Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes III

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Gone Fishin'
In the late November of 2014, AYC launched the runaway success to the runaway success that was the 'Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes' thread, 'Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes II'. Now let the wikiboxes continue, and let us commence the 'Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes III'.

From the First Thread:
Every Wikipedia on a war or battle has the belligerents, date, outcome, etc. in an info box on the top-right corner of the page, and most people pages have biography sections. The idea behind this thread is simple: edit the infoboxes so that the outcome of a major conflict is different, as if the infobox is from an alternate world.

To do this, simply click the edit option for the article (or, if it's locked, hit "view source"), change the infobox, hit preview*, and take a screenshot.

*Make sure you don't save your changes to the article.

In some cases, the infobox will be separate from the article (I.E. You will see {{WW2Infobox}}). To access this info box, simply type "Template:kissingheart:Whichever one you're looking for*" into the Wikipedia search bar.
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First post! :D

From my new-ish TL Der morgige Tag ist mein.



Gone Fishin'
So I did this:


The United Kingdom Presidential Election of 1946 was the first presidential election of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, held following the creation of the office of President in the aftermath of the Second World War (1937-1946), and was held on June 22nd, 1946.

In the chaos following the Second World War and the assassination of King Edward VIII, it was decided that The Crown would be split between the young George VI, who would occupy the hereditary position of Lord Protector of the Faith and Realm, and the Presidency, an elected chief executive who would act as Head of State. When no appropriate nominee stepped forward for the position, Prime Minister Viscount Halifax took it upon himself in his final significant act of office to nominate the Lord President of the Council, John Anderson of the National Party, to the position. Anderson accepted the Nomination, which was confirmed on voice acclamation by the House of Commons and Lords.

Anderson ascended to the office of Presidency on July 1st, 1946.


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Spillover from previous thread:
I'll post mine on the proviso that I get to repost it the next thread over.

This is probably the single weirdest fake Wikipedia page I've ever made. Don't judge me.


...Is that a wikibox about the events of Titus Andronicus? Because that's pretty cool.

A page based on Titus Andronicus. That's pretty awesome.

Thanks, guys! :D

My original intention was to have it be defictionalised in the context of the 410 Sack of Rome, especially given that the prose version explictly says it's "late in the reign of Theodosius" and the succession was divided between two sons of his, but Honorius (as fitting as he would be for Saturninus) wasn't in Rome during that sack. The 455 sack involved Vandals and Petronius Maximus's story, whilst just as colourful, doesn't fit the play's events either.

So I settled on the Gothic War of Justinian, and excised Aaron because I have no frigging clue what a Moor would be doing in Italy at the time. Furthermore, you will notice a lack of hand-chopping-off and pie-baking because I think Shakespeare was starting to take the piss at that point, and this is obviously a very very serious Wikibox and page. :p

Very nice page, Tom, a big hand for you.


Well played, sir. Your pies are in the mail. ;)


"Say, fellows, do you know if Chianti has been invented yet?"

(I will be following forum policy on not quoting images from now on, but these were from the other thread.)

EDIT: Man, there were a lot of people waiting for this thread to open, huh?
Bernie Who?

The Sun said:
July 29, 2016

Peter Capaldi said:
"Sanders is a good actor and a excellent guy, but BBC really was kidding me when choose him to be next Doctor"

The Sun said:
December 25, 2016

13th Doctor said:
"I'll back soon, Tulsi, don't worry"
"Hey Jack, you really want to see my...'Political Revolution' working?"
Political Revolution in Gallifrey, Doctor Who S10E01

Bernie Who.PNG


Since there is Eternal Leader Robert E. Lee there has to be Eternal Vice President Alexander Stephens
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