic state. Subandrio and LKY, also declined because they were not proposing for more monarchial control. So, they rejected the offer politely. Dayak’s responded with grunted expressions, feeling unnerving and discourage. They later determined to not vote for PPP in the upcoming election, but all their opposition stayed on the reasonable side.

With dissatisfied Monarchial-Dayak supporters, they became more irritated when there was upsetting news from their Eastern neighbour. Banjar requested the government that if Dayak had become too nagging, the government should just use Belitung Island as the Northern Inner Route replacing Pontianak. Although it was a proposal, Dayak assessed this as blatant provocation from their rival neighbour. Dayak’s republicans also convey grave anger towards Banjars.


Deserted Pontianak Streets, with Police Reinforcements (1982)

In 21st January, a small Banjar neighbourhood in Pontianak was threatened with Mandau, a traditional Dayak sword. The Banjar there retaliate with fierce resistance, only fruiting with 30 men killed and 78 other fled towards Banjar State. As counter-action, Banjar did the same thing to Dayak neighbourhood in Palangkaraya, terrorize with Parang Nabau, a traditional sword from Banjar.

The second time happening, LKY just immediately instructed a police force to settle the region. Those two governors were also ordered for quelling their people, although on this occasion those governors agree on a compromise.

Naturally, LKY tried to sidestep these clashes with police reinforcement, as involving the military would significantly boost their power. The military must be weakened so PNI-R’s Pro-Suharto wing would not rise. Consequently, it would increase police’s power in the PNI, therefore rising Police General Hoegeng into power in PNI. LKY prefer Hoegeng’s clan rather than Suharto’s because Hoegeng was famous for anti-corruption, merit-idealism and trustworthy politician. Those traits were amazing, and maybe LKY would ally with Hoegeng someday.

OTL, Jalan Tol Laut only emerges since Jokowi's administration when the government finally notices the price-gap outside of Java. ITTL, this realization happened far, far sooner.

I am considering going back to Europe for the next post. However, I really want to ask you all about how will the conditions in Latin America be. Seeing the circumstances that:
  • America is doing two-faced diplomacy (pro-democracy while still supporting a number of juntas in America)
  • Carter's foreign policy (not weak like OTL, but actually they also were part-jingoism, meaning they still stationed troops and intervened for American allies)
  • Death of Cuba's Socialism (pro-Soviet); and
  • Rise of Nicaragua's Socialism (pro-France)
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I guess that is what happen when there is no equal representation, took too long for the politicians to notice what happen outside of Java.
Regarding what happen in America, in my opinion it's still become US playground for now as France will be busy in Africa. If France and USSR put aside their deference to make sure all of America didn't become US backyard, it will be interesting.
Speaking of which with France becoming communist, the capitalist side is now outnumber in UNSC and then add in Britain falling to extreme right....
I wonder what happen?
I guess that is what happen when there is no equal representation, took too long for the politicians to notice what happen outside of Java.
Regarding what happen in America, in my opinion it's still become US playground for now as France will be busy in Africa. If France and USSR put aside their deference to make sure all of America didn't become US backyard, it will be interesting.
Speaking of which with France becoming communist, the capitalist side is now outnumber in UNSC and then add in Britain falling to extreme right....
I wonder what happen?

I'm with you. But seeing this, I guess this is a survival game between who will fall first. US, France and the USSR will have a neck-and-neck proxy fight. France could ally USSR for a pan-left alliance. The US then will surely be screwed. But, France's communism beliefs are still despising the Soviet's.

If France fell first, the world would be similar to OTL, with the Cold War Time Frame being longer. If the US first, I guess the Red World TL will happen. If the Russians fell first, Africa and the ME would be inside French sphere, and a US-France Cold War would happen.

The most important key player in this fragile 4D chess game is China. Unfortunately, China is still a wild card on this.

Hmm, I think UN would be a pro-left organization, eh?
I'm with you. But seeing this, I guess this is a survival game between who will fall first. US, France and the USSR will have a neck-and-neck proxy fight. France could ally USSR for a pan-left alliance. The US then will surely be screwed. But, France's communism beliefs are still despising the Soviet's.

If France fell first, the world would be similar to OTL, with the Cold War Time Frame being longer. If the US first, I guess the Red World TL will happen. If the Russians fell first, Africa and the ME would be inside French sphere, and a US-France Cold War would happen.

The most important key player in this fragile 4D chess game is China. Unfortunately, China is still a wild card on this.

Hmm, I think UN would be a pro-left organization, eh?
Well if the us win the support of both the canadian AND mexican goverment,create the nau and have venezuela on their side then this new nau will surely have an interesting impact on this world plus with now the us are secretly funding the morroccan this could be an interesting stuff.

Oh btw what happened to st pierre and miquelon the only overseas french possesion in north america?
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13.7. The Roaring 80s: Pan-European Sentiments Origins and Response
Pan-European Identity: Origins of a Legendary Ascension


Europe in the 1960s suffered yet another chaotic disturbance that split the continent. The Old World was divided into three spheres: France, the Soviet Union, and the smallest influence Germany. Slowly but certainly, the United Kingdom was distancing itself from the Continent entirely, siding more with Apartheid South Africa. However, Europe was having its departure from darkness when the nation that dived into darkness decades’ prior had confessed itself into salvation. It was a complete irony that Germany, which caused destruction just a generation ago, was now the key player in protecting democracy in Europe. Forming the European Economic Community (EEC) in the 60s, Germany also expanded regional corporation when European Alliance (EA), a NATO-equivalent for European protection, was established. Just in the wake of the 80s, Germany was introducing a new ideology that could unify the continent, a Pan-European identity.

