Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes III

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Actually, there was an issue with my "Gorbachev down one percentage point wikibox", and even though I made it to make fun of this thread, it's bugging me.

There was literally a poster whose infoboxes were of changes that miniscule, so I think your parody flew over our collective head...
I got bored, and made a multiparty Virginia Senate.

Virginia Senate part 2.png
The guy who started the Reactionary Ring described himself as a "right-wing anticapitalist", so...

Anyway, there was no "Gonzo" thread, so I didn't put it in.

We did have a thread for the likes of social conservatives, economic liberals before IIRC. :p

I suppose I could be described as a reactionary, though I am a little reluctant due to some of the connotations with it. Probably some form of (Canadian) Social Creditism would best fit.
We did have a thread for the likes of social conservatives, economic liberals before IIRC. :p

I suppose I could be described as a reactionary, though I am a little reluctant due to some of the connotations with it. Probably some form of (Canadian) Social Creditism would best fit.
"Economic liberals". Gonzo pls.
Results from performing the Fusion Dance apparently leave some brains of bits scrambled eggs afterwards.

But at least Gonzofix creates interesting things even though he's the craziest person this side of the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party. Which tends to happen when combining the political beliefs of an American liberal with...Gonzoism...
But at least Gonzofix creates interesting things even though he's the craziest person this side of the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party. Which tends to happen when combining the political beliefs of an American liberal with...Gonzoism...

I'm tempted to make a wikibox out of this, but I'm pretty sure you-know-who* would lynch me.

*(not Voldemort you pillocks)
Still, both of them need to try to win over people. Sanders needs to win minorities and pragmatic progressives, and Trump needs to prove he's a True Conservative™.

Because of his age I think Sanders had he had won would've gone for somebody ideologically similar, Warren also adds a female element to the ticket. In this instance, the Republican establishment are even more hesitant to attach themselves to Trump than OTL so Trump decides to double-down on being anti-establishment with Carson who also adds religious conservative bona fides.

On to 2020:

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