Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes III

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Well. That's an unbalanced Democratic ticket. And an unbalanced Republican ticket, for that matter.
But not all too unlikely. Warren would have been a top pick for Sanders and Carson was certainly in the running for Trump VP picks.

Still, both of them need to try to win over people. Sanders needs to win minorities and pragmatic progressives, and Trump needs to prove he's a True Conservative™.
A Vermonter whos also New York traitor with a person from Red Sox territory beat two (3 if one counts Clinton) New Yorker's, this calls for the immediate invasion and destruction of Vermont. The Empire State will prevail, Vermont Delenda Est
A Vermonter whos also New York traitor with a person from Red Sox territory beat two (3 if one counts Clinton) New Yorker's, this calls for the immediate invasion and destruction of Vermont. The Empire State will prevail, Vermont Delenda Est
I'm glad someone else supports me in that.
Well, I created this a while ago, but since Harambe for President seems to now be a thing, here:

The Presidential election of 2016 was nearly unprecedented in American history. Both major political parties nominated candidates detested by vast swathes of the American populace while the only alternatives had never achieved more than a few percentage points in any previous election. After the Democratic and Republican National Conventions which did little to help either candidate amongst undecided voters, the increasingly hostile rhetoric brought calls for a candidate that could enter the race and bring unity to the shattering nation.

On July 29th, 2016, the New York Times penned an editorial in favor of the drafting the 17-year old Western silverback gorilla and internet sensation Harambe into the race. Harambe, while initially opposed to the idea, warmed to it when there was a national groundswell of support. Harambe entered the race as an independent on August 2nd, 2016. A campaign was quickly assembled, funded by internet donations. The Harambe campaign hit the ground running, barnstorming states like Indiana and Ohio in the first week. On August 15th, after days of deliberation, Harambe chose his running mate. Despite speculation that it would be former Wisconisn Governor Tommy Thompson, Virginia Senator Mark Warner, or former New York Mayor's Rudy Guiliani or Michael Bloomberg, Harambe shocked the nation by tapping Isiah Gregg of Cinncinnati, a three-year old child with no relevant experience. Campaign advisors were as surprised by the annoucnement as the media, saying Harambe had been expected to choose Maine Senator Angus King. Legal counsel soon advised that Gregg's status as a fellow Indiana resident would make all Indiana electoral votes for the Harambe/Gregg ticket invalid. Campaign funds were discreetly used to fund the purchase of a house in Lansing, Michigan, for the Gregg family. Gregg took up residence with his family there by August 20th.

Harambe strategists, including Lee Atwater and Karl Rove, helped devise a strategy that unleashed storms of advertisements on states followed by speakers from the Harambe camp. Due to his internet standing, Harambe received more publicity than any other candidate throughout August and September. The first debate included Clinton, Trump, Johnson, and Harambe. Harambe dispatched Trump's insults and fended off jeers from the Clinton crowd. He received a standing ovation for his tax plan.

Harambe received a boost in the polls at that point, racing to the lead. By mid-October the race had narrowed to Harambe vs. Johnson. Despite Trump and Clinton's attempts and rousing speeches, they did not recover from the disastrous first debate. On election night, Harambe won a resounding victory, sweeping the electoral college and winning over thirty states. He was the first independent to win a Presidential election since George Washington in 1796. Harambe was prepared for inauguration and had big plans ahead.
McAllistair: An Infobox Series

Following his major victory four years previously, Rahm Emanuel seemed set to claim victory again in the city of Chicago. His only major contender in the non-partisan election seemed likely to be fellow Democrat; Cook County Commissioner Jesús "Chuy" García. However, with the expected Democratic rout in 2014 midterms and the hope of Illinos electing a Republican Governor, some saw this as a chance to also get the first Republican backed candidate elected as Mayor of the city in 84 years. Many Republican's were considered for the chance to run including Representative Randy Hultgren, but no-one was willing to face off against the gruelling Chicago Democratic machine. Eventually GOP strategist looked out of their traditional recruitment circles to find their silver bullet and it was at the suggestion of Senator Mark Kirk that the Illinois Republican Party approached Robert McAllistair.

McAllistair was in his early-forties and served as the Director of the Chicago Gun Control Foundation, a NGO dedicated to providing gun safety training to residents of the city and advocating for stricter gun control legislation to bring down the state's high gun death rate. While not a typical Republican, he offered the State's GOP the chance to offer the city a fiscal conservative, who's record on gun control would allow him to run on a law and order platform against Emanuel and social beliefs would connect with the heavily Democratic electorate. McAllistair initially resisted any attempts by the GOP to recruit him, however interventions from the state's Senator and his long time friend Mark Kirk made McAllistair reconsider and decide to enter the race.

While the race was strictly non-partisan, Republican's from across the State and the Country endorsed and backed McAllistair's run for the Mayoralty. While Emanuel, García and Wilson fought over traditional Democratic ground, McAllistair struck out a bi-partisan, pro-business message of; social liberalism, fiscal responsibility and common sense law and order policies. The message did strike a cord with many but the real help was that following the Republican's major victories in Illinos during the mid-terms, the full Republican state apparatus refocused on the Mayoral race and newly elected Governor Bruce Rauner appeared on a near constant basis with McAllistair across the city.

The young image and positive image of McAllistair attracted many democratic unwilling to vote for Emanuel, and the revelation of McAllistair admitting to an audience member during a Mayoral debate that he was in fact gay attracted many young and social liberal supporters to his campaign when the admission went viral on social media. On the run up to election day polls had Emanuel in a clear lead with a very close race for second between García and McAllistair. On election day, as expected, there was no definitive winner meaning there would have to be a runoff election and after a recount of the ballots McAllistair secured his place in the run off election against Emanuel.

Despite leading in the polls during the previous election period, during the runoff campaign, scandals plagued Emanuel and directly contrasted him against the 'whiter and white' image of McAllistair. As it neared runoff day polls showed it to be an extremely close election and Emanuel challanged McAllistair to a last minute debate. The debate gandered national attention, being held 4 days before polling, and it was generally considered that McAllistair won the debate giving him positive nationwide coverage. Come runoff day the unthinkable occurred; Emanuel was voted out of office thanks to a coalition of Republicans, moderate Democrats and young liberal supporters of García that refused to vote for Emanuel, instead plumping for McAllistair. For the first time in 84 years, a candidate backed by the Republican party would hold the Mayoral office in the City of Chicago.


This is not a serious infobox. Any offense created by the pictures, I deeply apologise for.

Basically I took the numbers of posts in the political "clubs" (Cordial Conservative's Club, Commonwealth of Progs, Socs and SocDems, etc.), fused a few together (Rockefeller Republicans into Conservatives, the two Liberal ones together, Centre-Left and Sane Socialists into CPSSD). Maybe I should have fused Monarchists into Reactionaries, the two seem like a decent fusion. Oh well.

After that, I put all of it through D'Hondt to create a "Political Senate", chose the leaders according to the OP of each thread and the leader_since date the starting of the thread. Some of the old clubs (Libertarians, etc.) were fully discarded because they clearly fell into irrelevance.

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