Nothing was as miraculous for Germany as the 1964 Monarchial Restoration. Formerly divided with Communist-East and Capitalist-West, the public never even expect that monarchism could spring up into existence again into Germany. Germany can rebirth their German nationalism, and Prussian withal, despite the latter being slow progress. Internationally, the resurgence of a German kingdom was not bothered as most of the nations were busy with supposedly three-way Cold War. The DP Party weakened after the restoration finished, as they had completed their objectives. In 1968, they disbanded themselves in favour of CDU to lead the parliament. In just four years, the DP-CDU Coalition reformed Germany into a lookalike-HRE system; a federation of kingdoms. The King of Germany is elected every 5 years and limited to 5 in every 10. Chancellorship still uses the old republic format, elections every four years while the term remains unlimited.

However, in 1978 the royal election would be revised again, as the CDU government finally can establish a National Diet of Germany, similar to the Imperial Diet. However, the Diet consists of all resurrect duchies, kingdoms all around Germany, with also people’s representatives. A total of 250 seats, a diet will happen annually in Frankfurt, with every ten years of choosing the King. Elected-King’s term will be 10 years, with only 10 every 20 years. However, the candidates for kingship are shrunk into the five initial kingdoms, the ones that joined hands for creating the nation. With the help of Helmut Schmidt’s economic boom in Germany, Germany quickly became a new model of a democracy-monarchy mixture, a perfect example of embracing Europe’s imperial history while endorsing democracy. Indirectly, the German’s national stability also caused EEC and EA to thrive, even though surrounded by enemies on both sides.

Sweden, a strict neutral country since the Great War, eventually allying itself with the new idol of Europe in 1978 and joining the military cooperation in 1982. The entrance of Sweden into a proto-European organization also forming a new sort of check-and-balance. As Sweden’s a strong social-democracy nation, it would poise an equilibrium in Europe, teetering each nation between Scandinavian-socialism led by Sweden, and German-conservatism led by Germany itself. The right and the left were balanced in the EEC and EA, giving more people around Europe to be compelled with such political excellence.


The Opening of the Swedish Plenary Session of the Parliament in 1982, a vote of EA's membership

Germany, in the stages, also tried to introduce the idea of Europeanism towards its hostile neighbours. Unfortunately, outside monarchial kingdoms, Germany faced extreme opposition. The Soviet Union’s communist influence in Eastern Europe is enough for Europeanism to be condemned as capitalist propaganda. In some areas, notably Poland, the idea of siding with Germany is even considered taboo; because of Poland’s loss of land to Germany. In other areas, like Bulgaria, the idea is treated as an impossible fantasy, probably because any particular sentiment would immediately be squashed by the Soviet’s KGB.

The United Kingdom was another example. Although they tried to befriend Germany in the early 70s, the rise of Ted Budden in 1975 discontinued any more attempts. Ted Budden as Secretary of State focused enormously on curbing immigration and sometimes implemented anti-black propaganda for supporting South Africa’s regime. The uncontested British Unionist Party (BUP) government also caused Britain to drift slowly towards isolationist, yet defensive, policy, therefore killing off any chances of European sentiment in Britain.


British anti-immigration and anti-Black protest

The other nation that despised Pan-European Identity is Italy. A strong socialist, later communist majority republic considered this as yet German monarchist expansion into Italy. Indeed, since the EA and EEC had been established, the House of Savoy was getting excited enough that Italy must join Germany’s alliance. The Socialist Prime Minister Amintore Fanfani responded with economic agreements with Yugoslavia and France. Later in 1979, as the Communists finally took over the government with a slightly larger percentage of the socialists, Prime Minister Enrico Berlinguer pushed for a Mediterranean Alliance with France and Yugoslavia to combat Germany’s EA. Yet, however. Things changed when in 1981, France had their elections.


Enrico Berlinguer

Germany’s main objectives are to infiltrate on all sides to promote monarchist groups by strengthening their pretender claims. Europe has plenty of pretenders, exiles and royals that could reclaim the throne. Moreover, Germany also tries to endorsed monarchist parties or at least right-wing ones. Right-wing parties guarantee Germany of weakening left-governments around Continental Europe. In the 80s, Germany only had one endorsed party, which was Action Française in France. Germany’s government endorsed pro-Orleanist Georges-Paul Wagner and later Marcel Laurent, to publish Europeanism into Continental France.

The conditions of France is pretty convoluted. Since the death of Thorez, no communist measures were given for the Fifth Republic to completely disband political entities. Still, the communist party held the largest portion, even eclipsing at a staggering 97% in the 1976 election. The French Communist Party is claiming Thorez-Communism a separate entity of communism, and spread their ideology into Africa, the Middle East, and Central America. With the help of Yugoslavia, sometimes Warsaw Pact members were attracted to French communism, and provoke a massive split between Soviet-communism and French-communism.

In essence, Thorez-communism was the newest form of Syndicalism, favouring unions as the controller of the government. As a result, government control was not as strong as the Soviet Union’s government. But, the people were not as authorized as such, therefore declining any idea of rebelling in the form of democracy. Still, although Thorez-communism still had democratic aspects, it did nothing to prevent a massive political feud between Georges Marchais and Francoise Mitterrand.

Marchais’ government was too attentive to appeasing French-African citizens. Immigration in and out of French Metropolitan (now including also Algeria), was extremely high. Although French citizens were fine with this population exchange, most of them were terrified of the increasing Islamic majority in Metropolitan France, which were mostly Catholic. Churches and priests took this as an ‘invasion’ measure of the heretics, amplifying the scare.


Francoise Mitterrand

Francoise Mitterrand was the embodiment of this scare. He was a moderate-integralist and an anti-confrontation politician. He criticized Marchais’ useless confrontation with Germany, one of them re-fortifying the Maginot Line. He also criticized Marchais’ utilization of money into construction Africa, while Europe was seemingly abandoned. Also, he wanted to reform more in France, trying to privatize many futile state-owned corporations that cost the government. A long story short, 1981 promotes the FCP in a 98% majority, with Mitterrand’s Faction being slightly larger than Marchais’. Starting from 1981, Francoise Mitterrand was the President of France Fifth Republic. His first moves were actually, a reconciliation of France and Germany, a detente.

What do you think Mitterrand would do on this occasion? It is weird considering France is still fighting against the US and the USSR for global hegemony, but why a detente with Germany?

This is a chapter for Europe, where I want other nations like Yugoslavia, UK, and Eastern European countries to be skipped at least after 1985. In the next chapter, we would finally discuss East Asia.
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Pan-European Identity: Origins of a Legendary Ascension

View attachment 565083
Europe in the 1960s suffered yet another chaotic disturbance that split the continent. The Old World divided into three spheres: France, the Soviet Union, and the smallest influence Germany. The United Kingdom, slowly but certain was distancing itself from the Continent entirely, siding more with Apartheid South Africa. However, Europe was having its departure from darkness when the nation that dived into darkness decades’ prior had confessed itself into salvation. It was a complete irony that Germany, the one that caused destruction just a generation ago, was now the key player of protecting democracy in Europe. Forming the European Economic Community (EEC) in the 60s, Germany also expanded regional corporation when European Alliance (EA), a NATO-equivalent for European protection, was established. Just as the wake of the 80s, Germany was introducing a new ideology that could unify the continent, a Pan-European identity.

Nothing was as miraculous for Germany as the 1964 Monarchial Restoration. Formerly divided with Communist-East and Capitalist-West, the public never even expect that monarchism could spring up into existence again into Germany. Germany can rebirth their German-nationalism, and Prussian withal, despite the latter being slow progress. Internationally, the resurgence of a German kingdom was not bothered as most of the nations were busy with supposedly three-way Cold War. The DP Party weakened after the restoration finished, as they had completed their objectives. In 1968, they disbanded themselves in favour of CDU to lead the parliament. In just four years, the DP-CDU Coalition reformed Germany into a lookalike-HRE system; a federation of kingdoms. The King of Germany is elected every 5 years and limited to 5 in every 10. Chancellorship still uses the old republic format, elections every four years while the term remains unlimited.

However, in 1978 the royal election would be revised again, as the CDU government finally can establish a National Diet of Germany, similar to Imperial Diet. However, the Diet consists of all resurrect duchies, kingdoms all around Germany, with also people’s representatives. A total of 250 seats, a diet will happen annually in Frankfurt, with every ten years of choosing the King. Elected-King’s term will be 10 years, with only 10 every 20 years. The candidates for kingship, however, is shrunk into the five initial kingdoms, the one that joined-hand for creating the nation. With the help of Helmut Schmidt’s economic boom in Germany, Germany quickly became a new model of a democracy-monarchy mixture, a perfect example of embracing Europe’s imperial history while endorsing democracy. Indirectly, the German’s national stability also caused EEC and EA to thrive, even though surrounded by enemies on both sides.

Sweden, a strict neutral country since the Great War, eventually allying itself with the new idol of Europe in 1978 and joining the military cooperation in 1982. The entrance of Sweden into a proto-European organization also forming a new sort of check-and-balance. As Sweden’s a strong social-democracy nation, it would poise an equilibrium in Europe, teetering each nation between Scandinavian-socialism led by Sweden, and German-conservatism led by Germany itself. The right and the left were balanced in the EEC and EA, giving more people around Europe to be compelled with such political excellence.

View attachment 565082
The Opening of Swedish Plenary Session of the Parliament in 1982, a vote of EA's membership

Germany, in the stages, also tried to introduce the idea of Europeanism towards its hostile neighbours. Unfortunately, outside monarchial kingdoms, Germany faced extreme oppositions. The Soviet Union’s communist influence in Eastern Europe is enough for Europeanism to be condemned as capitalist propaganda. In some areas, notably Poland, the idea of siding with Germany is even considered taboo; because of Poland’s loss of land to Germany. Other areas, like Bulgaria, the idea is treated as an impossible fantasy, probably because any particular sentiment would immediately be squashed by the Soviet’s KGB.

The United Kingdom was another example. Although they tried to befriend with Germany in the early 70s, the rise of Ted Budden in 1975 discontinued any more attempts. Ted Budden as Prime Minister of Britain focused enormously on curbing immigration and sometimes implemented anti-black propaganda for supporting South Africa’s regime. The uncontested British Unionist Party (BUP) government also caused Britain to drift slowly towards isolationist policy, therefore killing off any chances of European sentiment in Britain.

View attachment 565081
British anti-immigration and anti-Black protest

The other nation that despised Pan-European Identity is Italy. A strong socialist, later communist majority republic considered this as yet German monarchist expansion into Italy. Indeed, since the EA and EEC had been established, the House of Savoy was getting excited enough that Italy must join Germany’s alliance. The Socialist Prime Minister Amintore Fanfani responded with economic agreements with Yugoslavia and France. Later in 1979, as the Communist finally took over the government with slightly larger percentage then socialist, Prime Minister Enrico Berlinguer pushed for a Mediterranean Alliance with France and Yugoslavia to combat Germany’s EA. Yet, however. Things changed when in 1981, France had their elections.

View attachment 565084
Enrico Berlinguer

Germany’s main objectives are to infiltrate on all sides to promote monarchist groups by strengthening their pretender claims. Europe has plenty of pretenders, exiles and royals that could reclaim the throne. Moreover, Germany also tries to endorsed monarchist parties or at least right-wing ones. Right-wing parties guarantee Germany of weakening left-governments around Continental Europe. In the 80s, Germany only had one endorsed-party, which was Action Française in France. Germany’s government endorsed pro-Orleanist Georges-Paul Wagner and later Marcel Laurent, to publish Europeanism into Continental France.

Conditions of France is pretty convoluted. Since the death of Thorez, no communist measures were given for the Fifth Republic to completely disband political entities. Still, the communist party held the largest of the portion, even eclipsing at staggering 97% in the 1976 election. The French Communist Party is claiming Thorez-Communism a separate entity of communism, and spread their ideology into Africa, the Middle East, and Central America. With the help of Yugoslavia, sometimes Warsaw Pact members were attracted with French-communism, and provoke a massive split between Soviet-communism and French-communism.

In essence, Thorez-communism was the newest form of Syndicalism, favouring unions as the controller of the government. As a result, government control was not as strong as the Soviet Union’s government. But, the people were not as authorized as such, therefore declining any idea of rebelling in the form of democracy. Still, although Thorez-communism still had democratic aspects, it did nothing to prevent a massive political feud between Georges Marchais and Francoise Mitterrand.

Marchais’ government was too attentive on appeasing French-African citizens. Immigration in and out of French Metropolitan (now including also Algeria), was extremely high. Although French citizens were fine with this population exchange, most of them terrified with increasing Islamic majority in Metropolitan France, which were mostly Catholic. Churches and priests took this as an ‘invasion’ measure of the heretics, amplifying the scare.

View attachment 565080
Francoise Mitterrand

Francoise Mitterrand was the embodiment of this scare. He was a moderate-integralist and an anti-confrontation politician. He criticized Marchais’ useless confrontation with Germany, one of them re-fortifying the Maginot Line. He also criticized Marchais’ utilization of money into construction Africa, while Europe was seemingly abandoned. Also, he wanted to reform more in France, trying to privatize many of futile state-owned corporations that cost the government. A long story short, 1981 promotes the FCP in a 98% majority, with Mitterrand’s Faction being slightly larger than Marchais’. Starting from 1981, Francoise Mitterrand was the President of France Fifth Republic. His first moves were actually, a reconciliation of France and Germany, a detente.

What do you think Mitterrand would do on this occasion? It is weird considering France is still fighting against the US and the USSR for global hegemony, but why a detente with Germany?

This is a chapter for Europe, where I want other nations like Yugoslavia, UK, and Eastern European countries to be skipped at least after 1985. The next chapter, we would finally discuss East Asia.
Their neighbour is germany afterall plus germany is having that prussia militarism back
Is there no enforcement of atheism in France for someone to be able to use religion as opportunity?

No, but with Marchais leaving religious affairs aside, and the impending rise of Islamic population from French Africa, I say it would be a background for Integralist-sentiments.
Well if the us win the support of both the canadian AND mexican goverment,create the nau and have venezuela on their side then this new nau will surely have an interesting impact on this world plus with now the us are secretly funding the morroccan this could be an interesting stuff.

Oh btw what happened to st pierre and miquelon the only overseas french possesion in north america?

I guess st pierre and miquelen stays French, no possible alternative there.
I guess st pierre and miquelen stays French, no possible alternative there.
A thorn in north america then what about it's carribean possesion and french guyaba do some goverment like the mexican and brazilian feel uneasy having to deal with them?

Also did the brazilian monarchy got restored?
Pan-European Identity: Origins of a Legendary Ascension

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Europe in the 1960s suffered yet another chaotic disturbance that split the continent. The Old World divided into three spheres: France, the Soviet Union, and the smallest influence Germany. The United Kingdom, slowly but certain was distancing itself from the Continent entirely, siding more with Apartheid South Africa. However, Europe was having its departure from darkness when the nation that dived into darkness decades’ prior had confessed itself into salvation. It was a complete irony that Germany, the one that caused destruction just a generation ago, was now the key player of protecting democracy in Europe. Forming the European Economic Community (EEC) in the 60s, Germany also expanded regional corporation when European Alliance (EA), a NATO-equivalent for European protection, was established. Just as the wake of the 80s, Germany was introducing a new ideology that could unify the continent, a Pan-European identity.

Nothing was as miraculous for Germany as the 1964 Monarchial Restoration. Formerly divided with Communist-East and Capitalist-West, the public never even expect that monarchism could spring up into existence again into Germany. Germany can rebirth their German-nationalism, and Prussian withal, despite the latter being slow progress. Internationally, the resurgence of a German kingdom was not bothered as most of the nations were busy with supposedly three-way Cold War. The DP Party weakened after the restoration finished, as they had completed their objectives. In 1968, they disbanded themselves in favour of CDU to lead the parliament. In just four years, the DP-CDU Coalition reformed Germany into a lookalike-HRE system; a federation of kingdoms. The King of Germany is elected every 5 years and limited to 5 in every 10. Chancellorship still uses the old republic format, elections every four years while the term remains unlimited.

However, in 1978 the royal election would be revised again, as the CDU government finally can establish a National Diet of Germany, similar to Imperial Diet. However, the Diet consists of all resurrect duchies, kingdoms all around Germany, with also people’s representatives. A total of 250 seats, a diet will happen annually in Frankfurt, with every ten years of choosing the King. Elected-King’s term will be 10 years, with only 10 every 20 years. The candidates for kingship, however, is shrunk into the five initial kingdoms, the one that joined-hand for creating the nation. With the help of Helmut Schmidt’s economic boom in Germany, Germany quickly became a new model of a democracy-monarchy mixture, a perfect example of embracing Europe’s imperial history while endorsing democracy. Indirectly, the German’s national stability also caused EEC and EA to thrive, even though surrounded by enemies on both sides.

Sweden, a strict neutral country since the Great War, eventually allying itself with the new idol of Europe in 1978 and joining the military cooperation in 1982. The entrance of Sweden into a proto-European organization also forming a new sort of check-and-balance. As Sweden’s a strong social-democracy nation, it would poise an equilibrium in Europe, teetering each nation between Scandinavian-socialism led by Sweden, and German-conservatism led by Germany itself. The right and the left were balanced in the EEC and EA, giving more people around Europe to be compelled with such political excellence.

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The Opening of Swedish Plenary Session of the Parliament in 1982, a vote of EA's membership

Germany, in the stages, also tried to introduce the idea of Europeanism towards its hostile neighbours. Unfortunately, outside monarchial kingdoms, Germany faced extreme oppositions. The Soviet Union’s communist influence in Eastern Europe is enough for Europeanism to be condemned as capitalist propaganda. In some areas, notably Poland, the idea of siding with Germany is even considered taboo; because of Poland’s loss of land to Germany. Other areas, like Bulgaria, the idea is treated as an impossible fantasy, probably because any particular sentiment would immediately be squashed by the Soviet’s KGB.

The United Kingdom was another example. Although they tried to befriend with Germany in the early 70s, the rise of Ted Budden in 1975 discontinued any more attempts. Ted Budden as Prime Minister of Britain focused enormously on curbing immigration and sometimes implemented anti-black propaganda for supporting South Africa’s regime. The uncontested British Unionist Party (BUP) government also caused Britain to drift slowly towards isolationist policy, therefore killing off any chances of European sentiment in Britain.

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British anti-immigration and anti-Black protest

The other nation that despised Pan-European Identity is Italy. A strong socialist, later communist majority republic considered this as yet German monarchist expansion into Italy. Indeed, since the EA and EEC had been established, the House of Savoy was getting excited enough that Italy must join Germany’s alliance. The Socialist Prime Minister Amintore Fanfani responded with economic agreements with Yugoslavia and France. Later in 1979, as the Communist finally took over the government with slightly larger percentage then socialist, Prime Minister Enrico Berlinguer pushed for a Mediterranean Alliance with France and Yugoslavia to combat Germany’s EA. Yet, however. Things changed when in 1981, France had their elections.

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Enrico Berlinguer

Germany’s main objectives are to infiltrate on all sides to promote monarchist groups by strengthening their pretender claims. Europe has plenty of pretenders, exiles and royals that could reclaim the throne. Moreover, Germany also tries to endorsed monarchist parties or at least right-wing ones. Right-wing parties guarantee Germany of weakening left-governments around Continental Europe. In the 80s, Germany only had one endorsed-party, which was Action Française in France. Germany’s government endorsed pro-Orleanist Georges-Paul Wagner and later Marcel Laurent, to publish Europeanism into Continental France.

Conditions of France is pretty convoluted. Since the death of Thorez, no communist measures were given for the Fifth Republic to completely disband political entities. Still, the communist party held the largest of the portion, even eclipsing at staggering 97% in the 1976 election. The French Communist Party is claiming Thorez-Communism a separate entity of communism, and spread their ideology into Africa, the Middle East, and Central America. With the help of Yugoslavia, sometimes Warsaw Pact members were attracted with French-communism, and provoke a massive split between Soviet-communism and French-communism.

In essence, Thorez-communism was the newest form of Syndicalism, favouring unions as the controller of the government. As a result, government control was not as strong as the Soviet Union’s government. But, the people were not as authorized as such, therefore declining any idea of rebelling in the form of democracy. Still, although Thorez-communism still had democratic aspects, it did nothing to prevent a massive political feud between Georges Marchais and Francoise Mitterrand.

Marchais’ government was too attentive on appeasing French-African citizens. Immigration in and out of French Metropolitan (now including also Algeria), was extremely high. Although French citizens were fine with this population exchange, most of them terrified with increasing Islamic majority in Metropolitan France, which were mostly Catholic. Churches and priests took this as an ‘invasion’ measure of the heretics, amplifying the scare.

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Francoise Mitterrand

Francoise Mitterrand was the embodiment of this scare. He was a moderate-integralist and an anti-confrontation politician. He criticized Marchais’ useless confrontation with Germany, one of them re-fortifying the Maginot Line. He also criticized Marchais’ utilization of money into construction Africa, while Europe was seemingly abandoned. Also, he wanted to reform more in France, trying to privatize many of futile state-owned corporations that cost the government. A long story short, 1981 promotes the FCP in a 98% majority, with Mitterrand’s Faction being slightly larger than Marchais’. Starting from 1981, Francoise Mitterrand was the President of France Fifth Republic. His first moves were actually, a reconciliation of France and Germany, a detente.

What do you think Mitterrand would do on this occasion? It is weird considering France is still fighting against the US and the USSR for global hegemony, but why a detente with Germany?

This is a chapter for Europe, where I want other nations like Yugoslavia, UK, and Eastern European countries to be skipped at least after 1985. The next chapter, we would finally discuss East Asia.
Hmm this seem interesting i have several question

1.did the olympic still happen and if they do can you make a list?
2.i remember reading about okinawa can we get an update on tha?
3.i remember reading about the low countries and remembering that belgium is in some trouble wgat happened to the netherlands do they maintain a much better abd cooperative relation?
4.a bit out of the topic but...what is the major airport in java do they still keep the kemayoran airport?
5.what is the french army (well communist anyway) used as their main service rifle?
13.8. The Roaring 80s: East Asia
Situations in East Asia

As Indonesia’s growing economy is rising exponentially with LKY’s ground-breaking policies, more and more nations began looking at more interests into our equatorial nation. Withholding three of the five busiest straits in the world, Indonesia is already favourable on becoming an international transit hub, and a melting pot of cultures. Four nations in East Asia were quite observant on Indonesia. here are those four.


After the end of the Korean War, which the South Koreans won with a significant manner, Japan underwent an economic post-war boom. That boom benefited the ruling LDP into favouring more and more liberal policies, also increasing their popularity. The boom also profited Japan into having technological advancements, the most prioritized of which was the electronics industry. Starting from the 70s, Japan was having its golden age, a golden age of electronics.

Japan in the post-war era strengthened its focus on expanding its electronics industry. From radio transmitters and radars into televisions and cameras, Japan had mostly the famous electronic empires in the world. Yokogawa Electronics and Toshiba, reached a new peak surpassing their American competitors, winning at quality and price. The automotive industry was also thriving in Japan. Those giant car corporations, like Honda, Toyota and Nissan, all produced their vehicles with massive scales, selling everywhere. Olympus and Pentax became another giant in the photography branch, launching new and better cameras for the world to cherish.

Nearing the end of 70s and the start of 80s, Japan had reached a stage where the nation had become so advanced that wages were rising and public demands had become similar to the European-ones. Educated people also increased, therefore reducing the number of labours willing to work roughly at factories. Those corporations, to maximize their profits, need to move elsewhere to form overseas factories, exploiting cheap labour. Japan targeted three nations, one of them is Indonesia.


Japanese Camera in the 1970s

In 1975, the Prime Minister of Japan, Yasuhiro Kanasame, visited Indonesia to tour around multiple places Japan had invested in building their corporations. They started building regional offices in major hubs like Singapore, Johor, Batam and Jakarta. Meanwhile, they constructed factories in larger regions like Belitung; where a large deposit of lead reserve was found, Dumai; where land scarcity would not be a question and Kuching. More Japanese visits also happened in 1976, 1979 and 1981, which caused Indonesia to slightly be overrun by Japanese corporations. Although Subandrio had explicitly instructed LKY that the government must alleviate domestic companies so they could fight internationally, the latter thought foreign companies must arrive first in order so our national ones can imitate.

Japan also promote friendship by issuing an apology regarding Japanese cruelty during WW2 towards Native-Indonesians. In 1980, Kakuei Tanaka said to the people of Indonesia: "The Japanese side is keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious damage that Japan caused in the past to the Indonesian people through war, and deeply reproaches itself.” Subandrio replied on to the Prime Minister: “We express utmost gratitude of Japan to apologize of our troubled history. But, my government wishes not to dwell in the past, we intend to move forward, although how dark our record may be.” The Emperor of Japan was surprised with Subandrio’s humble remark, and quite flattered by it. in 1981, he decided to give Indonesia his highest regard by visiting in 1981. In the Emperor’s visit, he met also several Sultans of Indonesia.


Emperor Hirohito

South Korea

South Korea, in the meantime, was having a slightly better growth than Indonesia. after Korea was unified in 1974, President and Dictator Park Chung Hee finally announced his resignation because he had fulfilled his objective; uniting Korea. From Chung Hee’s protectionist policy and strong economic development, South Korea jumped greatly from ashes into a growing country. In 1975, Chung Hee’s successor, Shin Hyun Hwak announced a reconciliation strategy with the North populous, while also weakening the socialist stronghold. However, the democratic transitional-government reinforced Korea’s military fortification in the Yalu River and alongside the border with China.


Taiwan meanwhile, was not at their best of relations with Indonesia. with the ascension of Chiang Ching Kuo, Taiwan re-clarify their territorial ambition on the Spratly Islands, which annoyed SEATO. SEATO demanded Taiwan to end his claim, only to worsens relations and put more vessels in the contested region. The United States was involved in this to mediate between the two factions but eventually had to side one. In 1979, Carter cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan and recognized the People’s Republic of China. Although the cause was not entirely from Taiwan’s aggressive attitude, Taiwan panicked and immediately sought out to Indonesia for talks. Upon arriving in Singapore, Taiwan talks with SEATO Members resolving the dispute in the Spratly Islands. The result was Taiwan still controls Itu Aba, and other Taiwanese-controlled regions, but denounce all claims for the rest of non-Taiwanese-controlled islands.


Last but not least, Indonesia was also eyeing in China. Now with Madame Mao as the leader for China, their economic development stopped abruptly as she implemented a ‘wiping procedure’. She enacted the Cultural Revolution, her cult of personality and empowerment of true Maoism. As she saw that political rivals, intellectuals and craftsmen had become increasingly rebellious and slanted from the true red beliefs. She contacted the youth, attracting them into her cause. The Youths formed a Red Guard, basically wiping all ‘anti-revolutionary’ movements. Jiang Qing wished to eradicate all of her potential opponents, giving her absolute power in China. With also the help of Gang of Four, she was kicking off her rivals one at a time, the first was Deng Xiao Ping.


Jiang Qing

Deng’s revisionist ideas completely disgusted her, although her husband agrees with the man. He hoped for China’s reformation, especially in politics. In 1981, she sentenced Deng Xiao Ping to death in ‘treason and betrayal’ against China, although there was no factual evidence of that wrongdoings. Nevertheless, in just a single year, Deng’s clan were all removed from influential offices, and Jiang Qing reigned supreme.

Jian Qing’s harsh domestic implementation may be a blessing for Indonesia indeed because China would reverse for at least ten years after this Cultural Revolution. However, what was very dire was her foreign moves. Calling Pan-Asian Manifesto, China would re-align with the Soviet Union. The worse was to come in early 1980, wherein both Afghanistan and Pakistan communist revolutions were happening. The latter nation caused a significant crisis with the United States that Carter called it ‘Karachi Hostage Crisis’.

Some information that was not quite in-topic but also important.

Okinawa was still a US-ownership after WW2, but after Korea has been unified in 1975. The US had fewer interests to have Okinawa as their Asian bases, and therefore the island was returned to Japan.

The Kim Family fled to China, seeking asylum with Madame's China.
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A thorn in north america then what about it's carribean possesion and french guyaba do some goverment like the mexican and brazilian feel uneasy having to deal with them?

Also did the brazilian monarchy got restored?
No, the junta so far is strong and no monarchist sentiments happened in Brazil.

Hmm this seem interesting i have several question

1.did the olympic still happen and if they do can you make a list?
2.i remember reading about okinawa can we get an update on tha?
3.i remember reading about the low countries and remembering that belgium is in some trouble wgat happened to the netherlands do they maintain a much better abd cooperative relation?
4.a bit out of the topic but...what is the major airport in java do they still keep the kemayoran airport?
5.what is the french army (well communist anyway) used as their main service rifle?

1. Sure, but maybe in the next post, also with FIFA winners.
2. Already in the post above
3. So far, Belgium had just finished their Anarchist Rebellion. For the Netherlands, at least until the British update I would discuss more.
4. Kemayoran Airport, regardless of ITTL and OTL, would eventually be scrapped due to Jakarta's expansion. Major airports in Java would be Suryadarma Airport (Soetta), Sutomo Airport (Djuanda Airport) and Ahmad Yani Airport (as OTL)
5. Maybe an equivalent-ITTL term of MAS-49
Situations in East Asia

As Indonesia’s growing economy is rising exponentially with LKY’s ground-breaking policies, more and more nations began looking at more interests into our equatorial nation. Withholding three of the five busiest straits in the world, Indonesia is already favourable on becoming an international transit hub, and a melting pot of cultures. Four nations in East Asia were quite observant on Indonesia. here are those four.


After the end of the Korean War, which the South Koreans won with a significant manner, Japan underwent an economic post-war boom. That boom benefited the ruling LDP into favouring more and more liberal policies, also increasing their popularity. The boom also profited Japan into having technological advancements, the most prioritized of which was the electronics industry. Starting from the 70s, Japan was having its golden age, a golden age of electronics.

Japan in the post-war era strengthened its focus on expanding its electronics industry. From radio transmitters and radars into televisions and cameras, Japan had mostly the famous electronic empires in the world. Yokogawa Electronics and Toshiba, reached a new peak surpassing their American competitors, winning at quality and price. The automotive industry was also thriving in Japan. Those giant car corporations, like Honda, Toyota and Nissan, all produced their vehicles with massive scales, selling everywhere. Olympus and Pentax became another giant in the photography branch, launching new and better cameras for the world to cherish.

Nearing the end of 70s and the start of 80s, Japan had reached a stage where the nation had become so advanced that wages were rising and public demands had become similar to the European-ones. Educated people also increased, therefore reducing the number of labours willing to work roughly at factories. Those corporations, to maximize their profits, need to move elsewhere to form overseas factories, exploiting cheap labour. Japan targeted three nations, one of them is Indonesia.

View attachment 565706
Japanese Camera in the 1970s

In 1975, the Prime Minister of Japan, Yasuhiro Kanasame, visited Indonesia to tour around multiple places Japan had invested in building their corporations. They started building regional offices in major hubs like Singapore, Johor, Batam and Jakarta. Meanwhile, they constructed factories in larger regions like Belitung; where a large deposit of lead reserve was found, Dumai; where land scarcity would not be a question and Kuching. More Japanese visits also happened in 1976, 1979 and 1981, which caused Indonesia to slightly be overrun by Japanese corporations. Although Subandrio had explicitly instructed LKY that the government must alleviate domestic companies so they could fight internationally, the latter thought foreign companies must arrive first in order so our national ones can imitate.

Japan also promote friendship by issuing an apology regarding Japanese cruelty during WW2 towards Native-Indonesians. In 1980, Kakuei Tanaka said to the people of Indonesia: "The Japanese side is keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious damage that Japan caused in the past to the Indonesian people through war, and deeply reproaches itself.” Subandrio replied on to the Prime Minister: “We express utmost gratitude of Japan to apologize of our troubled history. But, my government wishes not to dwell in the past, we intend to move forward, although how dark our record may be.” The Emperor of Japan was surprised with Subandrio’s humble remark, and quite flattered by it. in 1981, he decided to give Indonesia his highest regard by visiting in 1981. In the Emperor’s visit, he met also several Sultans of Indonesia.

View attachment 565705
Emperor Hirohito

South Korea

South Korea, in the meantime, was having a slightly better growth than Indonesia. after Korea was unified in 1974, President and Dictator Park Chung Hee finally announced his resignation because he had fulfilled his objective; uniting Korea. From Chung Hee’s protectionist policy and strong economic development, South Korea jumped greatly from ashes into a growing country. In 1975, Chung Hee’s successor, Shin Hyun Hwak announced a reconciliation strategy with the North populous, while also weakening the socialist stronghold. However, the democratic transitional-government reinforced Korea’s military fortification in the Yalu River and alongside the border with China.


Taiwan meanwhile, was not at their best of relations with Indonesia. with the ascension of Chiang Ching Kuo, Taiwan re-clarify their territorial ambition on the Spratly Islands, which annoyed SEATO. SEATO demanded Taiwan to end his claim, only to worsens relations and put more vessels in the contested region. The United States was involved in this to mediate between the two factions but eventually had to side one. In 1979, Carter cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan and recognized the People’s Republic of China. Although the cause was not entirely from Taiwan’s aggressive attitude, Taiwan panicked and immediately sought out to Indonesia for talks. Upon arriving in Singapore, Taiwan talks with SEATO Members resolving the dispute in the Spratly Islands. The result was Taiwan still controls Itu Aba, and other Taiwanese-controlled regions, but denounce all claims for the rest of non-Taiwanese-controlled islands.


Last but not least, Indonesia was also eyeing in China. Now with Madame Mao as the leader for China, their economic development stopped abruptly as she implemented a ‘wiping procedure’. She enacted the Cultural Revolution, her cult of personality and empowerment of true Maoism. As she saw that political rivals, intellectuals and craftsmen had become increasingly rebellious and slanted from the true red beliefs. She contacted the youth, attracting them into her cause. The Youths formed a Red Guard, basically wiping all ‘anti-revolutionary’ movements. Jiang Qing wished to eradicate all of her potential opponents, giving her absolute power in China. With also the help of Gang of Four, she was kicking off her rivals one at a time, the first was Deng Xiao Ping.

Deng’s revisionist ideas completely disgusted her, although her husband agrees with the man. He hoped for China’s reformation, especially in politics. In 1981, she sentenced Deng Xiao Ping to death in ‘treason and betrayal’ against China, although there was no factual evidence of that wrongdoings. Nevertheless, in just a single year, Deng’s clan were all removed from influential offices, and Jiang Qing reigned supreme.

Jian Qing’s harsh domestic implementation may be a blessing for Indonesia indeed because China would reverse for at least ten years after this Cultural Revolution. However, what was very dire was her foreign moves. Calling Pan-Asian Manifesto, China would re-align with the Soviet Union. The worse was to come in early 1980, wherein both Afghanistan and Pakistan communist revolutions were happening. The latter nation caused a significant crisis with the United States that Carter called it ‘Karachi Hostage Crisis’.

Some information that was not quite in-topic but also important.

Okinawa was still a US-ownership after WW2, but after Korea has been unified in 1975. The US had fewer interests to have Okinawa as their Asian bases, and therefore the island was returned to Japan.

The Kim Family fled to China, seeking asylum with Madame's China.
I hope the us will make okinawa it's another state since the location of okinawa is very strategic
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No, the junta so far is strong and no monarchist sentiments happened in Brazil.

1. Sure, but maybe in the next post, also with FIFA winners.
2. Already in the post above
3. So far, Belgium had just finished their Anarchist Rebellion. For the Netherlands, at least until the British update I would discuss more.
4. Kemayoran Airport, regardless of ITTL and OTL, would eventually be scrapped due to Jakarta's expansion. Major airports in Java would be Suryadarma Airport (Soetta), Sutomo Airport (Djuanda Airport) and Ahmad Yani Airport (as OTL)
5. Maybe an equivalent-ITTL term of MAS-49
Will indonesia host the olympic or fifa ittl?

Oh btw why didnt the french adopt an assualt rifle? Perhaps maybe the french could copy the ak 47 and modify it or maybe us the fn fal

Btw since east german is gone what happened to the former east german official and it's militaty so some get adopted by the new kingdom of germany?